Common properties between revit and naviswork to map objects - revit-api

We are facing the issue for finding some common properties/ids so that we can map revit model object id with naviswork model objects. Can you please let us to find any common properties/id?

Yes. The Building Coder has already done so:
Element Id – Export, Unique, Navisworks and Other Ids
Element Identifiers in RVT, IFC, NW and Forge


Giving your own ids to Core Data objects

I have some points on a map with associated informations contained by Core Data, to link the points on the map with the associated info, I would like to have an ID for each point, so in my entity, I would need some ID property, I have read that Core Data has it's own IDs for every managed object but I'm wondering wether or not it would be a good approach for me to directly use them or if I should create my own ID system ?
If you think I should create my OWN ID system, how would I do that ?
Thank you.
CoreData is not an relational database and you should avoid thinking about own ID’s. You may need them only for syncing purposes with external databases. For more precise answer, you should write how your model looks.
[edited after comment]
I don't see that you need any relations. Let's sat you have MapPoint entity with lat, and long properties. If there is only one user note, you just add another property to it like notes. If you have many informations (many records) stored with one MapPoint you need to add Notes entity with properties note and mappoint and make a relation between them. When you insert new Notes object into CoreData you set mappoint property to already existing MapPoint object (fetched after user tap).

How to access certain EStructuralFeatures of an EMF Model?

I know that there are ways to access an EAttribute of an Eclipse EMF model by its featureID or by its name via different indirect approaches. For that I found the following: Eclipse EMF: How to get access EAttribute by name?
But what if I don't know the name of the attribute I want to get? Let's say, based on the design, the model has some fixed attributes by the developer, along with the features that can be set dynamically by the user.
So, for the time being I use the getEAllStructuralFeatures() and use indexes via get() to reach to the by-the-user-created attributes, since I know that the list I get will have the fixed attributes of the model as its first elements beginning with the index 0. But I find this solution unclear and inefficient. Also in some cases, that I want to work, not suitable.
E.g: IEMFEditProperty prop = EMFEditProperties.list(editingDomain, EMFMODELPackage.Literals.EMFMODEL.getEAllStructuralFeatures().get(X));
Do you know a solution or a workaround for this problem? As far as I can see, there are no direct methods to get such dynamically created features of the model.
Every help will be appreciated.
I have been working on a similar case recently where I first tried to define an EStructuralFeature to access exactly the setting/attribute of the object that I needed.
But if you look at how things work internally in ECore, you will find out, that there is no way this will ever work, since the indices are bound to the object identity of the EStructuralFeature objects created at runtime for the specific context (i.e. EClass instance).
My approach was then to either inspect the features proposed by EClass.getEAllStructuralFeatures or to iterate over the features and inspect the object returned by EObject.eGet for this very feature (where EClass eClass = eObject.eClass()).
Example: In a UML profile I have defined a UML Stereotype called "Bean" with a property called FactoryEntity. The property shall reference a UML Class with the Stereotype "Entity" that is closest to this very bean and for which a static factory method will be generated.
In the model I would then have one UML Class typed as Bean and one as Entity.
And for the Class typed as "Bean" I would then set a value for the attribute/property factoryEntity defined in the profile.
The question was then how the property value would be accessible in ECore. I ended up iterating the List of available EStructuralFeature of the EClass of the EObject and checking the type of the object returned by eGet.
final EObject eObject = (EObject) holdingClass.getValue(stereotype, stereoTypePropertyName);
final EList<EStructuralFeature> allEStructFeats = eObject.eClass().getEAllStructuralFeatures();
for(EStructuralFeature esf : allEStructFeats)
final Object o = eobject.eGet(esf);
if(o instanceof org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Class)
return (org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Class) o;
Maybe that is not the most elegant way to access structural features but it is the only one I thought was robust enough to last.
Please let me know if you have any suggestions on how to improve this.

Sharepoint Extenal List and Custom Field Types

I have an odd issue.
I have client that wants a sharepoint list what is populated from a WCFService. That part is working quite well.
I have a bdcmodel that is mapping the WCF data and I can create an external list from the bdcmodel as well so that is working fine.
The issue I have is that one of the properties in the model is actually a collection of entities called Attributes. The objects in this collection simply have 2 properties Name and Value so really they are just a key value pair.
The client wants to see the list of attributes of the parent entity in the external list. So there would be an Attributes column and within that column would be the list of attributes for each parent object.
Is there even a way to do this? I am looking into Custom Field Types, but it seems like these are really intended to be singular values.
How would I create a list within and external list?
Any help anyone can give would be great even if its just to tell me that there really isn't a stable way to do this so I can go back to the client and tell them we will need to build a custom list to support this because the OOB external list and custom fields and custom field types won't support this kind of nested listing.
I decided to set up the custom field as a string and when I get my collection in from the BdcModel I am serializing it to JSON and then passing it to the field. When the field is viewed in display, edit or new I have overridden the FieldRenderingControl and I am tiling the collection out that way.

System.ComponentModel.BindingList: Add(object) vs. AddNew()

What is the difference between the System.ComponentModel.BindingList methods Add(object) and AddNew()? The MSDN documentation says this:
Add: Adds an object to the end of the Collection<T>.
AddNew: Adds a new item to the collection.
It seems like both methods add an item to the collection, but Add(object) does it in one shot whereas AddNew() is slightly more complicated. My tests with Add(object) seem to be working, but I want to know if I am using the correct method.
So what is the difference between these methods?
AddNew() creates the object for you (that's why it doesn't have a parameter).
It's designed to be used by grids, which don't know how to create a new object to pass to Add().
AddNew() is very handy (it’s the well-known Factory design pattern) when you implement a class derived of BindingList().
It allows your code to initialize new items with values that depend on the list itself - e.g. a foreign key to the parent object if the binding list contains a list of children.

Xcode 4.3 Core Data how to make a list?

I am new to iOS development (and objective-C & Xcode 4.3) and I want to create an app with profiles for users. I understand how to use Core Data to make a table with entities and that's all fine, but I don't know how I would go about creating a model so that a user can save a list of items (ie a MutableArray).
For example I need to have a username (for the profile) and than a list of strings that are saved to his account.
Would I need to just create an table with username and string item and than just query for all tuples that contain the username. Is there a simple way to serialize an object and save it the same way it's done in java.
Thank You.
You need to create a one-to-many relationship (which makes a NSSet of "destination" objects, or if you want to keep them in the specified order, click Ordered and it will be a NSOrderedSet).
Once you have the relationship, you can add multiple items to it and access it via the set.
