Change the number format change the value of the number - twig

I have a "salaire" object that I display on the twig side.
{{ salaire.getMontant_euros_revalorise() }}
Note: salaire.getMontant_euros_revalorise() is a float.
it displays this :
It is an american display, I would like to change it to a european display meaning that the comma is a point and the point a comma.
So i tried to use this :
{{ salaire.getMontant_euros_revalorise()|number_format(2, ",", ".") }}
Unfortunatly, it changes the value of the number. It displays this:
So from twenty thousand six hundred eighty five point zero five we go to twenty.
I dont know why it does that but does somebody know how to chnage correctly the point and comma signs ? having at the end :

If getMontant_euros_revalorise actually returns 20,685.05 without any modification, then you have stored a string, not a float. So the best way to solve this, is to be sure you store the data as a real number/float rather than a string or determine where your code is already modifying the value
If this is not possible, then you would need to replace the comma before applying the filter.
{{ foo|replace({',': '',})|number_format(2, ',', '.') }}


How to Automatically add thousand separators for every number in a string?

How can i create a thousand separator for every number which is in my string?
So for example this string:
string = "123456,78+1234"
should be displayed as:
TextView = "123.456,78+1.234"
And the string should be editable, so the thousand separator should adapt when i remove or add a digit.
I have already read all the posts I could find about it, but I could never find an up-to-date working answer. So I would be really grateful for your help!
Your question contains two sub-questions:
A. You want to add thousand separators to a string which contains a group of numbers.
B. You want it to change.
And the answers are:
A: In your example there's , as a delimiter, so you need to split the string using this delimiter to an array of strings.
Then iterate over them and have your dots added to every 3nth index of their characters; you can also use String.format("%,d", substr.toLong()).
Lastly, append all of the strings back together with , as the separator.
B: This one can be done in different ways. You may store the original string somewhere and observe it, so when it changes it goes to the function which does A, and use the function result the way you like (which I suppose is to be set in a TextView).

How to extract string value based on delimiters

I need help with an Excel formula to extract a value from a string, based on delimiters.
This is the string I would like to extract the first 10 fields from: ES_ABC_FACEBOOK_SocialImage_FACEBOOK_Reach(CPM)_DEM_18-45_Apr19_abc_def_ghi
In other words, I would need to get ES_ABC_FACEBOOK_SocialImage_FACEBOOK_Reach(CPM)_DEM_18-45_Apr19_abc
Bearing in mind that the number of fields (separated by delimiters) may vary in the dataset but that I need to consistently only pick up the first 10 fields and drop however many fields are succeeding the 10th field.
Thanks in advance!
You could try this:
=LEFT(<your cell>,FIND("||",SUBSTITUTE(<your cell>,"_","||",10))-1)
e.g. =LEFT(A1,FIND("||",SUBSTITUTE(A1,"_","||",10))-1)
The formula finds the 10th underscore, and the gives you all the characters up to it (minus the underscore).
If you need to change how many fields it gives you back, change the 10. The -1 at the end just removes the final underscore. Of note, the || is just a simple set of characters I can't imagine will ever appear in your strings. If it does, something else will need to be selected.
Lastly, if some of your strings will have less than 10 fields, try:
=IF(ISERROR(FIND("||",SUBSTITUTE(<your cell>,"_","||",10))-1),<your cell>,LEFT(<your cell>,FIND("||",SUBSTITUTE(<your cell>,"_","||",10))-1))
This gives you the whole string in the event that there are less than 10 fields.
Hope that helps.

My database won't accept strings with letters

I'm using Mariadb and have the table setup with VARCHAR(30). When I insert a string containing numbers like "192" and then select it I'm able to print out 192. When I insert a string like "a48" it just seems to be ignored. I've tried inserting a complete letter string "a" and I still get nothing. In the Mariadb documentation for VARCHAR(M) I found this:
"If a unique index consists of a column where trailing pad characters are stripped or ignored, inserts into that column where values differ only by the number of trailing pad characters will result in a duplicate-key error"
I'm not sure if that could have anything to do with it? I am using letters just to make it easier to parse the data on my client side program. If I don't find a solution I will probably just pad it on the server after selecting.
Does anybody have any suggestions on what's going on here, or things I could try to find the problem?
Assuming that melon is the column to receive the string, then you should put single quotes around the $melon variable in the query, like this:
query("REPLACE INTO state (id, melon, image) VALUES (1, '$melon', $image)");
String values should be surrounded by single quotes; numeric values don't need to be.
Because the target column is a varchar(30) the value should always be surrounded by single quotes. MariaDB works out what you mean when you supply a numeric value, but it doesn't understand an alphanumeric value without single quotes. Both will work if you use single quotes, as shown.
To avoid SQL injection errors, it is better to use prepared statements, as described at

Search for something in a HTML-String via Python

I have a HTML-String with the following content:
<div class="icon-box">
<div class="result"></div>
<div class="count">#1244587 - 16</div>
This pattern is repeated hundreds of times only with, logically, other numbers. The first/left numbers have always the same amount of digits and the second/right ones have one or two digits.
Now i need the two numbers separately in a tabel. Each in a separate column. I tried to do this with / re.findall but i have problems with the '<' and '#'.
I use split() to search strings like that. Isolate that third line then
to get "#1244587 - 16 ..." then since you know that the left numbers will always have 7 digits, you can take that string and do string[1:7] to get the left number. Then do
to get rid of that last "<". You can then convert them to floats and append them to a list to make a table out of them.

How in Excel to Remove only 1st comma (exact character, symbol or string)

I have numbers witch when is 1000 then has comma "," before hundreds like 1,234,00
How to remove 1st comma or make 2nd to appear so it would be 1234,00 or in excel as it works as number if has only space then with space or comma?
I have formula so far for getting number
=MID(LEFT($A604;FIND(" on ";$A604)-1);FIND("?";$A604)+1;LEN($A604))*1
And for removing all i put it in substitute to remove commas but that makes number wrong higher like 123400
=SUBSTITUTE(MID(LEFT($A604;FIND(" on ";$A604)-1);FIND("?";$A604)+1;LEN($A604));",";"")*1
The issue is the format #,##0, puts a comma before every third number. You need to treat it as a string
Try this in B2:
Depending on your use it might be best to remove the IF
