How to host Simple Node JS express web app on Azure web app .Net stack - node.js

I have a web app with following settings .
and want to run a node js express web app on the given configuration.
I have seen one of my colleague do it once but couldn't recall the settings.


How to deploy a MEVN stack app to Heroku?

I've built a simple notes manager app using Vue for front end and Express + Mongo for backend. The server and client are in two separate folders, each with its own package.json file.
You can deploy you Vue app separatly to a static site hosting provider like Netlify
And you can host you Express app separatly in Heroku
For you data base, you can host it in mongodb
Start by hosting you express app first

Vue Frontend and Express backend on same Azure web app Service

I have built a web app that has a Vue front-end and an express back-end.
I am trying to host these on an Azure Web App Service but I am a complete novice with Azure.
I have gotten the web app working fine when I place the Client side in one web app and the Server side in a different one.
I want to have both running in the same web app.
From researching online it seems that I need to go to:
my web app-> configuration-> path mappings ->Virtual applications and directories.
I created a new application with Virtual Path "/app" and physical path "site\app".
I deployed (using visual studio code) my back-end to my azure web app and thus this sits inside wwwroot.
In filezilla I create a new folder in the site directory called "app" and paste in my built Vue client side.
However, when I try to navigate to I am not presented with the expected Vue index.html rather a 404. If I just navigate to I get the default route from the server side as expected.
What am I doing wrong?
When creating a webapp, please choose Windows operating environment, because currently choosing Linux does not support Virtual Application and directories.
The directory structure should be like below.
Setting in portal.
For more details, you can refer my answer in another post.

Is a node.js app running on express.js hosted in Azure using IIS?

I'm working on a app that is hosted in Azure.
The app is a web-app based on node.js/express.js.
Is it running on/in a IIS server since it is hosted in Azure?
My app does not use the iisnode package. But i wonder if it is inherently running on IIS since it is hosted in Azure?
Also: As i understand at the moment, IIS-express and express.js is two completely different environments for hosting web-servers.....?
Just according to your description, it seems that you were talking about hosting a node App based on express.js to Azure WebApp for Windows.
Yes for hosting Node.js app in IIS on Azure WebApp for Windows, you need to use iisnode (a native IIS module) to host node.js applications with the web.config file in IIS on Windows. For more details, you can refer to the wiki page iisnode wiki of GitHub repo Azure/iisnode to know what iisnode is, and to know how to host it with a web.config file in IIS via the other wiki page Using a custom web.config for Node apps of GitHub repo projectkudu/kudu.
However, No for Azure WebApp for Windows, because you also can use IIS as a reverse proxy server to handle a Node app via the default port %HTTP_PLATFORM_PORT% specified by Azure WebApp like the blog Running java jar file to serve web requests on Azure App Service Web Apps for Java said. But generally, it's not a recommended way.
Meanwhile, No for hosting Node app on other Azure services, such as Azure WebApp for Liunx, Azure VM, or Azure Container services, these services based on Linux do not require IIS, so the iisnode module also be not absolute required.

How to deploy angular 4 (type-script) + node API application on iis?

I've developed an angular 4 application with node js API.I just wanted to deploy it on Internet Information Server.
I've deploy angular app on IIS,but how to manage with node API ?
Please check iisnode module by azure :
Hosting node.js app on iis

How to deploy and React app to Azure?

I'm a total newbie to web development, so please guide me.
I've successfully finished a and reactjs website locally using tools like webpack and babel. There's one Nodejs server file(also has and remaining all are client-side files.
I want to deploy this app to Azure using Azure App Services.
How can I achieve this?
You can try going through Create a Node.js chat application with Socket.IO in Azure App Service. For webpack application, you can check out my earlier post on SO.
