Jest test gives me "Cannot find module" when running tests, but the code compiles fine outside of tests. Whats up? - jestjs

I am writing my first test for a large application using NestJS and TypeScript. I want to import an entity which imports an interface from a module in another folder. This is proving challenging.
The project has a structure like
------------..profile.entity.spec.ts <--- the test
----------index.ts <--- the files the test is trying to import and test
In profile.entity.spec.ts I have:
import { ProfileEntity } from "./profile.entity";
import { GenderEnum, ProfileTypeEnum } from '../../../../../../../libs/app-interfaces/src/lib/profile';
// all that ../../ is what I have to do to get to the import and have it recognized in this .spec file
// it doesn't recognize the # symbol taking us to the root of the project
describe('Profile class', () => {
it('should make a profile with no fields', () => {
const profile = new ProfileEntity();
and in profile.entity.ts:
import { Column, CreateDateColumn, DeleteDateColumn, Entity, PrimaryColumn, UpdateDateColumn } from 'typeorm';
import { GenderEnum, IProfile, ProfileTypeEnum } from '#ourProject/app-interfaces';
#Entity({ name: 'profile' })
export class ProfileEntity implements IProfile {
#PrimaryColumn({ nullable: false, unique: true })
id: string;
The profile.entity.ts file works fine when the app is compiled by Docker. However when I run my profile.entity.spec.ts file in Jest, I get:
Cannot find module '#ourProject/app-interfaces' from 'src/app/profiles/_entities/profile.entity.ts' // <--- this is a big clue
Require stack:
1 | import { Column, CreateDateColumn, DeleteDateColumn, Entity, PrimaryColumn, UpdateDateColumn } from 'typeorm';
> 2 | import { GenderEnum, IProfile, ProfileTypeEnum } from '#ourProject/app-interfaces';
| ^
3 |
4 |
5 | #Entity({ name: 'profile' })
at Resolver.resolveModule (node_modules/jest-resolve/build/resolver.js:324:11)
at Object.<anonymous> (src/app/profiles/_entities/profile.entity.ts:2:1)
Is there some special configuration I need to use in jest.config.js to give jest testing access to files outside of the top lvl of the package.json?
here is jest.config.js
module.exports = {
displayName: 'web-api',
globals: {
'ts-jest': {
tsconfig: '<rootDir>/tsconfig.spec.json',
testEnvironment: 'node',
transform: {
'^.+\\.[tj]s$': 'ts-jest',
moduleFileExtensions: ['ts', 'js', 'html'],
coverageDirectory: '../../coverage/apps/web-api',
roots: ['../../'],
The line Cannot find module '#ourProject/app-interfaces' from 'src/app/profiles/_entities/profile.entity.ts' does not occur when the file runs normally.

Let's say your tsconfig.json alias configuration looks like this:
"paths": {
"#ourProject/*": ["./libs/*"],
Then you would need to add a moduleNameMapper line in jest.config.js:
moduleNameMapper: {
'^#ourProject/(.*)$': ['<rootDir>/libs/$1'],
I didn't have an issue with aliased imports being in a different folder, but jest didn't recognize aliases defined in tsconfig.json.


NestJS can't resolve dependency

I'm trying to setup a graphql nestjs clean architecture, I have my resolver call the service, service calls repository and repository calls orm methods. Am I missing a step?
But I get this error:
[Nest] 59764 - 03/10/2022, 16:36:13 ERROR [ExceptionHandler] Nest can't resolve dependencies of the AthleteRepository (?). Please make sure that the argument AthleteEntityRepository at index [0] is available in the GraphQLModule context.
Potential solutions:
- If AthleteEntityRepository is a provider, is it part of the current GraphQLModule?
- If AthleteEntityRepository is exported from a separate #Module, is that module imported within GraphQLModule?
imports: [ /* the Module containing AthleteEntityRepository */ ]
Error: Nest can't resolve dependencies of the AthleteRepository (?). Please make sure that the argument AthleteEntityRepository at index [0] is available in the GraphQLModule context.
This is my module:
imports: [
driver: MercuriusDriver,
graphiql: true,
autoSchemaFile: join(
sortSchema: true,
controllers: [AuthResolver, UserResolver],
providers: [
export class GraphQLModule {}
Adding repository by comment request, it's mostly just wrappers around the typerom Repository.
import { Controller } from '#nestjs/common';
import { InjectRepository } from '#nestjs/typeorm';
import { Repository } from 'typeorm';
import { AthleteEntity } from '../entity/athlete.entity';
export class AthleteRepository {
private athleteRepository: Repository<AthleteEntity>,
) {}
async getAthleteByUserId(id: string): Promise<AthleteEntity> {
return this.athleteRepository.findOne({ where: { id } });
async getAthletes(): Promise<AthleteEntity[]> {
return this.athleteRepository.find();
As you use #InjectRepository(AtheleteEntity) you need to have TypeOrmModule.forFeature([AtheleteEntity]) used in the imports of the GraphQlModule.
Side note: Is that supposed to be #Controller() or #Injectable()? It doesn't look like a standard HTTP or RPC controller to me
change AthleteRepository to an #Injectable instead of #Controller.

React: Absolute Paths from Root Folder using ViteJS with TypeScript

So, in React, using vite, I'm trying to do the following structure, but seems I can't get it to work because I'm missing a concept or something, so the structure is as follows:
And on the index.tsx, I want to import utils and routes, and then call them at any root level as following: import {Routes, Utils} from "#", but the way I did is not working.
Meanwhile, this is how I configured it with vite:
resolve: {
alias: {
"#": path.resolve(__dirname, "src"),
Make sure index.tsx exports everything from src/utils and src/routes:
// src/index.tsx
export * from './routes'
export * from './utils'
And configure TypeScript with a path alias for #:
// tsconfig.json
"compilerOptions": {
"paths": {
"#": ["./src"], // 👈 needed for barrel imports from '#'
"#/*": ["./src/*"]

Vite with Jest: cannot find module start with alias '#'

I'm using Jest in Vite. It works until I import a module from node_module.
import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
import { useCookies } from '#vueuse/integrations/useCookies'
I got this error.
FAIL src/components/MyComponent/index.test.ts
● Test suite failed to run
Cannot find module '#vueuse/integrations/useCookies' from 'src/components/MyComponent/index.vue'
Require stack:
16 | <script lang="ts">
17 | import { defineComponent } from 'vue'
> 18 | import { useCookies } from '#vueuse/integrations/useCookies'
| ^
19 |
20 | export default defineComponent({
at Resolver.resolveModule (node_modules/jest-resolve/build/index.js:306:11)
I guess somehow Jest cannot resolve the module starts with '#'. Maybe I should write a moduleNameMapper? I also tried to install vite-jest, but somehow my app just crash, maybe I mess up something.
Anyway, thanks for your time, and if you need more information like my jest.config.js or vite.config.ts, please let me know.
Thank you.
Use moduleNameMapper in your jest.config.js file like following:
module.exports = {
moduleNameMapper: {
"^#/(.*)$": "<rootDir>/src/$1",
Also, if you are using TypeScript, you should add the following to your tsconfig.json file as well:
"compilerOptions": {
"paths": {
"#/*": ["./src"]

Test suite failed to run. Cannot find module 'react-dom' from 'reactBatchedUpdates.js'

I am trying to get started on running tests on my create-react-app project. I keep getting this error 'Cannot find module 'react-dom' from 'reactBatchedUpdates.js'.
I tried editing package.json by pasting this code into it.
"jest": {
"collectCoverageFrom": [
"coverageThreshold": {
"global": {
"branches": 90,
"functions": 90,
"lines": 90,
"statements": 90
"coverageReporters": ["text"],
"snapshotSerializers": ["my-serializer-module"]
I assume that react-dom cannot be imported correctly for whatever reason?
const Header = ({clicked, open}) => {
return (
<div className="Header__Wrapper">
<DrawerToggleButton clicked={clicked} open={open} />
<SubHeader subHeadClass={'Header__Left'} urls={URLS.slice(0, 2)} />
<div className="Logo">
<Lock />
<SubHeader subHeadClass={'Header__Right'} urls={URLS.slice(2)} />
<LogInButton className="right LogInButton__Wrapper"/>
export default Header;
Here is the test code, simple rendering of my presentational header. I am starting to realize it is the way I am wrapping redux and react-router-dom over my component. I think that is my main issue at the moment. I am rather rusty on the inner workings of redux and react-router-dom. I tried following the example in this post redux and react-router-dom wrapping but I am rather unsuccessful.
import React from 'react'
import '#testing-library/jest-dom/extend-expect'
import { render } from '#testing-library/react'
import { createStore } from 'redux'
import {NAVIGATE_PAGES, SAVE_ROUTE} from '../../../../actions/types';
import SubHeader from '../SubHeader';
import Navigate from '../../../../actions/index';
page: null,
route: null,
function reducer(state = INITIAL_STATE, action){
switch (action.type) {
return {...state, page: action.payload};
case SAVE_ROUTE: {
return {...state, route: action.payload};
return state;
function renderWithRouter(
route = '/',
history = createMemoryHistory({ initialEntries: [route] }),
initialState, store = createStore(reducer, initialState) ,
} = {}
) {
return {
...render(<Provider store={store}><Router history={history}>{ui}</Router></Provider>),
// adding `history` to the returned utilities to allow us
// to reference it in our tests (just try to avoid using
// this to test implementation details).
test('it renders lock', async () => {
const store = createStore(() => ({ reducer: reducer ,initialState:INITIAL_STATE}))
I am just trying to render a simple presentational Navbar component.
However I keep getting the error below.
● Test suite failed to run
Cannot find module 'react-dom' from 'reactBatchedUpdates.js'
However, Jest was able to find:
You might want to include a file extension in your import, or update your 'moduleFileExtensions', which is currently ['web.js', 'js', 'web.ts', 'ts', 'web.tsx', 'tsx', 'json', 'web.jsx', 'jsx', 'node'].
However, Jest was able to find:

Nest.js Type 'DynamicModule' is not assignable to type 'ForwardReference' on nest-modules/mailer

I have an Nest.js application. I wanted to add MailerModule to my app using following link ->
However, I just did the following steps:
First, npm install --save #nest-modules/mailer
Second I add app module mail config but it is giving an error here is my app.module.ts:
import { Module } from '#nestjs/common';
import { HandlebarsAdapter, MailerModule } from '#nest-modules/mailer';
imports: [
useFactory: () => ({
transport: 'smtps://',
defaults: {
from:'"nest-modules" <>',
template: {
dir: __dirname + '/templates',
adapter: new HandlebarsAdapter(), // or new PugAdapter()
options: {
strict: true,
export class ApplicationModule {}
Now I can't compile because it is saying that :
TS2345: Argument of type '{ imports: DynamicModule[]; }' is not assignable to parameter of type 'ModuleMetadata'.   Types of property 'imports' are incompatible.     Type 'DynamicModule[]' is not assignable to type '(Type | DynamicModule | Promise | ForwardReference)[]'.       Type 'DynamicModule' is not assignable to type 'Type | DynamicModule | Promise | ForwardReference'.         Type 'DynamicModule' is not assignable to type 'ForwardReference'.           Property 'forwardRef' is missing in type 'DynamicModule'.
Perhaps check what version of nest you're using, this issue may be resolved in versions of nestjs 6+:
I had a similar problem. I started to make a new project based on the old one. After installing the modules, this error appeared. The problem lay in private modules. They did not install without package-lock.json.
