NestJS Error: Error:Cannot find module './' - node.js

I encountered a error when using NestJS. The console shows 0 error first and then crahsed with the Error: Cannot find module './'. This is similar to the
Error:Cannot find module '../module_name'.
However, for this one, it shows './'. And I tried to delete the node_module and the dist folder and rerun the npm install that was usually used to solve the similar people.
The full error message is:
[6:32:11 PM] Starting compilation in watch mode...
[6:32:14 PM] Found 0 errors. Watching for file changes.
Error: Cannot find module './'
Require stack:
- C:\Users\Vibrant\Desktop\inventory_demo\dist\client\client.service.js
- C:\Users\Vibrant\Desktop\inventory_demo\dist\client\client.controller.js
- C:\Users\Vibrant\Desktop\inventory_demo\dist\client\client.module.js
- C:\Users\Vibrant\Desktop\inventory_demo\dist\app.module.js
- C:\Users\Vibrant\Desktop\inventory_demo\dist\main.js
at Function.Module._resolveFilename (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:933:15)
at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:778:27)
at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1005:19)
at require (node:internal/modules/cjs/helpers:102:18)
at Object.<anonymous> (C:\Users\Vibrant\Desktop\inventory_demo\src\client\client.service.ts:3:1)
at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1101:14)
The client.service.js:
"use strict";
var __decorate = (this && this.__decorate) || function (decorators, target, key, desc) {
var c = arguments.length, r = c < 3 ? target : desc === null ? desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(target, key) : desc, d;
if (typeof Reflect === "object" && typeof Reflect.decorate === "function") r = Reflect.decorate(decorators, target, key, desc);
else for (var i = decorators.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) if (d = decorators[i]) r = (c < 3 ? d(r) : c > 3 ? d(target, key, r) : d(target, key)) || r;
return c > 3 && r && Object.defineProperty(target, key, r), r;
Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true });
exports.ClientService = void 0;
const common_1 = require("#nestjs/common");
const client_1 = require("./");
let ClientService = class ClientService {
async client(clientWhereUniqueInput) {
return client_1.default.client.findUnique({
where: clientWhereUniqueInput,
async clients(params) {
const { skip, take, cursor, where } = params;
return client_1.default.client.findMany({
async createClient(data) {
return client_1.default.client.create({ data });
async deleteClient(where) {
return client_1.default.client.delete({ where });
async getClientByID(id) {
return await client_1.default.client.findUnique({
where: { client_id: Number(id) },
async updateClient(params) {
const { where, data } = params;
return client_1.default.client.update({ where, data });
ClientService = __decorate([
(0, common_1.Injectable)()
], ClientService);
exports.ClientService = ClientService;
I have two ts files has client in the name:
First one is called client.ts which is a prism database client:
import { PrismaClient } from '#prisma/client';
interface CustomNodeJsGlobal extends NodeJS.Global {
prisma: PrismaClient;
// Prevent multiple instances of Prisma Client in development
declare const global: CustomNodeJsGlobal;
const prisma = global.prisma || new PrismaClient();
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development') global.prisma = prisma;
export default prisma;
The second one is a model called client, it only imports the basic nestjs modules I think.
The client module.ts
import { Module } from '#nestjs/common';
import { ClientController } from './client.controller';
import { ClientService } from './client.service';
controllers: [ClientController],
providers: [ClientService]
export class ClientModule {}
The client controller(haven't start it yet):
import { Controller } from '#nestjs/common';
export class ClientController {}
and the client service:
import { Injectable } from '#nestjs/common';
import { Client, Prisma } from '#prisma/client';
import prisma from 'src/client';
export class ClientService {
// The service to return a single client
async client(
clientWhereUniqueInput: Prisma.ClientWhereUniqueInput,
): Promise<Client> {
return prisma.client.findUnique({
where: clientWhereUniqueInput,
// The service to return a list of clients
async clients(params: {
skip?: number;
take?: number;
cursor?: Prisma.ClientWhereUniqueInput;
where?: Prisma.ClientWhereInput;
}): Promise<Client[]> {
const { skip, take, cursor, where } = params;
return prisma.client.findMany({
// The service to create a client
async createClient(data: Prisma.ClientCreateInput): Promise<Client> {
return prisma.client.create({ data });
// The service to delete a client
async deleteClient(where: Prisma.ClientWhereUniqueInput): Promise<Client> {
return prisma.client.delete({ where });
// The service to find an client by id
async getClientByID(id: string) {
return await prisma.client.findUnique({
where: { client_id: Number(id) },
// The service to update a client
async updateClient(params: {
where: Prisma.ClientWhereUniqueInput;
data: Prisma.ClientUpdateInput;
}): Promise<Client> {
const { where, data } = params;
return prisma.client.update({ where, data });
// End of class

The problem is I used a model called client.
The solution is to rename it to clients since NestJS itself uses the name client. After the name modification, I will need to delete the whole dist folder and run npm rebuild.


In nestjs, how can we change default error messages from typeORM globally?

I have this code to change the default message from typeorm when a value in a unique column already exists. It just creates a custom message when we get an error 23505.
if (error.code === '23505') {
// message = This COLUMN VALUE already exists.
const message = error.detail.replace(
/^Key \((.*)\)=\((.*)\) (.*)/,
'The $1 $2 already exists.',
throw new BadRequestException(message);
throw new InternalServerErrorException();
I will have to use it in other services, so I would like to abstract that code.
I think I could just create a helper and then I import and call it wherever I need it. But I don’t know if there is a better solution to use it globally with a filter or an interceptor, so I don’t have to even import and call it in different services.
Is this possible? how can that be done?
If it is not possible, what do you think the best solution would be?
Here all the service code:
export class MerchantsService {
private merchantRepository: Repository<Merchant>,
) {}
public async create(createMerchantDto: CreateMerchantDto) {
try {
const user = this.merchantRepository.create({
documentType: DocumentType.NIT,
isActive: false,
const { password, ...merchantData } = createMerchantDto;
return {
} catch (error) {
if (error.code === '23505') {
// message = This COLUMN VALUE already exists.
const message = error.detail.replace(
/^Key \((.*)\)=\((.*)\) (.*)/,
'The $1 $2 already exists.',
throw new BadRequestException(message);
throw new InternalServerErrorException();
public async findOneByEmail(email: string): Promise<Merchant | null> {
return this.merchantRepository.findOneBy({ email });
I created an exception filter for typeORM errors.
This was the result:
import {
} from '#nestjs/common';
import { Response } from 'express';
import { QueryFailedError, TypeORMError } from 'typeorm';
type ExceptionResponse = {
statusCode: number;
message: string;
#Catch(TypeORMError, QueryFailedError)
export class TypeORMExceptionFilter implements ExceptionFilter {
private defaultExceptionResponse: ExceptionResponse =
new InternalServerErrorException().getResponse() as ExceptionResponse;
private exceptionResponse: ExceptionResponse = this.defaultExceptionResponse;
catch(exception: TypeORMError | QueryFailedError, host: ArgumentsHost) {
const ctx = host.switchToHttp();
const response = ctx.getResponse<Response>();
exception instanceof QueryFailedError &&
private setQueryFailedErrorResponse(exception: QueryFailedError): void {
const error = exception.driverError;
if (error.code === '23505') {
const message = error.detail.replace(
/^Key \((.*)\)=\((.*)\) (.*)/,
'The $1 $2 already exists.',
this.exceptionResponse = {
statusCode: HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST,
// Other error codes can be handled here
// Add more methods here to set a different response for any other typeORM error, if needed.
// All typeORM erros:
I set it globally:
import { TypeORMExceptionFilter } from './common';
async function bootstrap() {
//...Other code
app.useGlobalFilters(new TypeORMExceptionFilter());
//...Other code
await app.listen(3000);
And now I don't have to add any code when doing changes in the database:
export class MerchantsService {
private merchantRepository: Repository<Merchant>,
) {}
public async create(createMerchantDto: CreateMerchantDto) {
const user = this.merchantRepository.create({
documentType: DocumentType.NIT,
isActive: false,
const { password, ...merchantData } = createMerchantDto;
return {
Notice that now I don't use try catch because nest is handling the exceptions. When the repository save() method returns an error (actually it is a rejected promise), it is caught in the filter.

Jest Test suite failed to run - AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: opts.entryPoint required

We had a test running successfully for our code that uses the notifications-node-client to send emails, eg
import { NotifyClient } from 'notifications-node-client';
import notify from './notify';
import config from '../../../config';
describe('notify', () => {
const EMAIL = '';
const REGION_GB = 'gb';
const REGION_NI = 'ni';
const feedbackOptions = {
personalisation: {
satisfactionLevel: 'satisfied',
improvements: 'improvements',
test('for original GB submission sendEmail should be called and true returned', async () => {
body: {
id: 1,
expect(await notify(EMAIL, 'submissionSuccess', REGION_GB)).toBeTruthy();
Having swapped out our Winston logging solution to use #dwp/node-logger, the 'notify' tests now do not run, failing with
● Test suite failed to run
AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]: opts.entryPoint required
at new Thrift (node_modules/thriftrw/thrift.js:64:5)
at Object.<anonymous> (node_modules/jaeger-client/src/thrift.js:21:20)
at Object.<anonymous> (node_modules/jaeger-client/src/reporters/remote_reporter.js:15:1)
All of the other test suites in the project still run successfully.
Could anyone point me in the right direction about what change to make?
The code that we're testing is
import { NotifyClient } from 'notifications-node-client';
import config from '../../../config/index';
import { RegionKeys } from '../../../config/types';
import logger from '../../../xxxx/lib/logger';
type TemplateId = 'submissionSuccess' | 'supportingEvidence' | 'feedbackTemplateId';
type FeedbackOptions = {
personalisation: {
satisfactionLevel: string,
improvements: string,
reference?: string,
const { apiKey, templates, proxy } = config.notify;
export default async function notify(
email: string,
templateId: TemplateId,
region: RegionKeys,
options?: FeedbackOptions,
): Promise<boolean> {
let notifyTemplate;
let notifyApiKey;
let notifyOptions;
try {
if (templateId === 'feedbackTemplateId' && !options) {
throw new Error(`Unable to send email - mismatch between template ID (${templateId}) and options supplied`);
} else if (options && templateId !== 'feedbackTemplateId') {
notifyOptions = {};
} else {
notifyOptions = options;
const notifyClient = new NotifyClient(apiKey[region]);
notifyTemplate = templateId === 'feedbackTemplateId' ? templates.feedbackTemplateId : templates[templateId][region];
logger.debug(`apiKey: ${notifyApiKey}`);
logger.debug(`notify template Id: ${notifyTemplate}`);
logger.debug(`proxy: ${JSON.stringify(proxy)}`);
const response = await notifyClient.sendEmail(notifyTemplate, email, notifyOptions);
if (response.body) {`confirmation email sent to ${email} and relates to message id ${}`);
return true;
} catch (err: any) {
logger.error(`there was an error sending the message: ${err.message}`);
return false;

When I run my bot, the `ready` event doesn't fire but the bot is online

When I run my bot, the ready event doesn't fire but the bot is online. My event handler is in the start method in the Client.ts class,
and I execute the start method in the index.ts file.
My client class: ./classes/Client.ts
import { Client as DiscordClient, ClientOptions, Collection } from 'discord.js';
import fs from 'fs';
import path from 'path';
export class Client extends DiscordClient {
commandarray: any[] = [];
commands: Collection<string, any> = new Collection();
constructor (options: ClientOptions, token: string) {
async start() {
//Event Handler
const eventDirectories = await fs.readdirSync('./events');
for (const dir of eventDirectories) {
const eventFiles = await fs.readdirSync(`./events/${dir}`).filter(file => file.endsWith(".ts"));
if (eventFiles.length <= 0)
return console.log("[EVENT HANDLER] - Cannot find any events!");
for (const file of eventFiles) {
const event = require(`../events/${dir}/${file}`);
if (event.once) {
this.once(, (...args) => event.execute(...args, this));
} else {
this.on(, (...args) => event.execute(...args));
// Slash Command Handler
const cmdDirectories = await fs.readdirSync('./commands');
for (const dir of cmdDirectories) {
const cmdFiles = await fs.readdirSync(`./commands/${dir}`).filter(file => file.endsWith(".ts"));
if (cmdFiles.length <= 0)
return console.log("[COMMAND HANDLER] - Cannot find any commands!");
for (const file of cmdFiles) {
const command = require(`../commands/${dir}/${file}`)
await this.commandarray.push(command);
await this.commands.set(, command);
My index.ts file: ./index.ts
import { Client } from "./classes/Client";
import { config } from "dotenv";
export const client: Client = new Client({ intents: 515 }, process.env.token!);
My ready event: ./events/Client/ready.ts
import { Client } from '../../classes/Client';
export default {
name: 'ready',
once: true,
async execute(client: Client) {
await console.log(`Logged in as ${client.user?.tag}`);
await client.application?.commands.set(client.commandarray);
Edit, I fixed the first issue thanks to Rahuletto, but found a new one and have updated the question accordingly.
It's a wrong path. You should show ur path structure (file format).
I think it's ../events/Client/ready.ts.
I used export default to export the event
So, instead of using event.<property/function> in the handler, I should use event.default.<property/function>

vuetify + jest lists error messages although test is green

As a vue newbie I wrote a test for a component. The test is green. However, when using vuetify in the component under test (v-layout, v-flex) error messages are listed in the console output. They disappear when removing vuetify in the component (v-layout, v-flex). How can I use vuetify and still avoid those messages?
The component TestForm
import "#/assets/Styles";
import {cloneDeep} from "lodash";
import VForm from "vuetify/es5/components/VForm";
import VBtn from "vuetify/es5/components/VBtn";
import {VContainer, VContent, VFlex, VLayout, VSpacer} from "vuetify/es5/components/VGrid";
import VTextField from "vuetify/es5/components/VTextField";
import {VCard, VCardText, VCardTitle} from "vuetify/es5/components/VCard";
import TestModelData from "#/api/model/example/TestModelData";
import TestData from "#/api/model/example/TestData";
import TestStatus from "#/api/model/example/TestStatus";
import TestStatusSelect from "#/components/common/TestStatusSelect";
export default {
components: {
TestModelData, TestData, TestStatus, TestStatusSelect,
VCard, VCardTitle, VCardText,
VContainer, VContent, VLayout, VFlex, VSpacer,
props: {
testModelData: TestModelData
data() {
return {
currentTestModelData: this.testModelData,
testData: this.testData ? cloneDeep(this.testData) : new TestData()
watch: {
"testModelData.testdata": function (val) {
console.log("Testdata has changed;", val);
if (val) {
this.testData = cloneDeep(val);
} else {
this.testData = new TestData();
computed: {
readOnly: function () {
if ( !== {
return true;
} else {
return false;
methods: {
onFormChange(event) {
console.log("Changed: ", event);
type: "testModelData/setTestData",
testData: this.testData
<v-form ref="form">
<v-layout wrap>
<v-flex xs12 lg6>
<!-- when comment the above and uncomment the below the error messages disappear -->
<!--<v-form ref="form">-->
The jest-test
import VueTestUtils, {createLocalVue, mount} from "#vue/test-utils";
import Vuex from 'vuex';
import Vuetify from 'vuetify';
import TestForm from "#/components/example/TestForm";
import TestModelData from "#/api/model/example/TestModelData";
VueTestUtils.config.provide['$options'] = {};
const localVue = createLocalVue();
const TEST_MODEL_DATA = TestModelData.fromJSON({
"id": 1,
"testdata": {
"id": 1,
"name": "Foo",
"testStatus": 0,
describe('TestForm Tests', () => {
test('TestForm select testStatus', () => {
const setTestData = jest.fn();
const getters = {
"current": jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {
"hasUnsavedChanges": jest.fn().mockReturnValue(false),
const store = new Vuex.Store({
modules: {
testModelData: {
namespaced: true,
getters: getters,
actions: {setTestData}
const wrapper = mount(TestForm, {
store, localVue, propsData: {
testModelData: TEST_MODEL_DATA
const first = wrapper.findAll('.v-list__tile--link').at(1);
The component TestStatusSelect
import VSelect from "vuetify/es5/components/VSelect";
import TestStatus from "#/api/model/example/TestStatus";
export default {
components: {
props: ["value", "disabled"],
data() {
return {
testStatuses: TestStatus.ALL,
testStatus: this.value ? this.value : TestStatus.FIRST
watch: {
value(val) {
if ( !== {
this.testStatus = val;
testStatus(val, oldVal) {
if ( !== {
this.$emit("input", val);
this.$emit("change", val);
The class TestModelData
import TestData from "#/api/model/example/TestData";
class TestModelData {
constructor() { = null;
this.testData = null;
fromJSON(json) { =;
this.testData = TestData.fromJSON(json.testData);
toJSON() {
const o = {
if (this.testData) {
a.testData = this.testData.toJSON();
return o;
static fromJSON(json) {
if (!json) {
return null;
} else {
const a = new TestModelData();
return a;
export default TestModelData;
The class TestData
import TestStatus from "#/api/model/example/TestStatus";
class TestData {
constructor() { = null; = null;
this.testStatus = TestStatus.FIRST;
fromJSON(json) { =; =;
this.testStatus = json.testStatus !== null ? TestStatus.fromJSON(json.testStatus) : null;
toJSON() {
const o = {
}; =;
o.testStatus = this.testStatus ? this.testStatus.toJSON() : null;
return o;
static fromJSON(json) {
if (!json) {
return null;
} else {
const a = new TestData();
return a;
export default TestData;
The class TestStatus
import PropTypes from "prop-types";
import Definition from "../Definition";
class TestStatus extends Definition {
constructor(id, name) {
super(); = id; = name;
static FIRST = new TestStatus(0, "first");
static SECOND = new TestStatus(1, "second");
static ALL = [
toJSON() {
static fromJSON(json) {
if (json === {
return TestStatus.FIRST;
else if (json === {
return TestStatus.SECOND;
console.error("TestStatus unknown", json);
throw new Error(`TestStatus ${json} unknown`, json);
TestStatus.prototype.PROPTYPES = {
id: PropTypes.number,
name: PropTypes.string,
export default TestStatus;
The console output
console.error node_modules/#vue/test-utils/dist/vue-test-utils.js:15
[vue-test-utils]: an extended child component <VBtn> has been modified to ensure it has the correct instance properties. This means it is not possible to find the component with a component selector. To find the component, you must stub it manually using the stubs mounting option.
console.error node_modules/#vue/test-utils/dist/vue-test-utils.js:15
[vue-test-utils]: an extended child component <VCard> has been modified to ensure it has the correct instance properties. This means it is not possible to find the component with a component selector. To find the component, you must stub it manually using the stubs mounting option.
console.error node_modules/#vue/test-utils/dist/vue-test-utils.js:15
[vue-test-utils]: an extended child component <VCardTitle> has been modified to ensure it has the correct instance properties. This means it is not possible to find the component with a component selector. To find the component, you must stub it manually using the stubs mounting option.
console.error node_modules/#vue/test-utils/dist/vue-test-utils.js:15
[vue-test-utils]: an extended child component <VCardText> has been modified to ensure it has the correct instance properties. This means it is not possible to find the component with a component selector. To find the component, you must stub it manually using the stubs mounting option.
console.warn node_modules/vuetify/es5/util/console.js:32
[Vuetify] Unable to locate target [data-app]
found in
---> <VMenu>
console.error node_modules/vue/dist/vue.common.js:593
[Vue warn]: $listeners is readonly.
found in
---> <VSelect>
console.log src/components/example/TestForm.vue:800
Changed: TestStatus {
_clazz: [Getter/Setter],
id: [Getter/Setter],
name: [Getter/Setter] }
console.error node_modules/vue/dist/vue.common.js:593
[Vue warn]: $listeners is readonly.
found in
---> <VSelect>
console.error node_modules/vue/dist/vue.common.js:593
[Vue warn]: Avoid mutating a prop directly since the value will be overwritten whenever the parent component re-renders. Instead, use a data or computed property based on the prop's value. Prop being mutated: "value"
found in
---> <VSelect>
console.error node_modules/vue/dist/vue.common.js:593
[Vue warn]: $listeners is readonly.
found in
---> <VSelect>
There are a few solutions / work arounds in this thread.
This is the one that worked for me, I added it at the top of my test body:
document.body.setAttribute('data-app', true)
find the button by id and triggering a click may occur the warning to resolve this issue consider the below code
let element_forgetBtn = wrapper.find("#forgotPasswordBtn");
> let app = document.createElement("div");
> app.setAttribute("data-app", true);
> document.body.append(app);
complete code is below
let element_forgetBtn = wrapper.find("#forgotPasswordBtn");
let app = document.createElement("div");
app.setAttribute("data-app", true);

ESM import not working with redux, Node 10.1.0

import { createStore } from 'redux'
import todoApp from './reducers'
const store = createStore(todoApp)
import {
} from './actions'
// Log the initial state
// Every time the state changes, log it
// Note that subscribe() returns a function for unregistering the listener
const unsubscribe = store.subscribe(() =>
// Dispatch some actions
store.dispatch(addTodo('Learn about actions'))
store.dispatch(addTodo('Learn about reducers'))
store.dispatch(addTodo('Learn about store'))
// Stop listening to state updates
import { combineReducers } from 'redux'
import {
} from './actions'
const { SHOW_ALL } = VisibilityFilter
function visibilityFilter(state = SHOW_ALL, action) {
switch (action.type) {
return action.filter
return state
function todos(state = [], action) {
switch (action.type) {
case ADD_TODO:
return [
text: action.text,
completed: false
return, index) => {
if (index === action.index) {
return Object.assign({}, todo, {
completed: !todo.completed
return todo
return state
const todoApp = combineReducers({
export default todoApp
// actions.mjs
* action types
export const ADD_TODO = 'ADD_TODO'
export const TOGGLE_TODO = 'TOGGLE_TODO'
* other constants
export const VisibilityFilters = {
* action creators
export function addTodo(text) {
return { type: ADD_TODO, text }
export function toggleTodo(index) {
return { type: TOGGLE_TODO, index }
export function setVisibilityFilter(filter) {
return { type: SET_VISIBILITY_FILTER, filter }
Edit- added code
I am working through the Redux Basics tutorial from the Redux docs, and am having trouble getting import to work properly.
I currently have 3 files for my todo-list app:
I have done an npm init -y, and npm install --save redux. I copy and pasted the source code directly from the Redux docs for all 3 files.
With the command: node --experimental-modules index, I get the error:
SyntaxError: The requested module 'redux' does not provide an export named 'combineReducers'
I would expect similar error messages for other named exports of Redux...
I have had success with refactoring back to CommonJS using require, module.exports, .js file extensions, and the command: node index.js
