Insert multiple rows in cqlengine - cassandra

I am stucking on insert/update multiple rows /approximately 800 rows/ to cassandra table by cqlengine. I do not want to use loop in python. I searched and find batch query. But can not use it.
Please help me making batch query or give other efficient way to insert multiple rows in cassandra.
Thank you.

CQL batches are not an optimisation -- they do not make your queries run faster. In fact, they do the opposite if you have large batches because they can overload the coordinator of the request and queries end up running slower.
CQL batches are designed to achieve atomicity so either (a) all the statements in the batch are executed successfully, or (b) none at all.
In Cassandra, you can achieve a higher throughput if you issue multiple asynchronous writes instead of a single batch. And more app instances (clients) perform better because the traffic can get bottlenecked with a single client app.
If your goal is bulk load data, I recommend you instead use a tool like DataStax Bulk Loader (DSBulk). DSBulk is a free open-source software that allows you to bulk load data in CSV or JSON format to a Cassandra cluster.
Here are some resources to help you get started:
Introducing DataStax Bulk Loader
Loading data to Cassandra with DSBulk
More loading examples with DSBulk
Common DSBulk settings
Unloading data from Cassandra with DSBulk
Counting data with DSBulk (handy for verifying records loaded)
Examples for loading from other locations


2 million queries against a dataframe

I need to run 2 million queries against a three columns table t (s,p,o) which size is 10 billions rows. The data type of each column is string.
Only two types of queries:
select s p o from t where s = param
select s p o from t where o = param
If I store the table in a Postgresql database takes 6 hours using a Java ThreadPoolExecutor.
Do you think Spark can speed up the queries processing even more?
What would be the best strategy? These are my ideas:
Load the table into a dataframe and launch the queries against the dataframe.
Load the table into a parquet database and launch the queries against this database.
Use Spark 2.4 to launch queries against the Postgresql database instead of querying directly.
Use Spark 3.0 to launch queries against the database loaded into PG-Strom, an extension module of PostgreSQL with GPU support.
Using Apache Spark on top of the existing MySQL or PostgresSQL server(s) (without the need to export or even stream data to Spark or Hadoop) can increase query performance more than ten times. Using multiple MySQL servers (replication or Percona XtraDB Cluster) gives us an additional performance increase for some queries. You can also use the Spark cache function to cache the whole MySQL query results table.
The idea is simple: Spark can read MySQL or PostgresSQL data via JDBC and can also execute SQL queries, so we can connect it directly to DB's and run the queries. Why is this faster? For long-running (i.e., reporting or BI) queries, it can be much faster as Spark is a massively parallel system. For example, MySQL can only use one CPU core per query, whereas Spark can use all cores on all cluster nodes.
But I recommend you use No-SQL(HBase, Cassandra,...) or New-SQL solutions for your analyses because they have better performance when the scale of your data increase.
Static Data? Spark; Otherwise tune Postgres
If the 10 billion rows are static or rarely updated, your best bet is going to be using Spark with appropriate partitions. The magic happens with parallelization, so the more cores you have, the better. You want to aim for partitions that are about half a gig in size each.
Determine the size of the data by running SELECT pg_size_pretty( pg_total_relation_size('tablename')); Divide the result by the number of cores available to Spark until you get between 1/8 and 3/4 gig.
Save as parquet if you really have static data or if you want to recover from a failure quickly.
If the source data are updated frequently, you're going to want to add indices in Postgres. It could be as straightforward as adding an index on each column. Partitioning in Postgres would also help.
Stick to Postgres. Newer databases are not appropriate for structured data such as yours. There are parallelization options. Aurora, if you're on AWS.
PG-Strom is not going to work for you here. You have simple data with few columns. Getting them into and out of a GPU is going to slow you down too much.

Is there way to get a rowcount on a query using Snowflake and its Spark Connector?

I am running a query in my Spark application that returns a substantially large amount of data. I would like to know how many rows of data are being queried for logging purposes. I can't seem to find a way to get the number of rows without either manually counting them, or calling a method to count for me, as the data is fairly large this gets expensive for logging. Is there a place that the rowcount is saved and available to grab?
I have read here that the Python connector saves the rowcount into the object model, but i can't seem to find any equivalent for the Spark Connector or its underlying JDBC.
The most optimal way I can find is rdd.collect().size on the RDD that Spark provides. It is about 15% faster than calling rdd.count()
Any help is appreciated 😃
The limitation is within Spark's APIs that do not directly offer metrics of a completed distributed operation such as a row count metric after a save to table or file. Snowflake's Spark Connector is limited to the calls Apache Spark offers for its integration, and the cursor attributes otherwise available in the Snowflake Python and JDBC Connectors are not accessible through Py/Spark.
The simpler form of the question of counting an executed result, removing away Snowflake specifics, has been discussed previously with solutions: Spark: how to get the number of written rows?

How to write data into a Hive table?

I use Spark 2.0.2.
While learning the concept of writing a dataset to a Hive table, I understood that we do it in two ways:
using sparkSession.sql("your sql query")
dataframe.write.mode(SaveMode."type of
Could anyone tell me what is the preferred way of loading a Hive table using Spark ?
In general I prefer 2. First because for multiple rows you cannot build such a long sql and second because it reduces the chance of errors or other issues like SQL injection attacks.
In the same way that for JDBC I use PreparedStatements as much as possible.
Think in this fashion, we need to achieve updates on daily basis on hive.
This can be achieved in two ways
Process all the data of the hive
Process only effected partitions.
For the first option sql works like a gem, but keep in mind that the data should be less to process entire data.
Second option works well.If you want to process only effected partition. Use data.overwite.partitionby.path
You should write the logic in such a way that it process only effected partitions. This logic will be applied to tables where data is in millions T billions records

best failsafe strategy to store result of spark sql for structured streaming and OLAP queries

I would like to store result of continuous queries running against streaming data in such a manner so that results are persisted into distributed nodes to ensure failover and scalability.
Can Spark SQL experts please shed some light on
- (1) which storage option I should choose so that OLAP queries are faster
- (2) how to ensure data available for query even if one node is down
- (3) internally how does Spark SQL store the resultset ?
It depends what kind of latency you can afford.
One way is to persist the result into HDFS/Cassandra using Persist() API. If your data is small then cache() of each RDD should give you a good result.
Store where your spark executors are co-located. For example:
It is also possible to use Memory based storage like tachyon to persist your stream (i.e. each RDD of your stream) and query against it.
If latency is not an issue then persist(MEMORY_OR_DISK_2) should give you what you need. Mind you performance is a hit or miss in that scenario. Also this stores the data in two executors.
In other cases if your clients are more comfortable in OLTP like database where they just need to query the constantly updating result you can use conventional database like postgres or mysql. This is a preferred method among many as query time is consistent and predictable. If the result is not update heavy but partitioned (say by time) then Greenplum like systems are also a choice.

Cassandra Loading Options

I have deployed a 9 node DataStax Cluster in Google Cloud. I am new to Cassandra and not sure how generally people push the data to Cassandra.
My requirement is read the data from flatfiles and RDBMs table and load into Cassandra which is deployed in Google Cloud.
These are the options I see.
1. Use Spark and Kafka
2. SStables
3. Copy Command
4. Java Batch
5. Data Flow ( Google product )
Is there any other options and which one is best.
For flat files you have 2 most effective options:
Use Spark - it will load data in parallel, but requires some coding.
Use DSBulk for batch loading of data from command line. It supports loading from CSV and JSON, and very effective. DataStax's Academy blog just started a series of the blog posts on DSBulk, and first post will provide you enough information to start with it. Also, if you have big files, consider to split them into smaller ones, as it will allow DSBulk to perform parallel load using all available threads.
For loading data from RDBMS, it depends on what you want to do - load data once, or need to update data as they change in the DB. For first option you can use Spark with JDBC source (but it has some limitations too), and then saving data into DSE. For 2nd, you may need to use something like Debezium, that supports streaming of change data from some databases into Kafka. And then from Kafka you can use DataStax Kafka Connector for submitting data into DSE.
CQLSH's COPY command isn't as effective/flexible as DSBulk, so I won't recommend to use it.
And never use CQL Batch for data loading, until you know how it works - it's very different from RDBMS world, and if it's used incorrectly it will really make loading less effective than executing separate statements asynchronously. (DSBulk uses batches under the hood, but it's different story).
