Permanently change the color palette in the GTK color picker - colors

When using the color picker widget GTK applications I often use a different color Palette to the one given by default, as shown in the picture below. While the program is running I can change the defaults colors and they stay changed, however, when I close the program those modifications disappear.
I wonder how I can make those modifications to persistent in disk.

From the tags you chose, the application name seems to be Dia. In the application, nothing lets you set this option. So the short answer is: no.
The issue is that Dia uses the now deprecated GtkColorSelectionDialog (in favor of GtkColorChooserDialog). In the deprecated version, there is a flag to tell the widget to show/hide the color palette, but that's pretty much the only control you have (see gtk_color_selection_set_has_palette).
In the new widget version (which, by the way, looks totally different), you have direct access to a gtk_color_chooser_add_palette:
gtk_color_chooser_add_palette (GtkColorChooser *chooser,
GtkOrientation orientation,
gint colors_per_line,
gint n_colors,
GdkRGBA *colors);
You can see you have much more options as far as customizing the palette is concerned. You even have the ability to decide the colors. This means you could save your current selection in the palette. Then, at application quit, you could save all the palette's colors in some sort of settings, and load them back at application start.
As a final note, I looked at the Dia source code and found that they seem to be looking to make the move to the new widget. Here is an excerpt:
// ...
window = self->color_select =
/*gtk_color_chooser_dialog_new (self->edit_color == FOREGROUND ?
_("Select foreground color") : _("Select background color"),
GTK_WINDOW (gtk_widget_get_toplevel (GTK_WIDGET (self))));*/
gtk_color_selection_dialog_new (self->edit_color == FOREGROUND ?
_("Select foreground color") : _("Select background color"));
selection = gtk_color_selection_dialog_get_color_selection (GTK_COLOR_SELECTION_DIALOG (self->color_select));
self->color_select_active = 1;
//gtk_color_chooser_set_use_alpha (GTK_COLOR_CHOOSER (window), TRUE);
gtk_color_selection_set_has_opacity_control (GTK_COLOR_SELECTION (selection), TRUE);
// ...
From the commented code, it seems they are trying to make the move...


How to take screenshot of obscured window in C++ on Linux

I'm trying to figure out how to take a screenshot of a window that is currently not focused, so there is a good chance that the window will be partially or fully obscured by other windows.
I've found an example here on this link Get a screenshot of a window that is cover or not visible or minimized with Xcomposite extension for X11 but I can't make it work, any time I take a screenshot I get only strange output, mostly black, like I'm accessing the wrong buffer or something.
XID xid = windowID; // Checked and confirmed that the window ID is correct
XGetWindowAttributes( display, windowID, &attrributes );
XCompositeRedirectWindow (display, xid, CompositeRedirectAutomatic);
Pixmap pixmap = XCompositeNameWindowPixmap (display, xid);
// Extract the data
XRenderPictFormat *format = XRenderFindVisualFormat (display, attrributes.visual);
XRenderPictureAttributes pa;
pa.subwindow_mode = IncludeInferiors;
Picture picture = XRenderCreatePicture (display, xid, format, CPSubwindowMode, &pa);
QPixmap finalPix (attrributes.width, attrributes.height);
XRenderComposite (display, PictOpSrc, picture, None, finalPix.x11PictureHandle(), 0,0, 0,0, 0,0, attrributes.width, attrributes.height);
XFreePixmap (display, pixmap);
XCompositeUnredirectWindow (display, xid, CompositeRedirectAutomatic);
return finalPix;
(Edit: This screenshot was taken from a fully visible window, not an obscured window, so I guess currently the issue is not even that X11 doesn't draw it but my implementation seems to be not working and I can't figure out why.)
And this is how a screenshot of my konsole window looks:
First of all Qt has this feature. You can use: QScreen::grabWindow.
Problem is that documentation says:
Note on X11 that if the given window doesn't have the same depth as
the root window, and another window partially or entirely obscures the
one you grab, you will not get pixels from the overlying window. The
contents of the obscured areas in the pixmap will be undefined and
So this will simplify your code, but obscured parts of window will still remains as a problem. Looks like functionality of x11 won't let to resolve this issue.
There is a good example how to use this feature.

Reset background color for QTabWidget

I see that QTabWidget background color is lighter than container widget. How to set its background to same as container widget has? Or better make it transparent?
I have following code:
tabWidget->setStyle(style()); // Set parent widget style
QPalette pal = tabWidget->palette();
pal.setColor(QPalette::Base, palette().background().color());
which worked for me with QTreeWidget, however does not work for QTabWidget. Why Qt makes it different?
Solved by setting autoFillBackground to true in UI. However tabs titles background still white - any way to solve?

Remove terminal border colors from vim colorschemes

I want the color scheme to span completely across the terminal boundaries. I am using Color Scheme Scroller Plugin to switch between different theme. I have uploaded a .gif file so that you can clearly see what I want to get fixed. Vim colorschemes doesn't completely change the color of editor. There are some terminal color's borders left around the vim's overridden color scheme. How would I fix it.
Please check the image on this link. Stackoverflow doesn't allow uploading an image > 2Mb
You can't do that from Vim itself.
Terminal emulators use that padding to preserve readability when characters are displayed next to the borders of the window. The programs you run in your terminal have no knowledge of that padding and thus no ability to change it.
But you can read the documentation of your terminal emulator or take a look at its source code to find a way to enable/adjust/disable that padding.
FWIW, there's no way to change that in Terminal but it can be done for iTerm.
Alternatively, you could simply set the background color of your terminal to the one used in your vim colorscheme.
The image appears to depict behavior outside vim's control:
it is using a terminal emulator (could be xterm, could be some other).
the terminal emulator draws character cells on a window
those cells form a grid; the window may extend beyond the grid
the window can have a background color
the grid can have a background color
within the grid, most terminals provide some capability of drawing text with specific foreground and background colors
the grid can have a default background color which is not any of the specified colors
outside the grid, the window can also have a default background color
normally, the grid- and window-default backgrounds are the same
the window can be resized to (more or less) arbitrary sizes
the grid is constrained to exact character sizes
because of this difference, the window can have areas outside the grid which use its default color, and not match the grid's background color.
escape sequences which could affect the grid- and window-background colors are doing erases (see for example the ncurses FAQ My terminal shows some uncolored spaces).
though it is conceivable that erasures within the grid could affect those outside areas, doing that generally leads to odd visual effects.

GMF change the colour of a connection

I am currently working with gmf and I would like to change the colour of connections. I debug the code and I saw thatafter setting createConnectionFigure() method the foreground colour the refresh() method in the AbstractGraphicalEditPart class overrides this colour. Is there any special way that I can change the colour? Also I want to create a circle for source and target decoration of the link. I know that I have to extend the Polyline class but I don;t anything about the rest. Do you know any available example?
The preferred way to change the color of your figure is through the notation model(View).
While you create the edge view, you can set the line color for edge in the edge notation.
Connector edge = NotationFactory.eINSTANCE.createConnector();
ViewUtil.setStructuralFeatureValue(edge,NotationPackage.eINSTANCE.getLineStyle_LineColor(),new RGB(0,0,0));
If you have created your GMF editor plugin using GMF tools, there will be a class ViewProvider. There, they would have methods to create edge. You can change it there.
Set the color in the PreferenceStore.
worst case, you can override the refreshForegroundColor() in the ConnectionEditPart & set your own color. However the downside of this approach is, you cannot change the color through the UI.
As for decorations, in your connection figure, decoration can be set through setSourceDecoration & setTargetDecoration
eg: connection.setSourceDecoration(new org.eclipse.draw2d.PolylineDecoration());

gtk3 transparent menu's

Is it possible in gtk3 to create a menu that is transparent? The underling window would use an image as it's background.
I can use a color for the window background but not a image.
I attempted to do what you said using an example from the gdk2 reference by adding a background image first and then porting it to gtk3. I'm no expert at gtk at all, but I did make it somehow compile: (note that there has to be a "background.png" in the same folder)
The transparent dark rectangle holding the widgets is most likely the box; I tried settings its background color to full transparency as well, but it didn't work, and you'd probably have to do the composing/drawing of it yourself if you wanted it to be completely transparent, but that's not something I'd suggest because it seems too complex..
Also, you might want to create a background image with an already fitting resolution for the window, then you could skip the scaling part.
The scale function originally comes from this mailling-list thread
