How to migrate data from local storage to CosmosDB Table API? - azure

I tried following the documentation where I'm able to migrate data from Azure Table storage to Local storage but after that when I'm trying migrating data from Local to Cosmos DB Table API, I'm facing issues with destination endpoint of Table API. Anyone have the idea that which destination endpoint to use? right now I'm using Table API endpoint from overview section.
cmd error

Problem I see here is you are not using the Table name correctly in source. TablesDB is not the table name. Please check the screenshot below for what we should use for table name. (In this case, mytable1 is the table name). So your source should be something like:
/Source:C:\myfolder\ /Dest:
Just re-iterating that I followed below steps and was able to migrate successfully:
Export from Azure Table Storage to local folder using below article. The table name should match the name of table in storage account:
AzCopy /Source: /Dest:C:\myfolder\ /SourceKey:key
Export data from Table storage
Import from local folder to Azure Cosmos DB table API using below command where table name is the one we created in the azure cosmos db table api, destkey is primary key and source is exactly copied from connection string appended with table name
AzCopy /Source:C:\myfolder\ /Dest: /Manifest:"myaccount_mytable_20140103T112020.manifest" /EntityOperation:InsertOrReplace


Azure Data Factory Exception while reading table from Synapse and using staging for Polybase

I'm using Data Flow in Data Factory and I need to join a table from Synapse with my flow of data.
When I added the new source in Azure Data Flow I had to add a Staging linked service (as the label said: "For SQL DW, please specify a staging location for PolyBase.")
So I specified a path in Azure Data Lake Gen2 in which Polybase can create its tem dir.
Nevertheless I'm getting this error:
{"StatusCode":"DFExecutorUserError","Message":"Job failed due to reason: at Source 'keyMapCliente': CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE AS SELECT statement failed as the path name 'abfss://' could not be used for export. Please ensure that the specified path is a directory which exists or can be created, and that files can be created in that directory.","Details":" CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE AS SELECT statement failed as the path name 'abfss://' could not be used for export. Please ensure that the specified path is a directory which exists or can be created, and that files can be created in that directory.\n\tat\n\tat\n\tat\n\tat$StmtExecCmd.doExecute(\n\tat\n\tat"}
The following are the Azure Data Flow Settings:
this the added source inside the data flow:
Any help is appreciated
I have reproed and was able to enable stagging location as azure data lake Gen2 storage account for polybase and connected synapse table data successfully.
Create your database scooped credentials with azure storage account key as secret.
Create an external data source and an external table with the scooped credentials created.
In Azure data factory:
Enable staging and connect to azure data lake Gen2 storage account with Account key authentication type.
In the data flow, connect your source to the synapse table and enable staging property in the source option

Azure Data Factory Copy Snowflake to Azure blog storage ErrorCode 2200User configuration issue ErrorCode=SnowflakeExportCopyCommandValidationFailed

Need help with this error.
ADF copy activity, Moving data from snowflake to azure blob storage delimited text.
I am able to preview the snowflake source data. I am also able to browse the containers via sink browse. This doesn't look like an issue with permissions.
Message=Snowflake Export Copy Command validation failed:
'The Snowflake copy command payload is invalid.
Cannot specify property: column mapping,
Thanks for your help
Clear the mapping from copy activity, it worked.
ErrorCode=SnowflakeExportCopyCommandValidationFailed,'Type=Microsoft.DataTransfer.Common.Shared.HybridDeliveryException,Message=Snowflake Export Copy Command validation failed: 'The Snowflake copy command payload is invalid. Cannot specify property: column mapping,Source=Microsoft.DataTransfer.ClientLibrary,'"
To resolve the above error, please check the following:
Please check the copy command you are using, it means the copy command you are using is not valid.
To know more in detail about the error, try like below:
Check if you have any issue with the data files before loading the data again.
Try checking the storage account you are currently using and note that Snowflake doesn't support Data Lake Storage Gen1.
Use the COPY INTO command to copy the data from the Snowflake database table into Azure blob storage container.
Use the endpoint for all supported types of Azure blob storage accounts, including Data Lake Storage Gen2.
Make sure to have either ACCOUNTADMIN role or a role with the global CREATE INTEGRATION privilege to run the below sample command:
copy into 'azure://' from mytable storage_integration = myint;
By using the above command, you no need to include credentials to access the storage.
For more in detail, please refer below links:
Unloading into Microsoft Azure — Snowflake Documentation
COPY INTO < table> — Snowflake Documentation

filter data from azure data storage in data factory v2

I am new to Azure Data Factory v2. We have a table in a Azure data storage and I am able to load all data in a Azure SQL database by using the copy data option.
But what I would like to achieve is filter the data in the data storage by the field status that is an integer field. I tried some examples from the Microsoft website. But every time I get the bad syntax error when I run the pipeline.
So what I tried is, in the source tab I choose my data store as source data set, with the source table documentStatus. And I clicked on use query and put this line in:
"azureTableSourceQuery": "$$Text.Format('Status = 2')"
But when I run this I get this error: The remote server returned an error: (400) Bad Request.
Can anybody help me with writing a correct query so I can filter my source on this status field?
Please set "azureTableSourceQuery": "Status eq 2":
Please refer to this doc related to Azure Table Storage Filter Sql.

Hive external tables map to azure blob storage

Is there a way to create a Hive external table using with location pointing to Azure Storage? We actually want to connect SAP HANA (SDA) to blob storage, so it seems the only way is to create an external hive table first which points to Azure blob storage and then use Hive ODBC connector/spark connectorto connect it toHANA SAP`. Does anyone have any idea how to achieve that?
You can create external tables in Hive or Spark on Azure. There are several options available:
Azure HDInsight
Azure Databricks (via Spark)
Hadoop distros supporting Azure Blob Storage (e. g. HDP)
External table creation would reference the data in the Blob storage account. See the following example for a Hive table created in HDInsight (wasb is used in the location):
CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE IF NOT EXISTS <database name>.<external textfile table name>
field1 string,
field2 int,
fieldN date
lines terminated by '<line separator>' STORED AS TEXTFILE
LOCATION 'wasb:///<directory in Azure blob>'
or in Azure Databricks:
COMMENT 'This table is created with existing data'
LOCATION 'wasbs://<storage-account#<containername><directory>'
See also:
HDInsight Documentation
Azure Databricks Documentation
I don' t know what SAP supports. ODBC-Access is possible to all of the solutions.

Azure Blob to Azure SQL tables creation

I am trying to convert  BLOB Files into SQL DB Tables in Azure using BULK INSERT.
Here is the reference from the Microsoft:
My DATA in CSV looks like this
My BLOB Container is in Public Access Level.
Step 1: Created Storage Credential.  I had generated a shared Access key (SAS token).
SECRET = 'sv=2017-07-29&ss=bfqt&srt=sco&sp=rwdlacup&se=2018-04-10T18:05:55Z&st=2018-04-09T10:05:55Z&sip=';
Step 2:  Created EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE in reference to Storage Credential
WITH ( TYPE = BLOB_STORAGE, LOCATION = '', CREDENTIAL = Abablobv1BlobStorageCredential );
Step 3 BULK INSERT STATEMENT using the External Data Source and DB TABLE
FROM 'TWCSSampleData.csv'
WITH ( DATA_SOURCE = 'Abablobv1BlobStorage', FORMAT = 'CSV');
I am facing this error:
Bad or inaccessible location specified in external data source
Does anyone have some idea about this?
I changed the Location of EXTERNAL DATA SOURCE to Location = Now I get, Cannot bulk load because the file "SampleData.csv" could not be opened. Operating system error code 5(Access is denied.). For both statements using Bulk Insert or Open Row Set. I was not sure which access should be changed because the file is in Azure blob not on my machine, any ideas for this??
Please try the following query
BULK 'TWCSSampleData.csv',
DATA_SOURCE = 'Abablobv1BlobStorage',
Make sure the file is not located inside a container on the BLOB storage. In that case you need to specify the container in the Location parameter of the External Data Source. If you have a container named "files" then the location should be like ''.
More examples of bulk import here.
