Full country name to country code in Dataframe - python-3.x

I have these kind of countries in the dataframe. There are some with full country names, there are some with alpha-2.
8836 United Kingdom
1303 ES
7688 United Kingdom
12367 FR
7884 United Kingdom
6844 United Kingdom
3706 United Kingdom
3567 UK
6238 FR
588 UK
4901 United Kingdom
568 UK
4880 United Kingdom
11284 France
1273 Spain
2719 France
1386 UK
12838 United Kingdom
868 France
1608 UK
Name: Country, dtype: object
Note: Some data in Country are empty.
How will I be able to create a new column with the alpha-2 country codes in it?
Country | Country Code
United Kingdom | UK
France | FR
Italy | IT
Spain | ES

You can try this, as already mentioned in the comment by me earlier.
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame([[1, 'UK'],[2, 'United Kingdom'],[3, 'ES'],[2, 'Spain']], columns=['id', 'Country'])
#Create copy of country column as alpha-2
df['alpha-2'] = df['Country']
#Create a look up with required values
lookup_table = {'United Kingdom':'UK', 'Spain':'ES'}
#replace the alpha-2 column with lookup values.
df = df.replace({'alpha-2':lookup_table})

You will have to define a dictionary for the replacements (or find a library that does it for you). The abbreviations look pretty close the IBAN codes to me. But the biggest stickout was United Kingdom => GB as opposed to UK in your example.
I would start with the IBAN codes and define a big dictionary like this:
mappings = {
"Afghanistan": "AF",
"Albania": "AL",
df["Country Code"] = df["Country"].replace(mappings)


Python merge two dataframe based on text similarity of their columns

I am working with two dataframes which look like this:
country_1 column1
united states of america abcd
Ireland (Republic of Ireland) efgh
Korea Rep Of fsdf
Switzerland (Swiss Confederation) dsaa
country_2 column2
united states cdda
Ireland ddgd
South Korea rewt
Switzerland tuut
desired output:
country_1 column1 country_2 column2
united states of america abcd united states cdda
Ireland (Republic of Ireland) efgh Ireland ddgd
Korea Rep Of fsdf South Korea rewt
Switzerland (Swiss Confederation) dsaa Switzerland tuut
I am not that familiar with text analytics hence unable to understand any method to tackle this problem. I have tried string matching and regex but its not able to solve this problem.
You can use difflib.
data1 = {
"country_1": ["united states of america", "Ireland (Republic of Ireland)", "Korea Rep Of", "Switzerland (Swiss Confederation)"],
"column1": ["abcd", "efgh", "fsdf", "dsaa"]
df1 = pd.DataFrame(data1)
data2 = {
"country_2": ["united states", "Ireland", "Korea", "Switzerland"],
"column2": ["cdda", "ddgd", "rewt", "tuut"]
df2 = pd.DataFrame(data2)
import difflib
from dataclasses import dataclass
import pandas as pd
class FuzzyMerge:
Works like pandas merge except also merges on approximate matches.
left: pd.DataFrame
right: pd.DataFrame
left_on: str
right_on: str
how: str = "inner"
cutoff: float = 0.3
def main(self) -> pd.DataFrame:
temp = self.right.copy()
temp[self.left_on] = [
self.get_closest_match(x, self.left[self.left_on]) for x in temp[self.right_on]
return self.left.merge(temp, on=self.left_on, how=self.how)
def get_closest_match(self, left: pd.Series, right: pd.Series) -> str or None:
matches = difflib.get_close_matches(left, right, cutoff=self.cutoff)
return matches[0] if matches else None
Call the class:
merged = FuzzyMerge(left=df1, right=df2, left_on="country_1", right_on="country_2").main()
country_1 column1 country_2 column2
0 united states of america abcd united states cdda
1 Ireland (Republic of Ireland) efgh Ireland ddgd
2 Korea Rep Of fsdf Korea rewt
3 Switzerland (Swiss Confederation) dsaa Switzerland tuut
you can solve this problem by using pandas operations i.e using join,merge and concat: but I suggest you go through concat first as it is easy to start with
ps: make sure this is in form of Dataframe
to convert it into DataFrame
data1 = pd.DataFrame(data1)
data2 = pd.DataFrame(data2)
using concat
data = pd.concat([data1, data2], axis=1)

Python: how to remove footnotes when loading data, and how to select the first when there is a pair of numbers

I am new to python and looking for help.
resp =requests.get("https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_casualties")
soup = bs.BeautifulSoup(resp.text)
table = soup.find("table", {"class": "wikitable sortable"})
deaths = []`
for row in table.findAll('tr')[1:]:
death = row.findAll('td')[5].text.strip()
It comes out as
'15,000,000[35]to 20,000,000[35]',
'340,000 to 355,000',
'3,000,000to 4,000,000',
'85,000 to 95,000',
'1,000,000to 2,200,000',
'6,900,000 to 7,400,000',
'5,900,000[115] to 6,000,000[116]',
'40,000to 70,000',
'20,000,000[141] to 27,000,000[142][143][144][145][146]',
'1,027,000[160] to 1,700,000[159]',
'70,000,000to 85,000,000']`
I want to plot a graph, but the [] footnote would completely ruin it. Many of the values are with footnotes. Is it also possible to select the first number when there is a pair in one cell? I'd appreciate if anyone of you could teach me... Thank you
You can use soup.find_next() with text=True parameter, then split/strip accordingly.
For example:
import requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
url = 'https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_casualties'
soup = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).content, 'html.parser')
for tr in soup.table.select('tr:has(td)')[1:]:
tds = tr.select('td')
if not tds[0].b:
name = tds[0].b.get_text(strip=True, separator=' ')
casualties = tds[5].find_next(text=True).strip()
print('{:<30} {}'.format(name, casualties.split('–')[0].split()[0] if casualties else ''))
Albania 30,000
Australia 40,400
Belgium 88,000
Brazil 2,000
Bulgaria 21,500
Burma 252,600
Canada 43,600
China 15,000,000
Cuba 100
Czechoslovakia 340,000
Denmark 6,000
Dutch East Indies 3,000,000
Egypt 1,100
Estonia 83,000
Ethiopia 100,000
Finland 85,000
France 600,000
French Indochina 1,000,000
Germany 6,900,000
Greece 507,000
Guam 1,000
Hungary 464,000
Iceland 200
India 2,200,000
Iran 200
Iraq 700
Ireland 100
Italy 492,400
Japan 2,500,000
Korea 483,000
Latvia 250,000
Lithuania 370,000
Luxembourg 5,000
Malaya & Singapore 100,000
Malta 1,500
Mexico 100
Mongolia 300
Nauru 500
Netherlands 210,000
Newfoundland 1,200
New Zealand 11,700
Norway 10,200
Papua and New Guinea 15,000
Philippines 557,000
Poland 5,900,000
Portuguese Timor 40,000
Romania 500,000
Ruanda-Urundi 36,000
South Africa 11,900
South Pacific Mandate 10,000
Soviet Union 20,000,000
Sweden 2,100
Switzerland 100
Thailand 7,600
Turkey 200
United Kingdom 450,900
United States 419,400
Yugoslavia 1,027,000
Approx. totals 70,000,000

How to replace dataframe columns country name with continent?

I have Dataframe like this.
0 Sweden
1 Africa
2 Africa
3 Africa
4 Africa
5 Germany
6 Germany
7 Germany
8 Germany
9 UK
10 Germany
11 Germany
12 Germany
13 Germany
14 Sweden
15 Sweden
16 Africa
17 Africa
18 Africa
19 Africa
20 Africa
21 Africa
22 Africa
23 Africa
24 Africa
25 Africa
26 Pakistan
27 Pakistan
28 ZA
29 ZA
Now i want to replace the country name with the continent name. So the country name will be replace with its continent name.
What i did is, i have created all the Continent array(which is there in my data frame, i have 56 country),
asia = ['Afghanistan', 'Bahrain', 'United Arab Emirates','Saudi Arabia', 'Kuwait', 'Qatar', 'Oman',
'Sultanate of Oman','Lebanon', 'Iraq', 'Yemen', 'Pakistan', 'Lebanon', 'Philippines', 'Jordan']
europe = ['Germany','Spain', 'France', 'Italy', 'Netherlands', 'Norway', 'Sweden','Czech Republic', 'Finland',
'Denmark', 'Czech Republic', 'Switzerland', 'UK', 'UK&I', 'Poland', 'Greece','Austria',
'Bulgaria', 'Hungary', 'Luxembourg', 'Romania' , 'Slovakia', 'Estonia', 'Slovenia','Portugal',
'Croatia', 'Lithuania', 'Latvia','Serbia', 'Estonia', 'ME', 'Iceland' ]
africa = ['Morocco', 'Tunisia', 'Africa', 'ZA', 'Kenya']
other = ['USA', 'Australia', 'Reunion', 'Faroe Islands']
Now trying to replace using
dataframe['Continent'] = dataframe['Country'].replace(asia, 'Asia', regex=True)
where asia is my list name and Asia is text to be replace. But is not working
it only work for
dataframe['Continent'] = dataframe['Country'].replace(np.nan, 'Asia', regex=True)
So, help will be appreciated
Using apply with a custom function.
import pandas as pd
asia = ['Afghanistan', 'Bahrain', 'United Arab Emirates','Saudi Arabia', 'Kuwait', 'Qatar', 'Oman',
'Sultanate of Oman','Lebanon', 'Iraq', 'Yemen', 'Pakistan', 'Lebanon', 'Philippines', 'Jordan']
europe = ['Germany','Spain', 'France', 'Italy', 'Netherlands', 'Norway', 'Sweden','Czech Republic', 'Finland',
'Denmark', 'Czech Republic', 'Switzerland', 'UK', 'UK&I', 'Poland', 'Greece','Austria',
'Bulgaria', 'Hungary', 'Luxembourg', 'Romania' , 'Slovakia', 'Estonia', 'Slovenia','Portugal',
'Croatia', 'Lithuania', 'Latvia','Serbia', 'Estonia', 'ME', 'Iceland' ]
africa = ['Morocco', 'Tunisia', 'Africa', 'ZA', 'Kenya']
other = ['USA', 'Australia', 'Reunion', 'Faroe Islands']
def GetConti(counry):
if counry in asia:
return "Asia"
elif counry in europe:
return "Europe"
elif counry in africa:
return "Africa"
return "other"
df = pd.DataFrame({"Country": ["Sweden", "Africa", "Africa", "Germany", "Germany", "UK","Pakistan"]})
df['Continent'] = df['Country'].apply(lambda x: GetConti(x))
Country Continent
0 Sweden Europe
1 Africa Africa
2 Africa Africa
3 Germany Europe
4 Germany Europe
5 UK Europe
6 Pakistan Asia
It would be better to store your country-to-continent map as a dictionary rather than four separate lists. You can do this as follows, starting with your current lists:
continents = {country: 'Asia' for country in asia}
continents.update({country: 'Europe' for country in europe})
continents.update({country: 'Africa' for country in africa})
continents.update({country: 'Other' for country in other})
Then you can use the Pandas map function to map continents to countries:
dataframe['Continent'] = dataframe['Country'].map(continents)

If a cell value equals this, another cell equals that

I have a spreadsheet with a column for cities, of which their are only 4 different values. What is the formula for equating a new column to show the corresponding state and apply it to the entire list? Example:
Atlanta equals GA,
Phoenix equals AZ,
Chicago equals IL,
Nashville equals TN
You can use the VLookup function for that:
Make a table with your city name in one column and the state in the next column. Then the following formula next to the city that you want populated:
In this example, the city you want to identify is in A1, and this formula goes in B1. You can copy it down to B2, B3, etc because the table is hard-coded as A$20:B$23, rather than A20:B23 (where each successive copy down the column would look for a table one row down as well). This example put the lookup table in the A-B columns, but you could put it anywhere you like.
The FALSE at the end means, look for an exact match, not closest. So if you get a "Dallas" in your list, the function will return NA rather than guessing between the state for Chicago and the state for Nashville (either side of Dallas, alphabetically).
Hope that helps!
You added that you also need zipcode info, and that's easy enough to add.
Your table that defines everything would put the zipcode in the 3rd column, so down at A20:B23 (in my example above) you'd end up with A20:C23, where the table would look like
Atlanta GA 12345
Chicago IL 23456
Nashville TN 34567
Phoenix AZ 45678
The cell next to your city in the table you want to populate would be in B1 as shown above giving the state, and then in C1 you'd have the following formula:
The changes are that here the table is defined out to column C, and instead of "2" returning the second column (i.e. the state abbreviation shown in B), it returns the zipcode shown in column C, the third column.
Again, hope that helps.
Since you mention "only 4 different values" maybe:
You can use a VLOOKUP Table that contains the city and state abbreviation.
Here is a table that has the Capital, State, State Abbreviation.
Montgomery Alabama AL
Juneau Alaska AK
Phoenix Arizona AZ
Little Rock Arkansas AR
Sacramento California CA
Denver Colorado CO
Hartford Connecticut CT
Dover Delaware DE
Tallahassee Florida FL
Atlanta Georgia GA
Honolulu Hawaii HI
Boise Idaho ID
Springfield Illinois IL
Indianapolis Indiana IN
Des Moines Iowa IA
Topeka Kansas KS
Frankfort Kentucky KY
Baton Rouge Louisiana LA
Augusta Maine ME
Annapolis Maryland MD
Boston Massachusetts MA
Lansing Michigan MI
Saint Paul Minnesota MN
Jackson Mississippi MS
Jefferson City Missouri MO
Helena Montana MT
Lincoln Nebraska NE
Carson City Nevada NV
Concord New Hampshire NH
Trenton New Jersey NJ
Santa Fe New Mexico NM
Albany New York NY
Raleigh North Carolina NC
Bismarck North Dakota ND
Columbus Ohio OH
Oklahoma City Oklahoma OK
Salem Oregon OR
Harrisburg Pennsylvania PA
Providence Rhode Island RI
Columbia South Carolina SC
Pierre South Dakota SD
Nashville Tennessee TN
Austin Texas TX
Salt Lake City Utah UT
Montpelier Vermont VT
Richmond Virginia VA
Olympia Washington WA
Charleston West Virginia WV
Madison Wisconsin WI
Cheyenne Wyoming WY
Then you would use =VLOOKUP(A1,A1:C50,3, FALSE) to look for A1 (Montgomery) in the table and it would output AL for example.

Dynamically fusion rows cells with same values in Excel

In a datasheet with automatic filters, I have this (values and columns names are for example) :
Continent Country City Street
Asia Vietnam Hanoi egdsqgdfgdsfg
Asia Vietnam Hanoi fhfdghdfdh
Asia Vietnam Hanoi dfhdfhfdhfdhfdhfdh
Asia Vietnam Saigon ggdsfgfdsdgsdfgdf
Asia Vietnam Hue qsdfqsfqsdf
Asia China Beijing qegfqsddfgdf
Asia China Canton sdgsdfgsdgsdg
Asia China Canton tjgjfgj
Asia China Canton tzeryrty
Asia Japan Tokyo ertsegsgsdfdg
Asia Japan Kyoto qegdgdfgdfgdf
Asia Japan Sapporo gsdgfdgsgsdfgf
Europa France Paris qfqsdfdsqfgsdfgsg
Europa France Toulon qgrhrgqzfqzetzeqrr
Europa France Lyon pàjhçuhàçuh
Europa Italy Rome qrgfqegfgdfg
Europa Italy Rome qergqegsdfgsdfgdsg
I would like this to be displayed like this, with rows fusionned dynamically if filters changes
Continent Country City Street
Hanoi fhfdghdfdh
Vietnam dfhdfhfdhfdhfdhfdh
Saigon ggdsfgfdsdgsdfgdf
Hue qsdfqsfqsdf
Asia Beijing qegfqsddfgdf
China sdgsdfgsdgsdg
Canton tjgjfgj
Tokyo ertsegsgsdfdg
Japan Kyoto qegdgdfgdfgdf
Sapporo gsdgfdgsgsdfgf
Paris qfqsdfdsqfgsdfgsg
France Toulon qgrhrgqzfqzetzeqrr
Europa Lyon pàjhçuhàçuh
Italy Rome qrgfqegfgdfg
Is macro mandatory for this ?
I don't want to merge values in Street column. I want to keep all lines. I just want to work on the first column display to avoid having long series of same values.
You can also setup a PivotTable - this would look like this:
Just go to "insert->pivottable" and select your given data as input and create the pivottable as new worksheet ;)
Put all field in the "rows" section, remove any subsum or sum calculations.
Because you don't have any values to sum up, you should just hide those columns, to get a clear view.
If you want to use a Function.
You can do it like this:
Insert this Formula in a other Sheet.
