Explicit wait utility - python-3.x

I am using one generic explicit wait utility which can be used in different places in my test case. Following is the code I have written for the same under Base Test. Here I am looking for a text to present in the screen.For that I have given the parameter "text" in the function VerifyTextPresence.
But after running the script, I am having the below error. How to make it generic so that for any text, I can use this utility. For example, here I am checking for the text "Get" to be present in the screen
Utility Code:
def VerifyTextPresence(self,text):
wait = WebDriverWait(self.driver, 15)
element = wait.until(EC.presence_of_element_located((AppiumBy.ANDROID_UIAUTOMATOR, 'new UiSelector().text(text)'))).text
Test Script:
def test_testcasename(self):
io.appium.uiautomator2.common.exceptions.UiSelectorSyntaxException: Could not parse expression `new UiSelector().textGet`: No opening parenthesis after method name at position

Based on Appium docs
UiSelector for text should look like:
new UiSelector().text("some text value")
and in your example:
new UiSelector().text(text)
I see 2 issues here:
no quotes for text
no reference to python method text arg
element = (...).text will put the text value to element, and looks not helpful.
Try this:
def VerifyTextPresence(self, text):
WebDriverWait(self.driver, 15).until(EC.presence_of_element_located((AppiumBy.ANDROID_UIAUTOMATOR, f"new UiSelector().text(\"{text}\")")))


exec() not working when trying to execute a string containing the command "abs.__doc__"

I am trying to execute the command abs.__ doc__ inside the exec() function but for some reason it does not work.
function = input("Please enter the name of a function: ")
proper_string = str(function) + "." + "__doc__"
Essentially, I am going through a series of exercises and one of them asks to provide a short description of the entered function using the __ doc__ attribute. I am trying with abs.__ doc__ but my command line comes empty. When I run python in the command line and type in abs.__ doc__ without anything else it works, but for some reason when I try to input it as a string into the exec() command I can't get any output. Any help would be greatly appreciated. (I have deliberately added spaces in this description concerning the attribute I am trying to use because I get bold type without any of the underscores showing.)
As a note, I do not think I have imported any libraries that could interfere, but these are the libraries that I have imported so far:
import sys
import datetime
from math import pi
My Python version is Python 3.10.4. My operating system is Windows 10.
abs.__doc__ is a string. You should use eval instead of exec to get the string.
function = input("Please enter the name of a function: ")
proper_string = str(function) + "." + "__doc__"
doc = eval(proper_string)
You can access it using globals():
def func():
mine = input("Please enter the name of a function: ")
globals() return a dictionary that keeps track of all the module-level definitions. globals()[mine] is just trying to lookup for the name stored in mine; which is a function object if you assign mine to "func".
As for abs and int -- since these are builtins -- you can look it up directly using getattr(abs, "__doc__") or a more explicit: getattr(__builtins__, "abs").__doc__.
There are different ways to lookup for a python object corresponding to a given string; it's better not to use exec and eval unless really needed.

ValueError: complex() arg is a malformed string

I have to take complex number as an input from Entry widget of tkinter and perform the conjugate operation on that complex number. I applied explicit conversion method but my code is not able to convert Entry widget string into complex number and showing error "ValueError: complex() arg is a malformed string" Can anyone help me?
Thank you in advance.
lbl_shh=Label(second_root,text="Enter parameter Shh",fg="red").grid(column=0,row=7,padx=20,pady=20)
e_shh = Entry(second_root)
lbl_svv=Label(second_root,text="Enter parameter Svv",fg="red").grid(column=0,row=8,padx=20,pady=20)
e_svv = Entry(second_root)
shh=shh.replace(" ","")
svv=svv.replace(" ","")
num= svv*svvs
f=np.power(num/dem, 0.25)
I have to print the value of f
I think you misunderstand how to properly get information within tkinter and probably Python in general.
You cannot just use .get() when your code is just initializing. It will always return an empty string unless you have some code that sets the value prior to get and at that point its just redundant to use get.
What you need to do is have some code like a button that will pull the value of your entry(s) after someone has added something to them.
Also I noticed in your example code you have second_root and this leads me to believe you are using 2 instances of Tk() in your code. If that is the case this may also be part of your problem. You should only ever have one instance of Tk() when coding in tkinter.
To ilistrate your problem Take this example:
I added some print statements, a function and a button to show what was actually being grabbed by get() or rather to show it is an empty string. If you do not have anything in the field by the time get() is executed.
And here is an example result from when you put a proper value that complex() can use.
See below example to get an idea of how get() works:
import tkinter as tk
root = tk.Tk()
entry = tk.Entry(root)
def print_entry():
tk.Button(root, text='Print Entry', command=print_entry).pack()

error while calling function inside another function

I have function for newspaper3k which extract summary for given url. Given as :-
def article_summary(row):
url = row
article = Article(url)
text = article.summary
return text
I have pandas dataframe with column named as url
There is another function main_code() which runs perfectly fine and inside which Im using article_summary.I want to add both functions article_summary and main_code() into one function final_code.
Here is my code : 1st function as:-
def article_summary(row):
url = row
article = Article(url)
text = article.summary
return text
Here is 2nd Function
def main_code():
return article_data['articles']
When I have done:
def final_code():
But final_code() not giving any output it shows as TypeError: article_summary() missing 1 required positional argument: 'row'
Are those the actual URLs you're using? If so, they seem to be causing an ArticleException, I tested your code with some wikipedia pages and it works.
On that note, are you working with just one df? If not, it's probably a good idea to pass it as a variable to the function.
-----------------------------------Edit after comments----------------------------------------------------------------------
I think a tutorial on Python functions will be beneficial. That said, in regards to your specific question, calling a function the way you described it will make it run twice, which is not needed in this case. As I said earlier, you should pass the df as an argument to the function, here is a tutorial on global vs local variables and how to use them.
The error you're getting is because you should pass an argument 'row' to the function article_summary (please see functions tutorial).

Tkinter Validation variables not necessary? if I try to remove any the program stalls [duplicate]

I have a tkinter GUI with an entry box I want to allow only numbers. Can someone explain to me what each command / line of code in validation does. I don't understand the vcmd variable and all the '%i' '%s' stuff. Thanks :)
I have a different application to use this vcmd command with and dont understand it entirely. Here is my validation code:
def validate(self, action, index, value_if_allowed, prior_value, text, validation_type, trigger_type, widget_name):
if not int(action):
return True
elif text in '0123456789.-+':
return True
except ValueError:
return False
return False
I dont get why in this code i need all of these:
action, index, value_if_allowed, prior_value, text, validation_type, trigger_type, widget_name
Why do i need all of these specific to my validation code for it to function correctly and what use are they?
The documentation you provided made sense but some of those '%s', '%i' stuff seemed unnecessary for my specific code yet it only works with all of them included like so:
vcmd = (self.master.register(self.validate), '%d', '%i', '%P', '%s', '%S', '%v', '%V', '%W')
I also want to know what self.master.register does please, i still cant figure that one out.
If you do not need any of the special arguments, you don't need to call register. For example, the following code will correctly call do_validation without any arguments:
import tkinter as tk
def do_validation():
value = entry.get()
if value == "" or value.isnumeric():
return True
return False
root = tk.Tk()
entry = tk.Entry(root, validate='key', validatecommand=do_validation)
entry.pack(fill="x", padx=20, pady=20)
However, in the above case the validation will always be one character behind. This is because validation happens before the character is inserted into the entry widget (ie: the first time it is called, entry.get() will return an empty string). The whole point of validation is to prevent illegal characters, so it makes sense to call the command before the character is inserted rather than after.
This is why the special arguments are useful -- they provide sufficient context in order to decide whether the character or characters are legal before they are inserted into the widget.
How register is useful
Tkinter is a wrapper around a Tcl interpreter, because tk (the core technology behind tkinter) is implemented in Tcl. Tcl is a programming language just like python.
In a Tcl program, you would use the validation features like this:
proc do_validation(new_value) {
return $new_value == "" || [string is integer $new_value]
entry .entry -validate key --validatecommand [list do_validation %P]
When Tcl detects a change, it performs substitution on the arguments, and then calls the defined procedure with the substituted arguments. For example, if you type "A", %P is converted to "A" and the function is called with "A" as the only argument.
In the case of Tkinter, there is no direct corollary for defining the function with arguments to be substituted at runtime.
Unfortunately, the validation feature wasn't implemented very well in the tkinter wrapper, so to properly use the validation we have to use a small workaround in order to get these special arguments passed to our function.
What register does is to create a new Tcl command that calls your python command. It also creates a new python command that is a reference to this new Tcl command. You can use this reference exactly like any other python command.
A simple example
In the simplest case, all you need is what the string would look like if the edit was to be allowed. You can then decide whether the edit is something that will result in valid input, or if it will result in invalid input. If the edit won't result in valid input, you can reject the edit before it actually happens.
The special argument that represents the value if the edit is allowed is %P 1. We can modify the function we are registering to accept this argument, and we can add this argument when we do the registering:
def do_validation(new_value):
return new_value == "" or new_value.isnumeric()
vcmd = (root.register(do_validation), '%P')
entry = tk.Entry(..., validatecommand=vcmd)
With that, when the underlying Tcl code detects a change it will call the new Tcl command which was created, passing in one argument corresponding to the special %P substitution.
1All of the mechanics of the validation are described thoroughly in the tcl documentation here: http://tcl.tk/man/tcl8.5/TkCmd/entry.htm#M7

How can I make objects with functions? (Turning a string into a object name)

I've just started learning Python recently and the first project I'm making is a text based adventure game however I've run into a problem. I need a function that makes more objects using the class Goblin that are named after a string.
def spawn(name):
title = name
exec("{0} = {1}".format('title', Goblin))
return title, 'spawn'
Essentially, another function calls this function to create another Goblin (a class) using the input name(a string) as the name of the new Goblin.
What I don't under stand though is that when I run the code(using "bill" as the argument), it gives me this error.
bill = <class '__main__.Goblin'>
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
Shouldn't my function be equivalent to:
bill = Goblin
When you do this:
exec("{0} = {1}".format('title', Goblin))
format method converts Goblin class by calling default __str__ method which yields <class '__main__.Goblin'>
Do this instead:
exec("{0} = {1}".format('title', 'Goblin'))
Wait! don't to this, just do:
title = Goblin
as it's strictly equivalent (without any security issues :)).
But that will just alias Goblin class to title. No real interest to all this after all (unless you want to create an instance?: title = Goblin())
With your comment: "I want a Goblin that is named after the string which title represents" I get it: you need
exec("{0} = {1}".format(title, 'Goblin()'))
(no quotes for the first arg so the name you're passing is used, and () on the second to create an instance)
Again: this is really a clumsy way of doing it. What if you want to iterate through all your goblins?
It would be much better to create a dictionary:
goblins_dict = dict()
goblins_dict["my_goblin"] = Goblin()
goblins_dict["my_goblin_2"] = Goblin()
and so on...
