Remove subfolder using htaccess - .htaccess

I know that this has been requested a million times but i haven't found an answer.
Basically I want to remove amp from my site but I've a million pages indexed using /amp so if I remove it this will cause a mess.
What I want to do is to redirect all the url like these
will go to the same url without amp.
For example an article with this url
will be redirected to the same article without /amp like
This has to be valid for whatever article url that end in /amp that has to be the /amp removed

Assuming you need to remove amp on requests to the document (first example) and /amp on requests to other URLs then you would need a rule like the following using mod_rewrite, near the top of the .htaccess file:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(?:(.+)/)?amp$ /$1 [R=301,L]
The regex ^(?:(.+)/)?amp$ matches both amp and <something>/amp and removes amp or /amp respectively.
Test first with a 302 (temporary) redirect to avoid potential caching issues.


How to make 301 redirect from one website to another where the ending is different?

I have 2 websites:
OLD one - https://www.old.example/en/
NEW one - https://new.example/en
Lastly, Google Search Console reported around 80 improperly redirected links for OLD website, i.e.:
In .htaccess of OLD page is inputted only code:
Redirect 301 / https://new.example/
which redirects above links from OLD page to i.e.
How can I correct it and i.e. expect to have in such cases always redirection to main page - https://new.example/en
To remove the query string completely (without a stray ? at the end) you'll need to use mod_rewrite instead.
For example, in the .htaccess at the old domain:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^(en)/ https://new.example/$1 [QSD,R=301,L]
Aside: Although this many-to-one redirect will likely be seen as a soft-404 by Google.

how to redirect URL containing query string and random numbers in .htaccess

When customers cancel a transaction on my site, they get redirected to the WooCommerce cart page with a query string containing randomly generated numbers at the end.
(I need this redirect due to a plugin conflict between WP Rocket cache with CDN activated and WooCommerce. Long story.)
I'm wondering what exactly I would put in my .htaccess file to get it to redirect to
I've tried a number of variations I found on multiple pages here on Stackpath, but it wasn't redirecting. Obviously I'm missing something so I'm turning to the gurus.
Would be very grateful for your help.
To redirect /cart/?woo-paypal-cancel=true&token=<anything> to /cart/ you can try something like the following near the top of your .htaccess file (using mod_rewrite):
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} ^woo-paypal-cancel=true&token=
RewriteRule ^cart/$ /cart/? [R,L]
The ? on the end of the RewriteRule substitution strips the query string from the request.
This is a temporary (302) redirect.

htaccess redirecting from rewritten dynamic urls to new dynamic urls

i am experiencing a very unique problem and i hope someone can help!
so we have recently created a new ecommerce website and we made it live and everything was working great but when we to implement our 301's from our old pages we were getting some wierd things
so the code below actually works
Redirect 301 /directory/
this code does not
Redirect 301 /directory/sub_directory/
the output when i try to do this redirection is "Invalid parameters specified!" on a blank webpage and in the address bar it has this
we were thinking that maybe the problem is because our old pages were dynamic but mod_rewrite was used to create more readable urls and we have also deleted all our old files because they were interfering with our new pages rendering
any help would be greatly appreciated!
That is strange, as redirect should only match the specific url listed, where as it looks like its behaving like rewriterule and partially matching the subdirectory url against the first rule..
try putting the more specific rule above the less specific, like so:
Redirect 301 /directory/sub_directory/
Redirect 301 /directory/
That way the more specific rule will be hit first, and the /directory/ only rule will only match if more specific matches above fail
alternatively, you could try RewriteRules:
RewriteRule ^directory/$ [R=301,NC,L]
RewriteRule ^directory/sub_directory/$ [R=301,NC,L]
the ^ and $ anchors should prevent any unwanted partial matching

htaccess redirect url with space in it

Stupidly, I have sent out a newsletter without checking the links. One of which is broken so I want to handle this with htaccess.
My URL that is being linked to is:
where the actual page is:
Note the space in new zealand as well as the additional
How can I set this up in htaccess?
Since you don't have to manipulate the URL, you can use a simple Redirect:
Redirect /
Edit If Apache doesn't like the space unquoted as %20, try quoting the whole thing with a real space in there:
Redirect "/ w-zealand/camper-rentals/"
Edit2 If it's appending a query string, you will need to use mod_rewrite to get rid of the querystring rather than a simple redirect, I'm afraid.
RewriteEngine On
# If the request starts with, it is the broken link
# Rewrite to the proper URL and put ? on the end to remove the query string
RewriteRule ^www\.domain\.com\.au [L,R=301]

Compress .htaccess file

I've got a htaccess file which contains over 3,000 lines mainly thanks to 301 redirects I have setup from my old ecommerce site. The file is 323kb in size and I'm worried it's going to be a burden for load times and therefore conversions.
Is there anything available that can compress (minify?) the file into a smaller size or someone offer a better idea to handle the 301 redirects?
If the redirects are simple redirects i.e. url1 to url2, no regex etc, AND you have access to httpd.conf, then you could use a RewriteMap for all the redirects and possibly have just 1 rule in your .htaccess to handle these.
From the RewriteMap documentation
The looked-up keys are cached by httpd until the mtime (modified time) of the mapfile changes, or the httpd server is restarted. This ensures better performance on maps that are called by many requests.
Can you specify some regular expressions to group / match all of these redirects? This then offers two options for doing this:
The first is to use a (hopefully smaller) set of RewriteRule statements using the [R=301] flag.
The second is to move this redirection into a redirector script where you use, say, PHP logic to decode the legacy ecommerce URI into its current format then issue a response with and 301/302 status and Location: pointing to the current URI. This would also need you to do a catch-all rewrite of the legacy ecommerce URIs to this redirector script, e.g.
RewriteRule ^(product/.*) rewriter.php?uri=$1 [QSA,L]
Without some examples, I can't give a more specific reply. Sorry.
I've had some of these cases before, most of the times you can replace the redirect statments with RewriteRules. For example, if your URL's went from:
To this:
You can fetch it with a rewrite like this:
RewriteRule ^/shop/([a-z]+)/([0-9]+)\.html$ /$1/$2.html [L, R=301]
This will still result in a 301 redirect, so crawlers will still know it's a permanent move.
