Subject line to mailto href+Open email in a new tab - gmail

I have a page with:
<a class=email accessibility" href="" />
I would like to:
add a subject line while clicking.
open Gmail instead of outlook/email software in a new tab while clicking.
I don't have the ability to edit the HTML, only adding scripts to the page head or body.


how I can add contactus inside the body of mailto, when click in the button open email by mailto then in the body add text and add contactus

I have a button when click it open email with text in the body and also in the body I have contact us when click it open the email of the coach
input type="button"; value="Click me"; onclick="window.location.herf='' + '' + 'HIIIIII' + ''')'";>
To add the contactus text and a link to open an email to a coach in the body of a mailto link, you can use the following code:
input type="button";
value="Click me";
In the code above, I added the contactus text and a link to after the Hallo you text in the body of the email. I also added a line break (%0D%0A) after each line of text to make the email more readable.
Additionally, I added a line of text at the end of the email body that says "For questions or concerns, please contact our coach at:". This will create a clickable link in the email that will open a new email to the coach when clicked.

Chrome extension - wait popup until script is done

I am trying to make a Chrome extension, everything is going well, except that before the content of the popup is filled with javascript(XMLHttpRequest - asynchronous) I see a small blank popup that has not yet been filled.
That is,
Before this loads
I see this
In the code, I am simply using document.getElementById to fill up the HTML. So it looks like
<div id="status"></div>
document.getElementById('status').innerHTML = 'content of the request';
I see where this is coming from, since the popup is originally blank it shows that little blank box before javascript(XMLHttpRequest) is done. But How can I make it wait until the request is complete?
You can't manually display the browser/page action popup. This feature will not be implemented : source.
The most simple solution is to add a loading wheel gif to the html of the popup. It will display the popup until the content is changed by your code when the request is complete.
Another solution is to display a popup (not a browser/page action popup) when the user click on the browser/page action. This way you can wait for the request to display your popup.

Open default mail client on button click with filled html in body

I want to open mail window with pre filled html in body and subject.
Note: user need to enter to: email only, body should be filled by me from code side and body should fill with html.
Above image is screen shot which I need.
I need image as shown as above in html body on clicking button.
you can embed the html tag in string like this
string textBody="Hi
<br />"+Addrss +" is you addrsss you can find current addrss
<tr><td>Any other contant</td></tr>
Is that what you want or something else. can you show what output you want so I can help

xpages forward o reply email

I need a solution, that when you press a button from a inbox xpages mail message, the new xpages is composed with the body and image and attachment of original inbox message (ckeditor control)
I nave found a Solution for passing HTML to ckeditor but not for attachment and inline image.
Have you any suggest?
P.S. the solution will need work in on-fly mode (without savind document that when you foward an email with a classic webmail)
See my answer below on how to copy contents and images to a CKEditor on the fly:

Firewatir: button does not click, no error

On a webpage (which I cannot change) I have a link like this:
<a class="PSHYPERLINK" href="javascript:submitAction_win0(document.win0,'PRCSDETAIL_BTN$0');" tabindex="94" id="PRCSDETAIL_BTN$0" name="PRCSDETAIL_BTN$0"> Details</a>
In my code, I put this:
browser.frame(:index, "1" ).link( :text => "Details" ).click
What happens is that the link is not clicked, or at least this makes no effect, but I receive no error. The script simply continues. It is interesting that on the same website I am able to click other links, even if they use JavaScript like the one above. Example of link for which FireWatir works:
<a class="PSSRCHRESULTSODDROW" tabindex="32" href="javascript:submitAction_win0(document.win0,'#ICRow2');">TESTQUERY</a>
Maybe you need to fire JavaScript event: How to find out which JavaScript events fired?
Are you sure you are clicking the correct link? Link text is " Details" and you are clicking link with text "Details" (please notice space in front of the first string).
