Finding the C++ implementation of InferRequest - openvino

I am looking for the implementation of the StartAsync() function on InferenceEngine::InferRequest in OpenVINO (
There are a lot of implementations, wrappers, and interfaces but I can't seem to find the actual implementation for the method.
All implementations look like they are either throwing an unimplemented exception, or calling another impl_.

The StartAsync() method starts inference of specified input(s) in asynchronous mode.
Refer to the interface of asynchronous infer request.


Why are ceilf32 and sqrtf32 unsafe?

I'm pretty new to Rust and have been working on some mathematical problems. For one of these problems I needed ceilf32 and sqrtf32. I was surprised to find that these functions are unsafe; both are fairly simple mathematical functions and my understanding is that unsafe Rust is used only as necessary to work around either the conservatism of the compiler or to allow inherently unsafe OS operations. I can't see any reason either function would run into either issue, thus I can't understand what would stop them being implemented with memory safety.
Could someone please enlighten me?
The functions you're looking at are in core::intrinsics, which are low-level compiler instructions. I don't see any official documentation on why they're marked unsafe, but my guess is that all of the compiler intrinsics were marked that way as a rule, since they're lower-level than most of Rust proper.
Regardless, for normal operation, you're looking for the inherent methods f32::ceil and f32::sqrt. These are the Rust standard library implementations that presumably[1] call the intrinsics as a course of action, and these methods are not marked unsafe.
Since they're inherent methods, you can either call them on f32 objects (my_number.sqrt()) or directly with the namespace (f32::sqrt(my_number)).
[1] In fact, a look at the source code for the current implementations indicates that both of these simply delegate to their intrinsic counterpart, wrapping it in an unsafe block to guarantee safety.

task<...> construction vs create_task

According to Asynchronous programming in C++ (Windows Store apps):
// Explicit construction. (Not recommended)
// Pass the IAsyncOperation to a task constructor.
// task<DeviceInformationCollection^> deviceEnumTask(deviceOp);
// Recommended:
auto deviceEnumTask = create_task(deviceOp);
Why is assignment (create_task) preferred over construction?
I think you're just as bound either way. You're bound to the class you're constructing as well as the factory interface you may be using and subject to maintaining compatibility with whatever changes are made to the public interfaces utilitized in your implementation. Disruptive changes are just as possible in either location. Microsoft's answer to this question comes from the create_task() documentation: create_task() is just a convenience function as it allows the use of the 'auto' keyword while creating tasks.
I think the reason why using factories in general is more desirable rather than calling constructors is that this is less coupled with specific implementation of the interface. If you call constructor then your program is tightly coupled with given implementation.
Object construction with factories is less coupled, and also more flexible and extendable. For example, in the next version of the API providers might decide to deprecate certain implementation or replace it with something else. If you use only factory then they can simply change it's implementation to return instance of another class, or inject some more dependencies internally. But if your program is bound with specific class it would be much diffucult to achieve.

Invoke an Overloaded Constructor through this?

i can't understand this paragraph and i don't know , what does mean term INVOKE in programming?
When working with overloaded constructors, it is sometimes useful for one constructor to
invoke another. In C#, this is accomplished by using another form of the this keyword.
In this context invoke is equivalent to call. In C# Invoke usually refers to calling a method in a thread-safe way. Very useful for GUI-development and basically everywhere else as well.

Is it possible to embed Haskell in a C library opaquely?

i.e. is it possible to embed Haskell code in a C library so that the user of the library doesn't have to know Haskell is being used? In particular, so that the user could use multiple libraries that embed Haskell, without any conflicts?
As far as I understand things, you embed between calls to hs_init and hs_exit, but these involve global state shenanigans and should conflict with other calls, no?
Yes, it's possible to call Haskell code from C (and vice versa) through FFI, the Foreign Function Interface. Unfortunately, as the docs says, you can't avoid the calls to initialize and finalize the haskell environment:
The call to hs_init() initializes GHC's runtime system. Do NOT try to
invoke any Haskell functions before calling hs_init(): bad things will
undoubtedly happen.
But, this is interesting also:
There can be multiple calls to hs_init(), but each one should be
matched by one (and only one) call to hs_exit()
And furthermore:
The FFI spec requires the implementation to support re-initialising
itself after being shut down with hs_exit(), but GHC does not
currently support that.
Basically my idea is that you may exploit this specifications in order to write youself a wrapper C++ class that manages the calls to hs_init and hs_exit for you, in example by using template methods surrounded by hs_init and hs_exit that you can override using any haskell call you want.
However, beware of interactions with other libraries calling haskell code: nested layers of calls to hs_init and hs_exit should be OK (so it's safe to use libraries which calls them in between your wrappers), but the total number of calls should always match, meaning that if those libraries only initialize the environment without trying to close it, then it's up to you to finish the job.
Another (probably better) idea, without exploiting inheritance and overriding, may be to have a simple class HaskellEnv that calls hs_init in the constructor and hs_exit in the destructor. If you declare them as automatic variables, you'll obtain that the calls to hs_init and hs_exit will always be matched, and the latest call to hs_exit will be made as soon as the latest HaskellEnv object is destructed when you leave its scope.
Have a look at this question in order to prevent the creation of objects on the heap (they may be dangerous in this case).

Alternatives to vtable

Vtables are ubiquitous in most OO implementations, but do they have alternatives? The wiki page for vtables has a short blurb, but not really to much info (and stubbed links).
Do you know of some language implementation which does not use vtables?
Are there are free online pages which discuss the alternatives?
Yes, there are many alternatives!
Vtables are only possible when two conditions hold.
All method calls can be determined statically. If you can call functions by string name, or if you have no type information about what objects you are calling methods on, you can't use vtables because you can't map each method to the index in some table. Similarly, if you can add functions to a class at runtime, you can't assign all methods an index in the vtable statically.
Inheritance can be determined statically. If you use prototypal inheritance, or another inheritance scheme where you can't tell statically what the inheritance structure looks like, you can't precompute the index of each method in the table or what particular class's method goes in a slot.
Commonly, inheritance is implemented by having a string-based table mapping names of functions to their implementations, along with pointers allowing each class to look up its base class. Method dispatch is then implemented by walking this structure looking for the lowest class at or above the class of the receiver object that implements the method. To speed up execution, techniques like inline caching are often used, where call sites store a guess of which method should be invoked based on the type of the object to avoid spending time traversing this whole structure. The Self programming language used this idea, which was then incorporates into the HotSpot JVM to handle interfaces (standard inheritance still uses vtables).
Another option is to use tracing, where the compiler emits code that guesses what the type of the object is and then hardcodes the method to call into the trace. Mozilla Firefox uses this in its JavaScript interpreter, since there isn't a way to build vtables for every object.
I just finished teaching a compilers course and one of my lectures was on implementations of objects in various programming languages and the associated tradeoffs. If you'd like, you can check out the slides here.
Hope this helps!
