Gatsby Source Drupal not fetching data when trying to deploy to netlify/heroku - node.js

I have a site running Gatsby and Gatsby-Source-Drupal7, it is a plugin that uses Graphql to make an axios get request to and uses the json data to query. I am able to run it just fine on my computer by going to localhost:8000 and it creates over 200k nodes, but when I try to deploy on any cloud service provider like Gatsby Cloud or Netlify it doesn't fetch any nodes or data at all from the site.
Warning from console
Starting to fetch data from Drupal
warn The gatsby-source-drupal7 plugin has generated no Gatsby nodes. Do you need
code from gatsby config
module.exports = {
siteMetadata: {
title: `new`,
siteUrl: `https://www.yourdomain.tld`,
plugins: [
resolve: `gatsby-source-drupal7`,
options: {
baseUrl: ``,
apiBase: `restws_resource.json`, // optional, defaults to `restws_resource.json`
gatsby-config.js from node_modules/gatsby-source-drupal7
const createNode = actions.createNode; // Default apiBase to `jsonapi`
apiBase = apiBase || `restws_resource.json`; // Fetch articles.
// console.time(`fetch Drupal data`)
console.log(`Starting to fetch data from Drupal`);
const data = yield axios.get(`${baseUrl}/${apiBase}`, {
auth: basicAuth
const allData = yield Promise.all(,
Link to repo that works on local computer
any and all help will be appreciated

As you pointed out, you've played around with the Node versions using NODE_ENV and engines workarounds. My guess also relies on a mismatching Node version between environments but as Netlify docs suggests, there are only two ways of customizing Node versions to manage dependencies.
Set a NODE_VERSION environment variable.
Add a .node-version or .nvmrc file to the site’s base directory in your repository. This will also tell any other developer using the
repository which version of Node.js it depends on.
Without seeing your Netlify build command (to see the NODE_VERSION) there's no .node-version nor .nvmrc in your repository. I'd try creating it at the root of the project with the v14.17.1 in it and trying a fresh install.
In addition, double-check other server-related conflicts like IP-blocking, etc.

Error was nothing Gatsby or Node related, my site was block the IP of the server :>


Vue Error - Can't resolve 'https' when importing package

I'm trying to make a Vue project and use an npm package for connecting to the api to fetch some data, but I'm getting an error. Here's my process from start to finish to create the project and implement the package.
Navigate to my projects folder and use the vue cli to create the project: vue create test. For options, I usually chose not to include the linter, vue version 2, and put everything in package.json.
cd into the /test folder: cd test and install the retroachievements npm package: npm install --save raapijs
Modify App.vue to the following (apologies for code formatting, not sure why the post isn't formatting/coloring it all properly...):
const RaApi = require('raapijs');
export default {
name: 'App',
data: () => ({
user: '<USER_NAME>',
apiKey: '<API_KEY>',
created() {
this.api = new RaApi(this.user, this.apiKey);
run `npm run serve' and get the error:
ERROR in ./node_modules/raapijs/index.js 2:14-30
Module not found: Error: Can't resolve 'https' in 'C:\Projects\Web\test\node_modules\raapijs'
I'm on Windows 10, Node 16.17.0, npm 8.15.0, vue 2.6.14, vue CLI 5.0.8, raapijs 0.1.2.
The first solution below says he can run it without error but it looks like the exact same code as I'm trying. Can anyone see a difference and a reason for this error?
EDIT: I reworded this post to be more clear about my process and provide more info, like the versions.
This solution works for me. I installed raapijs with npm install --save raapijs command. Then in my Vue version 2 component I used your code as follow:
const RaApi = require('raapijs');
export default {
data: () => ({
api: null,
user: '<USER_NAME>',
apiKey: '<API_KEY>',
created() {
this.api = new RaApi(this.user, this.apiKey);
It seems the raapijs package was designed to be used in a Node environment, rather than in Vue's browser based environment, so that's the reason I was getting an error. The package itself was looking for the built in https package in Node, but since it wasn't running in Node, it wasn't finding it.
So I solved my problem by looking at the package's github repo and extractingt he actual php API endpoints that were being used and using those in my app directly, rather than using the package wrapper. Not quite as clean and tidy as I was hoping but still a decent solution.

can't load files when trying to publish my threejs project on github pages

I've been experimenting with react three fiber and wanted to publish a project on github pages. I did a build of my project and deployed it on pages. I get an error in the console that it can not load my files:
main.bb26e057.js:1 Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 ()
Here is a link to the repository: ,
Here is a link to the pages site:
I've tried fiddleing with different filepaths but i don't understand why npm run build would give me incorrect filepaths anyways.
Would be grateful for any help.
Try providing the homepage property in the package.json of the React App.
In your case, is the start url.
So modify include this line in your package.json.
"homepage": "",
Adding to your comment: The model fails to load at the first attempt because of your model.js on the last line.
It should be useGLTF.preload('opossum.glb') instead of useGLTF.preload('/opossum.glb')
I would recommend using a package called gh-pages. It's a scripted way of uploading your site using the pages functions of GitHub and also supports custom configuration options on commit.
All you need to do is run:
npm install gh-pages --save-dev
Then create a new file. Inside this file simply insert this code:
var ghpages = require('gh-pages');
ghpages.publish('path-of-dir-to-commit', function(err) {
if(err) {
} else {
You can read more on the npm site for the configuration options such as naming the repo it generates if non is found, etc.

How to fix "Error: /home/site/wwwroot/node_modules/canvas/build/Release/canvas.node: invalid ELF header" on NodeJs Azure Functions in Linux?

I am trying to deploy an AzureFunctions in NodeJs but it doesn't work on Azure.
My apllication is a v3 functions running on Linux.
When the deploy is completed, i get this 500 error:
invalid ELF header
Its happen only when I do this imports:
import ChartDataLabels from 'chartjs-plugin-datalabels';
const canvasRenderService = new CanvasRenderService(width, height, chartCallback);
const chartCallback = (ChartJS) => {
const jsdom = require("jsdom");
const { JSDOM } = jsdom;
const { document } = (new JSDOM(`...`)).window;
Would someone help me please?
It works (only) on my machine :(
Edit: It works when I make the deploy by Linux Subsystem.
I hope this will help somebody.
Azure function will not include the Node_modules while deploying into azure. Because Node_modules directory contains very large file. You can include your package.json in you function directory and run npm install as you normally would with Node.js projects using Kudu (https://<function_app_name> )or the Console in the Azure portal.
Check Dependency management for more information.
Refer here Link 1 & Link 2
Any updates on this topic?
Doesn't seem like a valid option for me to manually run npm install via KUDU or some other terminal in a Cloud Function App - especially with Continoues Deployment etc.
Got the same problem while using canvas for barcode generation...

Please ensure that your service worker file contains the following:/(const precacheManifest =)\[\](;)/

I am quite new to react React workbox. I am trying to make my Electron react App have the ability to cache all images and data to be made available while it is offline.
This is exactly what I am trying to accomplish as in this youtube video. from 14:00 to 21:00 minutes: Building PWAs with React and Workbox, /watch?v=Ok2r1M1jM_M
But this command is giving
"start-sw":"workbox injectManifest workbox-config.js && workbox copylibraries build/ && http-server build/ -c 0"
This error:
C:\Users\rajesh.ram\Desktop\Day\K\demok\client>npm run start-sw
> client#0.1.0 start-sw C:\Users\rajesh.ram\Desktop\Day\K\demok\client
> workbox injectManifest workbox-config.js && workbox copylibraries build/ && http-server build/ -c 0
Using configuration from C:\Users\rajesh.ram\Desktop\Day\K\demok\client\workbox-config.js.
Service worker generation failed:
Unable to find a place to inject the manifest. Please ensure that your service worker file contains the followin
g:/(const precacheManifest =)\[\](;)/
Please help me fix this or suggest alternative packages/repositories/videos to make it possible.
In newer workbox versions including 5.1.3 current at time of this post , the parameter which specifies the injectionPoint for the precacheManifest has changed from regex to string. The name of the parameter has also changed and as far as I can tell this is not backwards compatible...meaning it doesn't work to use the regex anymore.
module.exports = {
"globDirectory": "build/",
"globPatterns": [
"swDest": "build/sw.js",
"swSrc": "src/sw.js",
"injectionPoint": "injectionPoint"
Changing that parameter as per above worked for me following the rest of the video.
Then several other updates affected how sw.js is written also...
workbox.setConfig({ modulePathPrefix: "workbox-v5.1.3/" });
const precacheManifest = [injectionPoint];
You have to remove the .supressWarnings() command. It has been removed. A good video...needs some updates.
Link to the presentation github which needs an update so...
Link to the manual:
By changing the parameter of precacheAndRoute as below it worked for me
If you're following the video strictly, make sure that the custom sw.js file that you create in the src folder is exactly:
workbox.setConfig({ modulePathPrefix: "workbox-v4.3.1/" });
const precacheManifest = [];
and workbox-config.js
module.exports = {
globDirectory: "build/",
globPatterns: ["**/*.{json,ico,html,png,js,txt,css}"],
swDest: "build/sw.js",
swSrc: "src/sw.js",
injectionPointRegexp: /(const precacheManifest = )\[\](;)/
make sure the workbox version matches the version you have in the video he uses 3.6.3 but now its 4.3.1.....hope this helps.

How to bundle NodeJs Application?

Consider I have been done with my NodeJs with Express and MongoDB Application. I can bundle up my application to deliver the same to client but in that case client have to install all required npm modules and change mongoDB connection url. So to counter this issue:
Is there any other way to bundle my application so client do not need to install any npm modules to run application? If yes, then how client can connect to his mongodb?
pkg by Vercel works really well for me. It bundles everything into a single executable that runs out of a terminal. This makes it really easy to distribute.
To connect to a Mongo instance, you would have to have some kind of configuration file that the user edits. I recommend putting into the user data folder (Application Support on Mac and AppData on Windows), but you could have it sit right next to the packaged executable.
You can use good old webpack by setting it's target. here is an example webpack.config.js file for node:
import webpack from 'webpack';
export default {
entry: "./server.js",
output: {
// output bundle will be in `dist/buit.js`
filename: `built.js`,
target: 'node',
mode: 'production',
plugins: [
new webpack.optimize.LimitChunkCountPlugin({
maxChunks: 1
