split String Variable in few numeric Variables in SPSS - string

I have a string variable with comma separated numbers that I want to split into four numeric variables.
IF (CHAR.INDEX(makeArr,',') >= 1)
IF (CHAR.INDEX(makeArr,',') >= 1)
I always get the first variable written without any problems.
This no longer works with the second variable because it has a different length and the comma is also written here.
So I would need a split at the comma and the division of the numbers over the comma.

Since char.substr will only tell you about the location of the first occurence of the search string, you need to start the second search from a new location - AFTER the first occurence, and this gets more and more complicated as you continue. My suggestion is create a copy of your array variable, which you will cut pieces off as you proceed - so that you are only searching for the first occurence of "," every time.
First I recreate your example data to demonstrate on.
data list free/makeArr (a20).
begin data
"6,8,13,10" "10,11,2" "7,1,14,3"
end data.
Now I copy your array into a new variable #tmp. Note that I add a "," at the end so the syntax stays the same for all parts of the array. I add the "#" at the beginning of the name to make it invisible, you can remove it if you want.
It is possible to do the following calculation in steps as you started to do, but nicer to loop throug the steps (especially if this is an example for a longer array).
string f12a f12b f12c f12d #tmp (a20).
compute #tmp=concat(rtrim(makeArr),",").
do repeat nwvr=f12a f12b f12c f12d.
do IF #tmp<>"".
compute nwvr=CHAR.SUBSTR(#tmp,1,CHAR.INDEX(#tmp,',')-1).
compute #tmp=CHAR.SUBSTR(#tmp,CHAR.INDEX(#tmp,',')+1).
end if.
end repeat.

Here I found a different solution for what I think is the same problem:
One line of code makes the work:
spssinc trans result=var_1 to var_4 type=20/formula 're.split(", *", makeArr)'.


how do I get rid of leading/trailing spaces in SAS search terms?

I have had to look up hundreds (if not thousands) of free-text answers on google, making notes in Excel along the way and inserting SAS-code around the answers as a last step.
The output looks like this:
This output contains an unnecessary number of blank spaces, which seems to confuse SAS's search to the point where the observations can't be properly located.
It works if I manually erase superflous spaces, but that will probably take hours. Is there an automated fix for this, either in SAS or in excel?
I tried using the STRIP-function, to no avail:
else if R_res_ort_txt=strip(" arild ") and R_kom_lan=strip(" skåne ") then R_kommun=strip(" Höganäs " );
If you want to generate a string like:
if R_res_ort_txt="arild" and R_kom_lan="skåne" then R_kommun="Höganäs";
from three variables, let's call them A B C, then just use code like:
string=catx(' ','if R_res_ort_txt=',quote(trim(A))
,'and R_kom_lan=',quote(trim(B))
,'then R_kommun=',quote(trim(C)),';') ;
Or if you are just writing that string to a file just use this PUT statement syntax.
put 'if R_res_ort_txt=' A :$quote. 'and R_kom_lan=' B :$quote.
'then R_kommun=' C :$quote. ';' ;
A saner solution would be to continue using the free-text answers as data and perform your matching criteria for transformations with a left join.
proc import out=answers datafile='my-free-text-answers.xlsx';
data have;
attrib R_res_ort_txt R_kom_lan length=$100;
input R_res_ort_txt ...;
... whatever all those transforms will be performed on...
proc sql;
create table want as
have.* ,
answers.R_kommun_answer as R_kommun
left join
have.R_res_ort_txt = answers.res_ort_answer
& have.R_kom_lan = abswers.kom_lan_answer
I solved this by adding quotes in excel using the flash fill function:

Need guidance with Regular Expression in Python

I need help with one of my current tasks wherein i am trying to pick only the table names from the query via Python
So basically lets say a query looks like this
Create table a.dummy_table1
select a.dummycolumn1,a.dummycolumn2,a.dummycolumn3 from dual
Now i am passing this query into Python using STRINGIO and then reading only the strings where it starts with "a" and has "_" in it like below
table_list = set(re.findall(r'\ba\.\w+', str(data)))
Here data is the dataframe in which i have parsed the query using StringIO
now in table_list i am getting the below output
whereas the Expected output should have been like
<Let me know how we can get this done , have tried the above regular expression but that is not working properly>
Any help on same would be highly appreciated
Your current regex string r"\ba.\w+" simply matches any string which:
Begins with "a" (the "\ba" part)
Followed by a period (the "." part)
Followed by 1 or more alphanumeric characters (the "\w+" part).
If I've understood your problem correctly, you are looking to extract from str(data) any string fragments which match this pattern instead:
Begins with "a"
Followed by a period
Followed by 1 or more alphanumeric characters
Followed by an underscore
Followed by 1 or more alphanumeric characters
Thus, the regular expression should have "_\w+" added to the end to match criteria 4 and 5:
table_list = set(re.findall(r"\ba\.\w+_\w+", str(data)))

How to modify my code in order to list all the tweets that contain the word "grammy"

i wrote a python program in order to list all the tweets in a Excel file which contains the word "grammy", but it didn't work, and i don't know how to modify it.
In this case, line contains a list of strings. You can iterate over each cell value in line and search for your keyword as follows:
for line in csvdata:
for cell in line:
if 'grammy' in cell:
print('this line contains my word:', line)
The problem with your approach is you initialize the counter variable i, then increment that variable, but you never reset the value of i to zero. If you want to use your approach, you'd need to reset the i counter variables to 0 for each line:
for line in csvdata:
i = 0
t = t + 1
i = i + 1
... [ rest of your code ]
If you don't reset i for each line, then the first line will increase i by 1, and all subsequent lines will just keep increasing the value of i. Eventually this will cause the index error that you're wisely catching!
Another problem with this approach is each line only checks a single value for i. So for each row, you're only checking a single cell's value. One way around this is to use the for loop approach I list above (for cell in line). Another way would be to use a while loop, but if you're new to programming I'd start by mastering the for loop before you move on to while loops.
I hope this helps!

How to get ordered, defined or all columns except or after or before a given column

I run the following one liner to get an individual column/field after splitting on a given character (one can use AWK as well if they want to split on more than one char i.e. on a word in any order, ok).
#This will give me first column i.e. 'lori' i.e. first column/field/value after splitting the line / string on a character '-' here
echo "lori-chuck-shenzi" | cut -d'-' -f1
# This will give me 'chuck'
echo "lori-chuck-shenzi" | cut -d'-' -f2
# This will give me 'shenzi'
echo "lori-chuck-shenzi" | cut -d'-' -f3
# This will give me 'chuck-shenzi' i.e. all columns after 2nd and onwards.
echo "lori-chuck-shenzi" | cut -d'-' -f2-
Notice the last command above, How can I do the same last cut command shit in Groovy?
For ex: if the contents are in a file and they look like:
1 - a
2 - b
3 - c
4 - d
5 - e
6 - lori-chuck shenzi
7 - columnValue1-columnValue2-columnValue3-ColumnValue4
I tried the following Groovy code, but it's not giving me lori-chuck shenzi (i.e. after ignoring the 6th bullet and first occurence of the -, I want my output to be lori-chuck shenzi and the following script is returning me just lori (which is givning me the correct output as my index is [1] in the following code, so I know that).
def file = "/path/to/my/file.txt"
File textfile= new File(file)
//now read each line from the file (using the file handle we created above)
textfile.eachLine { line ->
println "Bullet entry full value is: " + line.split('-')[1]
// return list
Also, is there an easy way for the last line in the file above, if I can use Groovy code to change the order of the columns after they are split i.e. reverse the order like we do in Python [1:], [:1], [:-1] etc.. or in some fashion
I don't like this solution but I did this to get it working. After getting index values from [1..-1 (i.e. from 1st index, excluding the 0th index which is the left hand side of first occurrence of - character), I had to remove the [ and ] (LIST) using join(',') and then replacing any , with a - to get the final result what I was looking for.
I would still like to know what's a better solution and how can this work when we talk about cherry picking individual columns + in a given order (instead of me writing various Groovy statements to pick individual elements from the string/list per statement).
If I'm understanding your question correctly, what you want is:
This will give you from position 1 to the last. You can do -2 (next to last) and so on, but just be aware that you can get an ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException moving backwards too, if you go past the beginning of your array!
-- Original answer is above this line --
Adding to my answer, since comments don't allow code formatting. If all you want is to pick specific columns, and you want a string in the end, you could do something like:
def resultList = line.split('-')
def resultString = "${resultList[1]}-${resultList[2]} ${resultList[3]}"
and pick whatever columns you want that way. I thought you were looking for a more generic solution, but if not, specific columns are easy!
If you want the first value, a dash, then the rest joined by spaces, just use:
"${resultList[1]}-${resultList[2..-1].join(" ")}"
I don't know how to give you specific answers for every combination you might want, but basically once you have your values in a list, you can manipulate that however you want, and turn the results back into a string with GStrings or with .join(...).

Storing Matlab data and strings in a tabulated file

I am creating a program which opens an image, and uses the MATLAB ginput command to store x and y coordinates, which are operated on in the loop to fulfill requirements of an if statement and output a number or string corresponding to the region clicked during the ginput session. At the same time, I am using the input command to input a string from the command window relating to these numbers. The ginput session is placed in a while loop so a click in a specific area will end the input session. For each session (while loop), only one or two inputs from the command window are needed. Finally, I am trying to store all the data in a csv or txt file, but I would like it to be tabulated so it is easy to read, i.e. rows and columns with headers. I am including some sample code. My questions are: 1, how can an input of x and y coordinates be translated to a string? It is simple to do this for a number, but I cannot get it to work with a string. 2, any help on printing the strings and number to a tabulated text or cdv file would be appreciated.
Command line input:
While Loop:
[x,y]= ginput(1);
if (y>539)
if x<594 && x>150 && y<539 && y>104
%it's in the square
if x<524 && x>207 && y<480 && y>163
[x,y]= ginput(1);
if x<136 && x>13
%its' pitch column
if y<539
if y<465
if y<390
if y<319
if y<249
if y<175
if pitch==0
For the above series of if statements, I would prefer a string output rather than the numbers 1-6 if the condition is satisfied.
The fprintf function is used to print to a file, but I have issues combining the strings and numbers using it:
fileID = fopen('pitches.csv','w');
fid = fopen('gamedata.txt','w');
fmtString = [repmat('%s\t',1,size(Batter,2)-1),'%s\n'];
for i=1:length(M)
fprintf(fileID,'%6.2f %6.2f %d\n',M(i,1),M(i,2),M(i,3));
I have tried adding the string handles to the fprintf command along with the columns of M, but get errors. I either need to store them in an array (How?) and print all the array columns to the file, or use some other method. I also tried a version of the writetable method:
but I can't get everything to work right. Thanks very much for any help.
Let's tackle your questions one at a time:
1, how can an input of x and y coordinates be translated to a string?
You can use the sprintf command in MATLAB. This takes exactly the same syntax as fprintf, but the output of this function will give you a string / character array of whatever you desire.
2, any help on printing the strings and number to a tabulated text or cdv file would be appreciated.
You can still use fprintf but you can specify a matrix as the input. As such, you can do this:
fprintf(fileID,'%6.2f %6.2f %d\n', M.');
This will write the entire matrix to file. However, care must be taken here because MATLAB writes to files in column major format. This means that it will traverse along the rows before going to the next column. If you want to write data row by row, you will need to transpose the matrix first so that when you are traversing down the rows, it will basically do what you want. You will need to keep this in mind before you start trying to write strings to an file. What I would recommend is that you place each string in a cell array, then loop through each element in the cell array and write each string individually line by line.
Hopefully this helps push you in the right direction. Reply back to me in a comment and we can keep talking if you need more help.
