Can't log in to embedded Linux Buildroot - linux

I'm looking to install Linux onto an Intel Galileo Gen 2 utilizing this and this via installing onto an SD card.
I believe I have successfully done this, as during the boot sequence I am able to select Linux to boot from, however as soon as it starts booting from Linux, I am unable to interact with the Galileo anymore by say typing in my username and password when it comes time to login.
I'm unsure if my peripheral setup is wrong, if I need to install some more drivers to support I/O or something else.
I am viewing the logs from the Galileo via an FTDI cable and currently have a keyboard plugged directly into the Galileo.
Log data
When I boot the Galileo, this is what is logged.
Interestingly, the
flashing cursor stops flashing and is just steady when I get to the
login screen, as if the device is sort of frozen
However if I then
say connect a keyboard, it recognizes it and outputs this log data.

Solved! Turns out it was a faulty FTDI cable!


Beagleboard Black doesn't boot from MicroSD

So I can flash the eMMC from the BBB. However I downloaded from wget the Ubuntu image and extracted and placed it on the SD card through Win32DiskImager.
I put the SD card in the sd slot and tried to boot by pressing the S2 button while I connect the board to the usb for power to my laptop. I wait for LEDs to turn on and nothing happens. It works without the SD card, but not with it. Nothing blinks, nothing when I connect via ssh. Any ideas?
So my answer was quite simple. It's best to get the UART Debug connector, see here. That way you know when you power on the BBB, the output of U-boot is displayed on your terminal when you serial connect (putty). If it does not find the image, the U-boot will send messages to the terminal notifying you that there is no kernel image.
Getting the UART Debug connector and connecting through serial is different than ssh'ing to the actual BBB. The output of the BBB (when you ssh) just notifies when everything loads up and the login information to the BBB is displayed on terminal. If your board cannot find the kernel, nothing will output, and you won't know what is wrong. However, if you connect serially through UART debug you wont have to worry, since you get to see output and error messages from U-boot telling you what's wrong.
*NOTE*: If you screw around the U-boot, which you should NEVER do (unless it really needs an update), that is the only way I can see there being no output whatsoever from the terminal when you turn on BBB and have the UART debug connected. If you didn't screw up the U-boot, then more than likely its a faulty BBB and you should return it.

How to remotely send keyboard events to embedded Qt Quick Application?

I have an embedded Linux 3.10.17 system running a Qt Quick 5.2.1 application. It has a graphical UI that can be controlled by plugging in a USB keyboard. What I would like to do is to control the application remotely via a remote desktop connection to a Windows PC sitting next to the embedded system. Currently any STDIO is not sent in as keyboard events to the Qt application. Three ideas came to mind
Modify Qt application to take in STDIO data so it acts on those events. I thought this would be a common thing to do, but so far my searches has not yielded any good solutions.
Create a Linux kernel driver that sends any keycodes received through a char device write (pipe) through the input subsystem. Something like this should be available I'd think...
Buy some form device that plugs into the embedded system via USB and connects to the PC via USB, RS232 or Ethernet.
I'm not sure which path offers the least resistance. Any expert advice on this would be appreciated

QNX Neutrino sound card not working

I have installed QNX 6.4.0 neutrino on an unused x86 box. It's all working fine, I can run my test code on there via the network connection (qconn).
However the sound does not work. When I click the audio settings I get an error, similarly if I run my code it can't find an audio card.
I had an on-board sound card (built-in). Running io-audio, I was not able to detect it. So I went a purchased a new off the shelf PCI sound card (CMI-8738), this also failed to be recognized by QNX.
When I run "pci -vvv | less" I am able to see both audio devices are connected (and I can see in the BIOS as well).
I read somewhere that I need to get some driver called, but I can't find that anywhere.
What can I do?

FTDI chip detection issue

I'm trying to do some transactions over serial ftdi interface to an ARM based board. On windows i'm able to detect it but when from virtualbox i'm unable to detect the same.
When i connect the same board to a linux sever box, it gets detected and gives me the port /dev/ttyuSB0. Any idea why Virtualbox does not detect?
By default, your VMs in VirtualBox can't see any of your 'real' hardware. You can "move" a USB device from the host to the guest. (Appears as a disconnect from the host, then a connect to the guest), but it's an odd two-step process:
When the VM isn't running, create a USB "filter" on your device.
Then, when it's running, sometimes it grabs it, and sometimes you must click the USB icon (at the bottom of your running VM window, next to your disk/CD/mouse indicators).
Make sure you have a recent version of VirtualBox. I think before 4.x, the USB support was not included in the free version. But I can confirm it works in 4.1.

Windows CE 6.0 - USB Drivers at boot up time

I built a new Windows CE image and placed two USB drivers. One for the USB printer and the second for some special device with digital and analog I/O ports.
I have one problem that came out with the drivers while the operating system boots up.
Every time the image boots up it asks to enter the driver's name. (The message is "Unidentified USB Device" Enter the name of the USB device driver) Is there a workaround for this problem ? What does I have to put into a registry?
I did not check if the driver is working after that because of my second problem
with the SQL CE 3.5 in my application.
The similar problem is happening if I not add a driver for example the Audio subsystem.
The OS at boot up scans the devices and finds some new hardware asking to fill the name for the driver.
It is simple to correct the second situation. I only have to check the item in the catalog view and rebuild the image. On behind the ragistry is filled with correct parameters but what am I supposed to do with custom drivers ?
The "Unidentified Device" dialog happens when the USB node is queried and no macthing driver in the OS is found. Which device, specifically, is causing that? You mention both a printer and an I/O device - knowing which device is causing the error will help narrow it down.
When you "added the drivers" to the OS, did you just add the driver binaries, or did you also add the relevant registry entries in the drivers section? Those entries depend on the specific driver, so I can't tell you exactly which keys and values you need.
