Node.js web gui access external node.js web server - node.js

I have a node.js web gui and server running on a localhost port and another node.js web server running on another localhost port. I haven't been successful locating an example of access the 2nd web server from the 1st. I want to post a "GET" to the 2nd server and have it respond with the piece of data using XMLHttpRequest. Does someone have an example of something similar? Or is this even feasible?


Call an API from web browser to the localhost of Electron app via WebSocket

I've made an Electron application as a server to receive API requests on the user's PC. Then I've allowed users to request API from the browser (not only on the same PC) to Electron application localhost server. To make it work, I've used Ngrok as a tunnel to publish my local port, but because of the limitation for free users, I could not use it anymore.
I'm aiming to solution calling localhost via Web Socket, but I could not found anyone attempted on the Internet.
Could you please give me some idea to deal with it? Thanks in advance.

Can we make our own web server to host a websites and respond to HTTP requests?

A web server responds to an HTTP request and sends the client a set of HTML, CSS, and JS files.
After we build a website or a web application, we usually have to host it on a well-known web server like IIS or Apache to make it accessible all around the world (on the internet).
Can't we just make our own web server so that it can responds to all incoming HTTP requests that the client sends to our computer without having to use IIS?
As wazz and Lex says, you could build your own server to listen the special port and handle the request based on your requirement, but it contains performance and security issue.
If you still want to build it by yourself. I suggest you could refer to some existing server like KestrelHttpServer.

Local server http communication and angular browser rendering

I think I'm doing something completely the wrong way.
I have an Nodejs server running that read in a DB and serve with express some data via http locally (it has to only be accessed locally). It sends the data on localhost on some port (8080 for example). Then I have an angular app on the server that get these datas from an http request on localhost:8080 and display them. The angular app runs locally on localhost:4200.
I was building the entire stuff on my computer and that was working perfectly (I have no problem with CORS). Then I deployed it on a server, and I accessed it via ssh port forwarding. Basically I forward localhost:4200 on the server via ssh on my local computer on localhost:8090.
And my problem is that, when loading and executing the angular app in my browser via port redirection, it's doing a get request to localhost:8080. So it's trying to communicate with the localhost it's running on, which is the client itself.
If you understood my spaghetti situation, there is actually a dirty solution : redirect localhost:8080 on the server to localhost:8080 on the client.
Is there any way to do the get request server side and not in the client's browser so that localhost correspond to the server? Is there a better way to do what I'm trying to do?
I can sum up by : How can you access another local service on localhost on the server with angular app since it executes in the client browser and localhost will refer to client localhost.
Try to use any web server (such as nginx or apache2 or etc.) in your server and make use of proxy and reverse proxy with your node application, it will work

Running two applications on Linux server and routing

I have got 2 applications:
Nodejs application and Angular application.
I would like to host them both on the same Linux server (Linode).
Also I have a DNS record for example :
I would like that when I navigate to it will navigate inside the linux server to the Angular application, and I should see the angular pages.
The nodejs application is a API application which I would like other people to make all the HTTP requests to
So the question is how to make the navigation inside the linux server?
Generally speaking to run multiple applications on a server. First you need to add an A record on your DNS record for
Then you can use nginx to handle the two applications. The way it will work is that each application will run locally on its own port and nginx will handle the url you provide and map it to the appropriate application. Check out this tutorial: Configure Nginx as a web server
In your situation you could serve the angular app from the node application.
Check this too: How to serve an angular2 app in a node.js server

Setting up a websocket capable application on an azure ubuntu vm

Okay, so I have created an ubuntu vm in the azure cloud, I have successfully launched nodejs, redis,, Express and all the components for a game I am writing.
I have setup azure endpoints on internal and external port 8080, and use app.listen(8080) in my js code.
When I browser to http://< app-name > I can view the result of my nodejs application fine, it displays the html, css etc.
However when it attempts to start a socket connection (using I get only this (on my chrome dev console under websockets):
HeadersPreviewResponseWebSocket Frames
Request URL:ws://<app-name>
Request Method:GET
Status Code:101 Switching Protocols
Request Headersview source
Response Headersview source
(Challenge Response):00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
It will also crash the nodejs app on azure when i try send anything using socket.emit() on the client (browser); in my azure ssh, it just says 'DEBUG: Program node app.js exited with code null' which isn't particularly helpful.
So it obviously isn't connecting properly? I have also tried in my nodejs listening on port 80, but then I don't even get the standard webpage (html,css,etc).
From what I have read online, it is very possible to get sockets working providing your not using the web role (which I assume the vm is not).
Any idea how I can get this to work? (and preferably on port 80)?
Edit: starting to wonder if this has nothing todo with sockets, realized I get the same switching protocol message, on my home vm (where it is working). Spin off question: How can I view crash details for a nodejs program on a ubunu azure vm?
There is a time out of around 60s on the Windows Azure loadbalancer.
Does it work if you send a message back to the client just after the websocket connection is established?
If it is the case you will have to implement some keep a live message send every minutes.
