Ignoring preexisting data in Spark structured streaming - apache-spark

I have a Spark stream that process files in an S3 prefix. The issue is that there are many TBs of data already in this prefix, meaning the EMR cluster underneath Spark is getting throttled trying to process it when the stream is turned on.
What I want is to ignore all files before a certain date, and then have the stream run normally. Is there a recommended way to do this?

I think I found what I need.
val df=spark.readStream
.option(“maxFileAge”, “1”)
This ignores everything older than a week.


How Kafka sink supports update mode in structured streaming?

I have read about the different output modes like:
Complete Mode - The entire updated Result Table will be written to the sink.
Append Mode - Only the new rows appended in the Result Table since the last trigger will be written to the external storage.
Update Mode - Only the rows that were updated in the Result Table since the last trigger will be written to the external storage
At first I thought I understand the above explanations.
Then I come across this:
File sink supported modes: Append
Kafka sink supported modes: Append,Update,Complete
Wait!! What??!!
Why couldn't we just write out the entire result table to file?
How can we an already existing entry in Kafka update? It's a stream, you can't just look for certain messages and change/update them.
This makes no sense at all.
Could you help me understand this? I just dont get how this works technically
Spark writes one file per partition, often with one file per executor. Executors run in a distributed fashion. Files are local to each executor, so append just makes sense - you cannot full replace individual files, especially without losing data within the stream. So that leaves you with "appending new files to the filesystem", or inserting into existing files.
Kafka has no update functionality... Kafka Integration Guide doesn't mention any of these modes, so it is unclear what you are referring to. You use write or writeStream. It will always "append" the "complete" dataframe batch(es) to the end of the Kafka topic. The way Kafka implements something like updates is using compacted topics, but this has nothing to do with Spark.

How to get spark streaming to continue where spark batch left off

I have monthly directories of parquet files (~10TB each directory). Files are being atomically written to this directory every minute or so. When we get to a new month, a new directory is created and data is written there. Once data is written, it cannot be moved.
I easily run batch queries on this data using spark (batch mode). I can also easily run spark streaming queries.
I am wondering how I can reconcile the two modes: batch and stream.
For example: Lets say I run a batch query on the data. I get the results of the query and do something with them. I can then checkpoint this dataframe. Now let's say I want to start a streaming job to only process new files relative to what was processed in the batch job, ie. only files not processed in the batch job should now be processed.
Is this possible with spark streaming? If start a spark streaming job and use the same checkpoint that the batch job used, will it proceed as I want it to?
Or, with the batch job, do I need to keep track of what files were processed and then somehow pass this to spark streaming so it can know to not process these.
This seems like a pretty common problem, so I am asking here to see what some other big data software developers have done.
I apologize for not having any code to post in this question, but I hope that my explanation is all it takes for someone to see a potential solution. If needed, I can come up with some snippets

Problems in reading existing multilevel partitioned files data from from middle in Spark Structured Streaming

I am working on structured spark streaming with existing multilevel partitioned parquet file as source. I have following issue while using it.
Starting spark streaming job to read data from particular partition instead of starting from beginning.
Suppose if we observed that there is data quality issue in partition year=2018/month=10/hour=10. Now suppose i have corrected that data till date by replacing correct files.
Now Question is how to reprocess data starting from this day instead of starting from beginning? Because in structured streaming lets say i use file stream as source which will load all files i want to ignore few files. Here i need to remove my checkpoint directory as well because it has offset till date.
Suppose if we observed that there is data quality issue in partition year=2018/month=10/hour=10. Then how to reprocess data starting from this day instead of starting from beginning?
I don't think it's possible in Spark Structured Streaming (wish I'd be mistaken).
Since we're talking about a streaming query, you'd have to rewind the "stream". The only way to achieve it (I can think of) is to re-upload the data (no idea how to do it) or simply process data that would "delete" the previous version of the partition year=2018/month=10/hour=10 and then upload a new corrected version.
The question is how to inform the parquet data source that whatever has already been processed should be "evicted" from the result (that may've been sent out to external sources for further processing).

S3 based streaming solution using apache spark or flink

We have batch pipelines writing files (mostly csv) into an s3 bucket. Some of these pipelines write per minute and some of them every 5 mins. Currently, we have a batch application which runs every hour processing these files.
Business wants data to be available every 5 mins. Instead, of running batch jobs every 5 mins we decided to use apache spark structured streaming and process the data in real time. My question is how easy/difficult is productionise this solution?
My only worry is if checkpoint location gets corrupt, deleting the checkpoint directory will re-process data back from last 1 yr. Has anyone productionised any solution using s3 using spark structured streaming or you think flink is better for this use case?
If you think there is a better architecture/pattern for this problem, kindly point me in the right direction.
ps: We already thought of putting these files into kafka and ruled out due to the availability of bandwidth and large size of the files.
I found a way to do this, not the most effective way. Since we have already productionized Kafka based solution before, we could push a event into Kafka using s3 streams and lambda. The event will contain only metadata like file location and size.
This will make the spark program a bit more challenging as the file will be read and processed inside the executor, which is effectively not utilising the distributed processing. Or else, read in executor and bring the data back to the driver to utilise the distributed processing of spark. This will require the spark app to be planned a lot better in terms of memory, ‘cos input file sizes change a lot.

How to implement exactly-once processing when reading reading from directory using Spark Structured Streaming?

I'd like to use the concept of stream processing to read files from a local directory and then publish to Apache Kafka. I thought about using Spark Structured Streaming.
How is the checkpointing implemented when the streaming fails after reading 50 lines of a file. Will it start from 51st line of the file when started next time or will it again read from the start of the file?
Also, will we have any issues if we use checkpointing in structured streaming when there is any upgrade or any change in the code.
when the streaming fails after reading 50 lines of a file. Will it start from 51st line of the file when started next time Or will it again read from the start of the file.
Either the entire file is fully processed or none at all. That's how FileFormat works in general in Spark SQL and has little to do with Spark Structured Streaming in particular (since they share the underlying execution infrastructure).
In short, the engine "will it again read from the start of the file."
That also to say that there is no concept of a single line while processing files in Spark Structured Streaming. You process a streaming DataFrame that is an entire file (or even a couple of files) all at once and whether you want to process the dataset line by line or in its entirety is up to you, a Spark developer.
Also, will we have any issues if we use checkpointing in structured streaming when there is any upgrade or any change in the code.
In theory, you should not. The purpose of the new checkpointing mechanism in Spark Structured Streaming (as compared to the legacy Spark Streaming's) was to allow for restarts and upgrades in a more comfortable way. The checkpointing uses just a little information (usually stored in JSON files) to restart processing from the point of the last successful checkpoint.
