Create multi-language installer with innosetup with custom text descriptions? [duplicate] - inno-setup

This question already has answers here:
Inno Setup - How to display localized RTF text in custom page
(1 answer)
Inno Setup - How to localize a string in Pascal Script?
(1 answer)
Closed last year.
I see I can use message files to offer a choice of language and use the languages tag on individual lines to install language specific files. But how can I setup the message files to have my custom text used in things like task and component descriptions?


Compiling HTML Help using Inno Setup Pre Compilation Step [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Run a [Code] or PowerShell script in Inno Setup compiler
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
I have only just realised that the latest version of Inno Setup supports signonce for the[Files] section. This means I no longer need to use my batch file to do it!
As a result, it is possible to take this batch content:
echo Building Help file
CALL "C:\Program Files (x86)\HTML Help Workshop\HHC.EXE" ..\Help\MeetSchedAssist.HHP
echo Copying help file to the release folder
copy ..\Help\MeetSchedAssist.CHM "..\Meeting Schedule Assistant\Release\MeetSchedAssist.CHM"
And perform this action in the Pre Compilation Step? Then I won't need to use my batch file.
I tried this:
Name: "C:\Program Files (x86)\HTML Help Workshop\hhc.exe"; Parameters: "..\Help\MeetSchedAssist.HHP"
I realise it does not do the copying. Not worked that out. But when I compile I only see this in the output window:
It is not clear to me if it has performed the help compilation as I expected to see output. I am running this in Inno Script Studio.
[PreCompile] is special section in Inno Script Studio, such code will not work in standard Inno Setup (any version)!
You have to contact authors of this tool to update/fix this feature, but it looks it was abandoned (the newest version is more than 3 years old).
Consider switching to Visual Studio and compiling scripts using Visual & Installer extension (3rd party:
In Visual Studio you can set Post-Build event(s) and Pre-Build event(s) where you can define any task (like signing, generating docs, copying, or any batch file, ...) to perform before/after the script is compiled.
(credits: I am developer of Visual & Installer, sorry for little promo)

How to change the default syntax highlighting for new files in Sublime Text [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Sublime Text 2 Default File Type on new file
(3 answers)
Closed 6 years ago.
When I'm opening a new file (e.g. with Ctrl+N), the default Syntax in Sublime Text 3 is just Plain Text. I would like to change that into e.g. Markdown. (How) Is that possible?
I would like to avoid a "hacky" solution as proposed here:
creat a file in your Packages/User directory called
'' or something, and add this:
import sublime, sublime_plugin
class DefaultSyntaxCommand(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
def on_new(self, view):
It is possible with the ApplySyntax Plugin. Once it is installed (e.g. via PackageControl), you can set the ApplySyntax User Settings like that:
"new_file_syntax": "Markdown/MultiMarkdown",
"new_file_syntax": "Markdown/Markdown",
depending on your installed Markdown syntax. Now if you open a new file, your default syntax will be Markdown.

How can I resolve installer command-line switch value in Inno Setup Pascal Script?

I am trying to fire a S2S pixel from the installer when an install is successful. The pixel require some details like the IP, location, time and sub-id.
I got all the details except the sub id, which is specified on the command line using /subID=xxxx switch, when executing the installer.
You can use the {param:ParamName} pseudo-constant.
See also Is it possible to accept custom command line parameters with Inno Setup.
In a Pascal Script you can resolve it using the ExpandConstant function:
If you need some custom parsing, you will have to parse the command-line explicitly by iterating the parameter list using the ParamStr and ParamCount function.
See some of the answers in the question linked above, and also:
Passing a string value to Inno Setup from command line app
Install files if command-line switch is passed to Inno Setup based installer

How do I accept user input with a multi-line textbox in Inno Setup?

I have an installer built with Inno Setup and I'm currently accepting input using the "TInputQueryWizardPage" control. However, this only allows for a single line of text in the textbox. Is there a way to accept input with a multi-line textbox in Inno Setup?
You can create a TMemo/TNewMemo object and put it on any control (obj.Parent := parentpage). You will need to handle getting and settign it's value directly rather then going through the parent control though.

Tracking document history using Git? [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
Closed 12 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Creating a document for taking notes about a book using Git?
I have never used Git before. I am supposed to takes notes on a book in a document file and track the history of the document using Git. How would I do this? And what kind of document format should I use?
Regarding the document format, you have to keep in mind that one great feature of version control is that it can answer "what did I change between day X and day Y" by generating a so-called diff of your document. This pretty much only works if your document is in a plaintext sort of format, for example txt, html, tex, but not in a binary format such as doc, docx, odx. (Oh, it wil display changes alright, but it'll look like nothing you can ever understand as a human.)
If you need formatting, I'd probably recommend plain simple HTML or something like RST or markdown (which are easy formatting languages like the one used here) unless you already know LaTeX.
