Question on measuring the time taken for a process pool execution - python-3.x

I am trying to see how much time it takes to perform the same action using a ProcessPool and a ThreadPool. The action is to make 1000 API call and return a JSON object. While doing this via ThreadPool, it takes about 68s. But the same takes only 0.2s with process pool. This makes me think if I am measuring the time incorrectly. Any thoughts on this would be helpful. I am pasting my code below for your reference:
def geturl(url):
#print("The process",os.getpid()," is working on this URL")
return data['albumId']
# Approach two: Using a Process Pool
with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) as P:
process_futures={P.submit(geturl,url):url for url in urls}
for P_future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(process_futures):
# Approach one: Using a Thread Pool
import concurrent.futures
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=10) as thread:
thread_futures={thread.submit(geturl,url):url for url in urls}
for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(thread_futures):


how to use Flask with multiprocessing

Concretely, I'm using Flask to process a request, pseudocode like this:
from flask import Flask, request
app = Flask(__name__)
#app.route("/foo", methods=["POST"])
def foo():
data = request.get_json() # {"request_id": "abc", "data": "some text"}
result_a = do_task_a(data) # returns {"result_a": "a"}, maybe about 1 second to finish
result_b = do_task_b(data) # returns {"result_b": "b"}, maybe about 1 second to finish
result_c = do_task_c(data) # returns {"result_c": "c"}, maybe about 1 second to finish
result = {
"result_a": result_a["result_a"],
"result_b": result_b["result_b"],
"result_c": result_c["result_c"]}
return result'', port=4000, threaded=False)
Here, do_task_a, do_task_b, do_task_c are completely independent subtasks, I know I can use multiprocessing.Process to create processes to finish these three subtasks, and use join() to wait for subtask done, But I don't know it's proper way to create Process for every request?
Maybe I can use multiprocessing.Queue to help, But I don't find a good way.
I search for multiprocessing, but can't figure out a good solution.
I'm not a python guy, but indeed creating processes is sn expensive operation
If its possible - create threads they're cheaper than processes.
If you run the request multiple times - you can do even better than that, because creating threads per request is still quite expensive
Even more advanced setup is to create a "pre-loaded" thread pool. Like N threads that you always keep in memory ready for running arriving task.
In terms of technical solution I've found This article that explains how to create thread pools in python 3.2+

How do I retrieve data from a Django DB before sending off Celery task to remote worker?

I have a celery shared_task that is scheduled to run at certain intervals. Every time this task is run, it needs to first retrieve data from the Django DB in order to complete the calculation. This task may or may not be sent to a celery worker that is on a separate machine, so in the celery task I can't make any queries to a local celery database.
So far I have tried using signals to accomplish it, since I know that functions with the wrapper #before_task_publish are executed before the task is even published in the message queue. However, I don't know how I can actually get the data to the task.
def run_computation(data):
def receiver_before_task_publish(sender=None, headers=None, body=None, **kwargs):
data = create_data()
# How do I get the data to the task from here?
Is this the right way to approach this in the first place? Or would I be better off making an API route that the celery task can get to retrieve the data?
I'm posting the solution that worked for me, thanks for the help #solarissmoke.
What works best for me is utilizing Celery "chain" callback functions and separate RabbitMQ queues for designating what would be computed locally and what would be computed on the remote worker.
My solution looks something like this:
def create_data_task():
# this creates the data to be passed to the analysis function
return create_data()
def perform_computation_task(data):
# This performs the computation with given data
return perform_computation(data)
def store_results(result):
# This would store the result in the DB here, but for now we just print it
def run_all_computation():
task = signature("", queue="default") | signature("", queue="remote_computation") | signature("", queue="default")
Its important to note here that these tasks were not run serially; they were in fact separate tasks that are run by the workers and therefore do not block a single thread. The other tasks are only activated by a callback function from the others. I declared two celery queues in RabbitMQ, a default one called default, and one specifically for remote computation called "remote_computation". This is described explicitly here including how to point celery workers at created queues.
It is possible to modify the task data in place, from the before_task_publish handler, so that it gets passed to the task. I will say upfront that there are many reasons why this is not a good idea:
def receiver_before_task_publish(sender=None, headers=None, body=None, **kwargs):
data = create_data()
# Modify the body of the task data.
# Body is a tuple, the first entry of which is a tuple of arguments to the task.
# So we replace the first argument (data) with our own.
body[0][0] = data
# Alternatively modify the kwargs, which is a bit more explicit
body[1]['data'] = data
This works, but it should be obvious why it's risky and prone to breakage. Assuming you have control over the task call sites I think it would be better to drop the signal altogether and just have a simple function that does the work for you, i.e.,:
def create_task(data):
data = create_data()
And then in your calling code, just call create_task(data) instead of calling the task directly (which is what you presumably do right now).

Is at a good idea to use ThreadPoolExecutor with one worker?

I have a simple rest service which allows you to create task. When a client requests a task - it returns a unique task number and starts executing in a separate thread. The easiest way to implement it
class Executor:
def __init__(self, max_workers=1):
self.executor = ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers)
def execute(self, body, task_number):
# some logic
def some_rest_method(request):
body = json.loads(request.body)
task_id = generate_task_id()
return Response({'taskId': task_id})
Is it a good idea to create each time ThreadPoolExecutor with one (!) workers if i know than one request - is one new task (new thread). Perhaps it is worth putting them in the queue somehow? Maybe the best option is to create a regular stream every time?
Is it a good idea to create each time ThreadPoolExecutor...
No. That completely defeats the purpose of a thread pool. The reason for using a thread pool is so that you don't create and destroy a new thread for every request. Creating and destroying threads is expensive. The idea of a thread pool is that it keeps the "worker thread(s)" alive and re-uses it/them for each next request.
...with just one thread
There's a good use-case for a single-threaded executor, though it probably does not apply to your problem. The use-case is, you need a sequence of tasks to be performed "in the background," but you also need them to be performed sequentially. A single-thread executor will perform the tasks, one after another, in the same order that they were submitted.
Perhaps it is worth putting them in the queue somehow?
You already are putting them in a queue. Every thread pool has a queue of pending tasks. When you submit a task (i.e., executor.execute(...)) that puts the task into the queue.
what's the best my case?
The bones of a simplistic server look something like this (pseudo-code):
POOL = ThreadPoolExecutor(...with however many threads seem appropriate...)
def service():
socket = create_a_socket_that_listens_on_whatever_port()
while True:
client_connection = socket.accept()
POOL.submit(request_handler, connection=connection)
def request_handler(connection):
request = receive_request_from(connection)
reply = generate_reply_based_on(request)
send_reply_to(reply, connection)
def main():
Of course, there are many details that I have left out. I can't design it for you. Especially not in Python. I've written servers like this in other languages, but I'm pretty new to Python.

Performance difference between multithread using queue and futures.ThreadPoolExecutor using list in python3?

I was trying various approaches with python multi-threading to see which one fits my requirements. To give an overview, I have a bunch of items that I need to send to an API. Then based on the response, some of the items will go to a database and all the items will be logged; e.g., for an item if the API returns success, that item will only be logged but when it returns failure, that item will be sent to database for future retry along with logging.
Now based on the API response I can separate out success items from failure and make a batch query with all failure items, which will improve my database performance. To do that, I am accumulating all requests at one place and trying to perform multithreaded API calls(since this is an IO bound task, I'm not even thinking about multiprocessing) but at the same time I need to keep track of which response belongs to which request.
Coming to the actual question, I tried two different approaches which I thought would give nearly identical performance, but there turned out to be a huge difference.
To simulate the API call, I created an API in my localhost with a 500ms sleep(for avg processing time). Please note that I want to start logging and inserting to database after all API calls are complete.
Approach - 1(With threading.Thread and queue.Queue())
import requests
import datetime
import threading
import queue
def target(data_q):
while not data_q.empty():
response = requests.get("")
if __name__ == "__main__":
data_q = queue.Queue()
for i in range(0, 20):
start =
num_thread = 5
for _ in range(num_thread):
worker = threading.Thread(target=target(data_q))
print('Time taken multi-threading: '+str( - start))
I tried with 5, 10, 20 and 30 times and the results are below correspondingly,
Time taken multi-threading: 0:00:06.625710
Time taken multi-threading: 0:00:13.326969
Time taken multi-threading: 0:00:26.435534
Time taken multi-threading: 0:00:40.737406
What shocked me here is, I tried the same without multi-threading and got almost same performance.
Then after some googling around, I was introduced to futures module.
Approach - 2(Using concurrent.futures)
def fetch_url(im_url):
response = requests.get(im_url)
return response.status_code
except Exception as e:
if __name__ == "__main__":
data = []
for i in range(0, 20):
start =
urls = ["" + str(item) for item in data]
with futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=5) as executor:
responses =, urls)
for ret in responses:
print('Time taken future concurrent: ' + str( - start))
Again with 5, 10, 20 and 30 times and the results are below correspondingly,
Time taken future concurrent: 0:00:01.276891
Time taken future concurrent: 0:00:02.635949
Time taken future concurrent: 0:00:05.073299
Time taken future concurrent: 0:00:07.296873
Now I've heard about asyncio, but I've not used it yet. I've also read that it gives even better performance than futures.ThreadPoolExecutor().
Final question, If both approaches are using threads(or so I think) then why there is a huge performance gap? Am I doing something terribly wrong? I looked around. Was not able to find a satisfying answer. Any thoughts on this would be highly appreciated. Thanks for going through the question.
[Edit 1]The whole thing is running on python 3.8.
[Edit 2] Updated code examples and execution times. Now they should run on anyone's system.
The documentation of ThreadPoolExecutor explains in detail how many threads are started when the max_workers parameter is not given, as in your example. The behaviour is different depending on the exact Python version, but the number of tasks started is most probably more than 3, the number of threads in the first version using a queue. You should use futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers= 3) to compare the two approaches.
To the updated Approach - 1 I suggest to modify the for loop a bit:
for _ in range(num_thread):
target_to_run= target(data_q)
print('target to run: {}'.format(target_to_run))
worker = threading.Thread(target= target_to_run)
The output will be like this:
target to run: None
target to run: None
target to run: None
target to run: None
target to run: None
Time taken multi-threading: 0:00:10.846368
The problem is that the Thread constructor expects a callable object or None as its target. You do not give it a callable, rather queue processing happens on the first invocation of target(data_q) by the main thread, and 5 threads are started that do nothing because their target is None.

Multi Thread Requests Python3

I have researched a lot on this topic but the problem is am not able to figure out how to send multi-threading post requests using python3
names = ["dfg","dddfg","qwed"]
for name in names :
res =,data=name)
Here I want to send all these names and I want to use multi threading to make it faster.
Solution 1 - concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor fixed number of threads
Using a custom function (request_post) you can do almost anything.
import concurrent
import requests
def request_post(url, data):
return, data=data)
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: # optimally defined number of threads
res = [executor.submit(request_post, url, data) for data in names]
res will be list of request.Response for each request made wrapped on Future instances. To access the request.Response you need to use res[index].result() where index size is len(names).
Future objects give you better control on the responses received, like if it completed correctly or there was an exception or time-out etc. More about here
You don't take risk of problems related to high number of threads (solution 2).
Solution 2 - multiprocessing.dummy.Pool and spawn one thread for each request
Might be usefull if you are not requesting a lot of pages and also or if the response time is quite slow.
from multiprocessing.dummy import Pool as ThreadPool
import itertools
import requests
with ThreadPool(len(names)) as pool: # creates a Pool of 3 threads
res = pool.starmap(,names))
pool.starmap - is used to pass (map) multiple arguments to one function ( that is gonna be called by a list of Threads (ThreadPool). It will return a list of request.Response for each request made.
intertools.repeat(url) is needed to make the first argument be repeated the same number of threads being created.
names is the second argument of so it's gonna work without needing to explicitly use the optional parameter data. Its len must be the same of the number of threads being created.
This code will not work if you needed to call another parameter like an optional one
