Do submitted jobs take a copy the source? Queued jobs? - slurm

When submitting jobs with sbatch, is a copy of my executable taken to the compute node? Or does it just execute the file from /home/user/? Sometimes when I am unorganised I will submit a job, then change the source and re-compile to submit another job. This does not seem like a good idea, especially if the job is still in the queue. At the same time it seems like it should be allowed, and it would be much safer if at the moment of calling sbatch a copy of the source was made.
I ran some tests which confirmed (unsurprisingly) that once a job is running, recompiling the source code has no effect. But when the job is in the queue, I am not sure. It is difficult to test.
edit: man sbatch does not seem to give much insight, other than to say that the job is submitted to the Slurm controller "immediately".

The sbatch command creates a copy of the submission script and a snapshot of the environment and saves it in the directory listed as the StateSaveLocation configuration parameter. It can therefore be changed after submission without effect.
But that is not the case for the files used in the submission script. If your submission script starts an executable, if will see the "version" of the executable at the time it starts.
Modifying the program before it starts will lead to the new version being run, modifying it during the run (i.e. while it has already been read from disk and saved into memory) will lead to the old version being run.


Modifying an already submitted slurm batch script

A job was submitted to slurm queue using a job script. Now, if i want to update the location of executable mentioned in one of the lines of the script, is it possible?
scontrol update job ..... is not having option to update the lines in the scripts
The job scripts are located at the path configured as StateSaveLocation in the Slurm configuration but it might not be a good idea to modify it ; you might most probably break things. If you are not root on the cluster, you cannot do that anyways.
What you can do, is create a symbolic link at the place where your script expects the executable, targeting the actual executable you want to run.

Timeout including time in queue JCL Z os IBM

I need to set a Timeout, in a JCL step that calls a Unix script through bpxbtach. I did it with
However, After some time I realized that does not include the time in the queue. they say " This run time refers to actual execution time only, and does not include the time that the job spends in the INPUT or INPUT HOLD queues"
That is microfocus JCL, but I verified the behavior is that on IBM Z too.
So even if I set the timeout to 10 seconds, the step can take several minutes if the queue is attending other things. I need a timeout that kills the step no matter the reason it took so long. I haven't been able to find what I need. Please help.
z/OS batch really isn't the best choice for time-critical work. As you figured out, the JCL "TIME" parameter is about CPU time consumption, not an elapsed time control. If this is a business-critical need, then by all means talk to your z/OS administrators - they can certainly configure your system such that your job is very likely to run without delay, but this isn't usually default behavior.
You don't provide a lot of detail as to what else your job might be doing and how it gets submitted. If you have the ability to control how your job is submitted, one option might be to spawn your shell script directly rather than submitting a batch process to run your script.
For example, what you've described is submitting JCL that spawns BPXBATCH, then BPXBATCH spawns your shell script. Instead, you might write a small C program that simply calls "spawn()" to run the shell as a distinct UNIX process - that's not difficult, depending on how you're submitting the JCL you shared. You cut out the need for the batch job - just run your script directly.
If you're running in a TSO environment, the OSHELL command lets you interactively run your script. You can even automate the whole process with a simple REXX script, and none of this requires a pass through a batch initiator.
If your site runs SSH or similar, you might consider launching your script through an SSH command - this even works across a network. SSH lets you launch a shell session and pass a command for execution...again, there's no JCL or input queue here.
If your administrators would allow it, another alternative would be to run your JCL via a "START" command. Unlike batch JCL, when a START command is encountered, the work you're starting runs immediately - there's no input queue for started tasks. Start commands can be issued from JCL too, and since they're issued as the JCL is scanned and not when the job starts, these are fairly immediate too.
Inside your shell script, it's pretty easy to setup an elapsed time limit - there are examples here.
I see a couple of problems in your code...
First, you have a space between BPXBATCH, and PARM= which will not execute your shell script and may result in a JCL error.
Second, you are using the TIME parameter of the EXEC statement, which limits CPU time, yet you reference a desire to cancel the job step if it waits more than some amount of time in the input queue, which is a clock time limitation.
There is no way to cancel the job from the job itself via JCL parameters based on clock time, either including or excluding time spent in the input queue.
If you really need to do this, I suggest you look into capabilities of your shop's job scheduler package. You might want to reexamine why you need to cancel a job if it doesn't run to completion within 10 clock seconds after you submit it.

qsub: What is the standard when to get occasional updates on a submitted job?

I have just begun using an HPC, and I'm having trouble adjusting my workflow.
I submit a job using qsub Then I can view the status of the job by typing qstat -u myusername. This gives me some details about my job, such as how long it has been running for.
My job is a python script that occasionally prints out an update to indicate how things are going in the program. I know that this will instead be found in outputfile once the job is done, but how can I go about monitoring this program as it runs? One way it to print the output to a file instead of printing to screen, but this seems like a bit of a hack.
Any other tips on imporving this process would be great.

Will conflicts arise between larger and smaller files in CRON job?

I have set a cron job for a file for every 6 hours. The file may run for 4hours.
If i set cron for another file , will it affect the previous one which may run for 4hours?
No. If the job is not working on same resources, it wont conflict even if it's running simultaneously.
The cron daemon doesn't check to see if anything else by the same name is running, if that is what you mean, so cron will not care. However, if your script creates temporary files, for example, without using helper-tools like "mktemp" they could conflict with each other - so that will depend how well written your script is.

How can I setup a system to tell me if a cron job is NOT running fine?

This is more of an "general architecture" problem. If you have a cron job (or even a Windows scheduled task) running periodically, its somewhat simple to have it send you an email / text message that all is well, but how do I get informed when everything is NOT okay? Basically, if the job doesn't run at its scheduled time or Windows / linux has its own set of hangups that prevent the task from running...?
Just seeking thoughts of people who've faced this situation before and come up with interesting solutions...
A way I've done it in the past is to simply put at the top of each script (say,
touch /tmp/lastrun/
then have another job that runs periodically that uses find to locate all those "marker" files in tmp/lastrun that are older than a day.
You can fiddle with the timings, having /tmp/lastrun/hour/ and tmp/lastrun/day/ to separate jobs that have different schedules.
Note that this won't catch scripts that have never run since they will never create the initial file for find-ing. To alleviate that, you can either:
create that file manually when creating the cron job (won't handle situations where someone inadvertently deletes the marker file); or
maintain a list of required marker files somewhere so that you can detect when they're missing as well as outdated.
And, if your cron job is not a script, put the touch directly into crontab:
0 4 * * * ( touch /tmp/lastrun/daily/checkUsers ; /usr/bin/checkUsers )
It's a lot easier to validate a simple find script than to validate every one of your cron jobs.
