I am looking for the ways to fuzz Microsoft office, let's say Winword.exe. I want to know which modules or functions does parsing the file formats like RTF,.DOCX,.DOC etc....
Yes i know by doing reverse engineering. but office don't have symbols(public symbols) which gives too much pain and too hard for tracing or investigating .
i have done some RE activity via windbg by putting breakpoint and analysing each function and done some stack analysis.so looked into RTF specification and relying on some structure will be loaded into memory while debugging in Windbg. but lost everywhere..... And time consuming.
Even i ran Dynamorio, hoping for getting some results. but again failed....
Winafl Compatibility:
As per winafl, i need to find a function which is taking some inputs and doing some interesting stuffs like parsing in my case.
but in my case it is way too difficult to get due to lack of symbols...
and i m asking, is it possible to doing code coverage and instrumentation fuzzing via winafl...
And what are the best possible and easy way to do RE activity on symbol less software like in my case?
so asking if anybody has any experience.....
I got very interested in browser exploitation, particularly in memory corruptions like UAF or type confusion vulnerabilities. Started learning some things, but can't understand some concepts.
First, I know tat fuzzing is one of the methods to find the bugs. Not sure how fuzzing can find those complex vulnerabilties.
Second, want to find out whether it is possible to find uaf bugs manually.
Third, can you please explain how uaf bugs occur in browsers in detailed manner? I know that uaf bug happens when freed memory is reused by code, and when attacker controlled data is placed in the freed memory, you get the code execution. But I can't understand how people generate all those HTML or POC codes to crash the software using the UAF bugs.
Fourth, what are type confusion vulnerabilties?
For web browsers :
1> fuzzing is the efficient way to find bugs, but using an existing fuzzer, in most of cases lead to finding existing vulnerabilities (already reported to editors).
In all times, after finding a bug, a manual work is needed to clean up the poc code
2> Spend time to make better your fuzzing strategy and generate a use cases (focus in allocation memory, feeing memory, copying references...) is the best manually work you can do to find a UAF Vuln.
3> you can find severals tutorial about the UAF on internet.
Good luck
How can I package my Java application into an executable jar that cannot be decompiled (for example , by Jadclipse)?
You can't. If the JRE can run it, an application can de-compile it.
The best you can hope for is to make it very hard to read (replace all symbols with combinations of 'l' and '1' and 'O' and '0', put in lots of useless code and so on). You'd be surprised how unreadable you can make code, even with a relatively dumb translation tool.
This is called obfuscation and, while not perfect, it's sometimes adequate.
Remember, you can't stop the determined hacker any more than the determined burglar. What you're trying to do is make things very hard for the casual attacker. When presented with the symbols O001l1ll10O, O001llll10O, OO01l1ll10O, O0Ol11ll10O and O001l1ll1OO, and code that doesn't seem to do anything useful, most people will just give up.
First you can't avoid people reverse engineering your code. The JVM bytecode has to be plain to be executed and there are several programs to reverse engineer it (same applies to .NET CLR). You can only make it more and more difficult to raise the barrier (i.e. cost) to see and understand your code.
Usual way is to obfuscate the source with some tool. Classes, methods and fields are renamed throughout the codebase, even with invalid identifiers if you choose to, making the code next to impossible to comprehend. I had good results with JODE in the past. After obfuscating use a decompiler to see what your code looks like...
Next to obfuscation you can encrypt your class files (all but a small starter class) with some method and use a custom class loader to decrypt them. Unfortunately the class loader class can't be encrypted itself, so people might figure out the decryption algorithm by reading the decompiled code of your class loader. But the window to attack your code got smaller. Again this does not prevent people from seeing your code, just makes it harder for the casual attacker.
You could also try to convert the Java application to some windows EXE which would hide the clue that it's Java at all (to some degree) or really compile into machine code, depending on your need of JVM features. (I did not try this.)
GCJ is a free tool that can compile to either bytecode or native code. Keeping in mind, that does sort of defeat the purpose of Java.
A little late I know, but the answer is no.
Even if you write in C and compile to native code, there are dissasemblers / debuggers which will allow people to step through your code. Granted - debugging optimized code without symbolic information is a pain - but it can be done, I've had to do it on occasion.
There are steps that you can take to make this harder - e.g. on windows you can call the IsDebuggerPresent API in a loop to see if somebody is debugging your process, and if yes and it is a release build - terminate the process. Of course a sufficiently determined attacker could intercept your call to IsDebuggerPresent and always return false.
There are a whole variety of techniques that have cropped up - people who want to protect something and people who are out to crack it wide open, it is a veritable arms race! Once you go down this path - you will have to constantly keep updating/upgrading your defenses, there is no stopping.
This not my practical solution but , here i think good collection or resource and tutorials for making it happen to highest level of satisfaction.
A suggestion from this website (oracle community)
(clean way), Obfuscate your code, there are many open source and free
obfuscator tools, here is a simple list of them : [Open source
obfuscators list] .
These tools make your code unreadable( though still you can decompile
it) by changing names. this is the most common way to protect your
2.(Not so clean way) If you have a specific target platform (like windows) or you can have different versions for different platforms,
you can write a sophisticated part of your algorithms in a low level
language like C (which is very hard to decompile and understand) and
use it as a native library in you java application. it is not clean,
because many of us use java for it's cross-platform abilities, and
this method fades that ability.
and this one below a step by step follow :
Keep your solutions added we need this more.
I've got some unused functionality in my codebase, but it's hard to identify. The code has evolved over the last year as I explore its problem space and possible solutions. What I'm needing to do is find that unused code so I can get rid of it. I'm happy if it deals with the problem on an exportable name basis.GHC has warnings that deal with non-exported unused code. Any tools specific to this task would be of interest.
However, I'm curious about a comprehensive cross referencing tool. I can find the unused code with such a tool. Years ago when I was working in C and assembler, I found that a good xref was a pretty handy tool, useful for many different purposes.
I'm getting nowhere with googling. Apparently in Haskell the dominant meaning of cross-reference is within literate programming. Though maybe something there would be useful.
I don’t know of such a tool, so in the past I have done a bit of a hack instead.
If you have a comprehensive test suite, you can run it with GHC’s code coverage tracing enabled. Compile with -fhpc and use hpc markup to generate annotated source. This gives you the union of unused code and untested code, both of which you would probably like to address anyway.
SourceGraph can give you a bunch of information which you may also find useful.
There is now a tool for this very purpose: https://hackage.haskell.org/package/weeder
It's been around since 2017, and while it has limitations, it definitely helps with large codebases.
I'm insterested to know the techniques that where used to discover vulnerabilities. I know the theory about buffer overflows, format string exploits, ecc, I also wrote some of them. But I still don't realize how to find a vulnerability in an efficient way.
I don't looking for a magic wand, I'm only looking for the most common techniques about it, I think that looking the whole source is an epic work for some project admitting that you have access to the source. Trying to fuzz on the input manually isn't so comfortable too. So I'm wondering about some tool that helps.
I'm not realizing how the dev team can find vulnerabilities to jailbreak iPhones so fast.
They don't have source code, they can't execute programs and since there is a small number of default
programs, I don't expect a large numbers of security holes. So how to find this kind of vulnerability
so quickly?
Thank you in advance.
On the lower layers, manually examining memory can be very revealing. You can certainly view memory with a tool like Visual Studio, and I would imagine that someone has even written a tool to crudely reconstruct an application based on the instructions it executes and the data structures it places into memory.
On the web, I have found many sequence-related exploits by simply reversing the order in which an operation occurs (for example, an online transaction). Because the server is stateful but the client is stateless, you can rapidly exploit a poorly-designed process by emulating a different sequence.
As to the speed of discovery: I think quantity often trumps brilliance...put a piece of software, even a good one, in the hands of a million bored/curious/motivated people, and vulnerabilities are bound to be discovered. There is a tremendous rush to get products out the door.
There is no efficient way to do this, as firms spend a good deal of money to produce and maintain secure software. Ideally, their work in securing software does not start with a looking for vulnerabilities in the finished product; so many vulns have already been eradicated when the software is out.
Back to your question: it will depend on what you have (working binaries, complete/partial source code, etc). On the other hand, it is not finding ANY vulnerability but those that count (e.g., those that the client of the audit, or the software owner). Right?
This will help you understand the inputs and functions you need to worry about. Once you localized these, you may already have a feeling of the software's quality: if it isn't very good, then probably fuzzing will find you some bugs. Else, you need to start understanding these functions and how the input is used within the code to understand whether the code can be subverted in any way.
Some experience will help you weight how much effort to put at each task and when to push further. For example, if you see some bad practices being used, then delve deeper. If you see crypto being implemented from scratch, delve deeper. Etc
Aside from buffer overflow and format string exploits, you may want to read a bit on code injection. (a lot of what you'll come across will be web/DB related, but dig deeper) AFAIK this was a huge force in jailbreaking the iThingies. Saurik's mobile substrate allow(s) (-ed?) you to load 3rd party .dylibs, and call any code contained in those.
I'm working on some code generation tools, and a lot of complexity comes from doing scope analysis.
I frequently find myself wanting to know things like
What are the free variables of a function or block?
Where is this symbol declared?
What does this declaration mask?
Does this usage of a symbol potentially occur before initialization?
Does this variable potentially escape?
and I think it's time to rethink my scoping kludge.
I can do all this analysis but am trying to figure out a way to structure APIs so that it's easy to use, and ideally, possible to do enough of this work lazily.
What tools like this are people familiar with, and what did they do right and wrong in their APIs?
I'm a bit surprised at at the question, as I've done tons of code generation and the question of scoping rarely comes up (except occasionally the desire to generate unique names).
To answer your example questions requires serious program analysis well beyond scoping. Escape analysis by itself is nontrivial. Use-before-initialization can be trivial or nontrivial depending on the target language.
In my experience, APIs for program analysis are difficult to design and frequently language-specific. If you're targeting a low-level language you might learn something useful from the Machine SUIF APIs.
In your place I would be tempted to steal someone else's framework for program analysis. George Necula and his students built CIL, which seems to be the current standard for analyzing C code. Laurie Hendren's group have built some nice tools for analyzing Java.
If I had to roll my own I'd worry less about APIs and more about a really good representation for abstract-syntax trees.
In the very limited domain of dataflow analysis (which includes the uninitialized-variable question), João Dias and I have adapted some nice work by Sorin Lerner, David Grove, and Craig Chambers. Only our preliminary results are published.
Finally if you want to generate code in multiple languages this is a complete can of worms. I have done it badly several times. If you create something you like, publish it!