Pulseeffects unable to see audio source - audio

I am having issues with Pulseeffects on Pi OS Debian Buster. I am using custom distribution called "Volumio" which is special kind of buster that focus on music and listening to music from more sources (bluetooth, airplay, network drives, local music etc.) I also have GPIO sound card connected in there "HiFiBerry DAC2 Pro"
This Volumio OS has its custom alsa configuration which looks like this:
pcm.!default {
type copy
slave.pcm "volumio"
pcm.volumio {
type copy
slave.pcm "volumioOutput"
# There is always a plug before the hardware to be safe
pcm.volumioOutput {
type plug
slave.pcm "volumioHw"
pcm.volumioHw {
type hw
card "sndrpihifiberry"
And here my issue starts. When i launch pulseeffects and i play any music from any source, equalization is not working. In pulseeffects there is something called "apps.monitor" which should monitor which apps are playing something and then automatically start sourcing music from there but it doesnt work. In pulseeffects there are also monitors of outputs like jack or HDMI but those are IDLE, not muted, they just dont "see" the music iam playing. Iam so frustrated from this its been several weeks and iam still trying to solve it or get some help but unsuccessfully.
There is one scenario in which music is being equalized and played how it should be, actually two, but its more like bypassing actual problem. In Shairport-sync (package to have airplay playback from apple devices) you can set in its config file that it should send all audio to PA backed (pulseaudio) and if i do that, then its properly sent to pulseeffects, equalized and played.
Another scenario in which iam able to equalize and play music is when i play locally saved files and i edit MPD.conf to send audio locally ( over RTP stream and i enable RTP listening in pulseeffects, then it gets there, gets equalized and played.
But these two ways are not how it should work normally. It should either recognize any app (shairport, MPD or others) as an APP which plays music and then source that music from it. And if not then at least monitor of standard 3.5 mm jack should work, i could then set Volumio to play everything through 3.5 Jack, in pulseeffects set input to 3.5 Jack monitor and output to my Hifiberry and it would work but both app.monitor and 3.5 jack monitor are acting like iam not playing anything even though i am playing music.
So what am i doing wrong?


Trying to route audio from Musescore to Ableton Live 10 via JACK audio connection?

My goal is to be able to write sheet music in Musescore and then have the audio output of the playback routed to Ableton Live.
I've tried using loopMIDI audio and LoopBe1 as virtual midi cables.
I have the Jack audio driver set in Ableton's audio preferences under ASIO drivers. As seen in the photo, it seems that Ableton is recognizing the virtual midi cables as an input. I have Musescore's Jack audio settings enabled. I have a midi instrument set up in Ableton. However, when I play back audio in Musescore Ableton doesn't seem to be recognizing any input.
I was trying to follow along with this tutorial. However, they seemed to omit certain details. For example, as seen in my image I was only able to route general sound/midi devices together not specific [left1,right1] to another [in1,in2]

no audio data from PC send to STM32F4 audio class USB

I'm working in an audio project. We use stm32f407 like a USB audio device to get audio data from PC then send out by I2S module. We are using stm32f4 Discovery kit and STM32cubeMX. After generate code by following this video, i change nothing and flash to Kit; my PC identifies that STM Audio device but there isn't any data send to my kit when play music, except MuteCMD . My question is:
i don't know which function is callback when data stream from PC to Kit.
why PC identifies that my kit is an audio output device but the callback of volume control isn't called when I config volume on PC and there isn't any data of music send to my device. The only one mute control callback function is called when i mute the PC.
this is my config in STM32cubeMX
pinout config figure
USB device config figure 1
USB device config figure 2
USB device config figure 3
PC identifies AUDIO device figure
choosing PC's audio output device figure
fail to play test tone figure
You should set USBD_AUDIO_FREQ to 22050 (or 44100, or 11025). Your value is 22100 and it seems like Windows or built-in audio drivers can't use that frequency.
I had exact same problem.
My project is generated from STM32Cube.
Windows recognizes the F7-DISCO board as sound card but failed to play test sounds.
I changed USBD_AUDIO_FREQ to 48000 and PID to 0x5730 (22320 in decimal).
And then everything works fine.

How to control Volume on Apple Watch Bluetooth Audio

I recently developed an app that runs on the Apple Watch. It plays audio clips that you can hear on your BlueTooth headphones or speakers connected to your watch. I tested the app with a set of speakers and headphones, both of which had their own volume control. Everything was fine, so I submitted and was accepted into the Apple App Store.
When Apple AirPods came out, I tried using them with my app. The volume in the AirPods is very low and there does not seem to be any way to control their volume when they are connected to the Apple Watch. I tried using Siri to control the volume, but that works only when the AirPods are connected to the phone, not the watch.
When they are connected to the phone, you can also use phone's own volume controls.
I use WKAudioFilePlayer class to play the clips. There does not seem to be any way to control the volume from the software side either.
Any ideas?
Move to AVAudio​Player, there you have volume API.

Makes changes to asound.conf effective without restarting services?

I am running a mopidy based spotify player on a raspberry pi - my goal is to utilise both the onboard analog audio as well as an external USB sound card, with a different set of speakers in different rooms plugged into each, creating a multi room system.
The key is to be able to switch / redirect audio on the fly ie without rebooting, stopping music.
This is the closest I have gotten:
sudo nano /etc/asound.conf
pcm.!default {
type hw
card 1
ctl.!default {
type hw
card 1
change card from 0 (onboard analog) to 1 (external usb)
killall -9 mopidy
This does the job but killing mopidy stops the music (and editing asound.conf doesn't have a high WAF!) but i cant get the setting to take effect without reloading mopidy.
Someone suggested I try Pulse Audio instead of ALSA but before I do want to see if I can find a method using ALSA....suggestions??
ALSA does not allow changing the hardware device without actually opening the other device, which would require support by the application.
You need PulseAudio for that.

Change flash player audio output device

Is there a way to change flash players audio output device? if not, is there a swf player who has this possibility? Thanks!
I had an issue until a few minutes ago regarding this.
Two audio devices are available to my XP box: an iMic USB audio I/O device, in which I have permanently plugged my desktop speakers; and a pair of USB headphones with microphone that I plug in occasionally.
The USB headset would take precedence over the USB iMic for applications because apps appear to access the last device plugged in to a USB port. With this in mind, here was my issue:
I would be listening to some Internettings on my USB headset.
Later, I would want to use my desktop speakers for the Internettings.
This entailed unplugging my headset, shutting down Firefox and opening it up again. Because the desktop speakers are considered the most recently plugged in device, they would be default for plugins.
This is damned annoying, I said to myself, and decided a little hacker mode was in order.
Keeping Firefox open, I used Task Manager to kill the "plugin-container.exe" process. This showed a crash screen on any Flash Player applet in Firefox. Then I unplug the headset, and reload the Web page with the applet. Without restarting Firefox, Flash will then play through my desktop speakers.
If I wish to listen on the headset again, I plug the headset in, kill plugin-container.exe, and reload the page. Wham.
For as rare as I intend to switch audio devices, this will cover up part of the mess Adobe left.
I am 99% sure that setting the audio device used by the flash player is something you would need to do on an OS level. You can change the device that flash uses for microphone and video input from the player's settings, but I don't think you can change audio output.
I have found a solution, at least for the Firefox browser, to direct HTML5 audio to a specific audio device:
Note: this is a new Firefox addon waiting to be reviewed developed by a friend of mine.
I have been waiting for this for years.
I wanted to use this when my wife is seeing YouTube on her Chrome browser and me seeing anything like Coursera online MOOC lectures (FF) on the TV which is connected to the pc. I wanted to hear my classes on the headset and my wife on the speakers for YouTube.
I have 2 mouses (one for me, wireless) and have installed a neat program called TeamPlayer which gives multiple cursors (each cursor for each mouse).
So I have now literally the capability of 2 persons working on 1 pc.
And on top of that it works seamlessly with "Enounce Myspeed" for speeding up the video lectures' playback.
