Write Pandas dataframe data to CSV file - python-3.x

I am trying to write a pipeline to bring oracle database table data to aws.
It only takes a few ms to fill the dataframe, but when I try to write the dataframe to a csv-file it takes more than 2 min to write 10000 rows. In addition, one of the column's datatypes is cx_oracle lob type.
I thought this meant that it must take time to write data. So I converted the data to categorical data. But then the operation will take more memory space. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to optimize this process?
query = 'select * from tablename'
iter_idx = 0
while True:
results = cursor.fetchmany()
if not results:
iter_idx += 1
df = pd.DataFrame(results)
df.columns = field['source_field_names']
rec_count = df.shape[0]
t_rec_count += rec_count
file = generate_micro_file()
print('memory usage : \n', df.info(memory_usage='deep'))
# sd = dd.from_pandas(df, npartitions=1)
df.to_csv(file, encoding=str(encoding_type), header=False, index=False, escapechar='\\',chunksize=arraysize)
code output:

From the data access side, there is room for improvement by optimizing the fetching of rows across the network. Either by:
passing a large num_rows value to fetchmany(), see the cx_Oracle doc on [Cursor.fetchmany()[(https://cx-oracle.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api_manual/cursor.html#Cursor.fetchmany).
or increasing the value of Cursor.arraysize.
Your question didn't explain enough about your LOB usage. See the sample return_lobs_as_strings.py for optimizing fetches.
See the cx_Oracle documentation Tuning Fetch Performance.
Is there a particular reason to spend the overhead of converting to a Pandas dataframe? Why not write directly using the csv module?
Maybe something like this:
with connection.cursor() as cursor:
sql = "select * from all_objects where rownum <= 100000"
cursor.arraysize = 10000
with open("testwrite.csv", "w", encoding="utf-8") as outputfile:
writer = csv.writer(outputfile, lineterminator="\n")
results = cursor.execute(sql)
You should benchmark and choose the best solution.


AWS Glue dynamic frames not getting updated

We are currrently facing an issue where we cannot insert more than 600K records in oracle db using AWS glue. We are getting connection reset error and DBA's are currently looking into it. As a temporary solution we thought of adding data in chunks by splitting a dataframe into multiple dataframe and looping this list of dataframe to add data. We are sure that splitting algorithm works fine and here is the code we use
def split_by_row_index(df, num_partitions=10):
# Let's assume you don't have a row_id column that has the row order
t = df.withColumn('_row_id', monotonically_increasing_id())
# Using ntile() because monotonically_increasing_id is discontinuous across partitions
t = t.withColumn('_partition', ntile(num_partitions).over(Window.orderBy(t._row_id)))
return [t.filter(t._partition == i + 1) for i in range(num_partitions)]
Here each DF have unique data but somehow when we convert this df in dynamic frame in loop it is we are getting common data in each dynamic frame. here is small snippet for this example
df_trns_details_list = split_by_row_index(df_trns_details, int(df_trns_details.count() / 100000))
trnsDetails1 = DynamicFrame.fromDF(df_trns_details_list[0], glueContext, "trnsDetails1")
trnsDetails2 = DynamicFrame.fromDF(df_trns_details_list[1], glueContext, "trnsDetails2")
print(df_trns_details_list[0].count())# counts are same
print(df_trns_details_list[1].count()) # counts are same
subDf1 = trnsDetails1.toDF().select(col("id"), col("details_id"))
subDf2 = trnsDetails2.toDF().select(col("id"), col("details_id"))
common = subDf1.intersect(subDf2)
# ------------------ common data exists----------------
subDf3 = df_trns_details_list[0].select(col("id"), col("details_id"))
subDf4 = df_trns_details_list[1].select(col("id"), col("details_id"))
#------------------0 common data----------------
common1 = subDf3.intersect(subDf4)
here Id and details_id combination will be unique
We used this logic in multiple areas where it worked not sure why this is happening.
We are also quite new to Python and AWS Glue so any suggestion to improve it also welcomed. Thanks

Reading large volume data from Teradata using Dask cluster/Teradatasql and sqlalchemy

I need to read large volume data(app. 800M records) from teradata, my code is working fine for a million record. for larger sets its taking time to build metadata. Could someone please suggest how to make it faster. Below is the code snippet which I am using for my application.
def get_partitions(num_partitions):
list_range =[]
for i in range(num_partitions):
amp_range = 3240//num_partitions
start = (i*amp_range+1)*initial_start
end = (i+1)*amp_range
initial_start = 1
return list_range
def load(query,start,end,connString):
df = pd.read_sql(query.format(start, end),connString)
return df
connString = "teradatasql://{user}:{password}#{hostname}/?logmech={logmech}&encryptdata=true"
results = from_delayed([load(query,start, end,connString) for start,end in get_partitions(num_partitions)])
The build time is probably taken in finding out the metadata of your table. This is done by fetching the whole of the first partition and analysing it.
You would be better off either specifying it explcitly, if you know the dtypes upfront, e.g., {col: dtype, ...} for all the columns, or generating it from a separate query that you limit to just as many rows as it takes to be sure you have the right types:
meta = dask.compute(load(query, 0,10 ,connString))
results = from_delayed(
load(query,start, end,connString) for start,end in
mete=meta.loc[:0, :] # zero-length version of table

Why reading an small subset of the rows with Parquet Dataset take the same time than reading the whole file?

I'm developing a program to analyze some historical prices of some assets. The data is structured and analyzed as a pandas dataframe. The columns are the dates and the rows are the assets. Previously I was using the transpose of this, but this format gave me better reading time. I saved this data in a parquet file and now I want to read an interval of dates from A to B for example and an small set of assets, analyze it and then repeat the same process with the same assets but in the interval from B + 1 to C.
The problem is that even if I use a unique row, the parquet read take the same time that if I read the whole file. Is there a way to improve this behaviour?, It would be good that, once it filter the rows, it saves where the blocks in memory are to speed up the nexts reads. Do I have to write a new file with the assets filtered?.
I tried writing the parquet file with a small number of row groups and smaller data page size to avoid the complete reading, but this doesn't gave me a good results in terms of time.
Other question that I have is the follwing. Why if we read the complete parquet file using a Parquet Dataset and use_legacy_dataset = False, it takes more time than reading the same parquet dataset with use_legacy_dataset = True?
Code example:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import time
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
# generating the small data for the example, the file weight like 150MB for this example, the real data
# has 2 GB
dates = pd.bdate_range('2019-01-01', '2020-03-01')
assets = list(range(1000, 50000))
historical_prices = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(len(assets), len(dates)), assets, dates)
historical_prices.columns = historical_prices.columns.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
# name of the index
historical_prices.index.name = 'assets'
# writing the parquet file using the lastest version, in the comments are the thigns that I tested
# row_group_size=100,
# compression=None
# use_dictionary=False,
# data_page_size=1000,
# use_byte_stream_split=True,
# flavor='spark',
# reading the complete parquet dataset
start_time = time.time()
historical_prices_dataset = pq.ParquetDataset(
print(time.time() - start_time)
# Reading only one asset of the parquet dataset
start_time = time.time()
filters = [('assets', '=', assets[0])]
historical_prices_dataset = pq.ParquetDataset(
print(time.time() - start_time)
# this is what I want to do, read by intervals.
num_intervals = 5
for i in range(num_intervals):
start = int(i * len(dates) / num_intervals)
end = int((i + 1) * len(dates) / num_intervals)
interval = list(dates[start:end].strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
# Here goes some analyzing process that can't be done in parallel due that the results of every interval
# are used in the next interval
print(time.time() - start_time)
I was using the transpose of this, but this format gave me better reading time.
Parquet supports individual column reads. So if you have 10 columns of 10k rows and you want 5 columns then you'll read 50k cells. If you have 10k columns of 10 rows and you want 5 columns then you'll read 50 cells. So presumably this is why the transpose gave you better reading time. I don't think I have enough details here. Parquet also supports reading individual row groups, more on that later.
You have roughly 49,000 assets and 300 dates. I'd expect you to get better performance with assets as columns but 49,000 is a lot of columns to have. It's possible that either you are having to read too much column metadata or you are dealing with CPU overhead from keeping track of so many columns.
It is a bit odd to have date values or asset ids as columns. A far more typical layout would be to have three columns: "date", "asset id", & "price".
The problem is that even if I use a unique row, the parquet read take the same time that if I read the whole file
Yes, if you have a single row group. Parquet does not support partial row group reads. I believe this is due to the fact that the columns are compressed. However, I do not get the same results you are getting. The middle time in your example (the single asset read) is typically ~60-70% of the time of the first read. So it is faster. Possibly just because there is less conversion to do to get to pandas or maybe there is some optimization I'm not aware of.
The problem is that even if I use a unique row, the parquet read take the same time that if I read the whole file. Is there a way to improve this behaviour?, It would be good that, once it filter the rows, it saves where the blocks in memory are to speed up the nexts reads. Do I have to write a new file with the assets filtered?.
Row groups may be your answer. See the next section.
I tried writing the parquet file with a small number of row groups and smaller data page size to avoid the complete reading, but this doesn't gave me a good results in terms of time.
This is probably what you are after (or you can use multiple files). Parquet supports reading just one row group out of a whole file. However, 100 is too small of a number for row_group_size. Each row group creates some amount of metadata in the file and has some overhead for processing. If I change that to 10,000 for example then the middle read is twice as fast (and now only 30-40% of the full table read).
Other question that I have is the follwing. Why if we read the complete parquet file using a Parquet Dataset and use_legacy_dataset = False, it takes more time than reading the same parquet dataset with use_legacy_dataset = True?
This new datasets API is pretty new (new as of 1.0.0 which released in July). It's possible there is just a bit more overhead. You are not doing anything that would take advantage of the new datasets API (e.g. using scan or non-parquet datasets or new filesystems). So while use_legacy_datasets shouldn't be faster it should not be any slower either. They should take roughly the same amount of time.
It sounds like you have many assets (tens of thousands) and you want to read a few of them. You also want to chunk the read into smaller reads (which you are using the date for).
First, instead of using the date at all, I would recommend using dataset.scan (https://arrow.apache.org/docs/python/dataset.html). This will allow you to process your data one row group at a time.
Second, is there any way you can group your asset ids? If each asset ID has only a single row you can ignore this. However, if you have (for example) 500 rows for each asset ID (or 1 row for each asset ID/date pair) can you write your file so that it looks something like this...
asset_id date price
A 1 ?
A 2 ?
A 3 ?
B 1 ?
B 2 ?
B 3 ?
If you do this AND you set the row group size to something reasonable (try 10k or 100k and then refine from there) then you should be able to get it so that you are only reading 1 or 2 row groups per asset ID.
I found another approach that give me better times for my specific cases, of course, this is a not very general solution. It has some not pyarrow's functions, but it do what I thought the filters of pyarrow do when we read multiple times the same rows. When the number of row groups to read grow, the parquet dataset gave better performance.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import time
import pyarrow.parquet as pq
from typing import Dict, Any, List
class PriceGroupReader:
def __init__(self, filename: str, assets: List[int]):
self.price_file = pq.ParquetFile(filename)
self.assets = assets
self.valid_groups = self._get_valid_row_groups()
def _get_valid_row_groups(self):
I don't fine a parquet function to make this row group search, so I did this manual search.
Note: The assets index is sorted, so probably this can be improved a lot.
start_time = time.time()
assets = pd.Index(self.assets)
valid_row_groups = []
index_position = self.price_file.schema.names.index("assets")
for i in range(self.price_file.num_row_groups):
row_group = self.price_file.metadata.row_group(i)
statistics = row_group.column(index_position).statistics
if np.any((statistics.min <= assets) & (assets <= statistics.max)):
print("getting the row groups: {}".format(time.time() - start_time))
return valid_row_groups
def read_valid_row_groups(self, dates: List[str]):
row_groups = []
for row_group_pos in self.valid_groups:
df = self.price_file.read_row_group(row_group_pos, columns=dates, use_pandas_metadata=True).to_pandas()
df = df.loc[df.index.isin(self.assets)]
df = pd.concat(row_groups)
# This is another way to read the groups but I think it can consume more memory, probably is faster.
df = self.price_file.read_row_groups(self.valid_groups, columns=dates, use_pandas_metadata=True).to_pandas()
df = df.loc[df.index.isin(self.assets)]
return df
def write_prices(assets: List[int], dates: List[str]):
historical_prices = pd.DataFrame(np.random.rand(len(assets), len(dates)), assets, dates)
# name of the index
historical_prices.index.name = 'assets'
# writing the parquet file using the lastest version, in the comments are the thigns that I tested
# compression=None
# use_dictionary=False,
# data_page_size=1000,
# use_byte_stream_split=True,
# flavor='spark',
# generating the small data for the example, the file weight like 150MB, the real data weight 2 GB
total_dates = list(pd.bdate_range('2019-01-01', '2020-03-01').strftime('%Y-%m-%d'))
total_assets = list(range(1000, 50000))
write_prices(total_assets, total_dates)
# selecting a subset of the whole assets
valid_assets = total_assets[:3000]
# read the price file for the example
price_group_reader = PriceGroupReader('historical_prices.parquet', valid_assets)
# reading all the dates, only as an example
start_time = time.time()
print("complete reading: {}".format(time.time() - start_time))
# this is what I want to do, read by intervals.
num_intervals = 5
start_time = time.time()
for i in range(num_intervals):
start = int(i * len(total_dates) / num_intervals)
end = int((i + 1) * len(total_dates) / num_intervals)
interval = list(total_dates[start:end])
df = price_group_reader.read_valid_row_groups(interval)
# print(df)
print("interval reading: {}".format(time.time() - start_time))
filters = [('assets', 'in', valid_assets)]
price_dataset = pq.ParquetDataset(
start_time = time.time()
print("complete reading with parquet dataset: {}".format(time.time() - start_time))
start_time = time.time()
for i in range(num_intervals):
start = int(i * len(total_dates) / num_intervals)
end = int((i + 1) * len(total_dates) / num_intervals)
interval = list(total_dates[start:end])
df = price_dataset.read_pandas(columns=interval).to_pandas()
print("interval reading with parquet dataset: {}".format(time.time() - start_time))

Optimize inserting data to Cassandra database through Python driver

I try to insert 150.000 generated data to the Cassandra using BATCH in Python driver. And it take approximately 30 seconds. What should I do to optimize it and insert data faster ?
Here is my code:
from cassandra.cluster import Cluster
from faker import Faker
import time
fake = Faker()
cluster = Cluster([''], port=9042)
session = cluster.connect()
session.default_timeout = 150
num = 0
def create_data():
global num
for i in range(BATCH_SIZE):
BATCH_STMT += f" INSERT INTO tt(id, title) VALUES ('{num}', '{fake.name()}')";
num += 1
prep_batch = session.prepare(BATCH_STMT)
return prep_batch
tt = []
session.execute('USE ttest_2')
prep_batch = []
print("Start create data function!")
start = time.time()
for i in range(100):
end = time.time()
print("Time for create fake data: ", end - start)
start = time.time()
for i in range(100):
end = time.time()
print("Time for execution insert into table: ", end - start)
Main problem is that you're using batches for inserting the data - in Cassandra, that's a bad practice (see documentation for explanation). Instead you need to prepare a query, and insert data one by one - this will allow driver to route data to specific node, decreasing the load onto that node, and allow to perform data insertion faster. Pseudo-code would look as following (see the python driver code for exact syntax):
prep_statement = session.prepare("INSERT INTO tt(id, title) VALUES (?, ?)")
for your_loop:
session.execute(prep_statement, [id, title])
Another problem is that you're using synchronous API - this means that driver waits until insert happens & then fire the next one. To speedup you need to use asynchronous API instead (see the same doc for details). See the Developing applications with DataStax drivers guide for a list of best practices, etc.
But really, if you just want to load database with data, I recommend not to re-invent the wheel, but either:
generate the data into CSV file & load into Cassandra using DSBulk that is heavily optimized for loading of data
use NoSQLBench to generate data & populate Cassandra - it's also heavily optimized for data generation & loading (not only into Cassandra).

(KNN ) row compute use outer DataFrame on pyspark

my data structure is like this:
train_info:(over 30000 rows)
odt:string (unique)
array:array<double> (with variable length depend on different odt and holiday_type )
useful_index:array<int> (length same as vectors)
...(other not important cols)
label_data:(over 40000 rows)
od_label: string
l_origin_array:array<double> (with variable length)
...(other not important cols)
my expected result is like this(length same with train_info):
my solution is like this:
if __name__=='__main __'
loop_item = train_info.collect()
result = knn_for_loop(spark, loop_item,train_info.schema,label_data)
----- do something -------
def knn_for_loop(spark, predict_list, schema, label_data):
result = list()
for i in predict_list:
# turn this Row col to Data Frame and join on label data
# across to this row data pick label data array data
predict_df = spark.sparkContext.parallelize([i]).toDF(schema) \
.join(label_data, on=['holiday_type', "od_label"], how='left') \
UDFuncs.value_from_array_by_index(f.col('l_origin_array'), f.col("useful_index"))) \
# pandas execute
train_x = predict_df.l_array.values
train_y = predict_df.label.values
test_x = predict_df.array.values[0]
test_y = KNN(train_x, train_y, test_x)
result.append((i['odt'], i['holiday_type'], i['od_label'], test_y))
return result
it's worked but is really slow, I estimate each row need 18s.
in R language I can do this easily using do function:
something my tries
I tried to join them before use,and query them when I compute, but the data is too large to run (these two df have 400 million rows after join and It takes up 180 GB disk space on hive and query really slowly).
I tried to use pandas_udf, but it only allows one pd.data.frame parameter and slow).
I tried to use UDF, but UDF can't receive data frame obj.
I tried to use spark-knn package ,but I run with error,may be my offline
installation is wrong .
thanks for your help.
