Excel - Using start_date and end_date values with {=SUM(IF ...)} - excel

I am trying to count data in a range named 'democracy' based on a date start and date end. I have attempted to get this done, but can't seem to fit the pieces together
Component 1
In the SumIf I have:
The named range democracy contains 2 columns, "highlighted" and "shown", this works in checking both the columns for the value of 1 to be present in one of them.
Component 2
In the countif I have:
=COUNTIFS(democracy_shown,1,DateList,">="&$B$3, DateList,"<="&$B$4)
=COUNTIFS(democracy_highlighted,1,DateList,">="&$B$3, DateList,"<="&$B$4)
This shows data between the start and end dates.
What I need to do is use the {=SUM(IF ...)} component, and limit the results based on start date and end date values?

You could use SUMPRODUCT - something like:
=SUMPRODUCT(SIGN(((democracy_highlighted=1)+(democracy_shown=1)))*(DateList>=$B$3)*( DateList<=$B$4))


Sort data contained in blocks in excel

I have a large amount of reference data in excel, which I am trying to manipulate in a variety of ways. I'm having some problems with the way it is structured and sorting into a more manageable format.
Problem number 1:
I have three columns. Column A contains first a date, and then a designator of high or low. Column B contains times, Column C contains heights.
I would like to sort the data by column B (easy enough) EXCEPT I would like the date headings in Column A preserved. It's almost as though I have 365 tables, each with between 3 and 5 pieces of data - I'm looking to sort the 3 - 5 pieces of data within each date only.
This is what I have currently:
There's no issue with me taking the data and manipulating it some other way first - this is ultimately around me being able to take a batch of data (5x different reference points, each for 365 days) and develop a process to sanitise it and get it displayed in time order, as well as being able to get it into a usable format for problem 2 (I need to adjust some other data points by the sorted data once I have it).
This is what I would like it to look like (I manually went through each of these blocks and sorted them):
It is possible to do it in Excel as follows in cell E2:
=LET(rng, A1:C11, set, FILTER(rng, (INDEX(rng,,1) <>"")),
dates, SCAN("", INDEX(set,,1), LAMBDA(acc, item, IF(ISNUMBER(item), item, acc))),
in, FILTER(HSTACK(dates, set), INDEX(set,,2)<>""), inDates, INDEX(in,,1),
out, REDUCE("", UNIQUE(inDates), LAMBDA(acc, date,
LET(sorted, VSTACK(date, DROP(SORT(FILTER(in, inDates = date),3),,1), {"","",""}),
VSTACK(acc, sorted)
))), IFERROR(DROP(DROP(out,1),-1),"")
Here is the output:
You can avoid the clean-up process except for removing the last row as follow:
=LET(rng, A1:C11, set, FILTER(rng, (INDEX(rng,,1) <>"")),
dates, SCAN("", INDEX(set,,1), LAMBDA(acc, item, IF(ISNUMBER(item), item, acc))),
in, FILTER(HSTACK(dates, set), INDEX(set,,2)<>""), inDates, INDEX(in,,1),
out, REDUCE("", UNIQUE(inDates), LAMBDA(acc, date,
LET(sorted, VSTACK(HSTACK(date,"",""), DROP(SORT(FILTER(in, inDates = date),3),,1),
{"","",""}), IF(MAX(LEN(acc))=0, sorted, VSTACK(acc, sorted))
))), DROP(out, -1)
Basically is to carry out the manual steps but using excel functions. The name set, is the same as the input data (rng) but we removed the empty rows. The name dates, is a column with the same size as rng, repeating all the dates. The condition in the SCAN function to identify a new date is ISNUMBER because dates are stored in Excel as whole numbers. The name in has the data in the format we want for doing the sorting and filter by date removing the date header and adding as the first column the dates.
Now we use DROP/REDUCE/VSTACK pattern (check the answer to the question: how to transform a table in Excel from vertical to horizontal but with different length provided by David Leal) to append each sorted data for a given unique date. We add the date as the first row, then sorted data, and finally an empty row to separate each group of data. Finally, we do a clean-up via IFERROR/DROP to remove the #N/A values and the first and the last empty row.

Create Date from MM/DD format and include current year? Power Query

I have a table that has a series of Columns with data I need to split out. Example below
STATUS#10/16 12:00:00 (CODE)
I've been able to split it easy enough and when I originally tried to set the date on an older dataset it identified it as a date e.g. 16th Oct 2021 However I started to get errors on this date column and trying with different datasets (10/12, 10/13, 10/14) it is not finding the date. I tried the following query code but I'm receiving errors
[STATUS DATE] is split to 10/14, 10/15 etc
#date( Date.Year(DateTime.LocalNow), Date.Month(Text.End([STATUS DATE]), 2), Date.Day(Text.Start([STATUS DATE]),2))
However I'm getting a function error so I tried
Date.From(Date.Day(Text.Start([STATUS DATE]),2) & Date.Month(Text.End([STATUS DATE]),2) & Date.Year(DateTime.LocalNow)
I have also tried to do this from an example column however the query created is looking at the cell value e.g. if 10/14 then 14/10/2021 else if 13/10 then 14/10/2021. This method i feel is prone for error once I include a larger dataset.
Is there anyway I can determine the date value based on mm/dd format? But with year end in mind, make the YYYY be determined by current year unless we move into Jan and then I don't want the Oct, Nov, Dec value showing as 2022.
You don't really show what your original data looks like.
But if it is like:
Then you can use this code in the Add Custom Column dialog:
split=Text.SplitAny([STATUS DATE],"#/ "),
mnth = Number.From(split{1}),
dy = Number.From(split{2})
The Text.SplitAny function lets you input a list of delimiters and the text will split on all of them. So it is relatively simple to extract the month and day values
to create:
Split [STATUS DATE] one more time into [Month] and [Day] column, using the "/" as a separator. Then you don't have to bother with 1 or 2 digit numbers and you can simply use this formula:
#date(Date.Year(DateTime.LocalNow()), [Month], [Day])
DateTime.LocalNow() is a function, so you need to add the brackets.
[Month] and [Day] are numbers already, so you don't need the Date.Month() or Date.Day() functions.

Excel AVERAGEIFS looking up ONE of the criteria columns

I have built a large data set and I need to see the average results given many different criteria. I've done this with the AVERAGEIFS function and it works just fine, however the more and more I add its getting really time intensive.
I'm wondering if there is a way to nest a vlookup or index match or anything like that in the AVERAGEIFS that read the criteria column heading and criteria in a cell (or 2 if they need to be separated) to be added to the AVERAGEIFS.
Here is an example of my spreadsheet:
The first 3 sets of criteria I want to stay locked.
I want it to read what the 4th criteria column and criteria should be by referencing the I11 cell. The highlighted portion in the formula bar is the part that I want to reference I11 so it reads it and knows that the 4th criteria is the 'code' column and the criteria is '>7'. I can separate this into 2 separate cells if need be.
I've tried a few combinations of VLOOKUP and INDEX MATCH but cannot get it to work.
Data as Text:
Price,Type,sub cat,Time,code,amount,Result,,
9.95,t2,d,ac,2.18," 22,780,893 ",0.73,,T2 and D and AC
118.94,u2,d,bo,2.78," 172,110,893 ",4.07,,
57.63,t1,u,ac,7.09," 128,419,877 ",-2.16,,code
8.88,t2,d,ac,1.50," 62,634,868 ",12.72,,amount < 100 000 000
11.61,u1,u,ac,2.14," 146,982,736 ",1.07,,price >10
13.46,u3,u,ac,0.93," 17,513,672 ",-13.93,,
31.53,t1,u,ac,0.89," 47,170,877 ",1.39,,
16.34,t3,d,bo,1.07," 1,914,767,076 ",-1.42,,
111.59,u1,d,bo,0.62," 2,283,546,000 ",0.67,,
72.4,u3,d,bo,10.37," 951,541,514 ",1.13,,
34.55,u3,d,bo,0.77," 951,541,514 ",-2.52,,
42.25,t1,d,bo,1.05," 63,748,352 ",8.88,,
17.18,u3,u,ac,2.64," 140,217,257 ",4.35,,
97.66,t1,d,bo,3.45," 1,070,383,954 ",1.33,,
58.49,t2,u,bo,8.64," 151,876,559 ",-0.92,,
64.48,t2,d,ac,2.35," 291,967,334 ",3.03,,
38.4,t1,u,ac,17.05," 83,478,472 ",-4.31,,
20.87,u3,d,ac,28.92," 214,080,937 ",-2.16,,
36.53,t1,d,ac,1.43," 73,438,589 ",-2.07,,
89.16,t3,u,ac,1.41," 26,786,958 ",-1.75,,
15.84,t1,u,bo,2.90," 133,560,818 ",1.76,,
3.2,u3,u,bo,2.95," 215,677,667 ",-1.06,,
25.46,t1,d,bo,3.92," 57,148,431 ",1.89,,
40,t2,d,ac,8.00," 65,274,903 ",0.61,,
27.72,t1,u,ac,2.50," 381,400,886 ",6.46,,
29.07,u3,u,ac,2.32," 52,632,107 ",-0.78,,
173.31,t1,d,ac,3.58," 31,547,380 ",-4.92,,
18.22,u3,d,ac,0.58," 292,669,493 ",4.06,,
9.59,t1,d,bo,3.60," 266,883,020 ",3.16,,
115.22,t2,d,bo,4.51," 132,376,476 ",0.78,,
64.48,u3,d,ac,3.03," 338,360,104 ",-0.95,,
41.74,t1,u,bo,25.65," 245,766,436 ",-3.42,,
5.99,t3,u,bo,2.15," 175,054,713 ",-4.37,,
Use INDEX/MATCH to return the correct column. This will require that you separate the column name and the criteria:
An idea:
I10 - "Write down the limitation. (You have to use <,>,=,<> AND the value, for e.g.: <5)"
I11 - The user can use relations and values.
In J11, you can reference to I11 ;) It works for me.

Excel Using concatenate to compare dates

I have a table containing several columns of which one is a date/time field. I am trying to get a count of instances per day using the following
Data Date Comp Date Count
Apple 6/12/18 1:00 PM 6/12/18 12:00 AM 0
Apple 6/12/18 7:00 AM
Orange 6/12/18 1:30 PM
Apple 6/11/18 11:23 AM
From my understanding of all the moving parts here I should be checking to see if "Apple" exists in the data column and then if "6/12/18" with any amount or type of characters after it exists. If both are true I will then get a count + 1 leaving me with a value of 2 in the above example.
What I actually get however is a 0 unless I match the time portion of date the data to be exactly the same and then removed the wildcard ,"*" from the equation.
Am I doing something wrong or can the wildcard not be used to accomplish what I am trying?
I think you should set your criteria properly.
If you add an additional column next to your Date that contains calculates the integer value of your date using INT() and format the display as DATE (m/d/yyyy) you should then be able to use the following COUNTIFS formula
=COUNTIFS(Table4[Data], "Apple", Table4[Date], "=6/12/18")
See the explanatory video from their Office' support site: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/countifs-function-dda3dc6e-f74e-4aee-88bc-aa8c2a866842
If your [Date] column is a datetime or smalldatetime, you can work with it using CONVERT function, depending on how you want to group.
For example, if you don't care about the time to do the group, you could use the next query:
SELECT CONVERT(varchar,[Date],103), [Data], COUNT(*)
FROM [test_delete].[dbo].[Table1]
GROUP BY CONVERT(varchar,[Date],103), [Data]
This should result in something like this:
[Date] [Data] [Count]
11/06/2018 Apple 1
12/06/2018 Apple 2
12/06/2018 Orange 1
Hope this helps you
If your dates are stored as dates instead of text, use the following:

Count occurrences of multiple values in Excel

IF I have a table like this:
I want to count the number of times each year occurs in the next column.
How can I do this automatically for each year? (because the table is not this small).
I reduced your example data by one row with year 1969 for better result display
[1968][=COUNTIF($A$1:$A$6, $A1)]
[1968][=COUNTIF($A$1:$A$6, $A2)]
[1968][=COUNTIF($A$1:$A$6, $A3)]
[1969][=COUNTIF($A$1:$A$6, $A4)]
[1970][=COUNTIF($A$1:$A$6, $A5)]
[1970][=COUNTIF($A$1:$A$6, $A6)]
Just enter the formula in B1 and drag-copy it until end of the column B.
Results in
