Buildfire: How to attach an action to a push notification with the Public API - buildfire

I am using the Buildfire Public API to send push notifications. Is it possible to attach an action to the push notification via the Public API, similiar to how it works when sending a notification in CP?
I don't see anything on the Swagger page that allows this. I am looking for a way to have the notification open up to a certain part of the app (e.g. deeplink)

Buildfire doesn't support PN actions via Public API yet.


Push Notification with GetStream Notification feed

We are currently using getStream in our react web application for notification feed. It is working fine.
We are now planning to use it in our react native mobile app as well. We would like to show a notification (in the top tray or drawer) whenever there is a notification received by a user, similar to how we get in whatsapp or telegram
Does anyone know how this can be achieved. Couldn't find anything about this in their docs. I can see that they provide this functionality with Stream Chat
PS: We are able to get the notifications in the app but we would like to show the notification in the top tray as well so that the user knows he/she has received notifications without opening the app.
I believe your question is about offering Push Notifications for your application. Stream Feeds does not currently implement Push Notifications out of the box so you will have to implement them in your application yourself. One common approach is to use notification webhooks where you have the webhook trigger a push notification for the user from your application's back end infrastructure.
I hope that is helpful.

xamarin Forms Azure Notification Hubs

i have developed an app with Xamarin Forms and i want to implement Push Notification.
I use Azure Notificatio hubs to implement push notification.
I can now receive the push notification in my app but I want to group the push notification (send push notification to determine device)
I want the user to select certain category to receive notification.
but the documentation from Microsoft, does not explain how to do this. the documentation said how to implement push notification with Java, Swift (Native App).
but i want to do everything with C#, because i use Xamarin forms.
can someone please help me???
You could use Routing and Tag Expressions, Which enable you to target specific sets of devices, or more specifically registrations, when sending a push notification through Notification Hubs.
Tags can be used to subscribe to message categories such as news, sports, and weather. For simplicity, the sample application defines a default template with a single parameter called messageParam and a single tag called default. In more complex systems, user-specific tags can be used to message a user across devices for personalized notifications. To learn more about tags, see Routing and tag expressions.
For more details you could refer the docs .

How do I send a user to a URL with push notification

I use Microsoft's appcenter for my applications and want to send out a notification to all of my users containing custom data to push them to a URL.
I've tried looking at the documentation and can't seem to figure it out...
How do I do this via appcenter's UI?
Send the URL in a custom data object included with your notification, you can see an example of custom data here: In the client application, pull the custom data object off the notification, grab the URL and do whatever you want to do with it.

How to make your own push notification service for your website

I am working on a website, where I want to make a feature of notifications, when a user visits my website, they are asked for notifications permission and when they allow it, they will get notifications from my website, and whatever product I want them to get notified by.
Like for example when I visit some websites, they ask me for notifications permissions and when I allow the, I get notified through notifications then. That's all I want for now.
How can I achieve this functionality, I have follow this tutorial, but still confused how the users who allowed the notifications get detected and how all of them are notified then ?
Web Push library for node.js is just a sender.
You should obtain a subscription JSON object from the browser using Notification API and Service Worker API and then send it to your server, where put it in the database of your choise.
When you will need broadcast notifications, you can retrieve subscription and use a web-push library (for php is also available :)
Note that is a right flow looks following as:
1) Retrieve subscription from the browser
2) Send and store it on your web-server
3) Create notification prototype (just object)
4) Broadcast notification prototype ID you have created to the users
5) Service Worker receive one and fetch notification prototype from your server by ID
6) Show notification using browser API in service worker
For more see here links

send push to all devices with the same app from phone

I have an UWP app which should notify all users of the same app if data gets inserted to the database.
On azure I have created a mobile app. And an "Easy Table" where I can insert data. Now I want to send a over my NotificationHub everytime something gets inserted.
I can connect to a notification hub but I cant send pushes over it
Is this impossible?
Yes, it is possible. You will just need to configure a custom script that will detect an update, and on update trigger a push that will be distributed to all registered clients (through the classic portal).
Some examples are outlined here (you need to register for the Update trigger).
To clarify, in the new model with the updated Azure Portal, you can use something along the lines described here. Essentially, you are capturing table.insert and triggering a push notification based on that.
At the moment I do the sending for the push from the UWP app itself.
For all hopeless Windows Developers I will post my solution as clear as possible:
First register to your Azure Notification Hub like you learned in other Tutorials. You have to make a test send over azure and receive the push notification.
After this works you have implement a code like this:
public static async void SendAlertPush(string message) {
var topicToRegister = new Topic("something-notificationhub", "Endpoint=sb://;SharedAccessKeyName=RootManageSharedAccessKey;SharedAccessKey=blablabla=");
await topicToRegister.SendAsync("hallo");
As you see it is important to take the RootManageSharedAccessKey. You will find this in your Namespace where your notification hub is placed.
