Rust: modify values in Vec with other values in Vec - rust

Given this code:
let sides = vec![2, 3, 8];
let area = sides
.map(|x| x) // how can i access other members of sides here?
println!("area: {}", area);
Assuming sides is filled with values representing width, height, and length, how can I modify the .map() line to length * width, width * height, and height * length?
Playground available here.

I used this approach:
let res = sides
.map(|(i, val)| {
let mut j = i + 1;
if j == sides.len() { j = 0 }
val * sides[j];


How to interpolate between fixed values in a 2D grid for biome-generation?

I am currently implementing biome-generation in my game and I want to make the type of a biome dependent on humidity and temperature values that are generated from gradual noise.
different Biomes should have different heights and without interpolation this would result in abrupt height differences on biome borders as expected.
What I tried was to get the 2 neighbour biomes in the grid too and measure the blend-percentage of each biome.
Later I then get the 3 different height values from the biomes and multiply each with it's respective blend value.
Here is the simplified and stripped code, which I use to fetch biomes:
const BIOME_GRID_SIZE: usize = 2;
[Biomes::Mountains, Biomes::Forest],
[Biomes::Desert , Biomes::Mesa ],
fn get_height(coord: [i64; 2], noise: &Noise) -> i64 {
let temperature = (noise.get_2d(coord) + 0.5).clamp(0.0, 1.0);
let humidity = (noise.get_2d(coord /* + some offset */) + 0.5).clamp(0.0, 1.0);
let x = BIOME_GRID_SIZE as f64 * humidity;
let y = BIOME_GRID_SIZE as f64 * temperature;
let x_frac = (x.fract() - 0.5) * 2.0;
let y_frac = (y.fract() - 0.5) * 2.0;
let x_blending = x_frac.abs();
let y_blending = y_frac.abs();
let own_blending = 2.0 - x_blending - y_blending;
// direction of neighbour biomes
let x_direction = x_frac.signum() as isize;
let y_direction = y_frac.signum() as isize;
let x_index = (x.trunc() as isize).clamp(0, BIOME_INDEX_SIZE as isize);
let y_index = (y.trunc() as isize).clamp(0, BIOME_INDEX_SIZE as isize);
let biomes = get_biomes(x_index, y_index, x_direction, y_direction);
// get main and neighbour biomes
fn get_biomes(x: isize, y: isize, x_direction: isize, y_direction: isize) -> [Biomes; 3] {
let mut biomes = [Biomes::Ocean; 3];
for (i, (d_x, d_y)) in [(0, 0), (x_direction, 0), (0, y_direction)].iter().enumerate() {
let x_index = (x + d_x).clamp(0, BIOME_INDEX_SIZE as isize) as usize;
let y_index = (y + d_y).clamp(0, BIOME_INDEX_SIZE as isize) as usize;
let biome = BIOME_GRID[x_index][y_index];
biomes[i] = biome;
pub fn blend(
coord: [i64; 2],
noise: &Noise,
biomes: [Biomes; 4],
blending: [f64; 4],
) -> i64 {
let heights: Vec<f64> = biomes
.map(|x| x.get().height(coord, noise) as f64)
let height = heights[0] * blending[0] + heights[1] * blending[1] + heights[2] * blending[2];
let height = height as i64;
This works well in some cases, in the other it fails completely.
I am unsure, if 2 neighbours are enough and how to properly get the blend values.
Is there a better solution to this problem?
In general for bilinear blending you would use four points. If I understand your code correctly that would be the four height maps for each biome.
You then lerp across one axis (e.g. humidity) for the two pairs with the same other axis, and then lerp the two blended values again with the other axis (e.g. temperature).

How to modify and then inverse complex data that went through FFT algorithm?

I wrote a low-pass filter based around the FFT algorithm.
First I process the input data using forward FFT, then I decrease the "volume" of parts of the resulting spectrum, then I put the data into the inverse FFT and finally I normalize the data like this:
fn lowpass_filter(data: &[f32], sampling_rate: f32, cutoff_frequency: f32) -> Vec<f32> {
let len = data.len();
// step 1:
let mut spectrum = fft::forward(&data);
// step 2:
let start: usize = (len as f32 * (cutoff_frequency / sampling_rate * 2.0)) as usize;
let diff = len - start;
// what to add to multiplikator in each iteration
let step: f32 = PI / diff as f32;
// reduce volume of frequencies after cutoff_frequency in spectrum
let mut multiplikator: f32 = 0.0;
for i in start..len {
let mul = (multiplikator.cos() + 1.0) / 2.0;
spectrum[i] *= mul;
multiplikator += step;
// step 3:
let data = fft::inverse(&spectrum);
// step 4:
fft::normalize(&data, true)
When only doing step 1, 3 and 4 it works but the only problem there is that after normalization of the inversed data, I only get the absolute value of the data back so a 65Hz sinus wave looks like this:
The main problem I am facing tho, is that I do not know how to reduce the volume of specific frequencies in the spectrum.
When reducing said frequencies like in step 3 the visualization of a 65Hz sinus wave put through that lowpass filter with the cutoff_frequency set to 100.0Hz looks like this:
What did I do wrong here?
More info about the defined functions:
use rustfft::FftPlanner;
pub use rustfft::num_complex::Complex;
pub fn forward(data: &[f32]) -> Vec<Complex<f32>> {
let length = data.len();
// conversion to complex numbers
let mut buffer: Vec<Complex<f32>> = Vec::new();
for d in data {
buffer.push(Complex{re: *d, im: 0.0});
// creates a planner
let mut planner = FftPlanner::<f32>::new();
// creates a FFT
let fft = planner.plan_fft_forward(length);
//input.append(&mut data.to_vec());
fft.process(&mut buffer);
pub fn inverse(data: &[Complex<f32>]) -> Vec<Complex<f32>> {
let length = data.len();
let mut data = data.to_vec();
// creates a planner
let mut planner = FftPlanner::<f32>::new();
// creates a FFT
let fft = planner.plan_fft_inverse(length);
fft.process(&mut data);
pub fn normalize(data: &[Complex<f32>], normalize: bool) -> Vec<f32> {
let len: f32 = data.len() as f32;
let norm = data
.map(|x| x.norm() / len)
I am using rustfft for the actual processing.
There are two issues with your code:
Since you want to process real data (i.e. data whose imaginary part is 0), the output of the forward FFT is symmetrical and you need to apply the same coefficient to matching frequencies (i.e. spectrum[i] and spectrum[spectrum.len() - i], remembering that spectrum[0] stands alone, and so does spectrum[spectrum.len()/2] if the length is even).
If the frequencies are symmetrical, the result of the inverse FFT should be real (i.e. the imaginary part should be 0 ± small rounding errors). Therefore your normalize function should use instead of x.norm(), which will allow it to retain its sign.
After fixing these issues and adding a cutoff_end_freq to the lowpass_filter function the code looks like this:
pub fn lowpass_filter(data: &[f32], sampling_rate: f32, cutoff_start_freq: f32, cutoff_end_freq: f32) -> Vec<f32> {
let len = data.len();
let spectrum_len = len / 2;
let mut spectrum = fft::forward(&data);
assert!(len == spectrum.len());
let start: usize = (spectrum_len as f32 * (cutoff_start_freq / sampling_rate * 2.0)) as usize;
let end: usize = (spectrum_len as f32 * (cutoff_end_freq / sampling_rate * 2.0)) as usize;
let diff = end - start;
// what to add to multiplikator in each iteration
let step: f32 = PI / diff as f32;
let mut multiplikator: f32 = 0.0;
for i in start..=end {
let mul = (multiplikator.cos() + 1.0) / 2.0;
spectrum[i] *= mul;
spectrum[len - i - 1] *= mul;
multiplikator += step;
for i in end..spectrum_len {
spectrum[i] *= 0.0;
spectrum[len - i - 1] *= 0.0;
let data = fft::inverse(&spectrum);
The normalize function now renamed to get_real:
pub fn get_real(data: &[Complex<f32>]) -> Vec<f32> {
let len: f32 = data.len() as f32;
let norm = data
.map(|x| / len)
Now it works very well, but there are still alternating "spikes" on each end when visualizing a frequency outside of the threshold:
I simply put a Hanning windowing effect over it because I heard that the FFT expects the data to be continuous.
And it works, with the drawback that a lot of information on the sides get lost.
Are there better methods to circumvent this problem or is there still something wrong with the lowpass?

How can I create bezier like curves instead of lines between multiple points?

This is a relatively complex task for me and I am not fully able to sum it up in the title.
But the problem is this:
I created a audio visualizer that converts raw audio data to a Vec<f32> where the elements in the vector are ordered by ascending frequency starting with 0hz and ending with 20_000hz
But now I have to normalize the vector so that the frequencies are not spaced in a linear way but logarithmically, which is more like how the human hearing works. here is the function that does this:
fn normalize(buffer: Vec<f32>, volume: f32) -> Vec<f32> {
let mut output_buffer: Vec<f32> = vec![0.0; buffer.len()];
let mut start_pos: usize = 0;
let mut end_pos: usize = 0;
for i in 0..buffer.len() {
let offset: f32 = (buffer.len() as f32 / (i + 1) as f32).sqrt();
if ((i as f32 * offset) as usize) < output_buffer.len() {
// normalized position
let pos: usize = (i as f32 * offset) as usize;
// stores positions needed for filling
start_pos = end_pos;
end_pos = pos;
let y = buffer[i];
// prevent volume loss, that could occur because of 'crunching' of higher freqs
// by only setting the value of buffer if y is bigger
if output_buffer[pos] < y {
output_buffer[pos] = y;
// linear filling of the values between
if end_pos - start_pos > 1 && (end_pos - 1) < output_buffer.len() {
for s_p in (start_pos + 1)..end_pos {
let percentage: f32 = (s_p - start_pos) as f32 / ((end_pos - 1) - start_pos) as f32;
let mut y: f32 = 0.0;
//(output_buffer[s_p] * (1.0 - percentage) ) + (output_buffer[end_pos] * percentage);
y += output_buffer[start_pos] * (1.0 - percentage);
y += output_buffer[end_pos] * percentage;
output_buffer[s_p] = y;
In the first half I am reallocating the values of the buffer to be logarithmic, but with this method a lot of values especially in the low frequency range get skipped and then it looks like this: unfilled
| |
| |
| | | |
| | | |||
| | | | |||
Because of that I found a way to fill in the the gaps in the second half.
now it looks like this: filled
:|: |
::|:: :|:
:::|::: ::|:| |
I reduced the amount of bars for the sake of visualisation, the real implementation has about 10 time more 'bars' so the linearity is much more visible there.
So my final problem is that instead of straight lines in between the points I want to create curves, which represent sound much better.
I need to be able to access the 'y' coordinate value of any point of the curve.
Is there any way to do this, or am I doing this totally wrong?
I created audioviz that does all of this processing and where the code is from and audiolizer an application that makes use this libary combined with a GUI.
Splines does solve my exact problem.
here is my implementation with added resolution control and volume normalisation, that may not be neccessary:
use splines::{Interpolation, Key, Spline};
fn normalize(buffer: Vec<f32>, volume: f32, resolution: f32) -> Vec<f32> {
let mut output_buffer: Vec<f32> = vec![0.0; (buffer.len() as f32 * resolution ) as usize ];
let mut pos_index: Vec<(usize, f32)> = Vec::new();
for i in 0..buffer.len() {
let offset: f32 = (output_buffer.len() as f32 / (i + 1) as f32 * resolution).sqrt();
if ((i as f32 * offset) as usize) < output_buffer.len() {
// space normalisation
let pos: usize = (i as f32 * offset) as usize;
// volume normalisation
let volume_offset: f32 = (output_buffer.len() as f32 / (pos + 1) as f32).sqrt();
let y = buffer[i] / volume_offset.powi(3) * 0.01;
pos_index.push( ((pos as f32) as usize, y) );
// Interpolation
let mut points: Vec<Key<f32, f32>> = Vec::new();
for val in pos_index.iter() {
let x = val.0 as f32;
let y = val.1 * volume;
points.push(Key::new(x, y, Interpolation::Bezier(0.5)));
let spline = Spline::from_vec(points);
for i in 0..output_buffer.len() {
let v = match spline.sample(i as f32) {
Some(v) => v,
None => 0.0,
output_buffer[i] = v;

Vector index "out of bounds" when converting large floating point numbers to integer indices

I've been trying to generate primes between m and n with the following function:
//the variable sieve is a list of primes between 1 and 32000
//The primes up to 100 are definitely correct
fn sieve_primes(sieve: &Vec<usize>, m: &usize, n: &usize) -> Vec<usize> {
let size: usize = *n - *m + 1;
let mut list: Vec<usize> = Vec::with_capacity(size);
for i in *m..(*n + 1) {
for i in sieve {
for j in ( ((*m as f32) / (*i as f32)).ceil() as usize)..( (((*n as f32) / (*i as f32)).floor() + 1.0) as usize) {
println!("{} ",j);
if j != 1 {list[i * j - *m] = 0;}
let mut primes: Vec<usize> = Vec::new();
for num in &list{
if *num >= 2 {primes.push(*num);}
This works for smaller (less than 1000000-ish) values of m and n, but
it fails at runtime for numbers around the billions / hundred-millions.
The output for m = 99999999, n = 100000000 is:
thread '' panicked at 'index out of bounds: the len is 2 but the index is 3'
If you look at the numbers this doesn't make any sense. First of all, it seems to skip the number 2 in the list of primes. Second, when i = 3 the for statement should simplify to for j in 33333333..333333334, which for some reason starts j at 33333334.
f32 can only represent all 24-bit integers exactly, which corresponds to about 16 million (actually 16777216). Above that there are gaps, up to 33554432 only even numbers can be represented. So in your example 33333333 cannot be represented as f32 and is rounded to 33333334.
You don't need to use float to round the result of an integer division. Using integers directly is both faster and doesn't have precision issues. For non-negative integers you can do the following:
fn main() {
let a = 12;
let b = 7;
println!("rounded down: {}", a / b);
println!("rounded: {}", (a + b / 2) / b);
println!("rounded up: {}", (a + b - 1) / b);
You are casting integers to f32, but f32 is not precise enough. Use f64 instead.
fn main() {
println!("{}", 33333333.0f32); // prints 33333332

How to zip Vec<T> with indexed position

Following my question, How to iterate a Vec with indexed position in Rust, now I need to zip two dynamic vectors with their indexed position.
The enumerate function exists for all iterators. Using zip on two iterators a and b yields another iterator. Therefor you can also call enumerate on the resulting iterator.
fn main() {
let a = vec![1; 10];
let b = vec![2; 10];
let it = a.iter().zip(b.iter());
for (i, (x, y)) in it.enumerate() {
println!("{}: ({}, {})", i, x, y);
fn main() {
let a = vec![1; 10];
let b = vec![2; 10];
for ((i,x),(j,y)) in a.iter().enumerate().zip(b.iter().enumerate()) {
println!("(({},{}),({},{}))", i, x, j, y);
