Uploading an PDF file as image (PNG) results in a NullPointerException [duplicate] - jsf

In my web application I have an image uploading module. I want to check the uploaded file whether it's an image file or any other file. I am using Java in server side.
The image is read as BufferedImage in java and then I am writing it to disk with ImageIO.write()
How shall I check the BufferedImage, whether it's really an image or something else?
Any suggestions or links would be appreciated.

I'm assuming that you're running this in a servlet context. If it's affordable to check the content type based on just the file extension, then use ServletContext#getMimeType() to get the mime type (content type). Just check if it starts with image/.
String fileName = uploadedFile.getFileName();
String mimeType = getServletContext().getMimeType(fileName);
if (mimeType.startsWith("image/")) {
// It's an image.
The default mime types are definied in the web.xml of the servletcontainer in question. In for example Tomcat, it's located in /conf/web.xml. You can extend/override it in the /WEB-INF/web.xml of your webapp as follows:
But this doesn't prevent you from users who are fooling you by changing the file extension. If you'd like to cover this as well, then you can also determine the mime type based on the actual file content. If it's affordable to check for only BMP, GIF, JPG or PNG types (but not TIF, PSD, SVG, etc), then you can just feed it directly to ImageIO#read() and check if it doesn't throw an exception.
try (InputStream input = uploadedFile.getInputStream()) {
try {
// It's an image (only BMP, GIF, JPG and PNG are recognized).
} catch (Exception e) {
// It's not an image.
But if you'd like to cover more image types as well, then consider using a 3rd party library which does all the work by sniffing the file headers. For example JMimeMagic or Apache Tika which support both BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG, TIF and PSD (but not SVG). Apache Batik supports SVG. Below example uses JMimeMagic:
try (InputStream input = uploadedFile.getInputStream()) {
String mimeType = Magic.getMagicMatch(input, false).getMimeType();
if (mimeType.startsWith("image/")) {
// It's an image.
} else {
// It's not an image.
You could if necessary use combinations and outweigh the one and other.
That said, you don't necessarily need ImageIO#write() to save the uploaded image to disk. Just writing the obtained InputStream directly to a Path or any OutputStream like FileOutputStream the usual Java IO way is more than sufficient (see also Recommended way to save uploaded files in a servlet application):
try (InputStream input = uploadedFile.getInputStream()) {
Files.copy(input, new File(uploadFolder, fileName).toPath());
Unless you'd like to gather some image information like its dimensions and/or want to manipulate it (crop/resize/rotate/convert/etc) of course.

I used org.apache.commons.imaging.Imaging in my case. Below is a sample piece of code to check if an image is a jpeg image or not. It throws ImageReadException if uploaded file is not an image.
try {
//image is InputStream
byte[] byteArray = IOUtils.toByteArray(image);
ImageFormat mimeType = Imaging.guessFormat(byteArray);
if (mimeType == ImageFormats.JPEG) {
} else {
// handle image of different format. Ex: PNG
} catch (ImageReadException e) {
//not an image

This is built into the JDK and simply requires a stream with support for
byte[] data = ;
InputStream is = new BufferedInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(data));
String mimeType = URLConnection.guessContentTypeFromStream(is);
//...close stream
Since Java SE 6 https://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/net/URLConnection.html

Try using multipart file instead of BufferedImage
import org.apache.http.entity.ContentType;
public void processImage(MultipartFile file) {
if(!Arrays.asList(ContentType.IMAGE_JPEG.getMimeType(), ContentType.IMAGE_PNG.getMimeType(), ContentType.IMAGE_GIF.getMimeType()).contains(file.getContentType())) {
throw new IllegalStateException("File must be an Image");


Documents4j java library in Android App to convert Docx to Pdf

I am trying to use Documents4j java library in my Android App to convert Docx format document to PDF file but the output pdf file is damaged or corrupted.
The output pdf file is empty with 0 bytes.
I am using the below code to convert Docx to pdf.
String uniqueString = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
File outputFile = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory() + "/meer_" + uniqueString+".pdf");
File inputWord = new File(input);
try {
InputStream docxInputStream = new FileInputStream(inputWord);
OutputStream outputStream = new FileOutputStream(outputFile);
IConverter converter = LocalConverter.builder().build();
} catch (Exception e) {
documents4j functions by delegating the conversion from the Java application to an instance of MS Word. This instance can run on a server which you can reach via HTTP(S) but the local converter will of course not work on Android which is unable to run MS Word.

Cannot get back the DICOM metadata after decode from base64 string

I am sending DICOM images to my API by encoding as base64 from the frontend, which is in Angular CLI. Also, I have Rest API to get those encoded DICOM images and decode them back before had some process with them. But after decoding the DICOM image into the memory stream, metadata of DICOM images are lost. It is appreciatable if I got a better solution. Please find my codes below.
//Angular code
var file = event.dataTransfer ? event.dataTransfer.files[i] :
//var pattern = /.dcm/;
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = this._handleReaderLoaded.bind(this);
//Web API Code
public async Task<IActionResult> UploadFile(int Id, [FromBody] DICOMFiles
String base64Encoded = encodedImage;
string output =
encodedImage.Substring(encodedImage.IndexOf(',') + 1);
byte[] data = Convert.FromBase64String(output);
MemoryStream stream = new MemoryStream(data);
client.UploadFile(stream, "Projects/test_images/Test.dcm");
At last, I found a solution for this. The problem is not about decode from base64. The actual problem is with the client.UploadFile() method call.
Before using the client.uploadfile(), we need to make sure that the memory stream object is pointing to position "0". This will allow the client.UploadFile() method to create and write all the content of the mentioned file from the start of the byte[] array. we can do this as mentioned below.
stream.Position = 0;

Cloudinary recal unsigned images url

i have some kind of issue implanting unsigned uploaded images url recal, the way it is mentioned in this page:
does not go well with the method i used to upload unsigned unsigned :
protected Void doInBackground(String... params) {
Map config = new HashMap();
config.put("cloud_name", "we4x4");
Cloudinary cloudinary = new Cloudinary(config);
try {
cloudinary.uploader().unsignedUpload((""+ RealFilePath), "frtkzlwz",
Cloudinary.asMap( "tags", UserID,"resource_type", "auto"));
} catch (IOException e) {
progressDialog.setMessage("Error uploading file");
return null;
could someone explain to me how and where do i write the code to get and address of the uploaded images ?
i am using android studio.
I was able to upload the a file, and recall its address using the following code, but when i try to substitute .upload with .unsignedUpload as i used before to upload without my full config, the syntax get underlined red ? tried several ways to patch it but not working ? i would appreciate some tips on the right syntax to achieve this ?
Cloudinary cloudinary = new Cloudinary(ObjectUtils.asMap(
"cloud_name", "we4x4",
"api_key", "xxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"api_secret", "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"));
Map result = cloudinary.uploader().upload("" + RealFilePath, ObjectUtils.asMap(
"tags", UserID));
uploadedContentURL = (String) result.get("url");
The unsigned_upload() method expects the following attributes: file, UploadPreset & options Map, unlike the upload() api that doesn't require the uploadPreset parameter.
However, both return a response from the server formed as JSONObject.
There you can find all the information required for generating the URL (e.g. public_id, format, version, etc.)
A code example is available here: https://github.com/cloudinary/cloudinary_java/blob/master/cloudinary-android-test/src/main/java/com/cloudinary/test/UploaderTest.java#L67

Javamail base64 decoding

I use javamail to get message, when I get the message i have:
I know that is part of multipart message, in the source of message I have
Content-Type: image/png; name=index_01.png
Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
How encode this message??
I have that code:
else if (mbp.getContent() instanceof BASE64DecoderStream){
InputStream is = null;
ByteArrayOutputStream os = null;
is = mbp.getInputStream();
os = new ByteArrayOutputStream(512);
int c = 0;
while ((c = is.read()) != -1) {
And that code return strange string, for example:
com.sun.mail.util.BASE64DecoderStream is platform dependent. You cannot rely on that always being the type of class that handles base64 decoding.
Rather the javamail APIs already support decoding for you:
// part is instanceof javax.mail.Part
ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
String decodedContent = bos.toString()
What are you expecting when you read the contents of an image part? The image is stored in the message in an encoded format, but JavaMail is decoding the data before returning the bytes to you. If you store the bytes in a file, you can display the image with many image viewing/editing applications. If you want to display them with your Java program, you'll need to convert the bytes to an appropriate Java Image object using (e.g.) APIs in the java.awt.image package.
That Sun's base 64 encoder is in the optional package and can be moved or renamed at any time without warning, also may be missing in alternative Java runtimes, also access to these packages may be disabled. It is much better not to rely on it.
I would say, use Base64 from Apache Commons instead, should do the same. Hope you can rebuild and fix the source code.

How to get information/data from platformRequest() in J2ME?

I want to implement a behavior similar to Whatsapp, where when the user can upload an image. I tried opening the images in my app, but if the image is too large, I will have an out of memory error.
To solve this, I'm opening forwarding the images to be open in the phone's native image viewer using the platformRequest() method.
However, I want to know how is it Whatsapp modifies the phone's native image viewer to add a "Select" button, with which the user selects the image he wants to upload. How is that information sent back to the J2ME application and how is the image resized?
I tried this in two different ways, both of which gave me the OOME.
At first, I tried the more direct method:
FileConnection fc = (FileConnection) Connector.open("file://localhost/" + currDirName + fileName);
if (!fc.exists()) {
throw new IOException("File does not exists");
InputStream fis = fc.openInputStream();
Image im = Image.createImage(fis);
When that didn't work, I tried a more "manual" approach, but that gave me an error as well.
FileConnection fc = (FileConnection) Connector.open("file://localhost/" + currDirName + fileName);
if (!fc.exists()) {
throw new IOException("File does not exists");
InputStream fis = fc.openInputStream();
ByteArrayOutputStream file = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
int c;
byte[] data = new byte[1024];
while ((c = fis.read(data)) != -1) {
file.write(data, 0, c);
byte[] fileData = null;
fileData = file.toByteArray();
Image im = Image.createImage(fileData, 0, fileData.length);
When I call the createImage method, the out of memory error occurs in both cases.
This varies with the devices. An E72 gives me the error with 3MB images, while a newer device will give me the error with images larger than 10MBs.
MIDP 2 (JSR 118) does not have API for that, you need to find another way to handle big images.
As for WhatsApp, it looks like they do not rely on MIDP in supporting this functionality. If you check the Wikipedia page you'll note that they don't claim general Java ME as supported platform, but instead, list narrower platforms like Symbian, S40, Blackberry etc.
This most likely means that they implement "problematic features" like one you're asking about using platform-specific API of particular target devices, having essentially separate projects / releases for every platform listed.
If this feature is really necessary in your application, you likely will have to do something like this.
In this case, consider also encapsulating problematic features in a way to make it easier to switch just part of your source code when building it for different platforms. For example, Class.forName(String) can be used to load platform specific implementation depending on target platform.
Image getImage(String resourceName) {
// ImageUtil is an interface with method getImage
ImageUtil imageUtil = (ImageUtil) Class.forName(
// get platform-specific implementation, eg
// "mypackage.platformspecific.s40.S40ImageUtil"
// "mypackage.platformspecific.bb.BBImageUtil"
// "mypackage.platformspecific.symbian.SymbialImageUtil"
return imageUtil.getImage(resourceName);
