Node.js How to add wkhtmltopdf result to PDFKit page? - node.js

Is there a way to concat the result of an an html page converted with wkhtmltopdf-node inside a document page created with pdfkit in node.js, instead of just creating a pdf file from html?
const doc = new PDFDocument({
toc: true,
margins: {
top: 125,
bottom: 50,
left: 50,
right: 50
doc.text("HTML Content ")
// concat the result of this conversion inside doc instead of out.pdf
wkhtmltopdf(params.content, { pageSize: 'letter' }).pipe(fs.createWriteStream('out.pdf'));
Something like
doc.concat(wkhtmltopdf(params.content, { pageSize: 'letter' }));


NodeJS + Express + PDFKit + node-qrcode: Not able to add QR code to PDF

I am trying to implement a QR code in a PDF document using PDFkit ( and node-qrcode (
Implementing PDF document:
const doc = new PDFDocument({
margin: 0,
size: 'LETTER'
Creating QR code and adding it to the PDF:
var opts = {
errorCorrectionLevel: 'H',
type: 'image/png',
quality: 0.9,
margin: 1,
color: {
QRCode.toDataURL('', function (err, url) {
if (err) throw err
doc.image(url, 50, 45, { width: 50 })
Close the PDF:
Console output of the url from QRCode is correctly formatted and no error messages from PDFKit:
The problem is that no image is displayed in the produced PDF.
If I use any other functions (than doc.image), e.g. doc.text(), all elements works fine and added to the PDF.
Any idea how to solve this?
toDataURL() is a asynchronous method.
I didn't wait for it to complete.
Closed the PDF document after it completed, and that worked.

Russian symbols in PDF (pdfkit)

Сreate a pdf file following the example
the problem is that characters in Russian are displayed : "Aô#Cä2CT#C¤0", but should be "Проверка". How can I set encoding to UTF-8?
function createInvoice(invoice, path) {
let doc = new PDFDocument({ margin: 50 });
function generateHeader(doc) {
.image("logo.png", 50, 45, { width: 50 })
.text("Проверка", 110, 57)
.text("Проверка", 100, 65, { align: "right" })
.text("Проверка", 100, 80, { align: "right" })
I downloaded the font file and include it:
I think that you have to use a font which support russian characters
Look this thread

Snap.svg embed html form

I need to display HTML form in SVG to edit related data. I use Snap.svg library. As I found I need foreignObject tag to embed HTML form there (html code is got by Ajax request).
How can I create such object and embed it to my SVG?
===== EDITED ======
I managed to create foreignObject but I can not put there html
var test = editor.el('foreignObject', {
x: '20',
y: '500',
width: '150',
height: '200'
success: function (html)
var wrapper = editor.el('foreignObject', {
x: '20',
y: '500',
width: '150',
height: '200',
class: 'heatNet'

How to generate A4 size paginated pdf in phantomjs

I am generating pdf in nodejs using phantomjs. However, when I try to generate a large pdf (more than 1 A4 size page), it generates only two page pdf. One of the page contains all the matter and the other similar sized (very large) page is blank.
I am using the following code to generate the pdf:
phantom.create("--web-security=no", "--ignore-ssl-errors=yes",function(ph) {
return ph.createPage(function(page) {
return, function(status) {
page.paperSize = { format: 'A4', orientation: 'portrait', border: '1cm' };
page.render(pdffilepath, function(){
Can anyone tell the correct method to format pdf in phantomjs. Thanks.
Got it. Even though I did exactly according to many articles and tutorial online, I had to use change the following piece to code:
page.paperSize = { format: 'A4', orientation: 'portrait', border: '1cm' };
to this:
page.set('paperSize', { format: 'A4', orientation: 'portrait', border: '1cm'});
This may be because of the change in version from 1.x.x to 2.x.x.

Can't load SVG from URL

I want to load different shapes in FabricJS based Canvas using loadSVGFromURL(), but can't. Documentation is also not complete on this. I just want a complete example. I can load it from string, but string creates spaces which creates problems when rendering. Here is my code:
var canvas = new fabric.Canvas('canvas');
fabric.loadSVGFromURL('BlueFlower.svg', function (objects) {
var SVG = fabric.util.groupSVGElements(objects, options);
I have done an example on jsfiddle, that I create two objects and I load an svg image from url, you can take a look.
Here is an example
The snippet for load svg is this:
var site_url = '';
fabric.loadSVGFromURL(site_url, function(objects) {
var group = new fabric.PathGroup(objects, {
left: 165,
top: 100,
width: 295,
height: 211
