Cloud9: "Invalid host header" on React & nodejs app - node.js

Im developping a Reactjs & nodejs webapp on AWS's cloud9.
My problem is that i struggle to make a HTTP request from Reactjs frontend to my express backend server.
Both back and front run well separately.
React run on port 8080 and express on port 8081.
Here is the frontend request:
async function getAccessToken(){
await axios.get('/api/token',{
keepAlive: true}).then(function(response){
console.log('Error dans App.js: ', error);
Heres the server :
const secureServer = https.createServer({passphrase:process.env.PASSPHRASE, cert: certfile, key: keyfile,}, app);
secureServer.listen(process.env.PORT_SERVER, console.log('Server started on port', process.env.PORT_SERVER));
When i start both and access the application preview, i get an "Invalid host header".
So i searched here, and i dont want to mess with react-scripts webpack.config.js.
I tried to set a "proxy": in react package.json, to no avail.
Im at a loss here and hope someone can help.
Thanks in advance.


cannot post ; post can't be made with axis on react

I am trying to make a post request in React to the server
my React app is running at port 3000 & express app is running at port 9000
this.out =
Express:"/", (req, res) => {
on the web console it says :
"Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)"
on the app 'postman' It runs just fine
I tried to follow this YT tutorial
First you need to check weather you add a proxy in your React APP project Package.Json file under the private dependency name,
Axios first look for the port you are requesting for in the current server which is in you case is / so / is also a port in frontend so it never goes for the backend be safe to go with"http://localhost:9000/")
Secondly make sure you must install the axios dependency in your react project
Seems like you forgot to add domain in the axios request."http://localhost:9000/").then((response)=>{
this.out =

how to prepare ReactJS to upload on online host?

so i have a webapp built with react in front and nodejs express in backend,
i've changed localhost address from '' to ''
and in backend i've changed port to default like this:
app.listen(() => {
console.log(`server is running`);
but when im gonna test my webapp it returns error like this in browser console:
xhr.js:210 POST 500
what should i do?
im using axios to post request btw.

Unable to connect nodejs api on localhost:5000 on server

I have successfully deployed React app on digitalocean droplet with mongodb.
My server configured with nodejs nginx pm2 and everything is working fine
here is my site
But I build my react app to connect with the backend nodejs api.
I am using and axios to connect.
everything is working fine on my local computer but it could not connect on the server.
my socket configuration is like
const socket = io("localhost:5000")
and axios is like"http://localhost:5000/delete-domains")
on browser console, showing
polling-xhr.js:198 GET https://localhost:5000/ net::ERR_SSL_PROTOCOL_ERROR
what I am missing?
do I need to replace the localhost:5000 to on code and build again?
But the mongodb connection successfully establish by
please help
Try to change
const socket = io("localhost:5000")
const socket = io("http://localhost:5000")
Or other advance setting:
const socket = io.connect('http://localhost', {
port: 5000,
reconnect: true
const socket = io("localhost:5000")
on this line you are missing "http://" or if you have ssl "https://"
this line should be
const socket = io("http://localhost:5000");

Can't deploy Node restify app to AWS EB

I'm trying to deploy a basic restify node app to AWS EB but when I do I get a 502 Bad Gateway error. The AWS console also shows that the application is in Health: Severe. It seems as though it isn't correctly serving via port 80. Here is my server.js:
var restify = require('restify');
var server = restify.createServer();
server.get('/', function(req, res) {
return next();
var port = process.env.PORT || 3000;
Seems as though on EB that nginx redirects to node on port 8081, so I changed to that.
Additionally for whatever reason the node instance wasn't being run after "eb deploy". I added "node server.js" in software configuration on aws and now it seems to work fine.

Heroku Node.js WebSocket Server

The Heroku Dev Center article Using WebSockets on Heroku with Node.js explains how to deploy the Node.js Websocket Test demo application, which uses Express.
However, I'm deploying a Node.js WebSocket chat server that doesn't use Express.
When I try to connect from Terminal with wscat -c ws://, I get error: Error: unexpected server response (503). And, heroku logs returns code=H14 desc="No web processes running".
Why? How do I fix this?
Note: My Procfile is correct: web: node server.js.
Solution: Delete & recreate the app.
I changed the first line of the Node.js WebSocket chat server to:
var webSocketServer = new (require('ws')).Server({
server: require('http').createServer(function (request, response) {
}).listen(process.env.PORT || 5000)
Still didn't work.
Then, I deleted & recreated the Heroku app and deployed. Worked.
Then, I changed the first line back to:
var webSocketServer = new (require('ws')).Server({port: (process.env.PORT || 5000)}),
and redeployed. Still works!
Can you connect with curl -vD to get verbose information on what headers you server is sending?
