Object oriented modeling and UML for agile development [closed] - uml

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Closed 12 months ago.
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UML has come into many projects with object-oriented programming and is widely taught in colleges. However, today many software projects use a more or less agile approach, avoiding up-front in-depth analysis and leading to many changes ("welcome change"). In contrast, creating correct and readable UML (class) diagrams is still time-consuming; hence the value of documenting the model is in practice often considered time waste, as it changes often.
Even autogenerated (from source code) diagrams are not solving the problem, as they cannot correctly resolve class relationships often have insufficient graph layouts and distracting extensions.
Can UML be used in an agile context in a way that avoids the overhead of frequent manual updates? Or are other lighter alternatives to UML more suitable in such a context?

UML can be used in a light way in an agile context. The key is simply to be clear about its purpose and what you expect from modeling in your project.
Class diagrams and sequence diagrams are proven to be good candidates for helping teams to discuss points of concerns. It can express clearly ideas that are not obvious in the code (or scattered across many source files).
Scott Ambler for example wrote a lot on agile modeling, based on UML. Of course, you will not use it for producing an exhaustive model with all classes and all properties. But you'd sketch the core with some relevant classes, and only a few properties that matter in the discussion (Ambler says "Just barely enough" modeling).
However, for architectural modeling (deployment diagrams and the like), UML requires a degree of precision that is not always possible in early stages. Here C4 models has established as a convenient and flexible alternative. But C4 relies on UML for the OOP design discussion. There is simply no alternative that allows to easily show classes and interaction between them, and that would be sufficiently widely known.
Conclusion: In an agile context, don't get misguided thinking that UML would require an exhaustive up-front design. Don't use it as for visual programming either, slavishly replicating details of the code. But use it as a communication tool to highlight key ideas and allow everyone to grasp the design and contribute productively.


What makes Domain-Driven Design worthwhile? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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We are trying to apply Domain-Driven Design in our project. However, the modeling efforts are huge and somehow the modeling seems to conflict with agile principles as a lot of upfront design is done. On the other hand the actual benefit are diffuse or are rather longterm whereas the "requirements analysis / modeling overhead" felt is an acute and ongoing problem.
So, the question comes up: What makes Domain-Driven Design worthwhile?
What are the short-term benefits?
Aside from your experience (which I find very interesting though): Is there an undisputable, logical answer?
DDD - Continous Refactoring
I guess I'd clarify that Domain Driven Design doesn't call for a tonne of up front modelling - what it calls for is conversations with domain experts, knowledge crunching to gain an intuitive understanding of the domain through 'sensible sounding' use of the ubiquitous language, and continuous refinement of all of the above.
The value of the tactical patterns (aggregates, etc.) is not around getting the model perfect up front, but from structuring your application such that when you inevitably realize that there is a better way of expressing the domain in a model, you can iterate and incorporate your insights into the updated model.
So - in that sense, it is highly supportive of an agile approach.
The best reference for this is the source - "Part III Refactoring Toward Deeper Insight" of the Blue Book' by Eric Evans
I'd recommend not trying to 'waterfall' your model and then 'agile' your code - 'agile' both of them, and accept that you will be refactoring your code not just when you find a more elegant way of solving technical problems, but also when you find a more elegant way of modelling business problems.
Undisputable Logical Answer?
In terms of an "undisputable logical answer" - to be honest I'm not sure you'll find one. DDD is an approach that is applied differently by different people - it is not an algorithm that can be analysed for it's Big O complexity.
My experience is that programs with anemic models and business logic scattered through a collection of loosely related services struggle to iterate and incorporate deeper insights into the business requirements because changes to the rules can have unforeseeable repercussions throughout the system. They encourage systems where new requirements are satisfied by stuffing behavior into places it was never intended to go, and you end up having conversations that involve multiple layers of remembering that code using the word 'employee' kind of sometimes relates to requirements for 'students' and 'teachers'.
Concentrating the essence of each entity into a class, and exposing it's behavior behind intention revealing interfaces enables effective reasoning about the impact of changes, thus enabling continuous refactoring of the model - both as understanding grows and requirements change.
Edit - How to Pursuade Others
From your comment, I now understand your intent better - I misinterpreted the question that you were looking to be persuaded that DDD is worthwhile - rather you are looking for an argument to present to your team to persuade them that it is worthwhile!
Unfortunately that is more of a inter-personal question than a technical one, as people are often not persuaded by arguments once they are convinced they are on the right path.
Perhaps if you have time you could produce a proof of concept of some acceptance tests and domain models to illustrate the method using real concepts from your domain? You can then show how easily the tests and models can be evolved as understanding grows, and ideally demonstrate an insight gained by actively modeling the domain in code and exercising the model. This is key, I believe, as in my opinion, such insights can only be gained by actively doing, and will never be arrived at through meeting room navel gazing.
Are you creating executable models or paper? If you create (acceptance test-driven) executable models like in exploratory modeling, the overhead is practically zero

How often is UML diagramming used "in the real world?" [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Almost every one of my programming classes has made use of UML, but none have really explained when or where it might be used in a professional setting. Is it done for every single file in a project, or is there some rule of thumb of when you might want to use it? Also, is it more commonly done by hand (which I've always dreaded) or using some sort of generator?
This question is very good example of opinion-based and very broad question with no real problem to solve behind it and no one correct possible answer
Certainly in the amount of millions of software developers there are some who learned to use UML and do use it. And there are some who either did not learn to use UML or just don't use it for whatever reason
I recall that in the pre-agile era it was believed that no "big" software can be realized without thorough analysis and modeling phase and no "big" software contract can be signed if the business documents don't include some UML-style pictures
And in some countries it is still true and government-owned agencies declare what kind of documentation software contractor must provide, and for some of the requirements an UML picture is the good form
See also:
Wikipedia: Rational Unified Process (RUP)
Wikipedia: Software requirements specification
Programmers: Writing a Software Requirement Specification
So there are UML believers, UML skeptics and even UML haters, it depends on ... things.
I'm UML believer
and so is for example Mr. Kenji Hiranabe from Change Vision, Inc the company behind Astah UML modeling tool and he says
...Is modeling obsolete? Is UML dead? I don't think so. In this article...
as foreword to article Modeling in the Agile Age: What to keep next to Code to Scale Agile Teams
my favorite guideline is what The Guru said in an interview with Mark Collins-Cope for the Objective View magazine on Sep 12, 2014
Grady Booch, creator of the Unified Modelling Language (UML):
"The UML should be used to reason about alternatives. Put up some diagrams. Throw some use cases against it. Throw away those diagrams then write some code against you best decision. Repeat (and refactor)"
How you finally evaluate "..UML...commonly...real world.." depends on what you want to see and which software development best practices you adopt in your own work
It depends on your role, in most developer roles you will rarely, if ever, have to use it. I can see it being useful if you are designing something though, like a new database structure, or architecting a new system or application.
It can be useful for lead developers, architects, or IT managers in the design stages of the application for communicating ideas to the business folks as well as passing on a plan for the development team that will be building it out.

Diagrammatic method to model software components, their interactions & I/O [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'd like to model software components and their interaction between them, what information is passed, what processes take place in each component(not too detailed) and a clear specification of the input/output of the components.
What i've seen so far in UML is far too abstract and doesn't go into too much detail.
Any suggestions?
Someg guys Design programs on papers as diagrams,
Then pass them to software developer to Contruct.
This appraoach is tried: "Clever guys" do modeling, and pass models to "ordinary" developers to do laborious task. And this not worked.
We like analogies. So many times we make analogy to construction industry where some guys do models-bluprints and other do building-contruction.And we first think that UML or other models diagrams are equivalent to construction industry models-blueprints. But it seems that we are wrong.
To make an analogy with construction industry our blueprints are not
models-diagrams, our blueprints are actually the code we write.
Detailed Paper Models like Cooking Receipes
It is not realistic to design a software system entirely on a paper with detailed models upfront.Software development is iterative and incremental process.
Think of a map maker who make a paper map of city as big as city, since the modeler include every details without any abstraction level.Will it be usefull?
Is Modeling Useless ?
Definitely not. But you should apply it to difficult part of your problem-solution space, not every trival part of them.
So instead of giving every details of system on paper to developers, explore difficult part of problem-solution space with developers face to face using visual diagrams.
In software industry like it or hate it, Source Code is still the
King. And all models are liar until they are implemented and tested

Do I need to be a design patterns expert before I dive into Domain Driven Design? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I have a copy of Head First Design Patterns and I read through a few of the patterns in there. Now is Domain driven design a substitute to the traditional design patterns or does it build upon it? If its the latter, do I need to be a Design patterns expert before I attempt to learn domain driven design? What is the recommended path to DDD?
I read the blue book [Evans], the red book [Vernon] and occasionally pop into this tag on StackOverflow.
The book by Evans is very high level in some aspects and covers more than just code. The book by Vernon covers the building blocks of DDD an item at a time, using examples from a fictitious software product as an example:
Domain-driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software
Implementing Domain-Driven Design
There's also the video:
Eric Evans: What I've learned about DDD since the book
As for design patterns, the DDD material refers to lots of design patterns. Some existing design patterns work very well with DDD. You can pick these up as you encounter them, you wont necessarily need to know them in advance. One thing to avoid when learning design patterns, is to not try and force their use, they have their uses but you see a lot of developers trying to force the use of newly learnt design patterns in places where they aren't required.
Just do it. Don't let any preconceived condition prevents you from starting to practice it.
This is a bit late answer, but i want to say that patterns are not some set-in-stone follow-to-the-letter ultimate solutions. They are generic approaches to generic problems, guidelines if you want.
In DDD you provide specific solution to specific problems. If you can recognize patterns in your implementation you will gain a bit deeper and more structured understanding. If you can see problems calling for some patterns, you will have possible approaches for solving it. But beware, looking at the problem solely through patterns might lead to suboptimal solutions.
Knowing and understanding patterns will help you convey knowledge about implementation details to other developer in more efficient manner.
Like "this is Unit of Work" instead of "this object holds references to objects we act upon in this transaction and tracks their state so we can commit all changes at once".
Other than that, it is more important that you understand and follow SOLID and DDD principles to build successful domain models.

Is UML the correct language for making software blueprints? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I was having a conversation last week with a coworker about architecture (real architecture, as in designing buildings). During our talk it came up that architectural blueprints give an architect, civil engineer, and contractor all the detail they need to build something. It got both of us thinking about the state of software engineering and that there is no universally adopted approach for describing the design of software.
We have UML, but I find that it is often hard to convey enough detail without the diagrams being overly complex. Are there good examples of large software that was designed out using elaborate UML diagrams?
Then again, is having a large set of software blueprints even useful? After all refactoring and rebuilding software is much cheaper than rebuilding a skyscraper. Are architectural blueprints the wrong analogy for software design? Is there a better analogy that you can think of?
I think you can't compare software architecture with real architecture. When you build a house you have to have everything planned in advance and what's more important you also can plan almost everything in advance.
Recently I read that software engineering is more similar to gardening than it is to real architecture. I think this comparison comes closer to reality: you can't know what will work out and what won't; you have to rework things that seemed good in theory but prove to be impractical and you can constantly improve your plan while your garden/software is getting more complete.
In summary: Software blueprints shouldn't have the same level of detail than blueprints for building houses because more often than not you find that you simply cannot stick to your original plan.
Architectural blueprints are a nearly-precise representation of the actual house. They are not - usually - an abstraction conforming to a model of how houses should look, they are a representation of how the house will be.
Contrast that with UML/Flowcharts/Rational Rose/Methodology-of-the-month - those are models. They abstract away implementation details, and presume that a given model(Say, OO) is how software should be, while in reality, software is always breaking those abstractions, because the models are not a good representation.
In a sense, this ties into a question of explanatory power and computability: a house blueprint is a fixed representation with a fixed expression, and a fixed input; whereas a software blueprint must account for variable input, possibly even of potentially unbounded length. Software that permits plugins or other "computing" tie-ins now has what amounts to a Turing machine operator embedded into it, which gives rise to a host of unpredictability. So the input space of software vis-a-vis a house is mathematically larger, meaning the representational techniques must be correspondingly more computationally powerful. And this is where UML et al. falls down - they are not homomorphic with real software.
I'd say that designing software is closer to Mad-Libs than blueprints
One of the arguments made in Software Factories: Assembling Applications with Patterns, Models, Frameworks, and Tools is that UML is not adequate. Even with the addition of constraints, it is still unclear. Among other things, it does not express the authors intent sufficiently that good code could be reliably generated.
UML is fine, but photographs of whiteboard diagrams drawn roughly are just as good or better in practice (in a time/cost sense of things)
So it's more like drawing a strategy in the sand before lanching an attack, that attitude seems to work better in most cases.
Besides half the time UML gets drawn by some guy with lots of imagination and no investment in the actual implementation.
For large, computationally dense, long-lived, safety-critical, software systems like DoD and FAA weapons and sensor systems, blueprints are essential to long term success. (phew, that was a mouthful :)) Without a set of blueprints for these behemoths, maintainers, and even the original developers, will experience distress and frustration when they try to locate/fix bugs or add major features. Without blueprints, incorporating changes, even small ones, will become a high risk game and failure could mean the loss of lives downstream.
Having said that, UML and it's offspring SysML, are (right now) the only game in town. Modeling and abstraction are important tools in the battle against ambiguity and complexity and they'll become more important in the future. The sooner they are embraced by people who want to grow, the better.
Thanx for listening.
I have just completed a successful C#/Sql Server project where I used a UML diagram to flesh out the application design. That UML diagram avoided any misunderstandings about what the application was designed to do and not do. All class relationships along with the class deletion rules (composite, aggregate, none) were spelled out. Along with a couple of easy to understand State diagrams and some OCL (Object Constraint Language), it was a breeze to discuss with the stakeholders how the application was supposed to work. UML and OCL abstract out a tremendous amount of mundane and low level programming that I was able to avoid. UML and OCL are simple enough that users can understand what is going on under the hood. When my users ask how calculations were arrived at, I simply refer them to the UML and OCL. What could be easier? So, yes, IMHO UML is very appropriate in making software blueprints. There is something to said about employing domain driven development.
The combination of Text + Diagrams is usually the best way to explain how your architecture works. Rational Rose can only get you so far.
I think any metaphor is only going to stretch so far. You will get value comparing some aspects of programming to building houses and also from comparing different aspects to gardening / playing chess/ reading the dictionary whilst standing on your head...
I think it is easier in building to specify what level of detail is required for a particular project as there are generally accepted practices, that have been around for some time, for managing a building project.
Maybe in 50 years time, if everyone settles on a methodology, something similar will happen in our industry.
In my experience, uml is garbage.
You can achieve much, more by using TDD and have 10000x more fun.. by jumping in and writing test cases and seeing how your objects interact.
UML designs just suck. I am a coder, not a data entry type person.
Before TDD I used random pieces of paper to sketch out the basic entities and relationships and then jumped right into coding.
I don't see these tools being used commonplace and the popularity of them is whaning.
I'd say that UML is limited. Yes, you can represent basic relationships, but you still don't get much when you think about interactions and constraints (even with OCL)
If you want to give a software team "all the detail they need to build something" then put your efforts into requirements analysis and creating a nailed-down functional specification. This will contain descriptions of every feature that the customer wants. If those descriptions include UML diagrams then all well and good - in many cases UML is a better language than English/French/German/whatever for describing software - but don't get hung up on creating UML diagrams for the sake of it. Joel on Software has a series of feature articles on how to write functional specs and they are well worth reading - start here: http://www.joelonsoftware.com/articles/fog0000000036.html.
