Upgrading from jboss logging to log4j 2.17.1 is this version compatable - log4j

Where can we check the log4j version 2.17.1 compatibility with wilfly 10 server


Is there a way to update log4j to latest version?

1.How can we update log4j from older versions to latest version
2.What needs to be changed in pom.xml
3.What artifacts needs to be updated
4.Which verison of log4j is stable
5.What is the source to upgrade log4j to latest version

Can not delete object from Parse Server

I can add, get or update objects in parse-server via SDKs or Parse Dashboard but can not delete it.
It gives this error when I try
ParseError: 1 Database adapter error
Error: Database adapter error
I migrate my DB from mLab to Mongo Atlas one month ago but I was able to delete my objects one week ago.
I checked my DB account's role and it has privilege to every action.
My current server config :
Package Current Wanted Latest Location
aws-sdk 2.713.0 2.726.0 2.726.0 parse-server-heroku
bad-words 1.6.5 1.6.5 3.0.3 parse-server-heroku
datauri 1.1.0 1.1.0 3.0.0 parse-server-heroku
express-graphql 0.6.12 0.6.12 0.11.0 parse-server-heroku
graphql 0.11.7 0.11.7 15.3.0 parse-server-heroku
jdenticon 1.8.0 1.8.0 3.0.1 parse-server-heroku
kerberos 0.0.23 0.0.23 1.1.3 parse-server-heroku
mongodb 2.2.36 2.2.36 3.6.0 parse-server-heroku
newrelic 2.9.1 2.9.1 6.11.0 parse-server-heroku
nodemon 1.19.4 1.19.4 2.0.4 parse-server-heroku
onesignal-node 2.1.1 2.1.1 3.1.5 parse-server-heroku
parse 1.10.2 1.10.2 2.15.0 parse-server-heroku
parse-server 2.7.2 2.7.2 4.3.0 parse-server-heroku
request-promise 4.2.5 4.2.6 4.2.6 parse-server-heroku
uuid 3.4.0 3.4.0 8.3.0 parse-server-heroku
xml2json 0.11.2 0.11.2 0.12.0 parse-server-heroku
A Database adapter error just means that the delete operation failed for some reason, but it won't tell you more than that. You have two options:
Look into the MongoDB logs in Atlas, you may have to change the MongoDB log level, more on that in the Atlas docs.
Debug Parse Server and set a breakpoint at the point where the error message appears to look at the original error response from MongoDB Atlas for more info.
In general, I suggest to upgrade Parse Server to the latest version, since a lot has happened since v2.7.2. Although I can't think of any breaking changes (other than MongoDB 3.6. is not officially supported anymore), it may solve the error.

Cannot install java module for my nodejs app in amazon ec2 instance

I am using node 4X ,python 2.7.10 ,java jdk 8.I have installed all dependencies like gcc .
The build error is as below
Why is the build failing. I had no problem with it on my windows machine.
You're installing an older version of the jdbc module that depends on an older version of the java module that does not support node v4+. Update the jdbc dependency version and it should work.

Npm package upgrade notification availlable?

I wrote a node package which contains breaking changes in the next release. Does there exist a way to notify developers about that via console while upgrading via npm?
I don't think there is a solution to inform the via console, but if your new version is given by an new "major" number, it should not break the code.
Breaking example
Client dependency: ~1.2.2
Your old version: 1.2.2
Your new version: 1.2.3
The client will upgrade to version 1.2.3.
Not breaking example
User dependency: ~1.2.2
Your old version: 1.2.2
Your new version: 1.3.0
The client will not upgrade.

Upgrade cassandra cql spec

Is there any way to upgrade cassandra cql spec version from 3.1.1 to 3.1.4 without upgrading cassandra itself?
We are using cassandra version 2.0.9 and haven't found any documentation related to this issue.
