Developer vs. General accounts w/ DocuSign - docusignapi

A few weeks ago I implemented my first REST integration with the DocuSign API. Things over all went smoothly and with very little complaints. One particular hang up I experienced though was some confusion in regards to the Developer account and how it relates to the General account. I started with a developer account and used the test credentials to build my integration. Once my integration passed inspection it required me to choose another paid docusign account that the integration key would "go live" on. This is all pretty straight forward.
The curve ball came when I actually went to purchase the API account and it said, "you aren't eligible to purchase this". There isn't clear instruction on the site, so my questions are:
1.) In what order does the account creation need to go? Developer > General (Paid) > API Plan (Paid)?
2.) Does DocuSign expect the user, as the customer, to purchase the plan or should that plan be purchased through my developer account?
I tried to reach out to customer service directly, but it was pretty much a, "give us all of your money, then we'll help" situation. I have several customers who are interested in this integration, but I'm not comfortable presenting this as an option until I get a better understanding of the process. Any advice is greatly appreciated.

In general, DocuSign does require a paid account to complete the Go Live process. If you - the integration owner - will not be using DocuSign yourself, you would want to reach out to the [DocuSign Partners program][1] to receive a free Partner account that can hold your integration key instead of having to purchase one.
From there, the end users of your integration can purchase their own DocuSign accounts. You could potentially act as a reseller of DocuSign if you were so inclined.
If you still need assistance, please email with this information. Someone will help you right away.


Proper docusign pricing plan for embedded signing

I am trying to integrate our web app with DocuSign. We expect our web app customers will authenticate and grant consent to our app to make API calls on behalf of their DocuSign accounts. Then our app will create envelopes (using access tokens to customer DocuSign accounts) and allow our app users to sign them using embedded signing.
We've built a prototype using demo account and everything works like a charm.
The only thing what is still unclear for me is how it is supposed to work after going live.
Am I right that our customer will be charged each envelop sending, since our integration makes call on behalf of their account?
Is it enough for our customer to pay for Standard eSignature Plan to make embedded signing work, or they should choose Enhanced Plans (the one where API feature is listed)
Should our account plan (which holds Integration Key) be at least Advanced Developer to support embedded signing?
Could anyone advise on the matter. Thanks!
Am I right that our customer will be charged each envelope sending, since our integration makes call on behalf of their account?
A. Yes, you're right. If your customer logins in to DocuSign using their own DocuSign user account, then their DocuSign account is charged. Your own DocuSign account is not involved, at all, in this scenario. Your client id (integration key) can be used by any DocuSign account user with their own account, once they grant consent to it.
Is it enough for our customer to pay for Standard eSignature Plan to make embedded signing work, or they should choose Enhanced Plans (the one where API feature is listed)
A. I don't believe that the standard eSignature plan includes support for embedded signing.
Should our account plan (which holds Integration Key) be at least Advanced Developer to support embedded signing?
A. Either Advanced Developer or a "regular" eSig account that supports embedded signing. This is for your testing purposes. If you use a regular account that supports embedded signing then your other company groups can share the account for use in sending out agreements for signature.
Please sign up as an ISV with DocuSign via
(no charge.) Being a registered partner provides you with additional information and enables you to use the partner use license to sell your app to DocuSign customers.
Pro-tip: use your developer account to automatically test your app. Preferably once a day. New releases are first launched on the developer system about a week before production. DocuSign has thousands of tests to guard against regression bugs. But it is possible for a bug to slip through. If you detect any issues on the developer system then DocuSign will typically stop the production deployment to fix the issue.
Re error message when a feature is not enabled: see this question.
Re which plans include the embedded signing feature: sorry, I don't have that information.

API Plans vs eSignature Plans

I need to integrate DocuSign in my mobile app to allow my customers to sign documents with embedded signing & sending flow.
My doubts are:
Does my customers (senders) need to pay an eSignature Plan?
Does my company need to pay an API Plan?
I'm looking for the Intermediate API plan and I notice a limit of 100 documents/month, but my customers need to sign way more documents, a few thousand I think, how can I proceed?
Let me try to answer your questions.
Yes, if they need to send - they need to pay for some plan. The plans are based on the number of envelopes they send a month. Similar to minutes or phone plan. If, on the other hand, they only needed to sign, they wouldn't need an account. But someone else would have to be the "sender" and have the account.
You do need an account to be able to publish your app and go-live. Almost all plans, with the exception of freemium are eligible.
Your customers would have to contact our sales team to get an account that meets their needs. to scheduled a call or call 1-877-720-2040

paypal payment without checkout flow

I am going to build an eCommerce website that supports PayPal.
Buyers connect their PayPal account to the website before they get products.
The website should collect funds without a normal checkout flow whenever buyers buy products.
For this, I've researched the Permissions Service API on PayPal.
But, I can't find enough descriptions to build such a website.
I would like to know how to integrate PayPal for this.
What you are looking for is a "Reference Transactions" solution. It can be tested in sandbox, but to use it in live, the business account would need to be approved for this feature by PayPal. To do this the account owner would need to contact their PayPal account manager or PayPal's general customer support (not MTS), and explain the business need for this feature.
As far as implementing the solution, the only public documentation I'm aware of is for classic APIs: . Any newer API or vault solution does not appear to be publicly available at this time, but you could always contact PayPal's support and ask if there's something they'd rather you implement than those classic APIs. The more significant hurdle is the business approval for the feature mentioned earlier.

Type of DocuSign license required for customers to access Integration

I am in the process of creating a DocuSign integration. Would anyone happen to know which type of account customers need to purchase from DocuSign in order to leverage my DocuSign integration? Can't the credentials for any account outside of a free trial be used to access a DocuSign integration as a customer? What's odd is that most integrations I've seen in the past require the user to have at least a Professional Account, which I believe is now called Standard (# $25 per user).
Any feedback is greatly appreciated! Thanks.
So, the account you use to develop the integration has nothing to do with the account used by customers to access your integration.
As long as the account has "API Access" it could use any integration. These includes most of the plans that are sold including the lowest tier (web and mobile) and even some trial accounts get access to the API (at least while the trial is on). I can't get you a through answer about every single type of account as we have so many, but in general you should find most accounts would be able to use your integration.

Integrate DocuSign using RestAPI

I'm trying to implement the DocuSign embedded signing. I'm kind of successful with few things left.
Without a developer account it's not possible to use the API, isn't it? I both have a pro account and a free account. Then I created a developer account with the same email and password I have for the free account. But when signing a document it says:
Demonstration Document Only.
Please see the image for better understanding:
Why is this appearing? Is it because I am using a developer account that has the same credentials as the free account? Will it disappear if I create a developer account with the same email and password I have for the pro account?
If I want to work with the API then will I have to control everything from developer account? I mean add template and other relevant signing stuff. Then what's the pro account for, which I've purchased?
Also, recipient is not receiving any email. Please see the images for better understanding:
I've asked the same thing at DocuSign support, but left with no answers.
DocuSign - API Certification Process
Integrations using DocuSign APIs must go through the Certification process to operate in the DocuSign production environment. During API Certification, the Integration is examined for following DocuSign’s Security & Design Requirements. We recommend reviewing our API Requirements Guide prior to beginning development as it will streamline the certification process later.
In order to avoid delays in processing please make sure the following items have been satisfied prior to beginning the process. These are explained in further detail in the API Certification Guide.
1) Customer or Partner sales contract has been executed.
2) 20+ test
transactions have already been executed.
Please review the following guides prior to beginning the API Certification process, a sample list of questions that will be asked has also been provided:
API PDF Security & Design Requirements | API PDF API Certification InfoSheet
Please e-mail any questions regarding the API Certification process to or your DocuSign Account Manager.
