Socket.IO chat not working with load balancer AWS (multiple instances) - node.js

I recently integrated basic chat functionality with Socket.IO.
It’s working fine when I am using this with only one instance but while attaching 2 instances to the Application load balancer it just doesn’t work.Message doesn't get received by the user if he is connected on another instance.
Also, I checked for Stickness, & Enabled it but that also doesn't work. What is the recommended way to solve this?
I'm using node.js with express and typescript.


Can I run a front-end and back-end on Netlify?

I want to practice creating my own RESTful API service to go along with a client-side application that I've created. My plan is to use Node and Express to create a server. On my local machine, I know how to set up a local server, but I would like to be able to host my application (client and server) online as part of my portfolio.
The data that my client application would send to the server would not be significant in size, so there wouldn't be a need for a database. It would be sufficient to just have my server save received data dynamically in an array, and I wouldn't care about having that data persist if the user exits the webpage.
Is it possible to use a service like Netlify in order to host both a client and server for my purposes? I'm picturing something similar to how I can start up a local dev server on my computer so that the front-end can interface with it. Except now I want everything hosted online for others to view. I plan to create the Express server in the same repo as the front-end code.
No, Netlify doesn't allow you to run a server or backend. However, they do allow you to run serverless functions in the cloud. These can run for up to 10 sec. at a time. Furthermore Netlify also have a BETA solution called "background functions" That can run for up to 15 minutes. But honestly for a RESTful API there sure would be better solutions out there?
If you are still looking for the Netlify for Backend you can consider Qovery. They explained here why it is a good fit for their users.

Multi threading nodeJS and Socket IO

Okay so multithreading nodeJS isn't much problem from what I've been reading. Just deploy several identical apps and use nginx as reverse proxy and load balancer of all the apps.
But actually native cluster module works pretty well too, I found.
However, what if I have with the nodeJS app? I have tried the same strategy with nodeJS + socket.IO; however, it obviously did not work because every socket event emitted will be more or less evenly distributed and sockets other than the one that made the connection would have no idea where the request came from.
So best method I can think of right now is to separate nodeJS server and socket.IO server. Scale nodeJS server horizontally (multiple identical apps) but just have one socket.IO server. Although I believe it would be enough for the purpose of our solution, I still need to look out for future. Has anyone succeeded in horizontally scaling Socket.IO? So multiple threads?
The guidelines on the website use Redis with a package called
Looks like is just acts like a single pool for the connections, and each node instance connects to that.
Putting your socket server on a separate service (micro-service) is a probably fine, the downside is needing to manage communications between the two instances.

Scale up a nodejs app on AWS

I have nodejs app running on AWS EC2.
I would like to scale it up by creating more instances of it.
I don't quite understand how to do it on the networking side.
Lets say I create another instance and it's listening to a different port.
Should I change the client side to request from two different ports? I believe this could lead to race conditions on the DB
Am I suppose to listen on one port on the EC2 machine and direct the request to one of the instances? In that case the port will be busy until the instance is done with the request instead of processing requests in parallel with the other instance
Does anyone has some pointers or maybe can point me to some documents about this subject?
At the basic level, you'll have multiple instances of your Node.js application, connecting to a common database backend. (Your database should be clustered as well, but that's a topic for another post.)
If you're following best practices already, one request will be one response, and it won't matter if subsequent requests land on a different application server. That is, the client could hit any of them at any time and there won't be any side effects. If not, you'll need some sort of server pinning (usually done via cookie or similar methods) to ensure clients always land on the same application server.
The simplest way to load balance is to have your clients connect to a host name, and that hostname resolved round-robin style to several hosts. This will spread the traffic around, but not necessarily correctly. For instance, a particular command or issue on one host could mean it can only handle 5 requests, while the other servers can handle 5000. Most cloud providers have management of load balancing. AWS certainly does.
Since you're already on AWS, I'd recommend you deploy your application via Elastic Beanstalk. It automates the spin-up/tear-down as-configured. You could certainly roll your own solution, but it's probably just easier to use what's already there. The load balancer is configured with Beanstalk.

How to direct a user to an available websocket server when she logs in to my multi-server Node.js app?

This is more like a design question but I have no idea where to start.
Suppose I have a realtime Node.js app that runs on multiple servers. When a user logs in she doesn't know which server she will be assigned to. She will just login, do something and logout and that's it. A user won't be interacting with other users on a different server, nor will her details be stored on another server.
In the backend I assume the Node.js server will put the user's login details to some queue and then when there is space it will assign this user to an available server (A server that has the lowest ping value or is not full). Because there is a limit number of users on one physical server when the users try to login to a "full" server it will direct her to another available server.
I am using ws module of node.js. Is there any service available for this purpose or do I have to build my own? How difficult would that be?
I am not sure how websocket fits into this question. Ignoring it. I guess your actual question is about load balancing... Let me try paraphasing it.
Q: Does NodeJS has any load balancing feature that I can leverage?
Yes and it is called cluster in NodeJS. Instead of the traditional one node process listening on a single port, this module allows you to spawn a group of node processes and have them all binded to the same port.
This means is that all the user know is only the service's endpoint. He sends a request to it and 1 of the available server in the group will serve him whenever possible.
Alternatively using Nginx, the web server, as your load balancer is also a very popular approach to this problem.
Cluster API:
Nginx as load balancer:
I guess the key word for googling solutions to your problem is load balancer.
Out of the 2 solutions I would recommend going the Nginx way as it is a much scalable approach
Your Node process could possibly be spread across multiple hosts (horizontal scaling). The former solution is more for vertical scaling, taking advantages of multi-cores machine.

how to distribute

Im using nodejs and to deliver a chat on my business app, but i want to distribute the deploy so i can have as many chat servers i want to balance the load of the traffic.
I try the load balance approach from nginx but that just do that balance the traffic but the communication between the serves its not the same, so one chat message send from user A to server S1 wont travel to user B on server S2.
There is any tool or approach to do this.
Thanks in advance.
===== EDIT =====
Here is the architecture of the app.
The main app frontend on PHP CodeIgniter lets tag it as PHPCI
The chat app backend on NodeJs and SocketIO lets tag it as CHAT
The chat model data on Redist lets tag it as REDIST
So what i have now its PHPCI -> CHAT -> REDIST. That work just fine.
What i need is to distribute the application so i can have as many PHPCI or CHAT or REDIST i want, example
Where the numbers represent instances not different apps.
So a User A connected to PHPCI1 can send a message to a user B connected on PHPCI3.
I think some queue in the middle of CHAT can handle this something like rabbitmq that can only use the SocketIO to deliver the messages to the client.
If you're distributing the server load (and that's a requirement), I'd suggest adding a designated chat data server (usually an in-memory database or message queue) to handle chat state and message passing across edge servers.
Redis Pub/Sub is ideal for this purpose, and can scale up to crazy levels on even a low-end machine. The Redis Cookbook has a chapter on precisely this use case.
If you set up the server-side of your chat app correctly, you shouldn't have to distribute Since node.js is browser-based and doesn't require any client-side code (other than the resources downloaded from the webpage), it works automatically. With a webpage, the files required to run are temporarily downloaded to users when they are correctly included (just like with jQuery). If you are using node.js and to make an android app, the files should be included in your application when you distribute it, not separately.
In addition, if you wish to use two separate servers, you should be able to establish communication between the two by connecting them in a similar manner that a client connects to the server, but with a special parameter that lets the other server know that a server connected and it can respond and set a variable for the other server.
