I am trying to define uncertain exchanges using parameters with Brightway25. I've created a very simle example following existing ones that looks like this:
The database with this single activity imports fine with write_database(activate_parameters=True)
The database seems to import ok with write_database(activate_parameters=True) but if I go to the biosphere exchange of co2 and try to use the method random_sample I get all nans. I was hoping that method could "pick up" the uncertainty defined in the activity parameters. I have the same problem with CH4. For the N2O exchange, where I defined the uncertainty directly on the exchange the random_sample method works fine. It seems as only the uncertainty around N2O is being considered. Is this a limitation of the parameterisation or am I doing something wrong ?
Assume that I have a Spock specification that given a city and state tests for the correct zip code. Assume I have a text file of cities and states that is used to drive the tests in the where clause.
Now assume that I want to split the tests so that I can run for "Virginia" or "Maryland". The approach that I have taken is to create a new VirginiaSpec and a new MarylandSpec and in that spec, I modify the where clause.
This works, but seems inefficient because every other part of the VirginiaSpec and MarylandSpec is exactly the same. In addition, if the logic changes, then I would need to change it in every spec that I have.
So what I am looking for is an approach that allows me to have one StateSpec in which the where clause can be parameterized.
I realize I have not included a code example, however if my question is not clear, then I can provide one. Thanks for your help.
You have a couple of options. You could put the basic setup and structure and even the test itself in a base test class, then extend that class w/ your VirginiaSpec and MarylandSpec. Your spec classes would be very small probably just defining a constant that is the state for the spec.
But that seems needless. If both the cities and states are in this file, you could just read in the file in the where section of your test.
If you cannot get the WHERE section working, you could always read in your file during the setupSpec and store the data in some kind of data structure then loop through it.
Spock: Reading Test Data from CSV File
But in general, using the Where label is going to be the right answer.
This is a mixed question between SAP and the usage of the pyrfc module. I need to use the FAGLL03H transaction code (tcode) to replicate a G/L report into a database on a daily basis. Now, the thing is that FAGLL03H is not a table per se, but a G/L Account Line Item Browser (G/L View), so I need to access that Tcode and pass a series of parameters in order to get the information we need.
How can I use the RFC protocol to access that tcode and generate a report?
is it possible to do (1) through pyrfc?
This is the code I use to consult tables:
import pyrfc
from pprint import PrettyPrinter
conn = pyrfc.Connection(ashost=...)
options = [{'TEXT': "FCURR = 'USD'"}]
pp = PrettyPrinter(indent=4)
rowskips = 0
while True:
print(u"----Begin of Batch---")
result = conn.call('RFC_READ_TABLE', \
OPTIONS=options, \
rowskips += ROWS_AT_A_TIME
if len(result['DATA']) < ROWS_AT_A_TIME:
No way
The main point you need to understand is the difference between SAP transaction (tcode) and SAP RFC. The difference is huge and makes it impossible to use them in the similar manner. You are trying to call FAGLL03H report like a table via RFC_READ_TABLE, but it is not a table, it is much more, it is a transaction.
SAP tcode is nothing than a shortcut in SAP that points to some program, usually GUI program, and can contain hundreds of modules, including RFC-enabled ones. And some of these modules are internal and have no RFC equivalent, so it is impossible to call them remotely, at least but not the last it is necessary to know how to call them (in what order) and which parameters to pass.
SAP RFC is like a container for ABAP code (but also a protocol for calling this code) which implements some functionality, either a small piece like converting characters' case or converting measure units, or huge one, for example posting financial documents and creating enterprise hierarchy objects like workcenters, cost centers, sales organizations, etc. RFC-modules can be likened to Python modules or Java methods and they are usually implemented for one single task, and are usually used not standalone but in combination with other methods.
The above-mentioned transaction is huge and is intended for output of G/L account lines and cannot be called via PyRFC. PyRFC features are limited to calling only RFC-modules from which FAGLL03H consists of.
The only thing you can do here is to find equivalent function modules which returns the same items as FAGLL03H. Possible candidates:
You should try each and compare the output with your tcode, if it is identical. Only after then you can use PyRFC to call them.
Check this in order to get all the specific Tables:
You can then either build from there or create a Report (transaction SQ01) and execute through RSAQ_REMOTE_QUERY_CALL.
Your business requirements should decide your code, not the opposite.
I am currently exploring the notion of using iris in a project to read forecast grib2 files using python.
My aim is to load/convert a grib message into an iris cube based on a grib message key having a specific value.
I have experimented with iris-grib, which uses gribapi. Using iris-grib I have not been to find the key in the grib2 file, althrough the key is visible with 'grib_ls -w...' via the cli.
gribapi does the job, but I am not sure how to interface it with iris (which is what, I assume, iris-grib is for).
I was wondering if anyone knew of a way to get a message into an iris cube based on a grib message key having a specific value. Thank you
You can get at anything that the gribapi understands through the low-level grib interface in iris-grib, which is the iris_grib.GribMessage class.
Typically you would use for msg in GribMessage.messages_from_filename(xxx): and then access it like e.g. msg.sections[4]['productDefinitionTemplateNumber']; msg.sections[4]['parameterNumber'] and so on.
You can use this to identify required messages, and then convert to cubes with iris_grib.load_pairs_from_fields().
However, Iris-grib only knows how to translate specific encodings into cubes : it is quite strict about exactly what it recognises, and will fail on anything else. So if your data uses any unrecognised templates or data encodings it will definitely fail to load.
I'm just anticipating that you may have something unusual here, so that might be an issue?
You can possibly check your expected message contents against the translation code at iris_grib:_load_convert.py, starting at the convert() routine.
To get an Iris cube out of something not yet supported, you would either :
(a) extend the translation rules (i.e. a Github PR), or
(b) sometimes you can modify the message so that it looks like something
that can be recognised.
Failing that, you can
(c) simply build an Iris cube yourself from the data found in your GribMessage : That can be a little simpler than using 'gribapi' directly (possibly not, depending on detail).
If you have a problem like that, you should definitely raise it as an issue on the github project (iris-grib issues) + we will try to help.
P.S. as you have registered a Python3 interest, you may want to be aware that the newer "ecCodes" replacement for gribapi should shortly be available, making Python3 support for grib data possible at last.
However, the Python3 version is still in beta and we are presently experiencing some problems with it, now raised with ECMWF, so it is still almost-but-not-quite achievable.
I'm having some problems regarding the post-processing analysis of my LCA results from brightway2. After running a LCA calculation, if, for example, I type top_activities() I get a list of a bunch of activities and their associated scores, however none of the activities/scores are the ones associated directly with my functional unit (they appear to be some exchanges of my exchanges...).
How can I get the LCA scores of the exchanges (both technosphere and biosphere) I defined when constructing my Functional Unit?
I've found the best way to get aggregated results for your foreground model in brightway is using the bw2analyzer.traverse_tagged_databases() function rather than top_activities(). Details in the docs are here.
It's designed to calculate upstream impacts of the elements of your foreground model and then aggregate the impacts based on a tag it finds in the activity. e.g. if you add 'tag':'use phase' or 'tag':'processing' to your activities you can aggregate impact results by life cycle stage.
BUT you can change the default label it looks for, so instead of tag you can tell it to look for name - that'll give you the aggregated upstream impact of each of the activities in your foreground model. It returns a dictionary with the names of your tags as keys, and impacts as values. It also returns a graph of your foreground system which you can use to create some cool tree/bullseye charts - see the docs for the format.
Here's the function you need:
results, graph = recurse_tagged_databases(functional_unit, method, label='name')
Here are a couple of examples of the kinds of visualisations you can make using the data recurse_tagged_databases gives you:
Waterfall chart example from the results dictionary
Bullseye chart example from the tagged graph
It is pretty easy to traverse the supply chain manually, and everyone wants to do this a slightly different way, so it isn't built in to Brightway yet. Here is a simple example:
from brightway2 import *
func_unit = Database("ecoinvent 3.4 cutoff").random()
lca = LCA({func_unit: 1}, methods.random())
for exc in func_unit.technosphere():
lca.redo_lcia({exc.input: exc['amount']})
print(exc.input, exc['amount'], lca.score)
I'm preparing the sequence diagram for a project. I made the following sequence diagram for a retailer updating his inventory
It's confusing to me because this is the first time I use this technique with a real project.i have used database as an object here and i don't know whether its right or wrong. And another thing i need to clarify is by using Updating i meant for both editing/add new item To the inventory. Is it wrong to do like that way? or else can we draw it separately?
The following image is part of the updating process, would any one take a look and correct me if I did any mistake.(UpdateUI- User interface).Thanks in Advance.
It does not look right. There are a couple of issues:
Your database will likely never issue any messages
Actions inside a DB are usually not exposed. You normally only call CRUD from outside for a DB.
You mix synch/asynch (likely unwillingly). Filled arrows are synch, unfilled ones as asynch.
Main Page is likely the V in MVC and UpdateUI the C. So the controller will act on a click from the user and interact with the DB.
So just from my guts here is a more reasonable sketch: