Bot Composer Web Chat embed with secure token? - azure

I have a Bot published from Bot Composer into Azure. The bot is a simple QnA Bot. I need to securely embed it within a webpage. The iframe embed code generated has the Bot Key embedded in the URL. How do I secure this so
users cant see the Key,
limit access to users from my tenant?
Thanks in advance.

Generally speaking, if you want to hide something from the end user, you need to place it somewhere where they do not have access to. Normally, you create some kind of script that is running in the backend of your webpage and deals with creating the tokens with your secret key. These "non-critical" tokens need be to be passed to your Web Chat.
The limitation to your tenant user, you need to implement an authentication system.


JWT or AWT for DocuSign integration

I am building an application that will be used by end users in multiple organizations to create and send envelopes for signatures. I am trying to figure out the correct authorization workflow. For this example, say I am
My understanding of JWT is that JWT will impersonate when any of these 1000's of end users in different organizations send envelopes. Is that correct? But if so, won't they need to authorize the app to impersonate me when they first try to create an envelope? How will these users get my credentials? Would I have to share my credentials with all these end users of my application? Can they log in with their own credentials instead? But if my application is impersonating my own credentials to send envelopes on behalf of these end users, why do I need permission from these users to use my own credentials? After all, in the JWT workflow, the redirect URL does not return any information about the identity of these users of my application.
So, if my app impersonates me, how do end users get my credentials? And, if my app impersonates me, why can't I give this permission to the app once and for all at the time of creating the app? Why do end users have to permit me to impersonate myself?
On a related note, JWT is working great when I use my own personal DocuSign API credentials to authorize my app in testing. But when I try to use my own organization credentials to authorize the app, I get the following error. I also get this error when I try the AWT workflow. How can I fix this error:
Sorry, but we’re having trouble signing you in.
AADSTS50105: The signed in user '' is not assigned to a role for the application '225d2ddd-e3a3-4bed-a310-8a9b8786363e'(Docusign Test).
Help in setting up the correct authorization workflow would be great.
JWT enables developers to request a token on behalf of some user without that user having to log in.
That means that except for the first time when the user have to consent - there's no web UI required to obtain a token.
JWT tokens are for a specific user in a specific account and it's the GUID of that userID that is used to uniquely identify a user. If you have multiple accounts - you will have to ensure you use the right userID for the right user for the right account.
Note also that users in DocuSign have different permissions profiles and may or may not have the access required to do what the API is trying to do.
Finally, clarifying one last thing, you wrote :
when any of these 1000's of end users in different organizations send
If you have thousands of end users that will be sending envelope (not just signing them) then JWT is probably not the best choice for you. You can still use it, but you will need some way to know the userId of the user which means you'll need some uber-auth JWT user that is used first or keep tables of users (I assume users can be added/removed etc.) it's not an ideal way to do things.

Protect Direct Line Secret in Botframework for Web Client

I have my bot ready and working with Direct Line Secret in WebChat (by passing &s=SECRET in URL) and on other channels.
I am interested in the integration of front-end Custom Chat Application using Direct Line ClientJS (link at bottom).
After going through the documentation on Bot Framework I came to know that it can be done in 2 ways:
Pass Direct Line secret from front-end Chat Application in ClientJS
Passing Token from front-end Chat Application (But, this requires Direct Line Secret to be passed to generate token first time)
As I develop bots for my clients with their respective use-cases which
need to be kept private with client servers.
So, anybody having Direct Line Secret can easily obtain Bots Logic (i.e Not actual code, but what answer bot replies to particular question) by just passing that Direct Line secret in Microsoft Bot Framework provided WebChat client (by passing s=SECRET in URL)
So, basically, how do I hide the secret from others?
Direct Line Client :
Authentication Mechanism :
Programming Languages:
FrontEnd - Angular.js with Typescript
Backend - Node.js on Heroku
You need to follow method #2 as described in the section Generate a Direct Line Token. Then you won't have to use the secret in your WebChat page at all.
A Direct Line token is a key that can be used to access a single conversation. A token expires but can be refreshed.
This way your client will use the generated token on a per-conversation basis, and there's no need to embed the secret in the WebChat page. Also when you are using the token it will expire, so you have additional security there as well.
Indeed, you you need put the secret altogether for direct line but there are ways you can handle in you bot code to avoid using to other people.
Follow the below steps:
1) you can pass the domain where you want to implement with user login context.
2) login context will go in bot code and will be check server side that the user which is logged in having authorized to access or to use your chat bot.
3) Restrict your bot to that particular domain.
4) Check authentication in bot using sign in feature via card.
I hope above liners will help you.
do let me know in case you need more help.

Microsoft Bot Framework Web Chat

I have created a bot that is going to sit on a public website. At the moment, I am simply pasting the iframe snippet with the Secret key that was generated by the bot framework on to the page. I am a bit concerned about making the secret key public. I understand that any developer will be able to embed the bot anywhere they like. What else can they do with the secret key? Are they able to use the secret key to view other conversations with users?
What are all the advantages of using the token instead.
I have read through the following documentation:

What's the correct way to authorize Stormpath apps?

I'm using the express-stormpath package with a new application I've created in my account at
I use stormpath in my app I have to provide an application HREF provided in the application page in the stormpath admin, I also have to provide a API Key and Secret.
I've been creating a new API key/secret for every app I've made on the one admin tenant assigned to the account, the one I signed up with.
And I use that API key/secret to authorize my express application with Stormpath.
So in my admin account I have a long list of API Keys and I have no idea which key is for which app.
Is this how I should be doing it?
It just feels very messy. I see that normal application users can be given API keys/secrets, what are these for? Can I create an admin users for each app and use their API keys and secrets without making them a stormpath administrator?
Does that make sense? I've tried emailing the support directly.. but they didn't really understand any of this. :/
First of all, this is a great question, so I’m not sure why you’re being down voted. API keys can be a confusing topic. I’ll try to clear up the mystery around them before answering your specific questions.
In Stormpath, there’s two types of API keys: Tenant API keys, and Account API keys. Tenant API keys are what you need in order to make API calls to Stormpath. They identify you as an administrator of your Stormpath Tenant, and give you full read/write access to all of your Tenant’s data (in other words, anything and everything you’ve stored in Stormpath). By definition, an administrator has access to the Stormpath API and the Admin Console (aka the webpage you see when you log into Stormpath).
There’s also the notion of Account API keys. Accounts are people (or devices) that are signing up to use your web app, mobile app, or API service. In Stormpath, Accounts are stored in Directories, which in turn are stored in Applications. You can read all about this here. I like to think of Account API keys as a more secure version of a username and password. They’re really useful if you’re building out your own API service and want users to authenticate before they start making requests to your API.
That’s really all there is to it. API keys authenticate you — nothing more, nothing less. There’s tons of articles out there debating whether or not API keys are more secure than other methods, so you’re free to check those out. But in Stormpath, in order to communicate with our API, you must identify yourself as a Stormpath Tenant administrator. As you build out your own web app, mobile app, or API service, you can choose how you want your users to interact with your services.
I hope this helps clear things up.
If you want to create any other type of roles/permissions for your users, you’ll need to learn about authorization and how it works in Stormpath. I won’t elaborate on that here, but you can read all about it in our docs.

How to add user authentication to botframework app?

Trying to build a recipe ordering app via SMS using Bot Framework. How can I let the user 'login' to view all his previous recipes?
The user first must sign up through a website using Azure Active Directory B2C. I got the API sample template up and running and it lets me authenticate user through the website...
But I'm not sure how to authenticate this logged in user (on the website) on the bot chat level. How can I make Bot Framework be aware of this logged in user?
It'd be really nice if you could just turn on multi-factor authentication and access the phone number connected to the user but this is not possible programmatically at the moment according to Microsoft.
Any other ideas? I desperately need some way to allow a mobile phone user to authenticate via SMS and access their private data through it. I tried it with Active Directory's .net api sample but no documentation exists on how to make this all work together with Bot Framework...
I ran the pizza bot template and pondered upon the same question.
I ended up taking the user ID and store it along with any information I could get through claims. Then, I a reference for the user that I can look up and do stuff with. Not sure if this helps you.
This is how you can do it:
Generate an authentication URL and send it to your user via the bot. Ask him to login to the service using the URL.
The server would receive the result of that authentication (your API for the bot is now aware of the result) and if successful, you can show the data to the user through the bot.
You might want to take a look to the Facebook Auth sample to get an idea of a potential flow for the Auth scenario.
Hope this helps.
