How can Vims conceal feature be used to simplify code? - vim

After much Googling I have been unable to make Vim's code conceal feature work with Javascript and Typescript (without requiring a plugin).
I have been trying to use lines like the following in my .vimrc to conceal my code but without any luck:
syntax keyword Normal function conceal cchar=λ
syntax keyword Keyword return conceal cchar=>
// Actual
function sum(a) {
return function inner(b) {
return a + b
// Displayed
λ sum a
> inner b
> a + b
Replace function with the lambda symbol
Replace return with the > symbol
Replace [name]([args]) with name args
Conceal the {
Conceal the }

Your snippet appears to work as intended if you enable the "conceal" feature:
See :help 'conceallevel'.
But you may have a kind of race condition with other syntax scripts if you don't execute those :syntax commands at the right time. When in a TypeScript buffer, could you do :scriptnames and add the output of the command to your question?


Color highlight function calls in VIM

Does anyone know a way to color highlight function calls in Vim?
I know that some plugins could do something like that by keeping record of tags, but with what I've found online, I could not figure out how to make it work.
I've tried using easy tags (which, by the way, doesn't seem to be maintained anymore) and gutentags, but to be quite honest, I haven't come much close to make any of them to work.
On the other hand, I imagine that it would be quite simple to implement a script to highlight anything that lies between a dot and a left parentheses or a blank space and a left parentheses (as in .anyCodeAtAll(), anotherCode()), but I have no idea how to do it. It would be a incomplete solution of course, but it would be good enough for my purposes at the moment.
Does anyone know how to make that work?
I have something like that in my configuration, but it's quite language specific. For example for Golang, I have a ~/.vim/after/go.vim which contains:
syntax match goCustomParen "(" contains=cParen
syntax match goCustomFuncDef "func\s\+\w\+\s*(" contains=goDeclaration,goCustomParen
" Exclude import as function name, for multi-line imports
syntax match goCustomFunc "import\s\+(\|\(\w\+\s*\)(" contains=goCustomParen,goImport
syntax match goCustomScope "\."
syntax match goCustomAttribute "\.\w\+" contains=goCustomScope
syntax match goCustomMethod "\.\w\+\s*(" contains=goCustomScope,goCustomParen
highlight def link goCustomMethod Function
highlight def link goCustomAttribute Identifier
highlight goCustomFuncDef ctermfg=13
highlight goCustomFunc ctermfg=43
highlight goCustomAttribute ctermfg=247
highlight goCustomMethod ctermfg=33
And for Python, I have a ~/.vim/after/python.vim:
syntax match pyCustomParen "(" contains=cParen
syntax match pyCustomFunc "\w\+\s*(" contains=pyCustomParen
syntax match pyCustomScope "\."
syntax match pyCustomAttribute "\.\w\+" contains=pyCustomScope
syntax match pyCustomMethod "\.\w\+\s*(" contains=pyCustomScope,pyCustomParen
highlight def link pyCustomFunc Function
highlight def link pyCustomMethod Function
highlight def link pyCustomAttribute Identifier
highlight pyCustomFunc ctermfg=43
highlight pyCustomAttribute ctermfg=247
highlight pyCustomMethod ctermfg=33
In each case, the first block defines what is a function, a method, an attribute, and so on, the second block link these custom definition to the generic classes "Function, Identifier..." and the 3rd block defines the colors.
The files need to be in the after directory to be executed after the colorscheme and highlights definitions.
Here's a side by side comparison of with and without these settings (look on the last 3 lines):
Unless someone has a better solution, you could adapt the above for the language you need it.
It might be that you have not installed your plug-in correctly.
Try following these steps (or retrace your steps) and see if it works / missed any steps out:
cd ~ Go to home directory.
vim .vimrc open .vimrc
call plug#begin()
Plug 'xolox/vim-easytags'
call plug#end()
easytags#Options states easytags should work out of the box, but you could add option here in the
.vimrc file now or later,
e.g. put:
let g:easytags_syntax_keyword = 'always'
afer the call plug block.
:wq write quit the .vimrc
source ~/.vimrc unsure if required as will do later
vim test.js open vim with test.whatever language you know.
:PlugInstall in vim
Here might take a bit of time.
Then :q out of that window.
:source ~/.vimrc this is needed
Then test out to see if you have syntax highlighting.
I'm pretty sure this is along the right lines. Might be misspelled plugin name.

Vim Custom Replace Function

Note: I'm currently using Neovim v0.2.2 (But I believe this shouldn't change anything related this post)
I'm currently attempting to create a function within vim that allows for easily replacing text.
I understand I can create a shortcuts and macros and all that, but ideally I just want to give 2 args, and not think about what specifics go where as this can interupt my thought process.
So I decided to just have a simple wrapper disguised as a function (Which I will create a command wrapper for as well, once I figure out what I did wrong here)
function! VisualReplace(query, replacement)
" Example = '<,'>s/query\%V/replacement/g
As you can see, it's a very simple function that just applies the args in it's respective position, Yet, this fails even when called as a function using : call VisualReplace('some_query', 'some_replacement'
Alternatively, if you simply use the Example I have commented out directly, there's no issue, So I was hoping someoen could enlighten me on a potential fix
If need be, I could possibly look into string building & build it incrementally
Error msg:
Pattern not found: a:query\%V
General theory
Vimscript is evaluated exactly like the Ex commands typed in the : command-line. There were no variables in ex, so there's no way to specify them. When typing a command interactively, you'd probably use <C-R>= to insert variable contents:
:sleep <C-R>=timetowait<CR>m<CR>
... but in a script, :execute must be used. All the literal parts of the Ex command must be quoted (single or double quotes), and then concatenated with the variables:
execute 'sleep' timetowait . 'm'
Your function
In order to get the a:query and a:replacement arguments into :substitute, use :execute and either string concatenation or printf():
function! VisualReplace(query, replacement)
execute "'<,'>s/" . a:query . '\%V/' . a:replacement . '/g'
Additional critique
Passing a range to a function is so common, there's special syntactic sugar for it: The range attribute to :function, and a:firstline and a:lastline implicit arguments. Read more about it at :help function-range-example. While your use case here seems to be specifically for visual mode, in general it's useful to keep the scope of functions as broad as possible.
#Ingo Karkat answered perfectly. However, I feel like there might be some workflow alternatives which might help. (Assuming you aren't trying to script this behavior)
Visual Star
It looks like you are build a search based on a visual section. You may want to consider using a visual-star plugin to simplify the process. Here is a an example of a visual star mapping:
xnoremap * :<c-u>let #/=#"<cr>gvy:let [#/,#"]=[#",#/]<cr>/\V<c-r>=substitute(escape(#/,'/\'),'\n','\\n','g')<cr><cr>
This mapping will allow you to visually select text and then execute * to make it a search pattern. Similar to how * works in normal mode on the current word.
Search refining
I get the impression that you are trying to refine your search pattern. Vim has a nice way of doing this with q/ or pressing <c-f> while searching with /. See :h q/. This will bring up the command-line window which will allow you to edit the query/command-line with all your normal Vim keys.
Search and Replace with gn motion
Sometimes doing a substitution is just overkill or doesn't quite fit the situation right. You can mimic a search and replace by using the gn motion to operate on a search pattern. By using an operator and the gn motion together you can use the dot command, ., to repeat the action easily.
Now you can use . to repeat the foo -> bar replacement. Use n to skip. You can use other operators as well, e.g. gU to uppercase.
See :h gn and :h operator for more help.
Related Vimcasts episodes:
Refining search patterns with the command-line window
Operating on search matches using gn
Search for the selected text

How to make a parameterized command map in vim editor

I m trying to make a custom command for block commenting, to avoid writing the whole search and replace sequence each time in vim for commenting lines.
What I m trying to do is make a key combination map to which I can pass line numbers as parameter and those should be passed to the .vimrc file and processed there. Is it possible?
For example, I have this in my .vimrc
map :pc :17,21s/^/#<CR>
Now whenver I will do :pc in vim, it will add a # infront of lines 17-21 (commenting them in python)
Now 17,18 is hard coded in command here but can I make this command parameterized so that I can pass line numbers specifically like :17,21pc and it will take them in map command?
If it is possible then I would love to make the '#' symbol parameterized too so that I can pass in language specific comment symbol, like // in JS.
Mappings can't have parameters, but it's typically a command's job (see :h :command).
command! -range -nargs=? Comment call CommentThis(<line1>, <line2>, <q-args>)
function! CommentThis(l1, l2, lead)
let l:lead = a:lead == '' ? '#' : a:lead
exe printf('%i,%is+^+%s', a:l1, a:l2, l:lead)
You can use it like this: select some lines with V and arrows, then:
:'<,'>Comment //
Of course you can specify the line numbers by yourself : don't select anything, then type:
:17,21Comment //
:12,45Comment " '#' is the default
Note: the above code is far from perfect, it's just an example.
But there is really better if your goal is to comment some lines: use NERD Commenter; it automatically chooses the right comment leader depending of the filetype, it allows several kinds of comment styles, it can comment and uncomment...
Here is an example of its use: select some lines with V and arrows, then type <leader>cc, with <leader> as \ by default.

How to color function call in Vim syntax highlighting

I'm new to Vim and curious how to highlight a function call after the function has been defined. As an example, in the SublimeText version, totalForArray is green when it is defined, as well as when it is called on line 12. This is what my Vim looks like, and I'm wondering how to make totalForArray highlighted when it's called.
An improvement on Vitor's regex matching.
This will highlight nested function calls while respecting highlighting for keywords like while, if, for, etc... and also allows for whitespace between function name and parenthesis
e.g. myFunction (int argc) { ... }
syn match dFunction "\zs\(\k\w*\)*\s*\ze("
hi link dFunction Function
Vim's syntax parsing usually only colors the function definition, because that one is easy to locate with a regular expression. For function calls, it would have to maintain a list of detected functions.
There are plugins that extend syntax highlighting with such a list, usually taken from the tags database. For example, the easytags.vim plugin performs automatic tags updates and can highlight those via the :HighlightTags command.
As a simpler alternative to what was proposed by #Ingo, you can also define a syntax to match any keyword that is directly followed by a parentheses:
syn match jsFunction "\<\k\+\ze("
hi link jsFunction Function
Searching in github I was also able to find the vim-javascript plugin, which appears to have various extensions to the default Javascript syntax included in Vim. In particular, it contains the following syntax definition:
syntax match jsFuncCall /\k\+\%(\s*(\)\#=/
This will implement the same syntax highlight I described before, but by using this plugin you might also benefit from other improvements that are included in it.

In vim, how do I highlight TODO: and FIXME:?

In vim, FIXME and TODO are highlighted, but I can't get FIXME: and TODO: (note the colon after the keyword) to highlight? What should I put in my .vimrc to make this happen?
Well, you've already found the problem, but here's the why.
There are three basic types of syntax matching: keywords, matches, and regions. Keywords are fixed strings, generally used for basic language keywords (int, double, ...) and also, in your case, for the FIXME and TODO. I really do mean fixed strings; they have to be exact and whole words, unlike matches and regions, which use regex. For example, from the C syntax:
syn keyword cTodo contained TODO FIXME XXX
It looks like that in pretty much all built-in syntax definitions, just with different group names (cTodo).
iskeyword tells vim whether a given character can be part of keyword. By default, it does not include colons, so when looking for keywords, vim sees "FIXME:" as "FIXME", and ignores the colon. If you tack on the colon (set iskeyword+=:), you can now define an extra bit of highlighting:
syn keyword myTodo contained TODO: FIXME:
It's up to you how you want to work it into the existing syntax/highlight groups. If it's for just one filetype, you could add it to that syntax's todo group (e.g. cTodo). If you want it everywhere, you can do "myTodo" as I suggested, then link it straight to the Todo highlighting group (hi def link myTodo Todo).
Alternatively, you can leave iskeyword alone (I'd probably recommend this), and simply use a match:
syn match myTodo contained "\<\(TODO\|FIXME\):"
hi def link myTodo Todo
augroup vimrc_todo
au Syntax * syn match MyTodo /\v<(FIXME|NOTE|TODO|OPTIMIZE|XXX):/
\ containedin=.*Comment,vimCommentTitle
augroup END
hi def link MyTodo Todo
The containedin will add it to all groups ending in "Comment", plus
vimCommentTitle, where " TODO: foo would not get highlighted as MyTodo otherwise.
If you make your own environment, make syntax file (not .vimrc)
global syntax file is located vim directory (ex.
and if you make ~/.vim/syntax/c.vim, then you can add syntax for your
own. (override)
Just add additional syntax in that file. (the way #Jefromi does)
