I am having a tough time with MUI5
How can I change the color of the first word in this case Capture should be yellow and Beauty should be white.
Here is my code:
<Typography sx={{fontFamily:"Segoe UI,", fontWeight:"bold",color:"white",marginTop:"0px" }} variant="h1"> <Typography sx={{dcolor:"yellow"}}> Capture Beauty
In former times MUI4 I could use to change the color of a single word.
Thanks in advance
The requirements from the customer state that a record's Comment and Description fields must be displayed in the same cell but the text of the Comment must be displayed in red while the Description should be black. Using a mutator, I can combine the 2 fields and display them in one cell, but I haven't seen how to make one have red text and the other black text within that cell.
Is there a way?
I wouldnt bother doing that, just use a Customer Formatter function
formatter:function(cell, formatterParams, onRendered){
return '<span style=color:red>' + cell.getRow().getData().Comment + '</span><P><span style=color:black>' + cell.getRow().getData().Description + '</span></p>';
I'm trying to right align, have a positive sign where the value is positive, and comma separate thousands but can't quite get there.
I'm trying to get, e.g.:
green +1,000
blue -2,000
But when I do
"{:<8} {:+>10,}".format("green", -1000)
the left spaces are filled with + regardless of whether it is a positive or negative value, like:
'green ++++-1,000'
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
From the format string documentation, you should have the sign goes after the alignment. In this case, you should change the format string from
"{:<8} {:+>10,}"
"{:<8} {:>+10,}"
try this with clear funtion
space=" "
Excel uses black by default for the Font Color on the tabs. When you change the tab color, the Font Color remains black if the tab color is light, but changes to white when a darker color is chosen.
I would like to mimic this behavior. For which RGB combinations does Excel change to white Font Color?
Many thanks!
The possible colors of the tab are 256^3. Try it out for yourself:
Public Sub TestMe()
Dim cnt As Long
For cnt = 1 To 256 ^ 3 Step 10
ActiveSheet.Tab.Color = cnt
Next cnt
End Sub
I have followed the approach suggested by #Vityata. Excel behavior is not straight forward to replicate, but I have found an approximation that serve my purposes:
Considering the color cube as in:
Excel approximately uses white Font color when
R * 20132 + G * 64005 + B * 6630 <= 11675430
This will fail in some edge cases (eg: RGB(255,102,3)), but I still hope someone finds this useful. I am leaving the question open in case anyone founds an exact formula.
Thanks for the replies.
I'm working with an elementary example of stacked bar chart. I would like to define a different color for every series (apple, banana, ...).
However when I try to set chart-colors=["#aaa","#bbb",...] I get random colors as result.
Here is my example:
After debuging the angular-chart.js I figured out that all the colors are converted to RGB representation in function hexToRgb(hex) and this function does not support short HEX format #FFF but rather long #FFFFFF
Following code worked well
chart-colors="['#ffffff', '#ff0000', '#00ff00', '#0000ff']"
Using Watir, I want to click on a table cell containing the text "ad.03.IL.R.nC.nOwn.Wait"
The HTML is:
<span onclick="javascript:showListMembers(343);" style="text-decoration:none; border-bottom: 1px solid Gray;">ad.03.IL.R.nC.nOwn.Wait</span>
What is the correct Watir statement?
matches = b.spans(:text => "ad.03.IL.R.nC.nOwn.Wait")
Use the plural method unless you're sure there's only one possible match. You can also do regex stuff
matches = b.spans(:text => /ad.03.IL.R.nC.nOwn.Wait/)
Span elements aren't table cells in the proper sense. Table cells don't normally have useful metatags