Trying to add heartbeat for my console application - azure

A discussion on github mentions that heartbeat is automatically sent when Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.Extensibility.Implementation.Tracing.DiagnosticsTelemetryModule& is added to the applicationinsights.config file. I want to create an alert in case the app hangs or crashes. Where can I track the heart beat on the AI instance? Also, currently its not sending anything . I am using .net framework 4.7.2. Am I configuring it wrong? I am not able to track the heartbeat on application insights instance. Where can I track it? Can someone provide a snippet for config file?

Currently, there is an issue involving this telemetry module AppServicesHeartbeatTelemetryModule .
Can someone provide a snippet for config file?
There is given a temporary workaround for WorkerServices.
Add application insights to worker service using services.AddApplicationInsightsTelemetryWorkerService().
Not only this DiagnosticsTelemetryModule adding to DI and also we need to configure it's heartbeat interval/module using the below snippet:
services.TryAddSingleton<ITelemetryModule, DiagnosticsTelemetryModule>();
services.ConfigureTelemetryModule<DiagnosticsTelemetryModule>((mod,opt) => mod.HeartbeatInterval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30));
The TelemetryConfiguration.Active is not recommended because Worker service is new SDK, its not touching .active or any other static singletons.
Where can I track it?
After Deploying, Look for "HeartbeatState" in customMetrics.
Disabling DiagnosticsTelemetryModule will cause the following settings to be ignored: EnableHeartbeat, EnableAzureInstanceMetadataTelemetryModule, EnableAppServicesHeartbeatTelemetryModule.
Enable Azure Monitor from the Portal.
Configuring or removing default TelemetryModules (HeartBeat Telemetry Issue)
Enabling Hearbeat in App Services for .NET and .NET Core


Why I got an error request every 5 minutes in an Azure App Service

I have a java web app on Azure, and I got failed requests in it's Application Insights. It look likes someone are calling '' every 5 minutes, but I do not have this interface, so there are many failed requests with 404 in Application Insights. Then I add this interface in app, but there are still many failed requests with 404 code. I have no idea about those requests, I do not know where are them from or what do them want to do. Did I set wrong configurations in my app?
There is a setting named 'Always on' in App Service's configuration, and it's works fine when I turned off this setting.
To narrow down this issues, you can enable the Diagnostic log for your web apps. Web Server Diagnostic logging helps you to trace the exception details originate from components. And if you suspect error comes from your application then "Application Diagnostic" is the source to trace the reason for errors.
Also, Enable the log stream on your web app so irrespective of peak or off peak hours, you can monitor the live log stream , how your web app performs and respond to each request.
It's caused by "Always On" being ON under the Configuration / General settings of your AppService.
As per the docs:
Always On: Keeps the app loaded even when there's no traffic. When Always On is not turned on (default), the app is unloaded after 20 minutes without any incoming requests. The unloaded app can cause high latency for new requests because of its warm-up time. When Always On is turned on, the front-end load balancer sends a GET request to the application root every five minutes. The continuous ping prevents the app from being unloaded.
To mitigate the impact, you can add a controller/ action that handles the default route.

Azure Service Bus InvalidOperationException

I have a .NET Core app running which is listening to an Azure Service Bus topic.
When I run the app I get this error:
A sessionful message receiver cannot be created on an entity that does
not require sessions. Ensure RequiresSession is set to true when
creating a Queue or Subscription to enable sessionful behavior.
I think the code is running on a separate thread and I can't seem to find the point where the Exception is thrown.
I also don't have a D:\ drive which is where the SessionClient.cs file is located.
Is this D:\ drive in Azure, and if so does this mean there is code running in Azure?
How can I debug this?
Erase your queue and create it again wihtout the 'Require session' checked. Also check your code because maybe you have set the bool RequireSession to true. The fact is that you have enable or disable the sessions once you have configured the queue in the opposite configuration
You're getting the stacktrace that includes the reference of the sources compiled and deployed for that version of the package. The D:\ drive is irrelevant to the issue. What this is is a mismatch how you receive messages and how the entity is configured. You appear to have a sessionless entity, but in the code, you use a receiver that is configured to work with a session.

Convert azure web application to azure website

Within our company we've got a rather large serviceapplication running as a azure cloudservice. The service contains a webrole and a workerrole.
The webrole contains an MVC-application and the workerrole is running in the background. The workerrole is used to handle several large processes and a bunch smaller processes 24/7, this is checked every 5 minutes.
I've created an azure website for this application and wrote a small wrapper class which checks if configuration values needs to be taken from either the web.config file or cloud configuration files (.cscfg files). I've added the appropiate transformations to transform some extra settings and published the application to the azure website.
So far everything works good, but what i've expected a bit already indeed happened.. The workerrole isn't working anymore and is throwing errors. The first error i've seen was;
Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
So ofcourse i've taken the quick solution and went 'properties > copy local' and set it to true. After publishing this to the azure website i'm getting the following error;
Could not load file or assembly 'msshrtmi, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
I can find out where this error is coming from, but it feels like this is the second of a whole other bunch of errors coming. On several sites I've read that azure websites just doesn't support workerroles (obviously).
This gives me a few options;
Find a solution so I can connect the azure website to the workerrole still running in the cloudservice. If this works I can drop the webrole and I'm able to connect multiple instances to one workerrole.
Find a solution to convert the workerrole to something (no idea what this possibly could be) supported by the azure website.
Forget the whole idea and stick to the cloudservice setting with the web- and workerrole.
Fragment from workerrole.cs
The facade makes a database call to check any newly added processes.
public override void Run()
// Only process if the web.config says we're allowed to do so.
while (true)
var process = Convert.ToBoolean(WebConfigurationManager.GetSetting("Process"));
if (process )
var username = WebConfigurationManager.GetSetting("UsernameWorkerRole");
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(username))
var version = Assembly.Load("Ecare.Productie.WorkerRole").GetName().Version;
var versionString = String.Format("{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}", version.Major, version.Minor, version.Build.ToString("000"), version.Revision.ToString("00000"));
username = ApplicatieConstanten.WorkerRoleName + " " + versionString;
IServiceFacade serviceFacade = new ServiceFacade(username);
catch (Exception ex)
AuditingLoggingHelper.GetLoggerInstance(ApplicatieConstanten.WorkerRoleName).Error("Exception while starting service", ex);
// ReSharper disable once FunctionNeverReturns
The main reason we're doing this, is because we have VS solution with an MVC-application (the web role) and the workerrole. We're currently publishing this to an cloud service in azure. Because of the development processes we're running seperate test, acceptation and production environments. Since it's a heavy process we're running quite expensive machines in azure, but that mostly only needed for the workerrole. The webpart is lightweight. So it's mainly an idea trying to reduce costs. So the idea is to convert the webrole to an azure website (this part is working already with just a small modification to read information from the web.config instead of the cloudconfiguration). But the workerrole currently isn't working because we haven't changed anything for that yet. An colleague of mine basically said "write a wrapper for the configpart, publish the azurewebsite to 1 or more testenvironments and point them to the same workerrole". But i'm having my doubts wether this is even possible..
Did anyone else ever ran into this sort of situation and found a solution for this? Any help finding a solution is greatly appreciated!
Find a solution so I can connect the azure website to the workerrole
still running in the cloudservice. If this works I can drop the
webrole and I'm able to connect multiple instances to one workerrole.
I'm guessing that you're using some kind of queue mechanism (Azure Storage Queues or Service Bus Queues) to facilitate communication between Web and Worker Role. If that's the case, then you can continue to use the same. Your website will push messages in a queue and your worker role will poll this queue and fetch messages and work on those.
Find a solution to convert the workerrole to something (no idea what
this possibly could be) supported by the azure website.
Do take a look at Azure Webjobs. In Web Apps world, they are the counterpart of Worker Roles.
Based on the comments, I think you should be able to port your code to run as Web Jobs. There are two ways by which you can do it:
If you create a Continuous Web Job, then you would have to put this 10 second sleep logic in your code itself. The job will continuously be running but will only wake up every 10 seconds. Similar to your current Worker Role implementation.
You could very well take out this 10 seconds sleep logic from your code by making your Web Job as a Scheduled Web Job where you schedule to run this every 10 seconds. I would recommend going down this route as you have decoupled your scheduling logic (10 second sleep) from your application. So tomorrow if you were to increase the sleep time, you would simply change the schedule in the portal without redeploying your code.
As Gaurav pointed, the equivalent to worker roles in the App Service space is Azure WebJobs.
Regarding this problem:
So far everything works good, but what i've expected a bit already indeed happened.. The workerrole isn't working anymore and is throwing errors. The first error i've seen was;
Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
So ofcourse i've taken the quick solution and went 'properties > copy local' and set it to true. After publishing this to the azure website i'm getting the following error;
Could not load file or assembly 'msshrtmi, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime is specific to Cloud Services, and will not work in Web Apps (that's why you get the msshrtmi error with the web app). If you are still running a worker role, that file is in the instance GAC, and should be in your local machine's also. That said, Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime can be referenced in the worker role project, but not the web app project.
I'm guessing you are using ServiceRuntime to get some configuration setting value using:
var value = RoleEnvironment.GetConfigurationSettingValue(settingName);
You can changed it to:
var value = CloudConfigurationManager.GetSetting(settingName);
as this method reads the configuration setting value from the appropriate configuration store (from MSDN).
The best solution here is to convert the Worker Role to a WebJob as #Graurav mentioned above.
If you want to connect the Web App to the Worker Role would be to use an Azure Queue or other intermediary storage where operations could be dropped form the WebApp and picked up by the Worker Role.

NServicebus: Programmatic reading of error queue

I’m currently building an application using NServicebus and Azure.
The regular processes are working, but now I’d like to do more about the management and monitoring aspect of the application.
The customer wants to see a dashboard where he can see the health of the application and also be able to correct issues.
What I’d like to do is:
Detect when things are sent to an error queue (to be able to send an alert to an admin)
Allow admin to handle messages on error queue from management application, without
resorting to the provided command line tool.
Is there a way to programmatically do error handling in NServicebus? I know which errors are transient and which errors might need manual intervention.
Is it possible to plug in logic to the error handling logic of nservicebus?
Is it possible to handle messages on the error queue programmatically?
Regarding "dashboard where he can see the health of the application and also be able to correct issues":
Please take a look at ServicePulse ( for production and online monitoring.
This provides both endpoint health indicators and Failed message indicators (including "Retry" capabilities).
For advanced debugging and visualization of your process you should also consider ServiceInsight (
Behind the scenes of ServicePulse there's the ServiceControl server which exposes REST HTTP API with programmatic access to audited and error messages.

Windows Azure Web Role - Where does RoleEnvrironment.Changing go?

Since version 1.3 of the Azure SDK we have to set the configuration publisher within our web application (e.g. global.asax) and not webrole.cs. Is the same true for hooking up RoleEnvironment.Changed/Changing events?
It depends. Your web application runs in a different process than your WebRole.cs meaning you'll need to handle it in one of these (or both) depending on the use case.
An example: Let's assume you have a static property in your global.asax that holds an object. This object has been initialized with information coming from your service configuration. Then a few days later you modify this configuration in the portal (maybe a connection string). This will raise the RoleEnvironment.Changing event. In that case, you'll need to handle that event in the web application (global.asax) to re-initialize the static object with the new configuration information.
Note that a web application is not always active, it's only fired up after the first request (you can modify this though, but this is the default behavior). Meaning that in some cases you might not be able to handle the event in the web application because the process is not active. If handling the event is crucial for you, you should consider handling it in the WebRole.cs
