Handling Database reconnections with MongoDB Native Driver in Node.JS - node.js

With mongoose one can simply handle reconnections via connection-options:
let dbOptions = {
dbName: process.env.MONGO_DATABASE_NAME,
autoReconnect: true,
reconnectInterval: 1000,
reconnectTries: 10,
mongoose.connect(process.env.MONGO_URI, dbOptions);
// Create connection object.
const db = mongoose.connection;
In the native MongoDB driver (version 4.4) there are no similar connection options available:
What is the easiest way to handle database reconnections in case of a major error?

Wherever you've got the mongoose connection snippet from, it's outdated.
The autoReconnect and auto_reconnect options were a thing in Nodejs native driver before v4.0, and mongoose just proxied these options to the driver.
This is the documentation for the driver 3.7 with "autoReconnect" still there: http://mongodb.github.io/node-mongodb-native/3.7/api/global.html#MongoClientOptions and this is the commit where it's been removed: https://github.com/mongodb/node-mongodb-native/commit/e3cd9e684aea99be0430d856d6299e65258bb4c3#diff-f005e84d9066ef889099ec2bd907abf7900f76da67603e4130e1c92fac92533dL90
The option was "True" by default with a strong note to do not change this value unless you know exactly why you need to disable it.
v4 introduced many changes to the driver - refactoring to typescript, architectural changes, you can see it from the commit, right. One of the changes affected connection logic and pool management. There is no option to disable reconnection anymore. It's always reconnects regardless how you connect directly or via mongoose.


Mongoose connection to replica set not working

I am running my own MongoDb Replica Set on Kubernetes.
It has 3 members, I exposed them all via NodePort.
I can connect to it via shell:
(feel free to connect, it's an empty, isolated example that will be destroyed)
mongo mongodb://stackoverflow:practice#,,
However, I cannot connect to it via mongoose 5.11.12 using the same connection string.
It only works until mongoose 4.5.8
useNewUrlParser: true,
poolSize: 5,
useUnifiedTopology: true,
serverSelectionTimeoutMS: 5000, // Timeout after 5s instead of 30s
I tried tons of configurations, gssapiServiceName=mongodb, replicaSetName=thirty3 (I checked the replica set name by running rs.conf() ) and many more other configurations.
My question is - is there something wrong with mongoose handling these types of communications?
I have found similar issues that indicate downgrading as a solution, but downgrading is not ideal unless impossible to fix it normally.
Please try the code samples above, the database is open for connections with the credentials exposed.
This configuration works for me in Local MongoDB with a replica set.
await mongoose.connect("mongodb://localhost:27017/movieku", { family: 4 })
Source: https://docs.w3cub.com/mongoose/connections

poolSize reaches the specified size , which causes application to slow down drastically

I have 3 replica set running and I am also using the cluster module to fork 3 other processes ( the number of replica set created, does not have anything to do with the number of process forked ). In mongoose connect method i have the following option set
"use strict";
const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const config = require("../config.js");
// Set up mongoose connection
mongoose.connect( config.mongoURI, {
useNewUrlParser: true,
// silent deprecation warning
useCreateIndex: true,
// auto reconnect to db
autoReconnect: true,
// turn off buffering, and fail immidiately mongodb disconnects
bufferMaxEntries: 0,
bufferCommands: false,
keepAlive: true,
keepAliveInitialDelay: 450000,
// number of socket connection to keep open
poolSize: 1000
}, error => {
if (error) {
module.exports = mongoose.connection;
The above code is in a file named db.js. In my server.js which starts the express application i require db.js.
Whenever i reload the webpage multiple times it get's to a point were the app slows down to load drastically ( all this started happening when i decided to use a replica set ). I connected to mongdb through mongo shell and ran db.serverStatus().connections everytime i reloaded the page the current field increases ( which is what is expected anytime a new connection is made to mongodb ), but the problem is whenever the current field reaches the specified poolSize the application takes a lot of time to load. I tried calling db.disconnect() whenever the end event is emitted on the req express object, which will disconnect from mongodb ( this worked as expected but since i am using stream changes the above solution to close opend connections will throw MongoError: Topology was destroyed. The error been throwed is not the problem, the problem is preventing the app to slow down drastically if the currently opened connection hits the specified poolSize.
I also tried setting maxIdleTimeMS in the mongodb connection string, and it is not working ( maybe mongoose does not support it )
Note: whenever i run db.currentOps() all active connections are set to false
I actually found out the cause of this issue. Since i am heavily using change streams in the application, the higher the number of change streams you create the higher the number of poolSize you will need. This issue have also been reported on CORE SERVER board in mongodb jira platform
Severe Performance Drop with Mongodb change streams

Best practices with mongodb and expressjs

I want to know how to handle mongo connections with express.
My questions are:
Is it a good idea create a middleware to handle every request and before execute it, connect to mongo?
Is it a good idea create a middleware to handle every request and after make response, close mongo connection?
Best practice is to call mongoose.connect during your application's startup and just leave it open. That call creates a connection pool that is shared across all Mongoose models, by default.
The default pool size is 5, but you can tweak that in your call's options:
const options = {
poolSize: 10
mongoose.connect('mongodb://localhost/test', options);

No primary server available when failover happens: MongoDB, Node.js, Mongoose

I am currently facing an issue when failover happens in mongodb replica set. The app fails to reconnect to the newly elected primary server and fails to perform all subsequent write operations.
Restarting app reconnects successfully.
The failover happens instantly and a new primary is elected. However, the app fails to connect to the new primary.
mongodb version: 3.2.6
mongoose version: 4.3.4
node.js version:0.10.26
I was also facing a similar problem then I just changed
mongoose.connect(db, {useNewUrlParser: true})
and now it is working fine
I have a primary, secondary and an arbiter set up running in three different nodes. This is how I connect using mongoose and the failover works perfectly fine.
So, everything expect mongodb:// are variables.
I had this problem but it turned out to be that I was trying to access from a non-whitelisted IP.
mongoose.connect(url, { useNewUrlParser: true, useUnifiedTopology: true })
use like this, it will work fine.

What is the recommended lifespan for a connection in MongoDB/Mongoose?

I'm taking my first dip into the MEAN stack, and I'm working with the database through Mongoose. I'm not very familiar with Mongoose or MongoDB, so I don't know how they like to be configured. I also don't really know whether Mongoose matters or this is purely a MongoDB question.
The last time I wrote data access logic directly (without an ORM or injected repositories to handle connection management for me), it was in .NET with System.Data.SqlClient. I remember having to always make sure a SqlConnection was open no longer than necessary, and to always close it explicitly when I was done.
I've read lots of how-tos about writing MEAN apps, and nobody mentions this. From the code I've seen, I get the impression that MongoDB/Mongoose connections like to live at the application level, and that I should only be calling mongoose.connect once for the whole application.
Here's my connection code, which is called once on application startup:
mongoose = require "mongoose"
connection = mongoose.connection
mongoose.connect process.env.MONGO_URI
connection.on 'error', (err) ->
console.error 'DB connection error', err
.once 'open', ->
console.log 'DB open'
gracefulExit = ->
connection.close ->
console.log 'Mongoose default connection disconnected through app termination'
process.exit 0
process.on('SIGINT', gracefulExit)
.on('SIGTERM', gracefulExit)
module.exports = (name, dataStructure) ->
schema = new Schema dataStructure
return mongoose.model(name, schema)
JavaScript translation if you need it
This is the only place mongoose.connect is called, and the resulting connection object is reused throughout the application. Am I right to do it this way, or should I be creating, opening, closing, and destroying it on each request? What other scalability issues do I need to be aware of?
I realize this sounds a little open-ended, but I'm hoping for objective information about MongoDB and Mongoose internals and configuration. Are there going to be problems when I do this in a production environment with lots of concurrent requests?
What you're creating when calling mongoose.connect is not a single connection, but a connection pool that is intended to exist for the life of your application and be shared by all code via your registered Mongoose models.
So you're already doing things correctly, and if you want to alter the default size (5) of the connection pool, you can do that via the options parameter of mongoose.connect:
// Use a pool of 3 connections.
mongoose.connect(process.env.MONGO_URI, { server: { poolSize: 3 }});
