CouchDB 3.2.1 Problems with manual replication - couchdb

I have two machine (one local developer with OS Ubuntu 21.0 and one remote server with OS Ubuntu 16.04.07 LTS).
On both i have the exact same couchDB version 3.2.1.
On both i have a database with same name (no partitioned).
When using fauxton in the local i can create this view:
function (d) {
d.mdc.forEach(x=>emit(x, 1));
But on remote says it cannot compile into a valid function.
I had to change it to
function (d) {
if("mdc" in d)
emit(d.mdc[x], 1);
Additionally, i use this command to replicate the _design/myviews from local to remote:
curl -X POST -d '
' -H "Content-Type: application/json"
But for few days, this does not work anymore. I tried to delete the _design/myviews in the remote but still did not work correctly.
Any suggestions to solve both problems? Thank you.


How do I verify the version of RSK running on a node?

I have RPC access to a private deployment of an RSK node,
but no direct access to the file system.
How can I check what version of the RSK node is running on that system?
Without direct access to the file system,
you cannot verify the version of RSKj (the RSK node implementation)
that is running on that machine.
However, you can check the version that it claims to be running,
using an RPC request: web3_clientVersion.
For example, using the public public node:
curl \
-H "Content-Type:application/json" \
--data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"web3_clientVersion","params":[],"id":1}' \
(replace with the
RPC endpoint URL of your target deployment.)
This should output the following:
You can then view RSKj's tagged releases on the RSKj github repo.
For example, the above output corresponds to
Note that if you see the following output:
That means you are still running an older version of the RSK node,
and prior to the Iris consensus changes,
and you should upgrade to the latest version and re-sync your blocks!

django.db.utils.DatabaseError: Error while trying to retrieve text for error ORA-01804

Q1. What versions are we using?
Python 3.6.12
OS : CentOS 7 64-bit
DB : Oracle 18c
Django 2.2
cx_Oracle : 8.1.0
Q2. Describe the problem
Ans. While running server with "python3 runserver"
application is able to contact Oracle DB and show the Django Administration page and login also works.
But when we access the application using the Apache (HTTPD) based URL over secure SSL port, we do see the Django page and the admin page as well but Login to Admin page with Internal server error.
In the logs, we see
"django.db.utils.DatabaseError: Error while trying to retrieve text for error ORA-01804"
cx_oracle is otherwise able to connect to the database properly, another application is also using the same database behind the same httpd proxy and works fine
Q3. Show the directory listing where your Oracle Client libraries are installed (e.g. the Instant Client directory). Is it 64-bit or 32-bit?
Ans. 64-bit
Q4. Show what the PATH environment variable (on Windows) or LD_LIBRARY_PATH (on Linux) is set to?
Q5. Show any Oracle environment variables set (e.g. ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_BASE).
Any suggestions/help is highly appreciated.
Thank you
I found the problem
So I just removed all the variable declarations from /etc/sysconfig/httpd and checked, the application was still able to access the lib files, so these were now redundant.
Then undid all variable declarations done earlier in .localsh and .localrc files for the os users. To start from scratch, and go step by step to see where it breaks.
So now, cx_Oracle was looking for the lib files in wrong directory
instead of
DPI-1047: Cannot locate a 64-bit Oracle Client library: "$ORACLE_HOME/client_1/lib/ cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory". See for help
I did not have any subfolder named "client_1" inside dbhome_1
so I just created a symlink client_1 that points to dbhome_1 (still unsure on this, but at least it works :) )
So, now, this error was gone but now again ORA-01804 was coming. 😑
I had read somewhere that this error can be fixed by adding "" but I did not have one on my instance, so I generated it using these commands:-
mkdir -p $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/install/instantclient/light
cd $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib
make -f igenliboci
Then I just moved this file from
$ORACLE_HOME/instantclient to $ORACLE_HOME/lib
Now there was a new error (so.. progress 😉 ):
ORA-12546 - TNS Permission Denied.
This was easy to solve 😀
I used this command to address this :-
setsebool -P httpd_can_network_connect on
And...... That was all! It worked.

Error: Status Code is 403 (MongoDB's 404) This means that the requested version-platform combination dosnt exist

beforeAll(async () => {
mongo = new MongoMemoryServer();
const mongoURI = await mongo.getConnectionString();
await mongoose.connect(mongoURI, {
useNewUrlParser: true,
useUnifiedTopology: true
For some reason mongodb-memory-server, doesn't work and it seems that it's because it's downloading mongodb for some reason? Wasn't mongodb supposed to be included with the package, what is the package downloading? How do we prevent mongodb-memory-server from downloading everytime I use it? Is there a way to make it work as it's intended?
$ npm run test
> auth#1.0.0 test C:\Users\admin\Desktop\projects\react-node-docker-kubernetes-app-two\auth
> jest --watchAll --no-cache
2020-06-06T03:12:45.207Z MongoMS:MongoMemoryServer Called MongoMemoryServer.ensureInstance() method:
2020-06-06T03:12:45.207Z MongoMS:MongoMemoryServer - no running instance, call `start()` command
2020-06-06T03:12:45.207Z MongoMS:MongoMemoryServer Called MongoMemoryServer.start() method
2020-06-06T03:12:45.214Z MongoMS:MongoMemoryServer Starting MongoDB instance with following options: {"port":51830,"dbName":"b67a9bfd-d8af-4d7f-85c7-c2fd37832f59","ip":"","storageEngine":"ephemeralForTest","dbPath":"C:\\Users\\admin\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\mongo-mem-205304KB93HW36L9ZD","tmpDir":{"name":"C:\\Users\\admin\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\mongo-mem-205304KB93HW36L9ZD"},"uri":"mongodb://"}
2020-06-06T03:12:45.217Z MongoMS:MongoBinary MongoBinary options: {"downloadDir":"C:\\Users\\admin\\Desktop\\projects\\react-node-docker-kubernetes-app-two\\auth\\node_modules\\.cache\\mongodb-memory-server\\mongodb-binaries","platform":"win32","arch":"ia32","version":"4.0.14"}
2020-06-06T03:12:45.233Z MongoMS:MongoBinaryDownloadUrl Using "" as the Archive String
2020-06-06T03:12:45.233Z MongoMS:MongoBinaryDownloadUrl Using "" as the mirror
2020-06-06T03:12:45.235Z MongoMS:MongoBinaryDownload Downloading: ""
2020-06-06T03:14:45.508Z MongoMS:MongoMemoryServer Called MongoMemoryServer.stop() method
2020-06-06T03:14:45.508Z MongoMS:MongoMemoryServer Called MongoMemoryServer.ensureInstance() method:
FAIL src/test/__test___/Routes.test.ts
● Test suite failed to run
Error: Status Code is 403 (MongoDB's 404)
This means that the requested version-platform combination dosnt exist
at ClientRequest.<anonymous> (node_modules/mongodb-memory-server-core/src/util/MongoBinaryDownload.ts:321:17)
Test Suites: 1 failed, 1 total
Tests: 0 total
Snapshots: 0 total
Time: 127.136s
Ran all test suites.
Seems you have the same issue like I have had.
Specify binary version in package.json
"config": {
"mongodbMemoryServer": {
"version": "latest"
I hope it helps.
For me, "latest" (as in accepted answer) did not work, the latest current version "4.4.1" worked:
"config": {
"mongodbMemoryServer": {
"version": "4.4.1"
For anyone getting the dreaded
Error: Status Code is 403 (MongoDB's 404)
This means that the requested version-platform combination doesn't exist
I found an easy fix.
in the package.json file we need to add an "arch" for the mongo memory server config
  "config": {
"mongodbMemoryServer": {
"debug": "1",
"arch": "x64"
the error is occurring because the URL link that mongo memory server is creating to download a binary version of mongo is wrong or inaccessible.
By adding debug we now are able to get a console log of the mongo memory server process and it should correctly download because we changed the arch variable to a one that worked for me. **You might need to change the arch depending on you system.
Without adding the arch I was able to see why it was crashing in the console log here:
MongoMS:MongoBinaryDownloadUrl Using "" as the Archive String +0ms
MongoMS:MongoBinaryDownloadUrl Using "" as the mirror +1ms
MongoMS:MongoBinaryDownload Downloading: "" +0ms
MongoMS:MongoMemoryServer Called MongoMemoryServer.stop() method +2s
MongoMS:MongoMemoryServer Called MongoMemoryServer.ensureInstance() method: +0ms
If you notice it is trying to download "" - if you visit the link you will notice it is a BROKEN LINK and that is the reason mongo memory server is failing to download.
For some reason mongo memory server was defaulting to the i386 arch, which didn't work in my case because the link was broken / inaccessible when I visited it. *normally a download should start right away when visiting a link like that.
I was able to configure the to the correct arch manually in the package.json file. Once I did that, it started to download mongo binary and ran all my tests no problem. You will even notice a console log of the download and displaying the correct download link.
You can find your system arch by going to the command prompt and typing
SET Processor
uname -a
** EDIT **
The reason I was running into this was because I was running a 32 bit version of Node.js and my Windows machine was a 64 bit system. After installing to a 64 bit version of Node.js I no longer have to specify the arch type in Package.json file.
you can find what architecture type your Node.js is by typing in your terminal:
node -p "process.arch"
Status 403 usually means that your ip is restricted from server(for example maybe your country is in sanction list like iran,syria,...).
The best solution for this challenge is to change dns to dns of vpns.
In linux just type:
sudo nano /etc/resolv.conf
And then type your dns in nameserver place.
Try this version mongodb-memory-server#6.5.1
I found a solution for this problem that worked for me.
I just set writing permissions to the binary file of mongod that is used for mongo-memory and is saved in the .cache path of your computer or in the node_modules folder.
just locale the mongod file and set writing permission to the file with chmod +x mongod

GitLab API - Unable to access file which is within a directory

I have a GitLab project which is set up as follows:
The tree of the following project is a top-level txt file and a txt file within a directory. I get the tree from the GitLab API with:
If I request the contents for top_level.txt they are returned without any issue via:
However I am unable to access myDirectory/1stLevelFile.txt with any API call I try. E.g.:"myDirectory%2F1stLevelFile.txt"?ref=master
Results in:
Not Found The requested URL /api/v4/projects/1/repository/files/myDirectory/1stLevelFile.txt was not found on this server.
Apache/2.4.25 (Debian) Server at Port 443"myDirectory/1stLevelFile.txt"?ref=master and,
Results in:
error "404 Not Found"
The versions of the components are:
GitLab 10.6.3-ee
GitLab Shell 6.0.4
GitLab Workhorse v4.0.0
GitLab API v4
Ruby 2.3.6p384
Rails 4.2.10
postgresql 9.6.8
According to my research there was a similar bug which was fixed with the 10.0.0 update.
I also added my ssh-key although I doubt it has any effect, following this advice with the same issue in php.
I eventually solved it by adjusting the apache installed on the server.
Just follow these instructions:
According to your code, I will go thinking you use curl.
If it is the case, why are you adding double quotes to your file path ?
The doc do not contains it.
Can you test it like that please ?
curl --request GET --header 'PRIVATE-TOKEN: XXXXXXXXX'

Golang Mac OSX build for Docker machine

I need to run Golang application on Docker machine.
I'm working on Mac OSX and Docker is working on top of Linux virtual machine, so binaries builded on Mac are not runnable on Docker.
I see two ways here:
cross-compile binaries on Mac for linux OS
copy project sources to docker, run 'go get' and 'go build' on it
First one is hard because of CGO (it is used in some imported libraries).
Second is very slow because of 'go get' operation.
Can you please tell me, which way is the most common in that situation? Or maybe I'm doing something wrong?
Here a solution to make cross-compile super easy even with CGO.
I stumbled upon it recently after wasting a lot of time getting a new windows build server to build my Go app.
Now I just compile it on my Mac and will create a Linux build server with it:
Many thanks to Péter Szilágyi alias karalabe for this really great package!
How to use:
have Docker running
go get
xgo --targets=windows/amd64 ./
There are lots more options!
-- edit --
Almost 3 Years later I'm not using this any more, but my docker image to build my application in a linux based CD pipeline is still based on the docker images used in xgo.
I use the first approach. Here its a gulp task the build go code. If the production flag is set, it runs GOOS=linux CGO_ENABLED=0 go build instead go build. So the binary will work inside a docker container
gulp.task('server:build', function () {
var build;
let options = {
env: {
'PATH': process.env.PATH,
'GOPATH': process.env.GOPATH
if ( {
options.env['GOOS'] = 'linux'
options.env['CGO_ENABLED'] = '0'
console.log("Compiling go binarie to run inside Docker container")
var output = ? + '/prod/bin' : + '/dev/bin';
build = child.spawnSync('go', ['build', '-o', output, "src/backend/main.go"], options);
if (build.stderr.length) {
var lines = build.stderr.toString()
.split('\n').filter(function(line) {
return line.length
for (var l in lines)
'Error (go install): ' + lines[l]
title: 'Error (go install)',
message: lines
return build;
You could create a Docker container from the distinct OS you need for your executable, and map a volume to your src directory. Run the container and make the executable from within the container. You end up with a binary that you can run on the distinct OS.
