Can't find stop button in Android Studio to stop the emulator - android-studio

I don't know how to stop the emulator. Apparently, there's supposed to be a stop button but it's not there?

You can close the running Emulator by clicking the x button at the top of the Emulator tab (see image below)

Print a list of your devices:
adb devices
Kill it using emu
adb -s emulator-5432 emu kill

You can close the Emulator by clicking the X button at the top of emulator window. I found this answer on another stack overflow thread. There they've provided a complete explanation along with the original documentation. If you want you can check out that answer here

I know of no other way than the command line, as #Tian said. Closing the emulator window has no effect as far as I know...
To add more explanation:
open a terminal window (either the AS one or any other, as long as adb commands are available)
list the running connected devices with: adb devices
identify your emulator in the resulting list (usually in the form of: emulator-5556 device)
now kill the emulator with: adb -s emulator-5556 emu kill (replace the name of your own emulator in the command of course)
You'll see a confirmation message like OK: killing emulator, bye bye
enter code here

no stop button in bumblebee I also failed to find a way to stop it pressing the power button for long shows options lockdown poweroff and restart which in my case didnt work checked avd location lock file was created so finally killed it through taskmanager by ending qemu task


Why my python script sometimes stopping and waiting for keypress?

I noticed something on my script. Sometimes it stops and when I press any keys on my keyboard it resumes. I didnt put any keypress command on my script. It's running on a windows vps.
Any idea why is this happening?
I found the issue. When i clicked on the terminal the script pauses. To fix this go to terminal properties then uncheck the quick edit.

Android Monitor- Monitors not working

I have a problem with android monitors (CPU,GPU, ... )
I use Genymotion and no run. Monitors do nothing.
I have enabled adb integration.
But not run.
I finded the problem.
in the second "menu" I need find your pacage. for scanning cpu/gpu..
on the screen upper I have red title No debbugable. and here i need find pacage my running app.

running x11 on cygwin, all terminals stuck at one corner

I am trying to run x11 on cygwin, mainly to run xfig utility, and I am facing a problem.
When I run xinit to start x11, I get a big popup window with one terminal open. But I am unable to open any other terminals in it. To be more specific, when I run "xterm &" in it, a new terminal opens up but it sits on top of the old terminal, and there is no way I can move this window, so the old terminal is as good as useless to me, till I kill the new terminal.
I also tried running "xwin". There a big window popped up, but it does not contain any terminal, and I cant open any terminal, whether by left or right clicking.
I also tried running "startx". A big window opens up but gets killed automatically after a few seconds.
How can I use x11 effectively on cygwin? As of now, I can use with "xinit", but with only one terminal.
The proper mode to start the Xserver on cygwin is to use starxwin.
From its manual:
The startxwin script is a front end to xinit(1) that provides a
some what nicer user interface for running a single session of the X Window
System in multiwindow mode. It is often run with no arguments.
To move windows around, you need to have a window manager running. You can start this either from the xterm, by passing the name of the window manager as an argument to startx, or by starting it from your X11 startup configuration (memory says that would be ".xinitrc" in your home directory on most unix boxes, but I am not sure if that's true on Windows using Cygwin). The .xinitrc file is "just" a shell-script, with the end of the script indicating "X should shut the server down now" (see example at the end).
There are many possible window managers, including fvwm2 (which according to your comment, you managed to find on your own). A full list of X11 window managers is probably too long to fit in this answer (there are many, there are new ones popping up, and old ones going out of maintenance on an ongoing basis). Some of the not entirely uncommon ones are fvwm2 (already mentioned), cinnamon, twm, ctwm, ratpoison, ... For a more up-to-date list, ask your favourite search engine for "list of X11 window managers".
Example .xinitrc file:
# This is an example .xinitrc file, starting first an xterm,
# then a window manager. As the X server terminates when this script
# does, we start the X terminal in the background, but the window
# manager in the foreground, so that "WM exists" signals "X server shuts down"
xterm &

How to cleanly kill Ubuntu onboard keyboard with keystroke from the onboard keyboard

I am trying to close the Ubuntu onscreen keyboard named onboard with a command entered by that keyboard. What happens is if I type a kill command such as the following using the onscreen keyboard itself. . .
killall onboard
and then hit Enter again on the onscreen keyboard, I get continuous Enter hits on the terminal I was on. It's like I unplugged a physical keyboard and it keeps thinking I'm hitting the key I depressed as it was being unplugged.
I can't find any documentation online for how to do this any better so I thought I would ask here. I've tried the following sending the following kill signals which all have the same behavior: 1 (SIGHUP), 2 (SIGINT), 9 (SIGKILL), 15 (SIGTERM), and 24 (SIGXCPU).
Any ideas? I'm hoping I'm missing something obvious. . .
So I found the answer:
Once you have onboard 0.99 installed and running, you can execute the following two commands to show and hide the keyboard respectively without having to kill the process:
dbus-send --type=method_call --dest=org.onboard.Onboard /org/onboard/Onboard/Keyboard org.onboard.Onboard.Keyboard.Show
dbus-send --type=method_call --dest=org.onboard.Onboard /org/onboard/Onboard/Keyboard org.onboard.Onboard.Keyboard.Hide
This solved all my problems in a way better than just killing it.

Debian Start Qt GUI application with no desktop

I have Debian 2.6 running on a SBC that I plan on using in an embedded setup. What I need to do is configure it so that linux will start up and run just my Qt GUI application. Do I need a window manager to do this or can I just do it with X11. Also because it is going to be for an embedded system I do not want to load any desktop manager. Any info on how this can be done would be great!
Yes you can do this without a window manager.
first: You need to boot into a non X session, init level 1 or 3.
second: You need to start the X server, in a basic mode by just calling X or xinit.
third: Start your app. You may need to take a little more control over where your app is positioned on the screen and its dimensions in your code, as you will not have a window manager to help with this.
alternatively: you can launch one of the more basic window managers to see how they play with your system. Motif Window Manager (mwm) and Tab Window Manager (twm)
Note: While working without a window manager, you may get into a state where you cannot do some very basic operations (ex: close a window, move a window, resize a window). You may find that you cannot survive without at least some of the more basic window management functions. Until you close the loop on this, remember, Ctrl + Alt + Backspace will kill the XServer.
If you want to start your app just with X11, you need do:
copy file /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc to ~/.xinitrc
write all you want to run to it
run command startx
It worked for me and I hope it will help you
