How Prettier works In JHipster? - jhipster

To use HTTPS, I uncomment the server.port:433 section in the application-prod-yml file and comment out the server.port:8080 section based on the document. After the change, I get "All collection items must start at the same column" when I try to push the change to the Git server. My Idea IDE shows no other changes. I run
./mvnw verify
without any error.
Why does the error occur.


Using $CI_JOB_TOKEN Gives 404 Error On Triggering Pipelines

I am trying to trigger a pipeline using $CI_JOB_TOKEN. But it gives a 404 error everytime. Is there somebody could block CI_JOB_TOKEN from triggering a pipeline ?? at access levels ??
curl --request POST --form "token=$CI_JOB_TOKEN" --form ref=master
For me using the CI_JOB_TOKEN also returned a 404 error for a private repository. When I instead executed the same command using a pipeline trigger token (Settings > CI/CD/ Pipeline triggers) it works as expected.
A similar problem is described in this issue
Just for clarification: You have to generate the token in the other project and then set it as a custom ci variable e.g. PIPELINE_TRIGGER_TOKEN in the project where you want to use it. Then in the curl request within .gitlab-ci.yml replace CI_JOB_TOKEN with PIPELINE_TRIGGER_TOKEN.
Could you please make sure the ref=master is correct? Recently master was changed to main your API call might be hitting a non-existent branch hence 404
Check also your GitLab version:
With GitLab 14.1 (July 2021), you have:
Default branch name redirect
Default branch name redirect
As part of the larger effort to rename Git’s default initial branch in a GitLab project from master to main, we are adding an automatic redirect to streamline the transition. Previously, when projects renamed the default branch, current URLs would result in 404 Not Found. This is a frustrating experience when you are trying to navigate between branches. Now, if you navigate to a file or directory path whose default branch was renamed, you will be redirected to the updated path automatically.
See Documentation and Issue.
So your problem might not exist with 14.1.

CMIS Workbench Error running Query - Sharepoint 2013

We are trying to run a simple query on a list (Sharepoint 2013) on Workbench but we are getting the "Connection:Redirects are not supported (HTTP status code 302):" error. What's weird is that we can run queries on other list except one named "AP Document".
We have also tried on on Visual Studio but is now getting the "Unauthorized error". With this we had set the permission to all lists to default but am still getting an error. We had also tried deleting the list and re-creating it but still no go.
What are we doing wrong with this one list? Here's a log to check the codes. Please help.
ERROR hemistry.opencmis.workbench.ClientHelper:
CmisConnectionException: Redirects are not supported (HTTP status code
302): Found
Redirects are not supported (HTTP status code 302): Found at
It seems that it was a file within the list that was causing the error. When you try to run a query within that list that excludes that file -- everything works fine.
Had to just remove and reupload it to fix the issue. but still curious why that is because the file can still be opened and viewed with no error on sharepoint but is getting the Unauthorize or Connection error when accessed thru CMIS...

Cannot run XSocket WebRTC example - vs2013

I am trying to run the XSockets WebRTC example found here:
The package installs and displays index.html, however the websockets server does not appear to start. This seems to work since I renamed the CustomBroker to CustomBrokerController.
A couple notes:
1.) I am running Visual Studio 2013 which appears to self host apps under IIS Express only. Per the application readme file, I should be running under Visual Studio Development Server:
Right click the project and select properties.
Under the "Web" tab go to the "Servers" section and set Use Visual Studio Development Server
Is this a problem, if so - how to fix it?
2.) index.html contains this line: conn = new XSockets.WebSocket('ws://');
There is no controller named "Broker" in the controller subfolder under the WebRTCSample folder. Though the remote and local video seems to work, none of my breakpoints are getting hit on the CustomBroker controller. Now I noticed that the CustomBroker class under the controller folder does not have the "Controller" name connected to it as in "CustomBrokerController". I renamed it from "CustomBroker" to "CustomBrokerController" and now I am hitting breakpoints, but on the client index.html page, if I open up two separate windows and pass the same context as querystring the remote video section does not display. The weird thing is that from the console on the client side, I see an object array that seems to hold a list of the connections and seems to accurately reflect the amount of remote connections I have.
3.) I added a XSocketsBootstrapper per the readme file. I added this file to the App_Start folder as per the instructions.
I created a new project and added XSockets.WebRTC files using the library manager. I hit the home controller to invoke the BootStrapper and the breakpoint triggered. It also hit the breakpoints for the CustomBroker after I changed the name from Broker to CustomBroker. Now, after I refresh the index.html page, none of the breakpoints are called from the CustomBroker. Should this be happening? I would think that when this line is reached in javascript, peerBroker = new XSockets.WebSocket("ws://"); the controller events would fire. Am I missing something?
Just to be sure I tried it my self without any issues.
Renaming CustomBroker to CustomBrokerController will do make any difference since the Controller part is a suffix.
Lost you in step 2, will try your exact steps later and let you know the result.

Gitlab commit messages

We're using Gitlab for source control, and MantisBT for issue tracking (boss's orders!)
Now we want to implement some kind of regex in the Gitlab commit messages, when a commit contains 'Mantis#1' that it automaticly generates a URL to http://mantis.local/view.php?id=1
Is this possible in Gitlab, (without having to write in Ruby?), and if so, how ?
It's impossible without writing code. As variant you can try change config file:
Here described logic for Internal issue trackers. Here described rules for internal issue trackers. You can try configure your own tracker support.
As example (I don't know which urls in your issue tracker)
title: "MantisBT"
project_url: "http://mantis.local/projects/:issues_tracker_id"
issues_url: "http://mantis.local/view.php?id=:id"
new_issue_url: "http://mantis.local/projects/:issues_tracker_id/issues/new"

How do I get cucumber & capybara to use http:// paths instead of file:/// paths?

I'm using omniauth and cucumber with a new application. I've got omniauth up and working and am trying to add appropriate cucumber feature tests. I kept running into odd errors in testing - errors that I don't get when performing the same steps manually.
Via "show me the page" I've narrowed it down to the fact that when cucumber does anything it's doing it via a file path (e.g., file:///path/to/app/tmp/capybara/capybara-201107151148029152254898.html) instead of an http path (e.g., http://localhost:3000/).
Why would my cucumber tests go through file paths instead of http paths; and how do I fix this situation?
I can only guess that Capybara implements "show me the page" as the following steps:
Take the HTML source from the current page and write it into a file
Open that HTML file
I assume your tests are hitting your application just fine using HTTP. (You can always verify that by looking at your logfiles.) But "show me the page" cannot simply open the URL it was testing because its content might change from request to request.
Example: A test posts a comment by POSTing to /comments. If that fails for any reason and Capybara would open /comments (the URL that raised the exception), it would issue a GET request and couldn't present you the content it saw.
