what does fork/exec : permission denied mean? - linux

I am building a container inside of a container(Gitlab runner kubernetes pod) but it keeps failing.
The Dockerfile of the container to build is:
FROM ubuntu
USER root
RUN ["touch", "hello"]
RUN touch test
CMD ["echo", "hello"]
it fails in the line RUN ["touch", "hello"] with:
process exited with error: fork/exec /usr/bin/touch: permission deniedsubprocess exited with status 1
When I comment that line out it fails in the next one with:
process exited with error: fork/exec /bin/sh: permission deniedsubprocess exited with status 1
The user is root so there should be no permission errors and since im building FROM ubuntu the exec flags for /bin are set.
So what does the error message mean?


EclipseCDT will not debug executable: Error creating process

I just installed EclipseCDT 2022-12, created the HelloWorld example app, compiled, but when I debug I get an error. I have both current MSYS2 (MinGW64) and Cygwin64 installed, neither environment works and fails with the same error:
Error in final launch sequence:
Failed to execute MI command:
Error message from debugger back end:
Error creating process /cygdrive/c/Windows/system32/C:/Projects/cc3135/hello/C:/Projects/cc3135/hello/Debug/hello.exe, (error 2).
Failed to execute MI command:
Error message from debugger back end:
Error creating process /cygdrive/c/Windows/system32/C:/Projects/cc3135/hello/C:/Projects/cc3135/hello/Debug/hello.exe, (error 2).
Error creating process /cygdrive/c/Windows/system32/C:/Projects/cc3135/hello/C:/Projects/cc3135/hello/Debug/hello.exe, (error 2).
Any suggestions?
P.S. The hello executable runs fine in cmd.exe and under gdb.

Error spawning command line “dbus-launch --autolaunch="xyz" --binary-syntax --close-stderr”: Child process exited with code 1

I've been getting this error on multiple occasions.
When I enter sudo mousepad I get the following output.
[privileged#arched ~]$ sudo mousepad
(mousepad:981): Mousepad-CRITICAL **: 14:12:48.549: Failed to initialize xfconf: Error spawning command line “dbus-launch --autolaunch=91073612dabc1ec21befa5a96098e9f6 --binary-syntax --close-stderr”: Child process exited with code 1
This error can also be seen when I try to meddle with the preferences of gedit.
First I enter sudo gedit Which works fine and launches gedit. But when I try to change anything in the prefrence section such as the background colour or text size, It doesn't work and the see the following error in the terminal
sudo gedit
(gedit:1104): dconf-WARNING **: 14:17:39.365: failed to commit changes to dconf: Error spawning command line “dbus-launch --autolaunch=91073612dabc1ec21befa5a96098e9f6 --binary-syntax --close-stderr”: Child process exited with code 1
(gedit:1104): dconf-WARNING **: 14:17:39.373: failed to commit changes to dconf: Error spawning command line “dbus-launch --autolaunch=91073612dabc1ec21befa5a96098e9f6 --binary-syntax --close-stderr”: Child process exited with code 1
** (gedit:1104): WARNING **: 14:17:39.528: Error loading plugin: libaspell.so.15: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
(gedit:1104): dconf-WARNING **: 14:17:45.296: failed to commit changes to dconf: Error spawning command line “dbus-launch --autolaunch=91073612dabc1ec21befa5a96098e9f6 --binary-syntax --close-stderr”: Child process exited with code 1
Here's some information that I think might be useful
[privileged#arched ~]$ dbus-launch
[privileged#arched ~]$ cat /etc/machine-id
Is the problem with my terminal since it tried spawing it but failed? I am really lost here.

Unable to run nvidia-docker. docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed:

I was trying to re-implement this code from Github and it requires me to install nvidia-docker and run it. The installation of nvidia-docker seemed successful. However, when I run the command nvidia-docker run -it --ipc=host deep-colorization, it throws the following error::
docker: Error response from daemon: OCI runtime create failed: container_linux.go:349: starting container process caused "process_linux.go:449: container init caused \"process_linux.go:432: running prestart hook 1 caused \\\"error running hook: exit status 1, stdout: , stderr: nvidia-container-cli: initialization error: driver error: failed to process request\\\\n\\\"\"": unknown.
ERRO[0002] error waiting for container: context canceled
I am not sure what the error means as I don't have any previous experience with the docker ecosystem. Any kind of assistance is appreciated. I am running Ubuntu 18 by the way.
Thanking you in advance.

Error encountered while starting the network in hyperledger

I received this error upon starting my network.
Command Used :
./byfn.sh up
Operating System :
Windows 10 pro
Error :
OCI runtime exec failed: exec failed: container_linux.go:348: starting
container process caused "exec: \"scripts/script.sh\": stat
scripts/script.sh: no such file or directory": unknown ERROR !!!! Test

What causes BitBake worker processes to exit unexpectedly?

I have a BitBake build process that runs on a Docker container (CentOS 7). The BitBake fails during recipe gcc-cross-i586-5.2.0-r0: task do_compile on each run that I try it in.
An example of bitbake's output:
NOTE: recipe gcc-cross-i586-5.2.0-r0: task do_compile: Started
ERROR: Worker process (367) exited unexpectedly (-9), shutting down...
ERROR: Worker process (367) exited unexpectedly (-9), shutting down...
ERROR: Worker process (367) exited unexpectedly (-9), shutting down...
ERROR: Worker process (367) exited unexpectedly (-9), shutting down...
NOTE: Tasks Summary: Attempted 1538 tasks of which 17 didn't need to be rerun and all succeeded.
Is this a problem with recipe gcc-cross-i586-5.2.0-r0: task do_compile? Perhaps an out-of-memory error? I don't know what the -9 refers to or how to find out more information about it.
$ bitbake -c cleansstate gcc-cross ; bitbake -k gcc-cross
How much you have memory of ram?
Report log error here.
This worked for me,
Edit conf/local.conf and decrease the number of working threads by adding the following to you conf/local.conf file (under the build directory):
Just a long shot, -9 in kernel land means EBADF (bad file number.) Is it possible you have done some operations as root and some files are not accessible during the build? Is the issue reproducible? ie. can you rm -rf tmp and does it happen again? Make sure you don't have any permissions issues in your project directory and associated file system(s).
