Firebase Function how to call a region real time database - node.js

I am struggling with one issue:
I have a cloud function that trigger on the realtime database
.onWrite(async (change) => {
It's working pretty well on the default realtime database (asia) but not on the europe-west1
So I tried functions.regions('europe-west1').database but no success, I couldn't find any help online.
Thanks for your help

The .region() specifies where the Cloud function will run and has nothing to with database. You are probably looking for instance():
instance() registers a function that triggers on events from a specific Firebase Realtime Database instance.
By default functions.database.ref used without instance watches the default instance for events and that's why the trigger works for your default DB in Asia.
firebase.database.instance('my-app-db-2').ref('/foo/bar').onWrite(async (change) => {})
Checkout 'specify the instance and path' section in the documentation.


Google Cloud Platform / Firebase Function not triggering with onWrite

My application makes use of Firestore Function Triggers to perform background actions based on changes in the Firestore, e.g. user profile changes. For example, if they change their mobile number, a verification code is sent.
I have a trigger that should run when an onWrite() event happens on a specific collection. onWrite() runs when any of the following actions occur in Firebase on a specific collection:
In my usecase, I need it to run for onCreate() and onUpdate(), thus I use onWrite()
For Firebase Triggers to work, a specific format is expected in addition to a document id/wildcard representing a document that was created/changed/deleted.
const collections = {
conversations: "conversations",
Callable Function (updates firestore):
* Add an conversation to conversations collection
* #type {HttpsFunction & Runnable<any>}
exports.addConversations = functions.https.onCall(async (data, context) => {
// expects conversation & interested state
const {valid, errors} = validateRequiredBody(data, [
if (!valid) {
return {
status: false,
message: "Missing or invalid parameters",
errors: errors,
jwtToken: "",
// get conversation item
const conversation = {
id: data["conversation"]["id"],
name: data["conversation"]["name"],
// create conversation with empty counter
// let writeResult = await collectionRefs.conversationsRef.doc({
let writeResult = await admin.firestore().collection(collections.conversations).doc({
count: 0
console.log(`[function-addConversations] New Conversation [${}] added`);
return {
status: true,
message: ""
Firestore Trigger (not triggering):
* On conversations updated/removed, update corresponding counter
* #type {CloudFunction<Change<QueryDocumentSnapshot>>}
exports.onConversationProfileCollectionCreate = functions.firestore.document(`${collections.conversations}/{id}`)
.onWrite(async snapshot => {
console.log("Conversation Collection Changed");
// let conversation = collectionRefs.conversationsRef.doc(;
// await conversation.update({count: FieldValue.increment(1)});
In my mobile application, the user (calls) the addConversations() firebase function, this adds the new conversation to Firestore which is clearly visible, but the counter trigger (trigger function) doesn't run.
Emulator output:
{"verifications":{"app":"MISSING","auth":"MISSING"},"":{"firebase-log-type":"callable-request-verification"},"severity":"INFO","message":"Callable request verification passed"}
[function-addConversations] New Conversation [Test Conversation Topic] added
Profile updated
(print profile data)
What I SHOULD expect to see:
{"verifications":{"app":"MISSING","auth":"MISSING"},"":{"firebase-log-type":"callable-request-verification"},"severity":"INFO","message":"Callable request verification passed"}
[function-addConversations] New Conversation [Test Conversation Topic] added
Conversation Collection Changed // this is output by the trigger
Profile updated
(print profile data)
Did I do something wrong?
The issue was one closer to home.
I am developing using the firebase emulators and connecting to them using the emulators addition in Flutter's firebase packages built in emulator feature.
Firebase emulator setup e.g. Firebase Functions can be found here
When starting your Firebase emulator, you should see something similar to:
C:\Users\User\MyApp\awesome-app-server>firebase emulators:start --only functions
i emulators: Starting emulators: functions
! functions: You are running the functions emulator in debug mode (port=9229). This means that functions will execute in sequence rather than in parallel.
! functions: The following emulators are not running, calls to these services from the Functions emulator will affect production: auth, firestore, database, hosting, pubsub, storage
! Your requested "node" version "12" doesn''t match your global version "14"
i ui: Emulator UI logging to ui-debug.log
i functions: Watching "C:\Users\User\MyApp\awesome-app-server\functions" for Cloud Functions...
> Debugger listening on ws://localhost:9229/03dc1d62-f2a3-418e-a343-bb0b357f7329
> Debugger listening on ws://localhost:9229/03dc1d62-f2a3-418e-a343-bb0b357f7329
> For help, see:
! functions: The Cloud Firestore emulator is not running, so calls to Firestore will affect production.
! functions: The Realtime Database emulator is not running, so calls to Realtime Database will affect production.
BUT then you see this - THIS is very important!
i functions[us-central1-api-user-onConversationProfileCollectionCreate ]: function ignored because the database emulator does not exist or is not running.
This, since Firestore & (Realtime) Database use triggers which are found in functions, functions expects to find a local firestore/database emulator.
Since no firestore/database emulators were running locally
! functions: The Cloud Firestore emulator is not running, so calls to Firestore will affect production.
! functions: The Realtime Database emulator is not running, so calls to Realtime Database will affect production.
and these functions don't automagically attach to production Firestore/Database(s) (that would be potentially devestating), these triggers didn't run when I expected them to while emulating locally.
Emulate firestore & database locally (see this to import your firestore data to a local emulator) with firebase emulators:start --only functions,...,firestore,database
Upload functions to work with Firestore/Database(s) (please do this with care)
More details:
Below I provide details what lead me to the problem, and how I figured out the issue:
What I was doing:
firebase emulators:start --inspect-functions --only functions,auth
[local] Firebase Functions I was developing and testing the backend for my mobile app using Firebase Functions for various interactivity.
Since Firebase Auth is handled locally through the use of custom tokens on my firebase functions app, I used local auth for testing
I had prepopulated my Firestore with data, thus I intended to use Firestore data while emulating locally which had worked as expected, BUT the firebase firestore & database triggers won't work due to emulating them locally.
I knew some of my triggers DID infact trigger correctly, thus it must be a configuration error of some kind.
Extended Solution (import firestore data to local emulator)
firebase emulators:start --inspect-functions --only functions,auth,firestore,database
notice the last 2, firestore & database - this should be added for triggers to work locally
I noticed when reviewing the logs at startup, the text indicating some functions won't run. This made me realize I was making a crucial mistake - the cause.
Import Data from production firestore
The reason for using production (during development) firestore is to not recreate all the data for each test. The solution is to export from firestore and import you data to the emulators.
See this for details - I wasn't able to export from the terminal, I thus went to Google Console to export to a storage bucket, and download it via the console from there.
To start the emulator (and allow debugging of firebase functions), I use:
firebase emulators:start --inspect-functions --import ./functions/{path/to/data} --only functions,auth,firestore,database
firebase emulators:start - start emulator
--inspect-functions allow debugging functions via websockets - e.g. Webstorm NodeJs debugger on port 9229
--import ./functions/{path/to/data} - import data to firestore emulator using project root as ./
--only functions,auth,firestore,database specify the modules to emulate
You are using the wrong value. snapshot works only for onDelete and onCreate method
exports.useWildcard = functions.firestore
.onWrite((change, context) => {
// If we set `/users/marie` to {name: "Marie"} then
context.params.userId == "marie"
// ... and ... == {name: "Marie"}
for more info read here feedbackCloud Firestore triggers

Firebase functions - Remove unverified account [duplicate]

I am looking for a way to schedule Cloud Functions for Firebase or in other words trigger them on a specific time.
Update 2019-04-18
There is now a very simple way to deploy scheduled code on Cloud Functions through Firebase.
You can either use a simple text syntax:
export scheduledFunctionPlainEnglish =
functions.pubsub.schedule('every 5 minutes').onRun((context) => {
console.log('This will be run every 5 minutes!');
Or the more flexible cron table format:
export scheduledFunctionCrontab =
functions.pubsub.schedule('5 11 * * *').onRun((context) => {
console.log('This will be run every day at 11:05 AM UTC!');
To learn more about this, see:
The Scheduling Cloud Functions for Firebase blog post introducing the feature.
The documentation on scheduled functions.
Note that your project needs to be on a Blaze plan for this to work, so I'm leaving the alternative options below for reference.
If you want to schedule a single invocation of a Cloud Function on a delay from within the execution of another trigger, you can use Cloud Tasks to set that up. Read this article for an extended example of how that can work.
Original answer below...
There is no built-in runat/cron type trigger yet.
For the moment, the best option is to use an external service to trigger a HTTP function periodically. See this sample in the functions-samples repo for more information. Or use the recently introduced Google Cloud Scheduler to trigger Cloud Functions through PubSub or HTTPS:
I also highly recommend reading this post on the Firebase blog: How to Schedule (Cron) Jobs with Cloud Functions for Firebase and this video: Timing Cloud Functions for Firebase using an HTTP Trigger and Cron.
That last link uses to trigger Cloud Functions, and works for projects that are on a free plan. Note that this allows anyone to call your function without authorization, so you may want to include some abuse protection mechanism in the code itself.
What you can do, is spin up an AppEngine instance that is triggered by cron job and emits to PubSub. I wrote a blog post specifically on that, you might want to take a look:
It is important to first note that the default timezone your functions will execute on is America/Los_Angeles according to the documentation. You may find a list of timezones here if you'd like to trigger your function(s) on a different timezone.
NB!!: Here's a useful website to assist with cron table formats (I found it pretty useful)
Here's how you'd go about it:
(Assuming you'd like to use Africa/Johannesburg as your timezone)
export const executeFunction = functions.pubsub.schedule("10 23 * * *")
.timeZone('Africa/Johannesburg').onRun(() => {
console.log("successfully executed at 23:10 Johannesburg Time!!");
Otherwise if you'd rather stick to the default:
export const executeFunction = functions.pubsub.schedule("10 23 * * *")
.onRun(() => {
console.log("successfully executed at 23:10 Los Angeles Time!!");

Send notification after some time from cloud function [duplicate]

I am looking for a way to schedule Cloud Functions for Firebase or in other words trigger them on a specific time.
Update 2019-04-18
There is now a very simple way to deploy scheduled code on Cloud Functions through Firebase.
You can either use a simple text syntax:
export scheduledFunctionPlainEnglish =
functions.pubsub.schedule('every 5 minutes').onRun((context) => {
console.log('This will be run every 5 minutes!');
Or the more flexible cron table format:
export scheduledFunctionCrontab =
functions.pubsub.schedule('5 11 * * *').onRun((context) => {
console.log('This will be run every day at 11:05 AM UTC!');
To learn more about this, see:
The Scheduling Cloud Functions for Firebase blog post introducing the feature.
The documentation on scheduled functions.
Note that your project needs to be on a Blaze plan for this to work, so I'm leaving the alternative options below for reference.
If you want to schedule a single invocation of a Cloud Function on a delay from within the execution of another trigger, you can use Cloud Tasks to set that up. Read this article for an extended example of how that can work.
Original answer below...
There is no built-in runat/cron type trigger yet.
For the moment, the best option is to use an external service to trigger a HTTP function periodically. See this sample in the functions-samples repo for more information. Or use the recently introduced Google Cloud Scheduler to trigger Cloud Functions through PubSub or HTTPS:
I also highly recommend reading this post on the Firebase blog: How to Schedule (Cron) Jobs with Cloud Functions for Firebase and this video: Timing Cloud Functions for Firebase using an HTTP Trigger and Cron.
That last link uses to trigger Cloud Functions, and works for projects that are on a free plan. Note that this allows anyone to call your function without authorization, so you may want to include some abuse protection mechanism in the code itself.
What you can do, is spin up an AppEngine instance that is triggered by cron job and emits to PubSub. I wrote a blog post specifically on that, you might want to take a look:
It is important to first note that the default timezone your functions will execute on is America/Los_Angeles according to the documentation. You may find a list of timezones here if you'd like to trigger your function(s) on a different timezone.
NB!!: Here's a useful website to assist with cron table formats (I found it pretty useful)
Here's how you'd go about it:
(Assuming you'd like to use Africa/Johannesburg as your timezone)
export const executeFunction = functions.pubsub.schedule("10 23 * * *")
.timeZone('Africa/Johannesburg').onRun(() => {
console.log("successfully executed at 23:10 Johannesburg Time!!");
Otherwise if you'd rather stick to the default:
export const executeFunction = functions.pubsub.schedule("10 23 * * *")
.onRun(() => {
console.log("successfully executed at 23:10 Los Angeles Time!!");

Schedule a Cloud Function trigger from within another function (Firebase) [duplicate]

I am looking for a way to schedule Cloud Functions for Firebase or in other words trigger them on a specific time.
Update 2019-04-18
There is now a very simple way to deploy scheduled code on Cloud Functions through Firebase.
You can either use a simple text syntax:
export scheduledFunctionPlainEnglish =
functions.pubsub.schedule('every 5 minutes').onRun((context) => {
console.log('This will be run every 5 minutes!');
Or the more flexible cron table format:
export scheduledFunctionCrontab =
functions.pubsub.schedule('5 11 * * *').onRun((context) => {
console.log('This will be run every day at 11:05 AM UTC!');
To learn more about this, see:
The Scheduling Cloud Functions for Firebase blog post introducing the feature.
The documentation on scheduled functions.
Note that your project needs to be on a Blaze plan for this to work, so I'm leaving the alternative options below for reference.
If you want to schedule a single invocation of a Cloud Function on a delay from within the execution of another trigger, you can use Cloud Tasks to set that up. Read this article for an extended example of how that can work.
Original answer below...
There is no built-in runat/cron type trigger yet.
For the moment, the best option is to use an external service to trigger a HTTP function periodically. See this sample in the functions-samples repo for more information. Or use the recently introduced Google Cloud Scheduler to trigger Cloud Functions through PubSub or HTTPS:
I also highly recommend reading this post on the Firebase blog: How to Schedule (Cron) Jobs with Cloud Functions for Firebase and this video: Timing Cloud Functions for Firebase using an HTTP Trigger and Cron.
That last link uses to trigger Cloud Functions, and works for projects that are on a free plan. Note that this allows anyone to call your function without authorization, so you may want to include some abuse protection mechanism in the code itself.
What you can do, is spin up an AppEngine instance that is triggered by cron job and emits to PubSub. I wrote a blog post specifically on that, you might want to take a look:
It is important to first note that the default timezone your functions will execute on is America/Los_Angeles according to the documentation. You may find a list of timezones here if you'd like to trigger your function(s) on a different timezone.
NB!!: Here's a useful website to assist with cron table formats (I found it pretty useful)
Here's how you'd go about it:
(Assuming you'd like to use Africa/Johannesburg as your timezone)
export const executeFunction = functions.pubsub.schedule("10 23 * * *")
.timeZone('Africa/Johannesburg').onRun(() => {
console.log("successfully executed at 23:10 Johannesburg Time!!");
Otherwise if you'd rather stick to the default:
export const executeFunction = functions.pubsub.schedule("10 23 * * *")
.onRun(() => {
console.log("successfully executed at 23:10 Los Angeles Time!!");

Cloud Functions for Firebase error: "400, Change of function trigger type or event provider is not allowed"

When I run firebase deploy I get this error message:
functions: HTTP Error: 400, Change of function trigger type or event provider is not allowed
firebase functions:delete yourFunction // this can be done via the Firebase Console as well
firebase deploy
Basically, Cloud Functions expects the same trigger for every function all the time, i.e. once it is created it has to stick to its original trigger because every function name is connected to a specific trigger. The trigger can therefore only be changed by deleting the function first and then creating it again with a different trigger.
This can now be done easily by using the functions:delete command:
firebase functions:delete yourFunction
The documentation features more advanced use cases as well.
Old solution
Solution of this is basically commenting or cutting out your function and then saving the Functions file and deploying. The function will get deleted in Firebase, but after that you can insert/uncomment your function and it will deploy just fine again. This error occurs when you take a function and change the type of trigger that it uses, i.e. HTTP, database or authentication.
Firstly cut it out
/* exports.yourFunction = someTrigger... */
And then, after deploying ("firebase deploy") replace your trigger
exports.yourFunction = anotherTrigger...
For those who stumble upon this in the future, the Cloud Functions console now offers a delete button.
You can also go to the Cloud Functions panel in the Google Cloud Platform console and delete your function from there. After that you can upload the function normally from firebase CLI. Not sure why they don't have a delete function option in the firebase console.
