How to parse nested struct member variables in rust proc_macro? - rust

I am attempting to write a macro that will generate a telemetry function for any struct by using
#[derive(telemetry)] . This function will send a data stream to anything provided that is io::Writable. This data stream will be "self describing" such that the receiver doesn't need to know anything else about the data other than the bytes received. This allows the receiver to be able to correctly parse a struct and print its member variables names and values, even if variables are added, removed, order changed, or variable names renamed. The telemetry function works for non-nested structs and will print the name and type of a nested struct. But I need it to recursively print the names, types, sizes, and values of the nested structs member variables. An example is shown below as is the code.
Current behavior
use derive_telemetry::Telemetry;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{Write};
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use std::marker::Send;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
#[repr(C, packed)]
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct AnotherCustomStruct {
pub my_var_2: f64,
pub my_var_1: f32,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct TestStruct {
pub a: u32,
pub b: u32,
pub my_custom_struct: AnotherCustomStruct,
pub my_array: [u32; 10],
pub my_vec: Vec::<u64>,
pub another_variable : String,
const HEADER_FILENAME: &str = "test_file_stream.header";
const DATA_FILENAME: &str = "";
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>{
let my_struct = TestStruct { a: 10,
b: 11,
my_custom_struct: AnotherCustomStruct { my_var_1: 123.456, my_var_2: 789.1023 },
my_array: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10],
my_vec: vec![11, 12, 13],
another_variable: "Hello".to_string()
let file_header_stream = Mutex::new(Box::new(File::create(HEADER_FILENAME)?) as Box <dyn std::io::Write + Send + Sync>);
let file_data_stream = Mutex::new(Box::new(File::create(DATA_FILENAME)?) as Box <dyn std::io::Write + Send + Sync>);
my_struct.telemetry(Arc::new(file_header_stream), Arc::new(file_data_stream));
let header: TelemetryHeader = bincode::deserialize_from(&File::open(HEADER_FILENAME)?)?;
let data: TestStruct = bincode::deserialize_from(&File::open(DATA_FILENAME)?)?;
println!("{:#?}", header);
println!("{:?}", data);
TelemetryHeader {
variable_descriptions: [
VariableDescription {
var_name_length: 1,
var_name: "a",
var_type_length: 3,
var_type: "u32",
var_size: 4,
VariableDescription {
var_name_length: 1,
var_name: "b",
var_type_length: 3,
var_type: "u32",
var_size: 4,
VariableDescription {
var_name_length: 16,
var_name: "my_custom_struct",
var_type_length: 19,
var_type: "AnotherCustomStruct",
var_size: 12,
VariableDescription {
var_name_length: 8,
var_name: "my_array",
var_type_length: 10,
var_type: "[u32 ; 10]",
var_size: 40,
VariableDescription {
var_name_length: 6,
var_name: "my_vec",
var_type_length: 14,
var_type: "Vec :: < u64 >",
var_size: 24,
VariableDescription {
var_name_length: 16,
var_name: "another_variable",
var_type_length: 6,
var_type: "String",
var_size: 24,
TestStruct { a: 10, b: 11, my_custom_struct: AnotherCustomStruct { my_var_2: 789.1023, my_var_1: 123.456 }, my_array: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], my_vec: [11, 12, 13], another_variable: "Hello" }
The data format is length of variable name, variable name, length of variable type, variable type, variable num of bytes.
Required Behavior
TelemetryHeader {
variable_descriptions: [
VariableDescription {
var_name_length: 1,
var_name: "a",
var_type_length: 3,
var_type: "u32",
var_size: 4,
VariableDescription {
var_name_length: 1,
var_name: "b",
var_type_length: 3,
var_type: "u32",
var_size: 4,
VariableDescription {
var_name_length: 16,
var_name: "my_custom_struct",
var_type_length: 19,
var_type: "AnotherCustomStruct",
var_size: 12,
VariableDescription {
var_name_length: 8,
var_name: "my_var_2",
var_type_length: 3,
var_type: "f64",
var_size: 8,
VariableDescription {
var_name_length: 8,
var_name: "my_var_1",
var_type_length: 3,
var_type: "f32",
var_size: 4,
VariableDescription {
var_name_length: 8,
var_name: "my_array",
var_type_length: 10,
var_type: "[u32 ; 10]",
var_size: 40,
VariableDescription {
var_name_length: 6,
var_name: "my_vec",
var_type_length: 14,
var_type: "Vec :: < u64 >",
var_size: 24,
VariableDescription {
var_name_length: 16,
var_name: "another_variable",
var_type_length: 6,
var_type: "String",
var_size: 24,
TestStruct { a: 10, b: 11, my_custom_struct: AnotherCustomStruct { my_var_2: 789.1023, my_var_1: 123.456 }, my_array: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], my_vec: [11, 12, 13], another_variable: "Hello" }
To reiterate, the current behavior correctly prints the variable name, type, size, and value for a struct with the Telemetry trait derived. It prints the name, type, and size for a nested struct correctly, but it does not then print the names and values of the nested structs members which is required. The code is below, apologies for such a long post, I hope this is formatted well and clear, thank you in advance.
Directory Structure
use derive_telemetry::Telemetry;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{Write};
use std::time::{Duration, Instant};
use std::marker::Send;
use std::sync::{Arc, Mutex};
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
const HEADER_FILENAME: &str = "test_file_stream.header";
const DATA_FILENAME: &str = "";
#[repr(C, packed)]
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize, Copy, Clone)]
pub struct AnotherCustomStruct {
pub my_var_2: f64,
pub my_var_1: f32,
#[derive(Debug, Serialize, Deserialize)]
struct TestStruct {
pub a: u32,
pub b: u32,
pub my_custom_struct: AnotherCustomStruct,
pub my_array: [u32; 10],
pub my_vec: Vec::<u64>,
pub another_variable : String,
fn main() -> Result<(), Box<dyn std::error::Error>>{
let my_struct = TestStruct { a: 10,
b: 11,
my_custom_struct: AnotherCustomStruct { my_var_1: 123.456, my_var_2: 789.1023 },
my_array: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10],
my_vec: vec![11, 12, 13],
another_variable: "Hello".to_string()
let file_header_stream = Mutex::new(Box::new(File::create(HEADER_FILENAME)?) as Box <dyn std::io::Write + Send + Sync>);
let file_data_stream = Mutex::new(Box::new(File::create(DATA_FILENAME)?) as Box <dyn std::io::Write + Send + Sync>);
//let stdout_header_stream = Mutex::new(Box::new(io::stdout()) as Box <dyn std::io::Write + Send + Sync>);
//let stdout_data_stream = Mutex::new(Box::new(io::stdout()) as Box <dyn std::io::Write + Send + Sync>);
//let tcp_header_stream = Mutex::new(Box::new(TCPStream::connect( as Box <dyn std::io::Write + Send + Sync>);
//let tcp_data_stream = Mutex::new(Box::new(TCPStream::connect( as Box <dyn std::io::Write + Send + Sync>);
//let test_traits = Mutex::new(Box::new(io::stdout()) as Box <dyn std::io::Write + Send + Sync>);
let start = Instant::now();
my_struct.telemetry(Arc::new(file_header_stream), Arc::new(file_data_stream));
let duration = start.elapsed();
println!("Telemetry took: {:?}", duration);
let header: TelemetryHeader = bincode::deserialize_from(&File::open(HEADER_FILENAME)?)?;
let data: TestStruct = bincode::deserialize_from(&File::open(DATA_FILENAME)?)?;
println!("{:#?}", header);
println!("{:?}", data);
main Cargo.toml
name = "proc_macro_test"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2018"
members = [
derive_telemetry = { path = "telemetry" }
ndarray = "0.15.3"
crossbeam = "*"
serde = { version = "*", features=["derive"]}
bincode = "*"
opt-level = 0
opt-level = 3
use proc_macro::TokenStream;
use quote::quote;
use syn::{parse_macro_input, parse_quote, DeriveInput};
pub fn derive(input: TokenStream) -> TokenStream {
let input = parse_macro_input!(input as DeriveInput);
let output = parse_derive_input(&input);
match output {
syn::Result::Ok(tt) => tt,
syn::Result::Err(err) => err.to_compile_error(),
fn parse_derive_input(input: &syn::DeriveInput) -> syn::Result<proc_macro2::TokenStream> {
let struct_ident = &input.ident;
let struct_data = parse_data(&;
let struct_fields = &struct_data.fields;
let generics = add_debug_bound(struct_fields, input.generics.clone());
let (impl_generics, ty_generics, where_clause) = generics.split_for_impl();
let _struct_ident_str = format!("{}", struct_ident);
let tele_body = match struct_fields {
syn::Fields::Named(fields_named) => handle_named_fields(fields_named)?,
syn::Fields::Unnamed(fields_unnamed) => {
let field_indexes = (0..fields_unnamed.unnamed.len()).map(syn::Index::from);
let field_indexes_str = (0..fields_unnamed.unnamed.len()).map(|idx| format!("{}", idx));
quote!(#( .field(#field_indexes_str, &self.#field_indexes) )*)
syn::Fields::Unit => quote!(),
let telemetry_declaration = quote!(
trait Telemetry {
fn telemetry(self, header_stream: Arc<Mutex::<Box <std::io::Write + std::marker::Send + Sync>>>, data_stream: Arc<Mutex::<Box <std::io::Write + std::marker::Send + Sync>>>);
use std::thread;
use std::collections::VecDeque;
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Default, Debug)]
pub struct VariableDescription {
pub var_name_length: usize,
pub var_name: String,
pub var_type_length: usize,
pub var_type: String,
pub var_size: usize,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Default, Debug)]
pub struct TelemetryHeader {
pub variable_descriptions: VecDeque::<VariableDescription>,
impl #impl_generics Telemetry for #struct_ident #ty_generics #where_clause {
fn telemetry(self, header_stream: Arc<Mutex::<Box <std::io::Write + std::marker::Send + Sync>>>, data_stream: Arc<Mutex::<Box <std::io::Write + std::marker::Send + Sync>>>) {
thread::spawn(move || {
fn handle_named_fields(fields: &syn::FieldsNamed) -> syn::Result<proc_macro2::TokenStream> {
let idents = fields.named.iter().map(|f| &f.ident);
let types = fields.named.iter().map(|f| &f.ty);
let num_entities = fields.named.len();
let test = quote! (
let mut tele_header = TelemetryHeader {variable_descriptions: VecDeque::with_capacity(#num_entities)};
tele_header.variable_descriptions.push_back( VariableDescription {
var_name_length: stringify!(#idents).len(),
var_name: stringify!(#idents).to_string(),
var_type_length: stringify!(#types).len(),
var_type: stringify!(#types).to_string(),
var_size: std::mem::size_of_val(&self.#idents),
fn parse_named_field(field: &syn::Field) -> proc_macro2::TokenStream {
let ident = field.ident.as_ref().unwrap();
let ident_str = format!("{}", ident);
let ident_type = &field.ty;
if field.attrs.is_empty() {
println!("Var Name Length: {}", stringify!(#ident_str).len());
println!("Var Name: {}", #ident_str);
println!("Var Type Length: {}", stringify!(#ident_type).len());
println!("Var Type: {}", stringify!(#ident_type));
println!("Var Val: {}", &self.#ident);
else {
fn parse_named_field_attrs(field: &syn::Field) -> syn::Result<proc_macro2::TokenStream> {
let ident = field.ident.as_ref().unwrap();
let ident_str = format!("{}", ident);
let attr = field.attrs.last().unwrap();
if !attr.path.is_ident("debug") {
return syn::Result::Err(syn::Error::new_spanned(
"value must be \"debug\"",
let attr_meta = &attr.parse_meta();
match attr_meta {
Ok(syn::Meta::NameValue(syn::MetaNameValue { lit, .. })) => {
let debug_assign_value = lit;
.field(#ident_str, &std::format_args!(#debug_assign_value, &self.#ident))
Ok(meta) => syn::Result::Err(syn::Error::new_spanned(meta, "expected meta name value")),
Err(err) => syn::Result::Err(err.clone()),
fn parse_data(data: &syn::Data) -> syn::Result<&syn::DataStruct> {
match data {
syn::Data::Struct(data_struct) => syn::Result::Ok(data_struct),
syn::Data::Enum(syn::DataEnum { enum_token, .. }) => syn::Result::Err(
syn::Error::new_spanned(enum_token, "CustomDebug is not implemented for enums"),
syn::Data::Union(syn::DataUnion { union_token, .. }) => syn::Result::Err(
syn::Error::new_spanned(union_token, "CustomDebug is not implemented for unions"),
fn add_debug_bound(fields: &syn::Fields, mut generics: syn::Generics) -> syn::Generics {
let mut phantom_ty_idents = std::collections::HashSet::new();
let mut non_phantom_ty_idents = std::collections::HashSet::new();
let g = generics.clone();
for (ident, opt_iter) in fields
.map(|path| extract_ty_idents(path, g.params.iter().flat_map(|p| {
if let syn::GenericParam::Type(ty) = p {
} else {
} ).collect()))
if ident == "PhantomData" {
// If the field type ident is `PhantomData`
// add the generic parameters into the phantom idents collection
if let std::option::Option::Some(args) = opt_iter {
for arg in args {
} else {
// Else, add the type and existing generic parameters into the non-phantom idents collection
if let std::option::Option::Some(args) = opt_iter {
for arg in args {
// Find the difference between the phantom idents and non-phantom idents
// Collect them into an hash set for O(1) lookup
let non_debug_fields = phantom_ty_idents
// Iterate generic params and if their ident is NOT in the phantom fields
// do not add the generic bound
for param in generics.type_params_mut() {
// this is kinda shady, hoping it works
if !non_debug_fields.contains(&&param.ident) {
/// Extract the path from the type path in a field.
fn extract_ty_path(field: &syn::Field) -> std::option::Option<&syn::Path> {
if let syn::Type::Path(syn::TypePath { path, .. }) = &field.ty {
} else {
/// From a `syn::Path` extract both the type ident and an iterator over generic type arguments.
fn extract_ty_idents<'a>(
path: &'a syn::Path,
params: std::collections::HashSet<&'a syn::Ident>,
) -> (
&'a syn::Ident,
std::option::Option<impl Iterator<Item = &'a syn::Ident>>,
) {
let ty_segment = path.segments.last().unwrap();
let ty_ident = &ty_segment.ident;
if let syn::PathArguments::AngleBracketed(syn::AngleBracketedGenericArguments {
args, ..
}) = &ty_segment.arguments
let ident_iter = args.iter().flat_map(move |gen_arg| {
if let syn::GenericArgument::Type(syn::Type::Path(syn::TypePath { path, .. })) = gen_arg
match path.segments.len() {
2 => {
let ty = path.segments.first().unwrap();
let assoc_ty = path.segments.last().unwrap();
if params.contains(&ty.ident) {
} else {
1 => path.get_ident(),
_ => std::unimplemented!("kinda tired of edge cases"),
} else {
(ty_ident, std::option::Option::Some(ident_iter))
} else {
(ty_ident, std::option::Option::None)
mod tests {
fn it_works() {
assert_eq!(2 + 2, 4);
telemetry Cargo.toml
name = "derive_telemetry"
version = "0.0.0"
edition = "2018"
autotests = false
publish = false
proc-macro = true
# See more keys and their definitions at
proc-macro2 = ">= 1.0.29"
syn = ">= 1.0.76"
quote = ">= 1.0.9"
crossbeam = "*"
serde = { version = "*", features=["derive"]}
bincode = "*"
Once again, apologies for the lengthy post. I hope this is clear and I believe this is everything to reproduce what I have and unfortunately I believe it is a minimum working example otherwise I would take more out for ease of reading/answering
I think if I could call handle_named_fields recursively on any Field that is a struct I would get the desired behavior. The only problem with this approach is that I don't see an obvious way to tell if a Field is a struct or not. If I had a syn::Data it would be trivial, but I can't see how to make to this with a syn::Field.

What you're trying is maybe a bit complicated for a SO question. I can only give an answer sketch (which would usually be a comment, but it's too long for that).
You can't parse "nested" structs in one macro run. Your derive macro gets access to the one struct it's running on, that's it. The only thing you can do is have the generated code "recursively" call other generated code (i.e. TestStruct::telemetry could call AnotherCustomStruct::telemetry).
There is one fundamental problem, though: Your macro won't know which struct members to generate a recursive call for. To solve that, you can either do the recursive call on all members, and implement Telemetry for a buttload of existing types, or you ask the user to add some #[recursive_telemetry] attribute to struct members they want included, and fire only on that.


Skip empty objects when deserializing array with serde

I need to deserialize an array (JSON) of a type let call Foo. I have implemented this and it works well for most stuff, but I have noticed the latest version of the data will sometimes include erroneous empty objects.
Prior to this change, each Foo can be de-serialized to the following enum:
pub enum Foo<'s> {
Error {
// My current workaround is using Option<Cow<'s, str>>
error: Cow<'s, str>,
Value {
a: u32,
b: i32,
// etc.
/// Foo is part of a larger struct Bar.
pub struct Bar<'s> {
foos: Vec<Foo<'s>>,
// etc.
This struct may represent one of the following JSON values:
// Valid inputs
[{"a": 34, "b": -23},{"a": 33, "b": -2},{"a": 37, "b": 1}]
[{"error":"Unable to connect to network"}]
[{"a": 34, "b": -23},{"error":"Timeout"},{"a": 37, "b": 1}]
// Possible input for latest versions of data
[{},{},{},{},{},{},{"a": 34, "b": -23},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{"error":"Timeout"},{},{},{},{},{},{}]
This does not happen very often, but it is enough to cause issues. Normally, the array should include 3 or less entries, but these extraneous empty objects break that convention. There is no meaningful information I can gain from parsing {} and in the worst cases there can be hundreds of them in one array.
I do not want to error on parsing {} as the array still contains other meaningful values, but I do not want to include {} in my parsed data either. Ideally I would also be able to use tinyvec::ArrayVec<[Foo<'s>; 3]> instead of a Vec<Foo<'s>> to save memory and reduce time spent performing allocation during paring, but am unable to due to this issue.
How can I skip {} JSON values when deserializing an array with serde in Rust?
I also put together a Rust Playground with some test cases to try different solutions.
serde_with::VecSkipError provides a way to ignore any elements which fail deserialization, by skipping them. This will ignore any errors and not only the empty object {}. So it might be too permissive.
pub struct Bar<'s> {
#[serde_as(as = "serde_with::VecSkipError<_>")]
foos: Vec<Foo<'s>>,
The simplest, but not performant, solution would be to define an enum that captures both the Foo case and the empty case, deserialize into a vector of those, and then filter that vector to get just the nonempty ones.
#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
pub enum FooDe<'s> {
Empty {},
fn main() {
let json = r#"[
{"a": 34, "b": -23},
let foo_des = serde_json::from_str::<Vec<FooDe>>(json).unwrap();
let foos = foo_des
.filter_map(|item| {
use FooDe::*;
match item {
Nonempty(foo) => Some(foo),
Empty {} => None,
let bar = Bar { foos };
println!("{:?}", bar);
// Bar { foos: [Value { a: 34, b: -23 }, Error { error: "Timeout" }] }
Conceptually this is simple but you're allocating a lot of space for Empty cases that you ultimately don't need. Instead, you can control exactly how deserialization is done by implementing it yourself.
struct BarVisitor<'s> {
marker: PhantomData<fn() -> Bar<'s>>,
impl<'s> BarVisitor<'s> {
fn new() -> Self {
BarVisitor {
marker: PhantomData,
// This is the trait that informs Serde how to deserialize Bar.
impl<'de, 's: 'de> Deserialize<'de> for Bar<'s> {
fn deserialize<D>(deserializer: D) -> Result<Self, D::Error>
D: Deserializer<'de>,
impl<'de, 's: 'de> Visitor<'de> for BarVisitor<'s> {
// The type that our Visitor is going to produce.
type Value = Bar<'s>;
fn expecting(&self, formatter: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
formatter.write_str("a list of objects")
fn visit_seq<V>(self, mut access: V) -> Result<Self::Value, V::Error>
V: SeqAccess<'de>,
let mut foos = Vec::new();
while let Some(foo_de) = access.next_element::<FooDe>()? {
if let FooDe::Nonempty(foo) = foo_de {
let bar = Bar { foos };
// Instantiate our Visitor and ask the Deserializer to drive
// it over the input data, resulting in an instance of Bar.
fn main() {
let json = r#"[
{"a": 34, "b": -23},
let bar = serde_json::from_str::<Bar>(json).unwrap();
println!("{:?}", bar);
// Bar { foos: [Value { a: 34, b: -23 }, Error { error: "Timeout" }] }

the trait `PartialEq<Option<_>>` is not implemented

I have a struct where I've derived a couple of things.
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
struct Subscriber {
id: u16,
up_speed: u32,
down_speed: u32
However, when I try to use PartialEq, I get told it is not implemented.
for (id, subscriber) in &new_hashmap {
let original_subscriber = original_hashmap.get(id).unwrap();
if original_subscriber == None {
changed_hashmap.insert(, subscriber);
} else if subscriber != original_subscriber {
changed_hashmap.insert(, subscriber);
Here's the compiler error.
error[E0277]: can't compare `&Subscriber` with `Option<_>`
--> src/
34 | if original_subscriber == None {
| ^^ no implementation for `&Subscriber == Option<_>`
= help: the trait `PartialEq<Option<_>>` is not implemented for `&Subscriber`
= help: the trait `PartialEq` is implemented for `Subscriber`
If I rewrite it to not put original_subscriber into its own variable, then it works.
for (id, subscriber) in &new_hashmap {
if original_hashmap.get(id) == None {
changed_hashmap.insert(, subscriber);
} else if subscriber != original_hashmap.get(id).unwrap() {
changed_hashmap.insert(, subscriber);
The rest of the code is essentially doing the following.
Create HashMap of 2 Subscriber instances.
Create another HashMap of 3 Subscriber instances, 1 of which is new, 1 of which is the same, and 1 of which has the same key but an updated value.
That is original_hashmap HashMap and new_hashmap.
The goal is to get a third HashMap of items in new_hashmap that are new to original_hashmap or have changed values.
your code does not work for 2 reasons.
If you derive PartialEq it will only work for Subscriber == Subscriber checks. You need to implement PartialEq<Type>
You are using a reference when comparing. This means you need to implement PartialEq for &Subscriber and not subscriber
This should do the trick
#[derive(PartialEq, Debug)]
struct Subscriber {
id: u16,
up_speed: u32,
down_speed: u32,
let subscriber = Subscriber {
id: 1,
up_speed: 100,
down_speed: 100,
impl PartialEq<Option<Subscriber>> for &Subscriber {
fn eq(&self, other: &Option<Subscriber>) -> bool {
match other {
Some(other) => return other == *self,
None => return false,
if &subscriber == None {
} else {
But I am not sure if this is really what you want. I will try to implement the same and edit my answer afterwards
I suppose that's what you want to implement
use std::collections::HashMap;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
struct Subscriber {
id: u16,
up_speed: u32,
down_speed: u32,
impl Subscriber {
fn new(id: u16, up_speed: u32, down_speed: u32) -> Subscriber {
Subscriber {
fn main() {
let mut old_map = HashMap::new();
old_map.insert(1, Subscriber::new(1, 1, 1));
old_map.insert(2, Subscriber::new(2, 2, 2));
let mut new_map = HashMap::new();
new_map.insert(0, Subscriber::new(0, 0, 0)); //new
new_map.insert(1, Subscriber::new(1, 1, 1)); //Same
new_map.insert(2, Subscriber::new(3, 3, 3)); //Same key but different value
let mut changed_map = HashMap::new();
for (key, subscriber) in &new_map {
if old_map.contains_key(&key) {
if old_map[&key] != *subscriber {
changed_map.insert(key, subscriber);
} else {
changed_map.insert(key, subscriber);
println!("{:?}", changed_map);
It will return
{2: Subscriber { id: 3, up_speed: 3, down_speed: 3 }, 0: Subscriber { id: 0, up_speed: 0, down_speed: 0 }}
I used the deref operator to avoid impl PartialEq<Subscriber> for &Subscriber but you could have done that as well

Initialize rest of array with a default value

Is there a way in Rust to initialize the first n elements of an array manually, and specify a default value to be used for the rest?
Specifically, when initializing structs, we can specify some fields, and use .. to initialize the remaining fields from another struct, e.g.:
let foo = Foo {
x: 1,
y: 2,
Is there a similar mechanism for initializing part of an array manually? e.g.
let arr: [i32; 5] = [1, 2, ..3];
to get [1, 2, 3, 3, 3]?
Edit: I realized this can be done on stable. For the original answer, see below.
I had to juggle with the compiler so it will be able to infer the type of the array, but it works:
// A workaround on the same method on `MaybeUninit` being unstable.
// Copy-paste from
pub unsafe fn maybe_uninit_array_assume_init<T, const N: usize>(
array: [core::mem::MaybeUninit<T>; N],
) -> [T; N] {
// * The caller guarantees that all elements of the array are initialized
// * `MaybeUninit<T>` and T are guaranteed to have the same layout
// * `MaybeUninit` does not drop, so there are no double-frees
// And thus the conversion is safe
(&array as *const _ as *const [T; N]).read()
macro_rules! array_with_default {
(#count) => { 0usize };
(#count $e:expr, $($rest:tt)*) => { 1usize + array_with_default!(#count $($rest)*) };
[$($e:expr),* ; $default:expr; $default_size:expr] => {{
// There is no hygiene for items, so we use unique names here.
const __array_with_default_EXPRS_LEN: usize = array_with_default!(#count $($e,)*);
const __array_with_default_DEFAULT_SIZE: usize = $default_size;
let mut result = unsafe { ::core::mem::MaybeUninit::<
[::core::mem::MaybeUninit<_>; {
__array_with_default_EXPRS_LEN + __array_with_default_DEFAULT_SIZE
>::uninit().assume_init() };
let mut dest = result.as_mut_ptr();
let expr = $e;
unsafe {
::core::ptr::write((*dest).as_mut_ptr(), expr);
dest = dest.add(1);
for default_value in [$default; __array_with_default_DEFAULT_SIZE] {
unsafe {
::core::ptr::write((*dest).as_mut_ptr(), default_value);
dest = dest.add(1);
unsafe { maybe_uninit_array_assume_init(result) }
Based on the example from #Denys, here is a macro that works on nightly. Note that I had problems matching the .. syntax (though I'm not entirely sure that's impossible; just didn't put much time into that):
use std::mem::MaybeUninit;
pub fn concat_arrays<T, const N: usize, const M: usize>(a: [T; N], b: [T; M]) -> [T; N + M] {
unsafe {
let mut result = MaybeUninit::<[T; N + M]>::uninit();
let dest = result.as_mut_ptr().cast::<[T; N]>();
let dest = dest.add(1).cast::<[T; M]>();
macro_rules! array_with_default {
[$($e:expr),* ; $default:expr; $default_size:expr] => {
concat_arrays([$($e),*], [$default; $default_size])
fn main() {
dbg!(array_with_default![1, 2; 3; 7]);
As another option, you can build a default filled array and just modify the positions you require in runtime:
fn array_with_default_and_positions<T: Copy, const SIZE: usize>(
default: T,
init_values: impl IntoIterator<Item = (usize, T)>,
) -> [T; SIZE] {
let mut res = [default; SIZE];
for (i, e) in init_values.into_iter() {
res[i] = e;
Notice the use of #![feature(explicit_generic_args_with_impl_trait)],which is nightly, it could be replaced by an slice since T and usize are copy:
fn array_with_default_and_positions_v2<T: Copy, const SIZE: usize>(
default: T,
init_values: &[(usize, T)],
) -> [T; SIZE] {
let mut res = [default; SIZE];
for &(i, e) in init_values.into_iter() {
res[i] = e;

Rust first step, how to create a Option<Box<T>> from &mut self?

I'm learning Rust for a few days and honestly some concepts are really difficult to understand and apply. I started to rewrite a small part of a component in order to compare the legendary speed of Rust and learn by a concrete project. It's a component to measure time and monitor the program during the execution. It will be a dynamic library used by another program.
My question :
1) How to create an Option<Box<T>> from &mut self ? (fn add_son)
extern crate winapi;
extern crate user32;
extern crate kernel32;
struct KpiMethod{
element : String,
line : u32,
nb_occ : u32,
counter_start : i64,
counter_end : i64,
total_time: i64,
kpi_fils : Vec<KpiMethod>,
kpi_father : Option<Box<KpiMethod>>
impl KpiMethod {
pub fn new(_element: String, _line: u32, _father: Option<Box<KpiMethod>>) -> KpiMethod {
element : _element,
line : _line,
nb_occ : 1,
counter_start : get_counter(),
counter_end : 0,
total_time: 0,
kpi_fils : Vec::new(),
kpi_father : _father
pub fn add_son(&mut self, _element: String, _line: u32) -> KpiMethod{
//How create a Option<Box<KpiMethod>> of an existing KpiMethod (self) ?
let mut kpimet = KpiMethod::new(_element, _line, Some(Box::new(self)));
//Do I need a mutable self to push ?
pub fn find_son(&mut self, _element: String, _line: u32) -> Option<&KpiMethod> {
//which is the good and speed method to find a son with key (element,line) ?
for elem in self.kpi_fils.iter_mut() {
if elem.element == _element && elem.line == _line {
//why do I put a return here to fix error ?
return Some(elem)
pub struct KpiAgent{
kpi_Method : Vec<KpiMethod>,
current_Method : Option<Box<KpiMethod>>,
counter_start : i64,
counter_end : i64,
date_start : String,
date_end : String,
auto_consommation : u64,
impl KpiAgent {
pub fn new() -> KpiAgent {
kpi_Method: Vec::new(),
current_Method: None,
counter_start: 0,
counter_end: 0,
date_start: String::from(""),
date_end: String::from(""),
auto_consommation: 0
pub fn method_start(&mut self, element: String, line: u32){
match self.current_Method {
None => {
self.current_Method = Some(Box::new(KpiMethod::new(element, line, None)));
if self.counter_start == 0 {
self.counter_start = get_counter();
Some(method) => {
let metfils = method.find_son(element, line);
match metfils {
None => {
self.current_Method = Some(Box::new(method.add_son(element, line)));
Some(son) => {
son.nb_occ += 1;
son.counter_start = get_counter();
pub fn method_end(&mut self, element: String, line: u32){
match self.current_Method{
Some(met) => {
met.counter_end = get_counter();
self.counter_end = met.counter_end;
met.total_time += met.counter_end - met.counter_start;
self.current_Method = met.kpi_father;
pub fn get_counter() -> i64 {
let mut counter: i64 = 0;
kernel32::QueryPerformanceCounter(&mut counter);
pub fn main() {
let mut met = KpiMethod::new("1c".to_string(), 1, None);
let _toto = met.find_son("3c".to_string(),3);
match _toto{
None => println!("Not found"),
Some(x) => println!("{}",x.element),
let mut agent = KpiAgent::new();

What's the Rust way to modify a structure within nested loops?

Given is an array of bodies that interact in some way with each other. As a newbie I approached it as I would do it in some other language:
struct Body {
x: i16,
y: i16,
v: i16,
fn main() {
let mut bodies = Vec::<Body>::new();
bodies.push(Body { x: 10, y: 10, v: 0 });
bodies.push(Body { x: 20, y: 30, v: 0 });
// keep it simple and loop only twice
for i in 0..2 {
println!("Turn {}", i);
for b_outer in bodies.iter() {
println!("x:{}, y:{}, v:{}", b_outer.x, b_outer.y, b_outer.v);
let mut a = b_outer.v;
for b_inner in bodies.iter() {
// for simplicity I ignore here to continue in case b_outer == b_inner
// just do some calculation
a = a + b_outer.x * b_inner.x;
" x:{}, y:{}, v:{}, a:{}",
// updating b_outer.v fails
b_outer.v = a;
Updating of b_outer.v after the inner loop has finished fails:
error[E0594]: cannot assign to immutable field `b_outer.v`
--> src/
32 | b_outer.v = a;
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ cannot mutably borrow immutable field
Making b_outer mutable:
for b_outer in bodies.iter_mut() { ...
doesn't work either:
error[E0502]: cannot borrow `bodies` as mutable because it is also borrowed as immutable
--> src/
16 | for b_outer in bodies.iter() {
| ------ immutable borrow occurs here
19 | for b_inner in bodies.iter_mut() {
| ^^^^^^ mutable borrow occurs here
33 | }
| - immutable borrow ends here
Now I'm stuck. What's the Rust approach to update b_outer.v after the inner loop has finished?
For what it's worth, I think the error message is telling you that your code has a logic problem. If you update the vector between iterations of the inner loop, then those changes will be used for subsequent iterations. Let's look at a smaller example where we compute the windowed-average of an array item and its neighbors:
[2, 0, 2, 0, 2] // input
[2/3, 4/3, 2/3, 4/3, 2/3] // expected output (out-of-bounds counts as 0)
[2/3, 0, 2, 0, 2] // input after round 1
[2/3, 8/9, 2, 0, 2] // input after round 2
[2/3, 8/9, 26/9, 0, 2] // input after round 3
// I got bored here
I'd suggest computing the output into a temporary vector and then swap them:
struct Body {
x: i16,
y: i16,
v: i16,
fn main() {
let mut bodies = vec![Body { x: 10, y: 10, v: 0 }, Body { x: 20, y: 30, v: 0 }];
for _ in 0..2 {
let next_bodies = bodies
.map(|b| {
let next_v = bodies
.fold(b.v, { |a, b_inner| a + b.x * b_inner.x });
Body { v: next_v, ..*b }
bodies = next_bodies;
println!("{:?}", bodies);
[Body { x: 10, y: 10, v: 600 }, Body { x: 20, y: 30, v: 1200 }]
If you really concerned about memory performance, you could create a total of two vectors, size them appropriately, then alternate between the two. The code would be uglier though.
As Matthieu M. said, you could use Cell or RefCell, which both grant you inner mutability:
use std::cell::Cell;
#[derive(Debug, Copy, Clone)]
struct Body {
x: i16,
y: i16,
v: i16,
fn main() {
let bodies = vec![
Cell::new(Body { x: 10, y: 10, v: 0 }),
Cell::new(Body { x: 20, y: 30, v: 0 }),
for _ in 0..2 {
for b_outer_cell in &bodies {
let mut b_outer = b_outer_cell.get();
let mut a = b_outer.v;
for b_inner in &bodies {
let b_inner = b_inner.get();
a = a + b_outer.x * b_inner.x;
b_outer.v = a;
println!("{:?}", bodies);
[Cell { value: Body { x: 10, y: 10, v: 600 } }, Cell { value: Body { x: 20, y: 30, v: 1200 } }]
I know the question is like 2 years old, but I got curious about it.
This C# program produces the original desired output:
var bodies = new[] { new Body { X = 10, Y = 10, V = 0 },
new Body { X = 20, Y = 30, V = 0 } };
for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
Console.WriteLine("Turn {0}", i);
foreach (var bOuter in bodies)
Console.WriteLine("x:{0}, y:{1}, v:{2}", bOuter.X, bOuter.Y, bOuter.V);
var a = bOuter.V;
foreach (var bInner in bodies)
a = a + bOuter.X * bInner.X;
Console.WriteLine(" x:{0}, y:{1}, v:{2}, a:{3}", bInner.X, bInner.Y, bInner.V, a);
bOuter.V = a;
Since only v is ever changed, we could change the struct to something like this:
struct Body {
x: i16,
y: i16,
v: Cell<i16>,
Now I'm able to mutate v, and the program becomes:
// keep it simple and loop only twice
for i in 0..2 {
println!("Turn {}", i);
for b_outer in bodies.iter() {
let mut a = b_outer.v.get();
println!("x:{}, y:{}, v:{}", b_outer.x, b_outer.y, a);
for b_inner in bodies.iter() {
a = a + (b_outer.x * b_inner.x);
" x:{}, y:{}, v:{}, a:{}",
It produces the same output as the C# program above. The "downside" is that whenever you want to work with v, you need use get() or into_inner(). There may be other downsides I'm not aware of.
I decided to split the structure in one that is used as a base for the calculation (input) in the inner loop (b_inner) and one that gathers the results (output). After the inner loop finished, the input structure is updated in the outer loop (b_outer) and calculation starts with the next body.
What's now not so nice that I have to deal with two structures and you don't see their relation from the declaration.
struct Body {
x: i16,
y: i16,
struct Velocity {
vx: i16,
fn main() {
let mut bodies = Vec::<Body>::new();
let mut velocities = Vec::<Velocity>::new();
bodies.push(Body { x: 10, y: 10 });
bodies.push(Body { x: 20, y: 30 });
velocities.push(Velocity { vx: 0 });
velocities.push(Velocity { vx: 0 });
// keep it simple and loop only twice
for i in 0..2 {
println!("Turn {}", i);
for (i, b_outer) in bodies.iter().enumerate() {
println!("x:{}, y:{}, v:{}", b_outer.x, b_outer.y, velocities[i].vx);
let v = velocities.get_mut(i).unwrap();
let mut a = v.vx;
for b_inner in bodies.iter() {
// for simplicity I ignore here to continue in case b_outer == b_inner
// just do some calculation
a = a + b_outer.x * b_inner.x;
println!(" x:{}, y:{}, v:{}, a:{}", b_inner.x, b_inner.y, v.vx, a);
v.vx = a;
println!("{:?}", bodies);
[Body { x: 10, y: 10 }, Body { x: 20, y: 30 }]
