Angular | Scale SVG in child component from parent - svg

I've created a Star Rating component for use in feedback screens and views. Please check the Stackblitz URL that I've given here. I've put in some more notes in there.
I'm not very knowledgeable on SVG scaling and deep nest styling of Angular. I want to basically create a reusable StarRating component that can be used in several places but what basically changes is the size of the component (the size of the stars).
Let's say that I have a feedback form wherein I want the user to be able to choose rating by clicking on the stars. In this case, I want the stars to be large. At the same time I have a different component listing all reviews in which I want to show rating using this same component like maybe below the review comment.
Or in the other cases, I want the stars to resize based on different screen sizes.
Right now the size is fixed because I have it hard-coded in the HTML template. How do I make it dynamic
I'm using Angular v10.2.4 along with some Bootstrap styles.


How can I properly load a different Activity layouts based on screen size with Mvx?

I'm developing an Xamarin Android Mvx5-beta application. When running on a small-screen device, I want to show a drawer navigation using the Toolbar and the hamburger-icon. On larger devices, e.g. tablets, I want a different layout conaining three columns. No drawer navigation but a static panel with navigation options and two other panels for content.
I started with the examples XPlatformMenus and Fragments to get a drawer navigation layout combined with the use of activities (with fragments) in different layouts qualifiers, like:
Using this approach, Android automaticly looks for an activity with the same name (e.g. main_activity.axml) in the appropriate layout-qualifier folders. But on the larger screens I don't need a drawer layout and I do need an extra column. The Mvx-viewmodel does not yet know what layout to render, so it just calls:
These ViewModels, for example MenuViewModel, are registered for fragments that require a navigation_frame, as shown in here:
[MvxFragment(typeof(MainViewModel), Resource.Id.navigation_frame)]
public class MenuFragment : MvxFragment<MenuViewModel>, NavigationView.IOnNavigationItemSelectedListener
So, rendering this same Activity in layout-sw600dp requires a navigation_frame. Which I don't want on these larger displays.
What would be the preferred design choise in this situation? I can think of two:
Show/hide elements in the Activity programmatically by querying the screen info
Don't make use of layout qualifiers, but design complete seperate Activities for larger screens and based on screen size let MVX Show ViewModel-A or ViewModel-B.
Any advice would be appreciated, many thanks in advance.
I think it depends how different your layout need to be between large screen and small screen form factors.
Few UI differences
In addition to using different layouts, you can define a bool property in your XML values resources that is different between standard and sw-600dp
<bool name="is_large_screen">false</bool>
<bool name="is_large_screen">true</bool>
You can then read this value in your Android views and prevent methods like ShowViewModel<MenuViewModel>(); firing when on large screens by altering the method calls from the view.
Many differences/Structural differences
If they share the same business logic but have very different UI requirements and you want to keep large screen code separate. Then I would suggest sharing the ViewModels but creating two separate Activites and layouts to handle the UI presentation. Using this method requires a bit more setup as you have to override some default MvvmCross behaviors as by default you can not register multiple Activities/Fragments to the same ViewModel. Overriding the MvxViewModelViewTypeFinder view lookup FindTypeOrNull you can intercept the lookup and filter types base on naming conventions. For example all large screen views end with "Tablet". Using the is_large_screen bool you can flag which views to register.

JavaFX-8: Custom Layout and Layout Passes (layout pass/css pass): Where should I add child nodes?

I'm developing a custom table component for very large and very custom content. Therefore I decided not to go with TableView, but start from scratch (i.e. Control). I adopted the idea of the VirtualFlow to create and manage only the visible part of the table and reuse cells that have become invisible. However I needed virtual rows and columns.
My CustomVirtualFlow implements layoutChildren(). From the component's size and scrollbar positions I know which cells are visible. If necessary, I add cells to the VirtualFlow. I then update the content and css pseudo class states (selected, focused, ...).
This works almost fine ... currently, my only problem is that the css styles are sometimes lagging: newly created cells are shown with e.g. wrong backgrounds for a moment and then get correcteted with the next pulse.
My explanation for this is that JavaFX performs layout in two passes:
first a css pass and secondly the layout pass that calls layoutChildren().
The css of newly added children (during layoutChildren) is therefore not processes correctly.
I tried to call applyCss() directly, which helps, but seems to do too much because it takes a lot of time.
My question is:
How is the correct way to add nodes during layout, i.e. if the size of the component makes it neccessary to use further nodes?
If it is not during layoutChildren(), where else should I do it?

iPhone SDK building an Omnigraffle like app

I have been trying to find an example or some hints on how to create an app that I could drag, resize, rotate images onto a UIView and then save the individual pieces (including their size, rotation and placement) and the entire UIView into CoreData. Kind of like the omnigraffle app.
Any tutorials, examples or anything on any piece of the app would be greatly appreciated.
for dragging a view
for roting a view
for resizing a view
What respects to core data, its actually pretty straightforward just, gather the classes in one view, see the properties you need to save, and the new one you will need for your app and thats it.
Object Canvas containing a many relationship to morphlingViews wich contain all the properties as center, color, width, height, angle, UIPath (if you plan to create custom shapes) layer position (so it gets drawn correctly) and if you plan to connect the views as omnigraffle add a many realtionship to self (in morphlingViews) so you can take the center of different morphlingViews and add a simple line between them. (and a string if you plan to add drawInRect method to allow users to write in the objects, then it will be a good idea to add the text properties as well).
You can also add Quartz Composer drawing styles properties to the object, as shadow, shadowColor, shadowOffset, or add patterColor to add resizable background.

Mixing Orchard CMS content with module

I am currently working on an Orchard module. This module contains an MVC application including the views. I would like to make the module as configurable as possible. One of the items that I would like the customer to configure is the way the MVC views from the module look. Part of it will be determined by the theme. But not everything. Consider the following scenario:
The module contains a view for placing an order. The view displays a form in ´normal view way´. That is field labels and input labels. But at the head of the form each customer must be able to define his own set of instructions to display. Or maybe the customer wants to put there a message for pointing the customer to some other actions.
In the most ideal way I would have a content page where the customer can put all kind of content and one specific block that is the result of the view of the module. Kind like a web part. I can´t find out if it is possible and how that is achieved.
Edit for clarification
Module creates a page like this:
So both title and form are outputted by the module controller.
I have managed to create a layer with the condition that the url matches the page with my form.
I have added a HTML widget to this layer in the content zone with position 1 (tried 0 to).
However the pages looks like this:
instead of
Returning a ShapeResult from your controller action will ensure that your view is themed and benefits from widgets, which are your "kind like a web part" thingies in Orchard.

ExtJS 4 - Rendering components that are initially hidden

One major difference that I have noticed between ExtJS 3.x and 4.x is how the rendering/layout calculation is handled for components that are rendered inside of a containing element that has display:none (NOT an Ext created/monitored containing element). In 3.x, upon showing the containing element, the Ext component it contained would be properly rendered and sized to whatever dimensions i set for it.
However, in 4.x, that same component will not be displayed at all and have a zero height and width when its containing element was shown. After it was visible if I do a call to .setSize() it would then properly be displayed. Problem is, in my application there is just no way to be able to go through all the events that could cause a hidden component to be shown, and add code to make sure its layout is manually forced to be recalculated.
So my question is, is there any way to get back 3.x's behavior in this situation for all components across the board in 4.x?
What you can try to do is set up listeners on your components that delegate to the underlying DOM elements, perhaps that will solve your issue.
However my suggestion is if at all possible is to use the framework to manage the entire page layout using Viewport. You can still suck in the HTML (if you must) and render it inside containers or panels for example. Perfect use case here is Header and Footer which are generated by server side code (jsp, gsp, asp..) and then displayed in the North or South regions of the Viewport using contentEl : 'myDivId' configuration.
