azure machine cannot joined domain - azure

dears I just bought a domain from Name cheap and I am using Azure VM Windows Server 2019 Datacenter, now I want to join my windows server on my domain to be as domain controller.
I add my IP address into the domain page, how I can join azure VM to the domain?

For joining the azure domain you need to configure S2S VPN (Site-to-Site VPN) between Azure and the domain and you need to configure your DNS manually to make sure that VM uses domain controller as its DNS server.
Here is the article to configure Site-to-Site VPN. you can create a new VNET or you can use the existing one if you have any. If you create a new VNET, you may need to re-create VM.
From here you can configure the DNS server manually.
And you can check this documentation for complete information


How to allow workloads to manage their own DNS entries when running on VMs joined to an Azure AD Domain Services (AADDS) domain?

How can we allow application workloads to manage their own DNS entries when their VMs also need to be joined to an AADDS domain (without violating the principal of least privilege)?
We have the following network configuration:
A Hub VNET containing an Azure AD Domain Services (AADDS) managed domain called This VNET will also host a VNET Gateway, a Bastion instance and a couple of management VMs.
Multiple "environment" VNETs, all peered to the Hub, to run application workloads. These workloads all currently running on on domain-joined VMs & VMSSs that are behind both an Standard Load Balancer (for internal traffic), and an Application Gateway (for public traffic). The IP addresses of those load balancers and App Gateways need to be resolvable via DNS.
We would like all applications to be resolvable using the same TLD domain - both internally and externally (e.g. should work internally and externally).
The Hub is created by a single pipeline running a terraform configuration that is maintained by the Platform team. The platform Team should not need to be involved when provisioning environments.
Each environment is created by its own pipeline, running terraform configurations that are maintained by the various Product Teams. The Product Teams should be able to spin up & destroy environments without any input from the Platform Team.
Public DNS resolution was easy to setup. We simply granted each environmental pipeline permission to register records in an Azure public DNS zone. The problem arose when we tried to solve internal DNS Resolution.
We tried creating a Private DNS zone for ` and linking it to the environmental VNETs. Unfortunately, the VMs in those VNETs then fail to join to the domain due to the lack of domain SRV records (these are created by default in AADDS). So it seems that AADDS requires that any VNETs containing VMs that want to join to the domain use its IP addresses for DNS resolution. This means any apps running on those VMs must send their DNS query to AADDS, not to an Azure Private DNS Zone.
We thought about giving the environment pipelines permission to create records in the AADDS DNS zone. Unfortunately, the Microsoft docs say that only users that are members of the "AAD DC Administrators" group can add/remove DNS records. This is far too much power to give to the environmental pipelines (it would allow them to delete other workloads' VMs from the domain for example).
We then tried linking the Private DNS zone to the Hub VNET, in the hope that we could configure AADDS to forward any DNS requests that it can't resolve to Azure DNS. Unfortunately, AADDS does not forward any DNS requests for onto Azure DNS - presumably because it believes it is authoritative for that zone.
Is there another mechanism that we haven't thought of yet?
• Since, you want the app workloads running on VMs in the spoke virtual network to search or forward the DNS requests from the Azure private DNS zone to the AADDS, you can surely leverage the functionality of conditional forwarder in this regard. Thus, to use this functionality, you would need to configure a VM as a ‘Domain Controller’ for this managed domain and associate it in a subnet that is reachable to all the domain joined resources in the hub and spoke virtual network model.
To join a VM to a managed domain and configure it as a ‘Domain Controller’ for serving the full features of ADDS and DNS, kindly refer to the below link for more details: -
Also, to configure the conditional forwarder in AADDS joined VM configured as a DC, ensure to install DNS Server tools, and use the DNS console to manage the records in AADDS as well as follow the steps below to configure a conditional forwarder in the AADDS VM: -
a) Login to a VM and open the ‘Administrative Tools’ --> ‘DNS’ --> DNS Management Console opens --> Connect to DNS Server dialog
b) Select Conditional Forwarders, then right select and choose New Conditional Forwarder --> enter the other DNS domain such as for example, ‘’, then enter the IP addresses of the DNS servers for that namespace as shown below: -
c) Check the box for Store this conditional forwarder in Active Directory, and replicate it as follows, then select the option for ‘All DNS servers in this domain’, as shown in the following example: -
‘Conditional forwarder should be stored in the domain, not in the forest’
d) Name resolution of the resources in other namespaces from VMs connected to the managed domain should now resolve correctly. Queries for the DNS domain configured in the conditional forwarder are passed to the relevant DNS servers (Azure private DNS zone) and from there, the Azure VMs mapped or registered in there will be forwarded the DNS requests accordingly.
Thus, in this way, if you configure AADDS to forward any DNS requests to the Azure private DNS zone with the help of conditional forwarder, you would be able to forward the DNS requests for ‘’ to the Azure private DNS zone for further resolution.
A comment on the above answer (thanks #Kartik), led me to the ultimate answer... which is that I'm trying to do something that is not recommended by Microsoft :-(
Apparently, I shouldn't be using the same name for both my AADDS managed domain and my application workloads:
If you create a custom domain name, take care with existing DNS namespaces. It's recommended to use a domain name separate from any existing Azure or on-premises DNS name space.
For example, if you have an existing DNS name space of, create a managed domain with the custom domain name of If you need to use secure LDAP, you must register and own this custom domain name to generate the required certificates.
It seems I am going to have to:
Choose another name for my managed domain (e.g.
Set all VNETs to use it for DNS resolution.
Setup a DNS forwarder to an Azure Private DNS zone containing the records for my workloads (

AZURE vm, not confugured

can anyone help with some azure vm issues. I wished to connect a domain server VM and a ordinary server VM and use active directory synchronization. But every time I deploy new VM from azure portal, it always have the DNS name status as not configured. I really don't understand why. I set the DNS server with the private IPs of the VMs on the vNet. Thanks for replies and advise. VM DNS name not configured
As the comment stated, the DNS name for that VM is actually associated with the public IP attached to that VM. You can follow this step to create FQDN for an Azure VM.
If you want to join the Azure VM to your local domain, you can follow this link:
The main steps are as follows:
Establish cross-site connectivity using Azure site-to-site VPN connections
Configure a custom DNS server
Provision a VM with a custom DNS server
Join the Azure VM to the on-premises Active Directory domain
If you intend to join a Windows Server virtual machine to an Azure Active Directory Domain Services managed domain, read this tutorial.

Unable to join to domain hosted on Azure VM

So I've created a VM Win Server 2016 on Azure. I've created a VPN connection between Azure VM (Which is AD DC) and a test windows machine. I can ping AD IP (but not domain, only IP), RDP into machine etc.. however when I try to join domain it's not recognized. So it's probably DNS issue on Azure but I've been unable to resolve it? What to do? How to proceed? The idea is to be able to connect remote machines via Point to Site VPN to AD DC on Azure.
You need to have your DC listed as a DNS server if you are doing AD integrated DNS Or have a public record so that the Azure DNS servers can advertise it. Make sure you have done the step - Reset the DNS server for the Azure virtual network. You can also refer to for guidance and for steps.
I've created a VPN connection between Azure VM (Which is AD DC) and a
test windows machine.
Could you please tell me which kind VPN do you deployed?
If you select S2S VPN, we can change the test windows machine's DNS to Azure VM's private IP address, then try to ping the domain name, if we can ping it, we can join this test vm to the AD DC.
If your VPN is P2S, we should change the test windows machine's DNS to the Azure VM P2S virtual IP address(get from p2s), then try to ping the domain name, and join to it.

Azure VM fails to register in the DNS server external to Azure

We are trying to register the Azure VM to our own DNS Server but not able to do so.
We have already setup the VPC, Virtual Network and Gateway to connect to our DNS server.
we have also specified our DNS server within the Virtual network.
From what I understand, you're looking to register your VMs internal IPs in your DNS server. Is that correct?
If so, Windows clients do this automatically when domain joined and will send an unsecured Dynamic DNS update when not domain joined but you need to create a DNS zone for the records and allow unsecured updates, which is not the default. Linux clients need a script added to the DHCP client to send the dynamic DNS updates. I'm in the process of creating a page on for this and can share the commands in the meantime if you're using that setup.
(Azure DNS)

Can my Azure web apps access the internal DNS of my Virtual Network?

I have configured my Azure Web Apps and App Hosting Plan to connect via Point-to-Site gateway with my Virtual Network in Azure. I followed this article here:
I have a VM that is hosting DNS and my Virtual Network is configured to use this.
I want to be able to reference services running in my Virtual Network from my Web Apps via domain name and not by direct IP address.
It works fine if I connect using the VM's internal IP address eg But, when I add a DNS A record pointing to, my web app can't resolve the domain.
I attempted to check the DNS settings of the web app and it appears my internal DNS server is not one of the hosts configured. Here's the code I ran in my web app:
from nic in NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces()
let props = nic.GetIPProperties()
select String.Join("; ", props.DnsAddresses.Select(x => x.ToString()))
Is this possible to do? If so, can anyone suggest what I need to do?
From everything we have tried and talking with Azure folks at Ignite, Web Apps (point-to-site) were not designed to be joined to a domain. That said, we are successfully using web apps to access on-premise web services using a binding with a fully qualified domain name (FQDN) and securing that traffic be certificate.
Due to the way web apps connected to a VNET works, you will not be seeing the DNS servers when you list all interfaces. If in command line you run the command:
You should see an environment variable that holds your configured DNS servers. If not, you should go to your web app in the Azure Portal, to the Vnet section, and hit the "Sync Data" button.
