What is the name of this sliding selection list? - android-studio

I want to implement this type of sliding selection list in my kotlin based android studio app. but, I don't know what actually it is. so, plz help me

Its Called Spinner
In Xml File implement like this
Follow this link for more details


"Unresolved reference: userRecyclerView"

userRecyclerView.layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(this, LinearLayout.VERTICAL, false)
I saw a code tutorial video. When he used "userRecyclerview", it says "userRecyclerview" comes from the second code I post above. But it did not come out when I write "userRecyclerview", also there is a Unresolved reference problem.
Seems like they're using Kotlin synthetics to bind the view.
Kotlin synthetics will generate some extra code that will allow you to access views in the layout XML, just as if they were properties with the name of the id you used in the layout definition.
But it has been deprecated already. So to access your views either use findViewById() or replace Kotlin synthetics
with Jetpack view binding following this: https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/view-binding/migration

Can't all import - Android Studio

First, the purpose is to get these views.
android:textSize="100dp" />
This way I can bring it.
val textView: TextView = findViewById(R.id.Hello)
But I want to import the entire XML file at once.
So I thought that typing Hello. would be an automatic import function, but it doesn't work.
Is there any way to solve this?
The alt+enter method did not solve it.
What is displayed by saying alt+enter
enter image description here
Typing "Hello" wont work as you have assigned the name 'textView' to that particular TextView,
I recommend changing the code to val Hello: TextView = findViewById(R.id.Hello)

How to get rid of the warning "cannot resolve symbole 'id/andr'" for ExpandableListView"

An app uses ExpandableListActivity, and the usage of ExpandableListView is standard based on the document:
Android Studio 3.2 has the following warning:
How can I get rid of the warning?
This is probably a typo. Change it to:
See also https://developer.android.com/reference/android/app/ListActivity
ListActivity has a default layout that consists of a single,
full-screen list in the center of the screen. However, if you desire,
you can customize the screen layout by setting your own view layout
with setContentView() in onCreate(). To do this, your own view MUST
contain a ListView object with the id "#android:id/list" (or R.id.list
if it's in code)
I don't know what is ( id="#id/android:list")
give it an normal id ( #+id/androidlist )
and handle it in your code
but if you learn how to work with ExpandableListView
I prefer this link tutorial for you ExpandableListView Link
GL sir

Add a google plusone button to an android ndk opengl based app

I would like to add a Google +1 button to my Android NDK opengl-based app.
The docs say I should add the PlusOne view to my layout:
plus:annotation="inline" />
But I only have one full screen GLSurfaceView. What is the recommended way to integrate this +1 feature? Is there a lower-level way to do this?

Monodroid: Programatically add custom controls to a layout with horizontal and vertical centering

I have an ImageView inside a RelativeLayout that I added programmatically (The ImageView is added by code, not the RelativeLayout.)
If I had added the ImageView by XML, I would have done this:
But now I want this done programtically. How do I get the centering right? I have tried creating RelativeLaout.Parameters but whe I create them using
RelativeLayout.LayoutParams p = new RelativeLayout.LayoutParams(this, null); //[1]
An exception is thrown at line 1. In addition I wouldn't know how to apply these LayoutParameters on ViewGroup.LayutParameters anyway.
Also, I cannot just make ViewGroup.LayoutParameters because
1. They do not seem to have the Centering (Horizontal and Vertical) elements I need.
2. Every example seems to indicate there is a Constructor that simply takes Layout_Width and Layout_Height as parameters, but there is not.
Before someone says to add a layout first, please tell me how to center the layout in code as well. Thanks.
Please help.
The way to do it is simple:
Create xaml you want of JUST the component - put the file in the layout folder.
Then use the inflating service to inflate the control inside the code you want (make sure to create the LayoutInflator as follows):
LayoutInflater _inflatorservice = (LayoutInflater)this.GetSystemService(Context.LayoutInflaterService);
Then simply call this:
_inflatorservice.Inflate(Resource.Layout.[control], parent);
and Bob is your mother's brother!
