Regression tree - SSR Impurity measure - python-3.x

i have a code of classification desicion tree (classification), and
i'm trying to convert it to a regression tree.
i understand that i need to change the Impurity measure.
in classification i have the Gini and Entropy.
in regression i need to use SSR.
if i understand right, i need to change the information_gain function for calculating the SSR.
can someone help me understand how should i change it?
class DecisionTreeClassifier():
def __init__(self, min_samples_split=2, max_depth=2):
''' constructor '''
# the root of the tree
self.root = None
# stopping conditions
# if the num of samples became less then min sample we will stop and it will be a leaf.
# same with depth
self.min_samples_split = min_samples_split
self.max_depth = max_depth
def build_tree(self, dataset, curr_depth=0):
''' recursive function to build the tree '''
#splitting the features and target
X, Y = dataset[:,:-1], dataset[:,-1]
num_samples, num_features = np.shape(X)
# split until stopping conditions are met
if num_samples>=self.min_samples_split and curr_depth<=self.max_depth:
# find the best split
best_split = self.get_best_split(dataset, num_samples, num_features)
# check if information gain is positive, if it eq to 0 it means its pure
if best_split["info_gain"]>0:
# recursive left
left_subtree = self.build_tree(best_split["dataset_left"], curr_depth+1)
# recursive right
right_subtree = self.build_tree(best_split["dataset_right"], curr_depth+1)
# return decision node
return Node(best_split["feature_index"], best_split["threshold"],
left_subtree, right_subtree, best_split["info_gain"])
# calculate leaf node
leaf_value = self.calculate_leaf_value(Y)
# return leaf node
return Node(value=leaf_value)
def get_best_split(self, dataset, num_samples, num_features):
''' function to find the best split '''
# dictionary to store the best split
best_split = {}
#we want to maximize the and to find that we have to use a number that less then any other number
max_info_gain = -float("inf")
# loop over all the features
for feature_index in range(num_features):
feature_values = dataset[:, feature_index]
# return the unique values of particular feature
possible_thresholds = np.unique(feature_values)
# loop over all the feature values present in the data
for threshold in possible_thresholds:
# get current split
dataset_left, dataset_right = self.split(dataset, feature_index, threshold)
# check if childs are not null
if len(dataset_left)>0 and len(dataset_right)>0:
#getting the target values
y, left_y, right_y = dataset[:, -1], dataset_left[:, -1], dataset_right[:, -1]
# y = target values
# compute information gain
curr_info_gain = self.information_gain(y, left_y, right_y, "gini")
# once we get the current information gain we need the check if the currentinformation gain
#bigger then the max information gain if yes ? we need to update oyr best split
if curr_info_gain>max_info_gain:
best_split["feature_index"] = feature_index
best_split["threshold"] = threshold
best_split["dataset_left"] = dataset_left
best_split["dataset_right"] = dataset_right
best_split["info_gain"] = curr_info_gain
max_info_gain = curr_info_gain
# return best split
return best_split
def split(self, dataset, feature_index, threshold):
''' function to split the data '''
# takes the dataset and the feature index and the threshold value and split it to two parts ( left and right child)
# we will split with <> threshold
dataset_left = np.array([row for row in dataset if row[feature_index]<=threshold])
dataset_right = np.array([row for row in dataset if row[feature_index]>threshold])
return dataset_left, dataset_right
def information_gain(self, parent, l_child, r_child, mode="gini"):
''' function to compute information gain '''
# calculate the weights. child/parent
weight_l = len(l_child) / len(parent)
weight_r = len(r_child) / len(parent)
# calculate the Gini
if mode=="gini":
gain = self.gini_index(parent) - (weight_l*self.gini_index(l_child) + weight_r*self.gini_index(r_child))
gain = self.entropy(parent) - (weight_l*self.entropy(l_child) + weight_r*self.entropy(r_child))
return gain
# for that home work we do not need entropy but nice to have
'''def entropy(self, y):
# function to compute entropy
class_labels = np.unique(y)
entropy = 0
for cls in class_labels:
p_cls = len(y[y == cls]) / len(y)
entropy += -p_cls * np.log2(p_cls)
return entropy'''
def gini_index(self, y):
''' function to compute gini index '''
class_labels = np.unique(y)
gini = 0
for cls in class_labels:
p_cls = len(y[y == cls]) / len(y)
gini += p_cls**2
return 1 - gini
def calculate_leaf_value(self, Y):
''' function to compute leaf node '''
# find the most occuring element in Y
Y = list(Y)
return max(Y, key=Y.count)
def print_tree(self, tree=None, indent=" "):
''' recursive function to print the tree '''
if not tree:
tree = self.root
if tree.value is not None:
print("X_"+str(tree.feature_index), "<=", tree.threshold, "?", tree.info_gain)
print("%sleft:" % (indent), end="")
self.print_tree(tree.left, indent + indent)
print("%sright:" % (indent), end="")
self.print_tree(tree.right, indent + indent)
def fit(self, X, Y):
''' function to train the tree '''
dataset = np.concatenate((X, Y), axis=1)
self.root = self.build_tree(dataset)
def predict(self, X):
''' function to predict new dataset '''
preditions = [self.make_prediction(x, self.root) for x in X]
return preditions
def make_prediction(self, x, tree):
''' function to predict a single data point '''
if tree.value!=None: return tree.value
feature_val = x[tree.feature_index]
if feature_val<=tree.threshold:
return self.make_prediction(x, tree.left)
return self.make_prediction(x, tree.right)


multi-agent DQN learn single model for all agents

I'm trying to run a DQN for a multi-agent system, so there is one DNN for each agent.
It takes input=state [batch, state size, #time steps, #nodes], while for simplicity we assume #time steps=1. #nodes is number of agents. And output=Q-values for each agent.
The problem is that I test various stuff with this network, but it return not so consistent results. I suspect it has to do with me running separately DQN for each agent, but learning it via the same model. I sum the losses for all agents into one loss, and then it divide by their amount.
I'm not sure it is correct. I'd be grateful for any help.
Here's my code:
class DQN(nn.Module):
def __init__(self, args): #node_size, inputs, outputs, layers=[128, 64, 16]):
# state_size, n_actions = inputs, outputs
super(DQN, self).__init__()
self.model_type = args.model_type
if args.model_type == "seperate_state_DNN":
out_size = args.num_of_actions
self.shared_model = nn.Sequential()
h_sizes = [args.input_state_size] + args.layers
for k in range(len(h_sizes) - 1):
self.shared_model.add_module('k1'+str(k), nn.Linear(h_sizes[k], h_sizes[k + 1]))
self.shared_model.add_module('k2'+str(k), args.activations[args.layers_nl[k]])
self.shared_model.add_module('final', nn.Linear(h_sizes[-1], out_size))
def forward(self, input, i=None):
# input state dimension: [batch, state size, #time steps, #nodes]
if self.model_type == "seperate_state_DNN":
if i is None:
final_output = torch.zeros_like(input)
final_output = self.shared_model(input) # [:, :, :, i].unsqueeze(3))
return final_output
And here is the calling function:
def select_action(self, state, edge_state):
sample = random.random()
if self.configuration == 2:
self.eps_threshold = 0.0 # no exploration at all, only optimal values!
self.eps_threshold = self.decay_functionn()
self.steps_done += 1
if sample > self.eps_threshold:
self.last_exploration = False
with torch.no_grad():
# t.max(1) will return largest column value of each row.
# second column on max result is index of where max element was
# found, so we pick action with the larger expected reward.
state = torch.from_numpy(state).float().to(self.device) # Convert to tensor.
state = state.unsqueeze(0) # Add batch dimension (also to action below): [batch=1, #time steps, #nodes, state size]
final_output = []
x1 = self.policy_net(state, None)#.detach()
for i in range(self.node_size):
final_output.append(self.policy_net(x1[:, :, -1, i]+state[:, :, -1, i], i).max(1)[1].detach().cpu().view(state.shape[0], -1))
# .to(self.device) # action dimension: [batch=1, #nodes]
return, dim=1)
self.last_exploration = True
return torch.randint(0, self.n_actions, (1, self.node_size))
And this is the main RL training loop:
for epi in range(self.episodes):
print("### Starting Episode: ", epi, ' ### in index=', self.run_index)
state = env.reset(self, heatup=self.sim_heatup) # single step state
done = False
while not done:
action = agent.select_action(state) # .to(device)
next_state1, reward, done = env.do_step(action)
agent.add_to_memory(state, action, next_state, reward)
state = next_state
agent.curr_episode += 1
# Plot and dump statistics and learning curves.
Finally, this is the optimization, executed in "agent.optimize_model()" above, including the functions it uses:
def optimize_model(self):
if len(self.memory) < self.batch_size:
transitions = self.memory.sample(self.batch_size)
# This converts batch-array of Transitions
# to Transition of batch-arrays.
batch = Transition(*zip(*transitions))
next_states_batch = torch.stack(batch.next_state).to(self.device)
state_batch = torch.stack(batch.state).to(self.device)
action_batch =, -1).to(self.device) #torch.stack(batch.action, dim=0).to(self.device)
reward_batch =, -1).to(self.device)
# dims: states=[batch, steps, nodes, state size]; action=[batch, nodes]; reward=[batch, nodes]
loss = torch.tensor(0., device=self.device)
self.policy_net.train() # IM NOT SURE IF IT SHOULD BE HERE...
x1 = self.policy_net(state_batch, None)
x2 = self.policy_net(next_states_batch, None)
for i in range(self.node_size):
action_batch1 = action_batch[:,i].unsqueeze(1).reshape(-1, 1) # action=[batchXnodes, 1]
reward_batch1 = reward_batch[:,i].unsqueeze(1).view(-1, 1) # reward=[batchXnodes, 1]
# Compute loss
loss += self._compute_loss(i, x1[:, :, -1, i]+state_batch[:, :, -1, i], edge_state_batch, action_batch1,
x2[:, :, -1, i]+next_states_batch[:, :, -1, i], next_edge_state_batch, reward_batch1)
# Optimize the model
# clip grad
if self.grad_clip is not None:
for param in self.policy_net.parameters():, self.grad_clip)
# update Policy net weights
#del loss
# update Target net weights
def _compute_loss(self, i, state_batch, edge_state_batch, action_batch, next_states_batch, next_edge_state_batch, reward_batch):
# Q{policy net}(s, a): [batchXnodes, actions] ---gather---> [batchXnodes, 1=q_values according to this policy]
state_action_q_values = self.policy_net(state_batch, i).gather(1, action_batch)
# argmax{a} Q{policy net}(s', a'): [batchXnodes, actions] ---argmax---> [batchXnodes] ---unsqueeze---> [batchXnodes, 1]
next_state_actions = torch.argmax(self.policy_net(next_states_batch, i), dim=1).unsqueeze(1)
# Q{ploicy net}(s', argmax{a} Q{target net}(s', a') ): [batchXnodes, actions] --gather--> [batchXnodes, 1=q_values according to this policy]
next_state_q_values = self.target_net(next_states_batch, i).gather(1, next_state_actions)
# Q* = Disount * Q(s', argmax(..)) + R: [batchXnodes, 1]
expected_state_action_values = (next_state_q_values.detach() * + reward_batch
loss = F.smooth_l1_loss(state_action_q_values, expected_state_action_values)
return loss
def _update_target(self):
if self.target_net is None:
# There is nothing to update.
# Update the target network, copying all weights and biases in DQN
if self.target_update > 1:
# Hard copy of weights.
if self.steps_done % self.target_update == 0:
elif self.target_update < 1 and self.target_update > 0:
# polyak averaging:
tau = self.target_update
for target_param, param in zip(self.target_net.parameters(), self.policy_net.parameters()): * param + (1 - tau) * target_param)
raise NotImplementedError
Sorry for the large question, I just wanted to supply all the necessary information.
If more information is needed I'd be happy to give it.
Any suggestion is much appreciated.

Distributed sequential windowed data in pytorch

At every epoch of my training, I need to split my dataset in n batches of t consecutive samples. For example, if my data is [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10], n = 2 and t = 3 then valid batches would be
[1-2-3, 4-5-6] and [7-8-9, 10-1-2]
[2-3-4, 8-9-10] and [5-6-7, 1-2-3]
My old version is the following, but it samples every point in the data, meaning that I would parse the whole dataset t times per epoch.
train_dataset = list(range(n))
train_sampler = None
if distributed:
train_sampler =
train_loader =
train_dataset, batch_size=bsize, shuffle=(train_sampler is None),
pin_memory=True, sampler=train_sampler)
for epoch in range(epochs):
if distributed:
for starting_i in train_loader:
batch = np.array([np.mod(np.arange(i, i + t), n) for i in starting_i])
I have now implemented my own sampling function that splits the data into random batches where each sample is far from the two closest exactly t. In the non-distributed scenario, I can do
for epoch in range(epochs):
pad = np.random.randint(n)
train_loader = np.mod(np.arange(pad, n + pad, t), n)
train_loader = np.array_split(train_loader,
np.ceil(len(train_loader) / bsize))
for starting_i in train_loader:
batch = np.array([np.mod(np.arange(i, i + t), n) for i in starting_i])
How do I make this version distributed? Do I need to make a custom torch.nn.parallel.DistributedDataParallel or
I have checked the DistributedSampler class
and my guess is that I have to override the __iter__ method. Am I right?
How does DistributedSampler split the dataset? Is it sequentially among num_replicas?
Say num_replicas = 2. Would my dataset be split into [1,2,3,4,5] and [6,7,8,9,10] between the 2 workers? Or is it random? Like [1,4,7,3,10] and [2,9,5,8,6]? First case would be ok for me because keeps samples sequential, but second would not.
I ended up making my own Dataset where the data is [t, t + window, ... t + n * window]. Every time it is called it randomizes the starting indices of the window. Then the sampler does the shuffling as usual. For reproducibility, it has a set_seed method similar to set_epoch of samplers.
class SequentialWindowedDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, size, window):
self.size = size
self.window = window
self.seed = 0 = np.arange(0, self.size, self.window)
def __getitem__(self, index):
rng = np.random.default_rng(self.seed)
pad = rng.integers(0, self.size)
data = ( + pad) % self.size
return data[index]
def __len__(self):
return len(
def set_seed(self, seed):
self.seed = seed
The following version randomizes the data outside the call and it is much much faster.
class SequentialWindowedDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, size, window):
self.size = size
self.window = window = np.arange(0, self.size, self.window)
def __getitem__(self, index):
def __len__(self):
return len(
def randomize(self, seed):
rng = np.random.default_rng(seed)
pad = rng.integers(0, self.size) = ( + pad) % self.size

Product feature optimization with constraints

I have trained a Lightgbm model on learning to rank dataset. The model predicts relevance score of a sample. So higher the prediction the better it is. Now that the model has learned I would like to find the best values of some features that gives me the highest prediction score.
So, lets say I have features u,v,w,x,y,z and the features I would like to optimize over are x,y,z.
maximize f(u,v,w,x,y,z) w.r.t features x,y,z where f is a lightgbm model
subject to constraints :
y = Ax + b
z = 4 if y < thresh_a else 4-0.5 if y >= thresh_b else 4-0.3
thresh_m < x <= thresh_n
The numbers are randomly made up but constraints are linear.
Objective function with respect to x looks like the following :
So the function is very spiky, non-smooth. I also don't have the gradient information as f is a lightgbm model.
Using Nathan's answer I wrote down the following class :
class ProductOptimization:
def __init__(self, estimator, features_to_change, row_fixed_values,
self.estimator = estimator
self.features_to_change = features_to_change
self.row_fixed_values = row_fixed_values
self.bounds = bnds
def get_sample(self, x):
new_values = {k:v for k,v in zip(self.features_to_change, x)}
return self.row_fixed_values.replace({k:{self.row_fixed_values[k].iloc[0]:v}
for k,v in new_values.items()})
def _call_model(self, x):
pred = self.estimator.predict(self.get_sample(x))
return pred[0]
def constraint1(self, vector):
x = vector[0]
y = vector[2]
return # some float value
def constraint2(self, vector):
x = vector[0]
y = vector[3]
return #some float value
def optimize_slsqp(self, initial_values):
con1 = {'type': 'eq', 'fun': self.constraint1}
con2 = {'type': 'eq', 'fun': self.constraint2}
cons = ([con1,con2])
result = minimize(fun=self._call_model,
return result
The results that I get are always around the initial guess. And I think its because of non-smoothness of the function and absence of any gradient information which is important for the SLSQP optimizer. Any advices how should I deal with this kind of problem ?
It's been a good minute since I last wrote some serious code, so I appologize if it's not entirely clear what everything does, please feel free to ask for more explanations
The imports:
from sklearn.ensemble import GradientBoostingRegressor
import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize
from copy import copy
First I define a new class that allows me to easily redefine values. This class has 5 inputs:
value: this is the 'base' value. In your equation y=Ax + b it's the b part
minimum: this is the minimum value this type will evaluate as
maximum: this is the maximum value this type will evaluate as
multipliers: the first tricky one. It's a list of other InputType objects. The first is the input type and the second the multiplier. In your example y=Ax +b you would have [[x, A]], if the equation was y=Ax + Bz + Cd it would be [[x, A], [z, B], [d, C]]
relations: the most tricky one. It's also a list of other InputType objects, it has four items: the first is the input type, the second defines if it's an upper boundary you use min, if it's a lower boundary you use max. The third item in the list is the value of the boundary, and the fourth the output value connected to it
Watch out if you define your input values too strangely I'm sure there's weird behaviour.
class InputType:
def __init__(self, value=0, minimum=-1e99, maximum=1e99, multipliers=[], relations=[]):
:param float value: base value
:param float minimum: value can never be lower than x
:param float maximum: value can never be higher than y
:param multipliers: [[InputType, multiplier], [InputType, multiplier]]
:param relations: [[InputType, min, threshold, output_value], [InputType, max, threshold, output_value]]
self.val = value
self.min = minimum
self.max = maximum
self.multipliers = multipliers
self.relations = relations
def reset_val(self, value):
self.val = value
def evaluate(self):
- relations to other variables are done first if there are none then the rest is evaluated
- at most self.max
- at least self.min
- self.val + i_x * w_x
i_x is input i, w_x is multiplier (weight) of i
for term, min_max, value, output_value in self.relations:
# check for each term if it falls outside of the expected terms
if min_max(term.evaluate(), value) != term.evaluate():
return self.return_value(output_value)
output_value = self.val + sum([i[0].evaluate() * i[1] for i in self.multipliers])
return self.return_value(output_value)
def return_value(self, output_value):
return min(self.max, max(self.min, output_value))
Using this, you can fix the input types sent from the optimizer, as shown in _call_model:
class Example:
def __init__(self, lst_args):
self.lst_args = lst_args
self.X = np.random.random((10000, len(lst_args)))
self.y = self.get_y()
self.clf = GradientBoostingRegressor()
def get_y(self):
# sum of squares, is minimum at x = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ... ]
return np.array([[self._func(i)] for i in self.X])
def _func(self, i):
return sum(i * i)
def fit(self):, self.y)
def optimize(self):
x0 = [0.5 for i in self.lst_args]
initial_simplex = self._get_simplex(x0, 0.1)
result = minimize(fun=self._call_model,
options={'xatol': 0.1,
'initial_simplex': np.array(initial_simplex)})
return result
def _get_simplex(self, x0, step):
simplex = []
for i in range(len(x0)):
point = copy(x0)
point[i] -= step
point2 = copy(x0)
point2[-1] += step
return simplex
def _call_model(self, x):
print(x, type(x))
for i, value in enumerate(x):
input_x = np.array([i.evaluate() for i in self.lst_args])
prediction = self.clf.predict([input_x])
return prediction[0]
I can define your problem as shown below (be sure to define the inputs in the same order as the final list, otherwise not all the values will get updated correctly in the optimizer!):
A = 5
b = 2
thresh_a = 5
thresh_b = 10
thresh_c = 10.1
thresh_m = 4
thresh_n = 6
u = InputType()
v = InputType()
w = InputType()
x = InputType(minimum=thresh_m, maximum=thresh_n)
y = InputType(value = b, multipliers=([[x, A]]))
z = InputType(relations=[[y, max, thresh_a, 4], [y, min, thresh_b, 3.5], [y, max, thresh_c, 3.7]])
example = Example([u, v, w, x, y, z])
Calling the results:
result = example.optimize()
for i, value in enumerate(result.x):
print(f"final values are at: {[i.evaluate() for i in example.lst_args]}: {}")

Gradient is equal to 'None'

I have two networks. The output of the first network is the input to the other. In order to calculate the loss for the second network, I use vanilla policy gradient. I want to backpropagate this loss into the first network. After checking if the gradeints has changed, I see that they are all none.
I first load the first network (a pre-trained autoencoer in my network this way):
def load_checkpoint(filepath, model):
checkpoint = torch.load(filepath)
for parameter in model.parameters():
parameter.requires_grad = True
return model
Then I define the optimizers for both networks this way:
class MultipleOptimizer(object):
def __init__(self, *op):
self.optimizers = op
def zero_grad(self):
for op in self.optimizers:
def step(self):
for op in self.optimizers:
opt = MultipleOptimizer(SGD(model.parameters(), lr=1, momentum=0.9), Adam(logits_net.parameters(), lr=lr))
the reward function is:
#Reward function
def reward(x, act):
#print('action', act)
#print('x type', type(x))
km = KMeans(act, n_init=20, n_jobs=4)
y_pred = km.fit_predict(x.detach().cpu().numpy())# seems we can only get a centre from batch
#print('k-means output type', type(y_pred))
sil_score = sil(x.detach().cpu().numpy(), y_pred)
#print('sil score', sil_score)
return sil_score
The architecture of the second neural net and an alternative to avoid (logits=logits.mean(0)):
def mlp(sizes, activation=nn.Tanh, output_activation=nn.Identity):
# Build a feedforward neural network. outputs are the logits
layers = []
for j in range(len(sizes)-1):
act = activation if j < len(sizes)-2 else output_activation
layers += [nn.Linear(sizes[j], sizes[j+1]), act()]
return nn.Sequential(*layers)
class mlp2(torch.nn.Module):
def __init__(self):
super(mlp2, self).__init__()
self.linear1 = nn.Linear(10,100)
self.relu1 = nn.ReLU(inplace=True)
self.linear2 = torch.nn.Linear(100,100)
self.linear3 = torch.nn.Linear(100,20)
self.linear4 = torch.nn.Linear(2000,100)
self.ident = nn.Identity()
def forward(self, x):
a = self.linear1(x)
a = self.relu1(a)
a = self.linear2(a)
a = self.relu1(a)
a = self.linear3(a)
a = torch.flatten(a)
a = self.linear4(a)
a = self.relu1(a)
a = self.linear3(a)
out = self.ident(a)
return out
Loss is calculated as in the following order:
def get_policy(obs):
logits = logits_net(obs)
return Categorical(logits=logits.mean(0))
def get_action(obs):
return get_policy(obs).sample().item()
def Logp(obs, act):
logp = get_policy(obs).log_prob(act.cuda())
return logp
def compute_loss(logp, weights):
return -(logp * weights).mean()
def train_one_epoch():
# make some empty lists for logging.
batch_obs = [] # for observations
batch_acts = [] # for actions
batch_weights = [] # for R(tau) weighting in policy gradient
batch_logp = []
# reset episode-specific variables
j = 1 # signal from environment that episode is over
ep_rews = [] # list for rewards accrued throughout ep
for i, data in enumerate(train_loader):
#Create the mean image out of those 100 images
x, label = data
x = model(x.cuda())#torch.Size([100, 10])
obs =[100, 10] - a trajectory with only one state
# Save obs
#act in the environment
#act = get_action(torch.as_tensor(obs, dtype=torch.float32))
act = get_action(x)
print('action type', type(act))
#log probability
#logp = Logp(torch.as_tensor(obs, dtype=torch.float32),act = torch.as_tensor(act, dtype=torch.int32))
logp = Logp(x, act = torch.as_tensor(act, dtype=torch.int32))
#rew = reward(obs, act+2)
rew = reward(x, act+2)
# save action, reward
batch_weights.append(rew)#episode rewards
batch_logp = torch.stack(batch_logp, dim=0)
batch_loss = compute_loss(logp = torch.as_tensor(batch_logp, dtype=torch.float32),
weights = torch.as_tensor(batch_weights, dtype=torch.float32))
batch_loss.backward() #does it return anything? gradients? print them!
for name, param in logits_net.named_parameters():
print(name, param.grad)
I applied some changes with the assumption that maybe recreating some of the tensors maybe the issue:
I have the output of the first network, obs, converted like obs = this and then sent to get_action function: act = get_action(torch.as_tensor(obs, dtype=torch.float32)). I changes this to act = get_action(x) so, x is sent directly to this function. Also, change arguments of logp to logp = Logp(x, act = torch.as_tensor(act, dtype=torch.int32)).
After these changes, I still get the none value for the gradient. Is there anyway possible to backpropagate the gradient when loss is calculated this way? any changes that I can apply?
any help is appreciated.

KNN doesn't classify correctly

I'm building my own 1-NN clasifier in python cause I need max speed in certain operations for testing it, because I want to use it in genetic algorithm and every milisecond its important for speed.
I'm trying to implement a leave one out test inside of my KNN class with numpy, but I obtain about 50% of success with this test. I try the scikit learn knn with the same leave one out and returns about 97% of success.
This is my KNN class:
class KNN(object):
"""Documentation for KNK-clasifier"""
def __init__(self):
super(KNN, self).__init__()
# self.args = args
def fit(self, entrenamiento, clases):
self.entrenamiento = np.asarray(entrenamiento)
self.n_examples = len(self.entrenamiento)
self.n_features = len(self.entrenamiento[1])
self.clases = np.asarray(clases)
def createDistenceMatrix(self):
self.distances = np.zeros([len(self.entrenamiento),
for i in range(self.n_examples):
for j in range(self.n_examples):
if i is not j:
self.distances[i][j] = self.distance(self.entrenamiento[i],
self.distances[i][j] = np.full(len(self.entrenamiento[1]),
def distance(self, x, y):
return (x-y)*(x-y)
def predict(self, test, pesos=None):
dist = 100000
class_index = 0
for i in range(self.n_examples):
aux = self.distance(self.entrenamiento[i], test)
if pesos is not None:
aux = pesos*aux
if aux < dist:
dist = aux
class_index = i
return self.clases[class_index]
def leave_one_out(self, pesos=None):
# DONE: solo tengo que buscar el minimo de cada columna
dist = np.zeros(self.n_examples)
aciertos = 0
for i in range(self.n_examples):
for j in range(self.n_examples):
if pesos is not None:
dist[i] = np.linalg.norm(
np.multiply(self.distances[i][j], pesos))
dist[i] = np.linalg.norm(self.distances[i][j])
if self.clases[i] == self.clases[np.argmin(dist)]:
aciertos = aciertos + 1
return 100*(aciertos/self.n_examples)
where create createDistanceMatrix precalculate all the possible x,y distances for all the features and save it to a vector. This vector will be multiplied for a weitght vector. This vector represent a feature weights learning problem that I'm trying to solve. I passed two days trying to find where the mistake is but I cand find, but my clasifier doesn't give me a decent percent of good classification in leave one out.
For sklearn knn this is the leave one out that I'm testing:
aciertos = 0
knn = neighbors.KNeighborsClassifier(n_neighbors=1)
start = time.clock()
for i in range(len(train)):[1:], cls[1:])
if knn.predict(train[0])[0] == cls[0]:
aciertos = aciertos + 1
train[0], train[-1] = train[-1], train[0]
cls[0], cls[-1] = cls[-1], cls[0]
end = time.clock()
print(str(end - start) + " segundos")
this same code with my own clasifier returns similar percent of succes.
I don't know if you fixed your problem but your distance looks wrong?
Here is the algorithm from Stanford cs231n:
